30 Chapter 29: Fine.txt


In response to the man's words, Surberia's face was momentarily upset.

'What are you talking about! Don't be silly!

But the next moment, Surberia yelled at the masked warrior so.
Apparently, her anger exceeded her fear of the masked warrior.
And then, triggered by Surberia's angry voice, Margurus, who was writhing in pain, also shouted in anger.

''You hit me! I know you don't allow adventurers to fight privately!

The rage of the Margurus and the others would draw the attention of those within the Adventurer's Guild who were nearby.
...... And in the next moment, Amherst emerged from the Adventurer's Guild and turned his accusing eyes to the masked warrior.

'What's the fuss about? It looked to me as if you had been violent to Master Margulis!

'Amherst! Yes, this guy is suddenly ......

Margulls' face lights up at the appearance of Amherst.
And then he and Amherst try to accuse the masked warrior of being ......

I'm the guild's direct adventurer.

However, the atmosphere of the place changed drastically with that masked warrior's words.

He is an adventurer directly under the guild, an adventurer directly under contract by the guild's headquarters in the royal capital.
His skill is more than top-notch, and he has various powers comparable to the head of a guild branch, and adventurers directly under the guild cannot be bound by the guild's rules and regulations.


...... And the blood instantly drained from Amherst's face as he understood that he was trying to pick a fight with such an opponent.

'Well, that Margurus-sama, this time ......

The next moment, Amherst was trying to put the contraption away, and was about to tell Margurus and the others.

'Huh, the guild's direct adventurer? I don't know how great you were in King's Landing, but this is a labyrinth city. What are you going to do clinging to that kind of past glory?

Really. What? Are you saying that because you're an adventurer who reports directly to the guild, you're going to let your own blunder go unnoticed?

...... But its not too late for Amherst's words.
Margurus and Thervelia continued to curse the masked warrior.

Without realizing how much authority a person who is a direct adventurer to the guild has.
Amherst tries to stop them, who still do not realize what they are doing.
But Margurus and his friends don't even notice Amherst's condition.

It's a good thing that you're a member of this party, or maybe you're just an adventurer in the King's Landing and you want to get out of this party? I'm sorry, but give it up.

'Yes, in a labyrinth city, once you're in, you can't get out of the party!

......... And in the next moment, Margulls and the others let the deadly words slip out.

The fatal act of trying to bind adventurers with a covenant that doesn't exist.
Yes, in fact, there would be no such covenant in the labyrinth city either.
It must be something that Amherst reflexively made up in order to trick me.

But there was no way such a thing would work for the guild's direct adventurers.


At that moment, Amherst's face, the only one who could understand the situation, paled.
But it's too late.


The masked warrior muttered as he looked at Margurus and the others and Amherst.

'...... so rotten so far.'

And the next words Margulls let out were filled with anger that he didn't even try to hide.

'Nope, no! Mr. Margles was just mistaken: ......

The next moment the masked man leaked the words out, Amherst, who floated up, tried so desperately to excuse himself.
But Amherst's excuse was not one I would allow.

'Huh? You were very thorough when I was there, weren't you? So that was all a mistake?

What! Don't interrupt me as much as you should: ......

At my words, Amherst stared at me with murderous eyes and tried to say something.
But the masked man didn't forgive Amherst for his actions.

'Shut up, I don't want to hear your excuses,'

' Okay, okay. ......

Amherst's words brought a look of despair to his face and he closed his mouth.
After confirming that Amherst was silent, the masked warrior turned to Margulus and the others.

...... And it is only then that anxiety begins to appear on the faces of Margulus and his friends.

'Party lightning sword, was it? You guys will no longer be top-notch adventurers from today. I have been officially ordered by the King's Capital Guild to investigate the Maze City Adventurers, and I declare it on my authority.



...... But the moment they heard the words of that masked warrior, the Margulls began to complain in unison.

''This is the extent of your complaint?''

However, the masked warrior's fury forced Margulus and Serveria to shut up.

Margulus and the others cannot even breathe under the rage of the warrior who crossed over to the Phoenix.
Seeing Margulus and the others, they suppressed their fury.

''Ha, ha, ha,''


Then he looked coldly at the coughing Margurus and the others and began to speak.

'The fine for the fraudulent act of tricking your companions into taking you to the Labyrinth Boss, and the fine for tricking the healers into not leaving the party. And the cost of reimbursement for the returning magic tools, you guys have to pay for all of that, right?

............ Huh?

......... At the words of that masked warrior, Margurus and the others were left speechless.
So much so that the fine imposed on the Sword of Lightning was huge.
Since it was first-rate, the Sword of Lightning would have a fairly good equipment and a certain amount of reserves.
The fine is just barely enough to sell off that property.

''Well, wait, no, please!

...... And in an effort to somehow reduce such a fine, Margulus spoke up.
With a desperate, affectionate smile on his face, Margulus and Thervelia managed to convince the masked warrior.


...... but his words were interrupted by Aamir's angry voice.
Aamir's complexion was still pale when he shouted angrily at Margulls.
Perhaps he hadn't outgrown the fear he felt when he fought the Phoenix.
But still, Aamir's voice was firm as he shouted at Margurus and the others.

'Oh, Aamir: ......'

And at that Aamir's angry voice, bewilderment appears on Margurus' face.
As if to say, why don't you take your side?

...... But realizing that the masked warrior was looking at him with murderous eyes, Margulus turned pale and ran away from the scene.
Surberia chased after his back at the speed of his full skill, and after confirming this, Armia bowed his head to me and the masked warrior.

'I am truly sorry. Somehow, I will repay your fine.''

With those last words, Aamir leaves the place with a wobbly gait.
I couldn't help but chase after her.
But I suppressed the urge and turned to the masked warrior.
There was one thing I had to do before Aamir.


The masked warrior let out an agitation for a moment in response to me turning around.

''The labyrinth city is dangerous. You should go to the guild in King's Landing or something. The King's City should be safe now that the vicious adventurers have been captured.

...... But in the next moment, he feigned an attitude as if nothing had happened and told me so in a voice that was clearly lower than before.

But I didn't respond to those words.
I just stared at the masked warrior and then opened my mouth.

'...... Why are you dressed like that? Zeke.


...... At that moment the masked warrior, or rather Zeke, showed obvious agitation.