57 I'm going to sleep with my brother.

 Today is Brother Ivan's birthday.
 A tremendous number of noblemen will be at his party.
 After all, it is the eldest son of a nobleman's coming of age.

 So, I'm with brother Alex and Lina in a packed hall.
 By the way, Mom and Dad were greeting all the noblemen who came.

Brother Ivan is an adult today?

Yeah, I guess so. I've always felt that way about being around.

Come to think of it, you brothers are always so close, aren't you?
 I'm always on set when I see them, and every time I see them, I think I see them talking to each other a lot .

Well, since we're only one year apart in age, we do a lot of things together. We used to hang out together all the time when we were little.

 You guys are really close.

Your brother is an adult today. ......

My brother Alex is coming of age next year, though.

Yeah. I'm almost a grown-up now.

Speaking of which, does your brother have a girlfriend?
 Brother Ivan said he wasn't there, but normally there are nobles at this time of year, right?

Yeah. Let's see. ...... Oh, there he is. There she is. The blonde talking to Helena.

'You tell me that quite easily: ....... Huh? That man? You're so pretty!
 My brother pointed in the direction of a woman with long, beautiful hair who was having a conversation with her sister.

'Well, there's no point in hiding it,'

"Hi. How long have you been together?

'Well, let's see, ...... I don't know how long it's been since . We've been dating since probably primary school.
 You guys have been dating since primary school, so that's a long time.

What do you call it then?

Well, I'm not going to tell you about ....... I'm done talking about this!

Oh, yeah. Come on, tell me about it.
 It doesn't diminish, you know.

 As I was feeling sorry for myself, I suddenly heard a voice from behind me.
"Yeah, yeah. Tell you two a sweet story.
 I turn around, startled, to find a handsome man, thin and frail-looking, but blond and handsome.

"Mr. Kuhliff?
 Cliff......? I think I heard somewhere: ...... Oh, okay!

Sherry's brother?

Yeah, I know. That's the first time they've called me that. You're Leo, right?
 You know my name!

Yes, sir.

And you're Rihanna, right?

Yes. Nice to meet you.

Sherry was very eager to meet you both.
 As he said this, Mr. Cliff chuckled.
 Ah, I see: ....... Sherry made a fuss about wanting to join the party.

Please tell Shelly I said hello when I get back.

Yeah, I'll let him know. Now, why don't we listen to Alex and Fiona's sweet story?
 Fiona? Sweet talk? Oh, so Fiona is your brother's girlfriend's name.

"Huh? We've changed the subject so far and you want to get back to that?

Yeah, I really wanted you two to hear how in love you two are with each other.
 Huh? I'd love to hear that!
 How could she not want to know how delirious that brother, who exuded a serious character every time they met, was to her!

No, please don't! That's not true.

No, no. Every time I go looking for you, you two talk so flirtingly together that you hesitate to talk to me.
 Yeah, I'm kind of feeling the exasperation (ugh) of Cliff's words: .......
 I'm sure it's a great way to get your brothers to make out: .......

I'm sorry to hear that. I'm sorry about that. I'll be careful in the future.

 Oh, I'm sorry. I'm really lovey-dovey with you.
 I can't help but smile at my brother.

"Leleo. It's not like I'm making out all that much: ......
 It's refreshing to see my brother in such disarray.
 Yeah, I think I found your weakness.

Yeah, I didn't expect to see such a calm Alex to be this upset, but I've seen some good things today. Well, I guess I'll be over there by now, the ceremony is about to start.

'What? Oh, yes.
 Before his brother could even respond, Mr. Cliff moved toward the visitor's table.

''Yeah, he's kind of different from the prince I've been hearing about.
 From the image I heard, he seemed to be feeble and not very good at talking to people, but now he seemed pretty friendly .

'Yeah, that's ...... because now Mr. Cliff wasn't talking plainly.

'What? What do you mean? So all that cheery-looking conversation was an act, then?

'Yes. . Mr. Cliff pretends to be something he's not, unless it's someone he's really close to.

Yeah, I know ...... but you had your brother there earlier.

Me? I haven't been able to get him to open up to me yet. The only person who really gets along with Mr. Cliff is my brother.
 Brother Ivan? Oh, by the way, yesterday, you were happy that Cliff was coming tomorrow: ....... Those two are so close .

Yeah, ...... so what's the real Mr. Cliff like?

I've only had a couple of times where people have been very discreet with me, so I can't give you any details. My impression is that he's a timid but kind person.
 So the image you heard yesterday was the real Cliff.

Huh. But I can't imagine being the real Cliff that I was just talking to. Why are you hiding yourself from me?

'Well? I don't know about that either. But I'm sure the next emperor candidate is in more trouble than we can ever imagine.

'Yeah, yeah, .......'
 If you ask me, a candidate for the next emperor is always enduring the pressure: .......
 Moreover, Sherry is higher in the order of succession .

''Well, there's no point in us worrying about it, let's just enjoy this party .

'What? Enjoy? Is a party supposed to be fun?

'What are you talking about? Parties would be fun if you weren't the star of the show, right?

I don't know, ......?
 I've never been to a party in my life and I don't have a good memory.

Because isn't it fun to have good food and talk to people you get along with?

Ummm, yeah, ...... Oh, when I say good food!

What's going on?

It's okay. I'll come with you, Lena.
 Pushing my brother back, I invite Leena, who up until now has been bored with just listening and not participating in our conversation.

Yes, yes. Oh, are we going to eat that?
 Apparently, Leena knows what I'm thinking.

'What? What do you eat?

It's fun.
 Then we started to move in search of some food.

 Then when we came to the place where we expected to find the item we wanted ...... there was a crowd of people there.
The first thing you need to do is to ask yourself: "Why are there so many people here ......?

Well, you'll know that when you get into that crowd.

So you're saying I should go?

 I nodded at the question.
"Oh, we'll have one for us, too!

Okay, ......, I'll be off then.
 So saying, he went through the crowd of people and into the crowd.

 A few moments later, my brother came out holding a plate with food on it.
It looks like everyone is here for this. Is the food really that good?

Well, come on, take a bite.

 My brother did as I asked and brought the food to his mouth.

 Then he chewed several times and swallowed, and for a moment he was silent.

Oh, yeah. What's this meat? This is such a delicious meat that exists: ......

 My brother replied, but he was somewhat up in the air .
 Dragon meat is incredibly delicious after all.

 So I want to give you a spoiler.
To tell you the truth. In fact, this dish is made of dragon meat.

'What? D-Dragons? Who defeated such an awesome demon?

 I can't say I'm the one who said it, and I don't know how to fake it: ......
It's ...... "This is Leo-kun!

Leo-kun went to the Devil's Forest to slay a dragon.
 You're lying: .......
 You didn't say anything earlier, but Leena is happily revealing it: .......

 Look, your brother is smiling all over the place.
That's great. Is Leo really that strong? Isn't there anyone else that can beat you at your age anymore?

No, it's not! Because there are people stronger than me.
 The ex-Demon King is stronger than me.
 Oh, I thought the Demon King wasn't a person: .......
 Well, I don't care about those details.

''There's someone stronger than a single person who can defeat a dragon by himself~''

Yeah, I do.
 I'm sure the Demon Lord could handle a flock.

Well, I'd love to meet him.

Yeah, I guess so: ......
 I'll see you if I can meet you: .......

'Well then, I think I'm going to go and get some more dragon meat.

'What? Did you eat another plate? We wish we'd had some too!

Why don't you go get your own meat. Okay, I'm out!

Wait, wait. I'm coming with you!

I'm coming with you!

 Then we stopped celebrating and just sat back and enjoyed our dragon dishes.
 Well, even the noblemen who ate the meat weren't celebrating because they were too busy eating it.

 But just as the party was ending, a strange thing happened.

(Leo, help me: ....)
 I received this telegram from Shelley: .......