21 Episode 20 Narsena's Regret.txt

Lalma's words showed me that her brother had not given up, even though he couldn't use his healing magic to its fullest extent, he was desperate to gain new skills.
...... But your brother was to be told that he had no talent for even that technology.


...... I imagined my brother's lament at that moment, and I felt an intense pain in my chest.
Of course, that lament was only an imagination.
But I have heard your brother's grief when he was oppressed and had only imperfect access to healing magic.

That's why I vividly picture him grieving.

...... And when I learned of his past, what I remembered was regret.

'No, is it wrong to say he had no talent? After all, Laust could only learn either magic or qi over several years if he was a normal human being, but he learned both in a few months. That was more of an oddity than a lack of talent, I would say. A magic tool maker would want that talent by the throat.

I turned over and bit my lip as Lalma piled on the words excitedly.
When I was saved, I swore to my brother that I would be a party member one day.
I would protect you one day, I thought.
But in reality, I ended up being protected in the opposite direction.

Still, I thought I was being an emotional support to my brother.
Because he had become more cheerful since he joined the party with me.
So I thought I was properly helping your brother.

...... But now I couldn't trust that judgment either.

''But even if he was a competent magician, that apprentice didn't have any talent as an adventurer. What would have to happen then to gain that much competence ...... I honestly don't know, and even if I did know, I wouldn't be able to copy it.

Mr. Larma's words began to get more and more heated.
And it was no wonder that Larma-san was more excited than he had ever seen before.
That's how much your brother had accomplished.

He had been told that he had no talent, yet he had worked so hard, and finally he had the ability to stand up to the very best adventurers.
How much effort did it take to accomplish that?

...... But every time I learned of his greatness, the only thing I remember was a feeling of self-loathing.

Now I can understand why your brother's self-esteem was so low.

He was oppressed by being told he had no talent, and yet he tried so hard to make it clear that he had no talent again.
Still, your brother worked very hard and tried very hard.
And he managed to get an awesome ability.

...... and yet, even though he worked so hard, no one recognized his brother.

I wonder how much that hurt your brother.
There's no way for me to understand that exactly.

Even at ......, I couldn't support my brother even in that situation.

That fact makes me regret it even now.
It's not just the fact that you can't do anything, it's also the fact that you didn't realize that you were able to support your brother without being able to do so, and that's why I'm ashamed of myself for assuming that I was able to support him.

'Well, but it's all thanks to you that he was able to work so hard. Narsena.


That's why I couldn't hide my surprise at the next moment when Larma-san casually told me


I was stunned for a few moments by Lalma's words.

''No, no!''

But I immediately raised my voice to correct Mr. Larma's ridiculous mistake.
I didn't matter what I did, your brother had gained enough ability to be recognized by Rarma-san, but Rarma-san thought he had gained this ability thanks to me.
But Larma-san thought that he had gained such competence thanks to me, and I just couldn't forgive him for that.

...... I wasn't brazen enough to lie and humiliate myself any longer.

"Even before I joined your brother's party, your brother was already that good at ......

So I try desperately to deny Mr. Larma's words.

'Really? But that idiot disciple, he's brightened up like a different person from when he was with me?

Eh ......

But Larma-san nodded his head in response to my words, then leisurely sipped his tea as he told me this.

It's a good thing that you're able to have a good time with your friends and family. ...... It's honestly weird.

Larma-san who told me that was really uncomfortable and contorted her face as she chewed on her sweets, and at that time Larma-san wasn't paying attention to me at all.
That's the Larma-san I know and have always known, and that's why I understand that Larma-san is talking without being aware of anything.

“Just talking about what you think.


And the moment I realized that, I couldn't help but burst into tears.
It's true that I may not have been able to support your brother in his most difficult time.

But even so, with a natural expression on her face, Laruma told me that her brother had become more cheerful thanks to me, and I knew that I was properly helping him.

''Hey, Narcena is also about that guy ......... eh? Why are you crying ......

Larma-san finally noticed me and looked unusually upset, but I still couldn't stop crying.

I was that happy to know that I was being of service to my brother.

Wadahi, Urejigude: ......

Yeah, I know what you're talking about!

So I moved my mouth in a desperate attempt to tell Mr. Larma about it.
...... but my words didn't get through to Ms. Larma, though.
For some time after that, I tried to tell Larma-san that I wasn't crying because I was sad, but the communication was not successful.
Mr. Larma looked at me with a troubled look for a while at that, but after a little while, after a sigh, he put his hand on my head.

...... I don't understand what it is anymore, but it's still okay, Narsena. After all, you're from that house of Annalestria.

It was a misplaced consolation, and yet it was enough to inspire me.
Yes, I am a proud member of the House of Analestria.
And with that thought in mind, I make an oath.

It's true that I wasn't able to help your brother at all when he was really suffering.
But even so, if I'm the one supporting your brother now, if there's something he's really suffering from, I'll definitely help him this time.


With that thought, I nodded broadly to Laruma.
It was nasal and extremely tight, but I still had to say it out loud to convey my feelings.

...... But I didn't realize it at the time.

I was looking at the walls of the room as Ms. Larma was stroking my head.

And when Ms. Larma told me "Analestria", I heard a noise behind the wall where she was looking .........