33 Episode 31: Absolute Rest

"Don't worry anymore," On the second floor of Yodamari-tei, Regina, who came out of Magda's room, wiped the sweat off her forehead and said so. "I had a deep wound on my stomach, but I've prescribed a hemostatic and painkiller, and I'll soon be fine." Regina seemed to have been a little involved in medicine besides pharmacy, and offered to treat the wound.  All the while I was out of the room. "No matter how faint I am, I cannot show you Magda's naked body." Estella, who was inside the room with Regina's help, says such a thing as she wipes her hands.  It's too small for the three of us to talk face to face in a narrow corridor. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ."But it was surprising," Estella pats me on the shoulder with a slightly happy, slightly spiteful smile. "I can't believe you're so upset to hear that Magda was injured." When I got the news from Usse, I was running around with only a medicine box without knowing nothing.  I didn't know where to go, but I started running with the feeling that I'd get to the street gate and see Magda.  Regina's medicine would heal the wound. That's what I thought.  To put it bluntly, there was nothing that could be done when an amateur rushed to the injured party with a medicine box... but I guess I was really upset at that time.  It's probably wrong that Usse's face was pale.  The look on Usse's face in despair has run a long way through his impatience. "I am very glad to know that you care about your housemates, too. I don't like the grinning eyes on me.  Don't look at me like that. It's hard to say now that….  Eventually, I was seized by Estella, who had chased me, and I was told over and over again to calm down, until my head began to think..."We should be more calm and take appropriate measures."  Then Regina, who came running, offered to leave it to me and took me to the street gate with her.  Magda lay bloody in the vigilante station inside the gate.  on a bunk bed covered with blankets `I've had a good deal of trouble with my big breast after I saw the blood. Seeing the bloodied magda, Jeanette was almost frantic and rushed to Magda to push aside the vigilante that was holding her back.  He hung on to Magda and called his name again and again, fearing that his clothes would get dirty. "Oh, if you're not good at it, you'll be done. If you're careful enough from now on," Shaking an injured person violently is counterproductive.  It is better not to move slowly until hemostasis is completed.  She pulled him away a little forcefully, and I managed to persuade Jeanette to calm down.  Seeing Jeanette upset me, I was able to calm down. That's why I was able to speak calmly. "... Jeanette's old man seems to have been lying spitting out a lot of blood." Suddenly Estella began to talk about it. "While Jeanette was on an errand, she threw up blood and lost consciousness. So... she may have been upset at the sight of so much blood." That's why I thought...  At that time Jeanette muttered, "Didn't you spit out blood?"  I didn't know at the time what was good about it, but... I guess he thinks a lot of blood will kill him. If it wasn't, he might be saved. That's why he said it. "But wait and see for a while. Jeanette is a little unstable now." Estella's gaze turns to the door.  Behind this door is a wounded magda and Jeanette watching it.  Did they come out together to say that? "Well, come on! I'm afraid I've forgotten the sadness of losing a loved one... I don't think it's going to come back to me. Regina mutters with an intolerable feeling.  I see.  So am I... My mind was blank when I heard Magda was injured.  I was filled with the feeling that I had to run to it at once.  Working friends who live together... even if you try to think like that, living under one roof will make you feel emotional.  I didn't want to lose my 'relatives.  I didn't want to be 'too late' like I was then..."Oh, look at it with your face. Now you're sleepy, be quiet." Slowly opening the door, Regina urges me to come in.  Behind the door was a Jeanette sitting beside the bed.  They are looking into Magda's sleeping face, clasping her hands and praying desperately. "What can I do? What should I do when Magda gets up?""Everything we can do is finally done. All we have to do is wait for our strength to recover over time.""...I see," At times like this, I get irritated because I can't do anything. "That's the face. If you expose your bitter face in front of an injured person, you'll never get better. Why don't you just sit by your cat's daughter and comfort her if it hurts, or put her to bed if it's hard? There's not much you can do to take care of her. So you don't have to blame yourself." Say that and tap my head. "Homma, you look like a big kid, you know," I felt a strange sense of security in the hand that rubbed my hair crumpled hair. "You... good fellow,""Smiling!? Oh, that's what you want me to do to marry you!""Why is that so!" Estella was shouting before I rushed in.  Oh, be quiet, boys.  Leaving two noisy people behind, I go into Magda's room.  As I approached my bed, Jeanette looked up and looked up at me, looking fleeting and about to disappear. "It's all right. I'll get well soon.""...yes," I was going to stroke Jeanette's head, but... if I touch it now, it will collapse like sand... ...I turned my eyes to Magda.  What's the matter?  I have to figure out how to get Jeanette back on track..."... Mr. Jiro," A thin, mosquito‐sounding voice calls me. "... Mr. Magda, you'll be fine... right?"「…………」I have no knowledge of medicine.  But Magda is sure to recover, otherwise.  So, with wishful observations, I swear. "Of course,""... yes... yes, yes," I felt a little less anxious about Jeanette's heart; the atmosphere seemed to have changed a little.  Shall we force a change of air here? "Ginnette. Suppose here comes the soul-governing God, and says this." Jeanette glances up at me as if she doesn't know how to react to my sudden introduction.  I'll go on regardless.  Spread out your arms, impersonate a great god, and speak a little lower. "'I'm the one who leads the human soul into heaven. If I can guess what I'm thinking now, I'll help Magda.'"Really?" I suddenly got up and Jeanette approached me.  I pulled back without thinking, but Jeanette's strength didn't stop, and I fell on my back after bending too far.  Jeanette looking down at me with serious eyes. ... No, it's just a little game, isn'"But if you say so, what do you say? How do you think I can help Magda?""...what God thinks...?" Put your finger on the jaw and start thinking seriously.  ...so it's a game?"I'm sure God thinks, 'Bless the people who suffer.'" This brain god is a precious person, isn't he?~.  But God is neither so kind nor so full of charity.  What's more, they don't work for us.  God is not a servant of man.  Moreover, in this situation, the word was muddled, but the god who leads the human soul to heaven is the god of death.  Death took aim at Magda. To avoid it... we have to think about it.  Jeanette's answer is not enough. "Well, I don't think so." Regina and Estella stood behind me sitting on the floor.  Regina looks at Jeanette with a slightly sneering spiteful smile. "But God is a benevolent man..."`By the way, if you think so to Homma, you can't go out of your way to show up and say, "If you solve a riddle, I'll help you!"'Is it strange? If you think 'I want to help you~' from the beginning, do you want to help me quickly to show your face?'"... well, that's true, but..." As expected of Botch.  That's nice KY.  In this situation, you are the only one who can deny all the weak Genette, who has never made any friends. Even I seemed to be a little hesitant.  But it's just as well to remind you that. "Regina, I'm glad you had a severe botch.""Do you fight with me?""I'm complimenting you. Hey! Nice insensitivity!"`Not at all compliments!' My feelings don't reach me.  The mental wall that Botch created is very thick and high. "How about saying this?" Estella raises her hand after considering it for a while. "'It is impossible for human taste to understand God's will.'"Then you give up thinking?""Because it's impossible to come up with a clear solution to this problem. Only the person himself knows what he was thinking!" Estella says with a look of dissatisfactorily.  It's not a game to guess God's thoughts."It doesn't matter whether you know what you're thinking or not.""But if you don't understand God's idea... Mr. Magda..." Jeanette mutters with an about-to-cry face, and her voice is hushed with tears.  No, no, no! Because it's not true! An analogy! Game! Even if you don't know the answer, Magda won't do anything about it!"... Jiro, do you enjoy making Jeanette cry?""Is it because of me!""If not, give her the answer now and reassuring Jeanette."... Estella, you can just say "surrender" without hesitation."Well... I'm kind of mortified to lose to you." You've lost consecutive games. "Well, that's all right. Answer... I don't know what God thinks."What?""Why... you don't know the answer?""... well, then, Mr. Magda...""Oh, come on! Calm down! Listen till the end!" Why are these guys so hot with games like this?  It's a relatively major game that I often hear in Japan. "It's important to think 'how can we help Magda, certainly and not 'get the idea of God'?""Certainly, I'll help you... I know you said that'surely.""You can answer the quiz correctly, and even if it's wrong, it's fine if Magda is saved. I mean--" I raise my index finger and take plenty of time to say the answer. "'You're going to take Magda's soul,' Jeanette gasps and looks at Magda.  Listen to it till the end. "...if the soul-god thinks, 'I'm going to take Magda's soul with me,'" Magda said, "...because I got the quiz right, Magda will be saved...""On the other hand, if the god didn't think, 'Let's take the cat's daughter's soul,' the quiz was wrong, but the cat's daughter's soul wouldn't be taken, that is to say, it would be saved.""Well, that's it,"In Japan, lions and travelers play this game.  There's no way to know what others are thinking, so it's no use thinking about it.  How do we push through our requirements? That's what matters. "... then... Mr. Magda... ...will it help, will?" A little confused, Jeanette looks around us.  It confuses the game with reality, which leads to confusion.  It was a game that I started to change my mood, but... it seemed a little too effective for Jeanette. I tried to soften my mood by telling you the ending, "Magda will be saved anyway." ... Well, I'm a little off schedule, but shall I tell you what I meant? "Magda is saved. So don't worry.""...Yes." When I nod, tears fall down.  But Jeanette's face was filled with a gentle smile.  then  Gabble???? Magda rose to her feet.  He looks around the room with a surprised look on his face.  And when they find us in one place, they look at us with ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh. "Ma......Mr. Magda...""You must have noticed,""Well, there was a god in Homma, I don't think so." There's a look of relief on everyone's faces.  His voice is filled with joy.  In an instant, the air inside the room became lighter and enveloped in a calm atmosphere.  I couldn't speak to the joy that spread in the blink of an eye.  I was just... relieved.  Was good  I'm so glad it wasn't too late..."How are you, Mr. Magda? Don't you feel any pain in your wound?" Jeanette immediately runs to Magda and tries to touch her... "Oh my gosh,"Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!" Suddenly Magda gave a strange cry, slipped through Jeanette's arm and jumped out of bed.  Lower your upper body, lower your arms on the floor, and look at us with vigilant eyes.  It's a threatening pose taken by a cat. "Hey, what's going on, this...?""I don't know... but there's something strange about it." What's wrong with Estella when she's in trouble?  Open a dictionary right now and explain this situation to me in an easy-to-understand way!"Oh, don't run away!" By the time Regina spoke out, Magda was already in motion.  slip through us and head straight to the exit of the room. "Wait, Magda!" Estella immediately reaches out and grabs Magda's shirt. "Well done! Anyway, hold him down and put him to sleep."What!?" Before I could finish, Magda threw off her shirt.  Maybe it's because I've treated the wound.  Magda wore nothing under her shirt.  I'm completely dressed. "Yasilo! Don't watch it!""Oh! Isn't it time to say such a thing!""Ack! You ran away!""Magda! Don't run yet! It hurts your wound!""You're not talking easy, Jeanette!" I don't know what it is, but Magda ran away.  He was wary of us... as if even the enemy were looking at us. "The beast's part has come out so dark because of the injury," Regina's analysis shows that animals combine animal power with human intelligence and are usually in a balanced state.  However, he says that if a serious injury like this one is fatal, the animal parts will appear darkly in order to maintain life.  What does that mean? Are these magdas wild tigers? Did you forget about us and run out looking for a safe place?""I can't do it like this. We're all looking for it!" Estella gives instructions.  I may be quite panicked now that you said that before.  I've got to settle down. "Regina is waiting here so that when she catches Magda, she can treat it as soon as the wound is open!""All right!""Jinnette, go and look at the church!""All right!" That's a good leader.  Turning a panicked Jeanette towards the main street could cause some trouble.  Jeanette would be better off turning to the church side where she knows a lot. "We'll go and see the main street,""All right,""But Jillo, don't look at Magda's naked body!""Can you do it?" Isn't he quite upset, too."Those who find Magda go home immediately! Others go back to the Yodamari-tei regularly to check the situation!""All right!""Oh, I see!" Eventually, I gave him instructions and we left the Yangdalitei.  It must be hard to catch up with Magda, considering how quick she is." At the end of the main street, Estella is divided into two parts.  But you'll run about in this large 42nd leg looking for such a little fellow." You can't do it with no hint.  I ran into a nearby store and collected information about Magda.  Magda's previous extermination of bulls on this street will make him somewhat known."Didn't you see Magda?""Oh, the daughter of the bull?" After having such a conversation with some people, I came up with compelling information. "She would have gone down the street at a terrific speed. She was on the studio street lined with arms dealers." The high street is lined with shops, mostly restaurants, clothing, and food-related shops, that is, shops that are closely connected to the lives of ordinary people and targeted at people coming from elsewhere.  There are more specialized shops on the main street.  There are materials stores such as hardware and armour protective equipment, cloth and thread, and bones of magical animals.  They are a group of shops of the same line that are lined up to a certain extent.  Magda reportedly ran away on a street lined with armour stores.  Maybe he's worried about his round back... I rushed into the street.  You can hear the sound of metal beatings from all over the place.  The smell of oil and metal fills the air.  The slightly dim impression of this street is that on both sides of the street are studios and shops.  Surprisingly, there were many women on the street. I had a more masculine image of them. There are many people coming and going, such as a girl carrying a big hammer and Ossan holding a small pliers that are disproportionate to her large body.  I thought it would be easy to find if it was full of macho-o-san... I don't have time.  Magda today is dangerous, of course, but it's completely empty now.  It would be a matter of great importance if a man of low birth finds him.  I have no time to look for everything. "Excuse me!""What?" I speak to a beautiful fox-like woman who was smoking a pipe in front of a workshop that seemed to be making shields. "Didn't you see Magda?" doesn't get across to the people in this neighborhood.  It is doubtful whether it will be conveyed to us if we explain that he is a small tiger and that he is about twelve years old...  We have no choice but to communicate more impactful features and gather eyewitness information. "Well, didn't the little Chinese soft-shelled turtle run over here!""Huh!" The fox's sister gave a strange cry and opened her mouth wide.  d*mn, you don't know!"You disturbed me! Tell me as soon as you see me!" With that much to say, I ran through the street.  The thought of Magda's naked body as seen by Ossan makes me angry, so I only talk to the woman I see. "I'm looking for a little soft-shelled turtle!""Huh!""Where's the little soft-shelled turtle?""Hoot!""Have you ever seen a little girl!""What!" No matter how much I asked, I couldn't get any eyewitness information. Every time I was asked, I was just given a strange voice. "Where are you, Magda?" I'm starting to run around and out of breath.  At times like this, you need to replenish sugar and recover your strength......... We took a bag of honey popcorn to recover from our fatigue before leaving the Yangtze.  As long as I have this, I'll recover a little.........this is it! I scream loudly enough to be heard in the street. "Magdar! I'll give you honey popcorn when it comes out! This time it's a sweet guy with a lot of honey!" Open a bag of honey popcorn and brandish a sweet scent all around.  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Suddenly something fell on my back from the top of the hardware store roof. "Oh, my gosh!" It's magda.  Magda's on my back, arm outstretched, and trying to rob me of my honey popcorn. "Wait! I'll do it! I'll do it! Get dressed first!""Oh my gosh!" It seems that Magda doesn't understand the language of today.  It can't be helped.  I stretch my arm to the limit and keep the honey popcorn away from the magda.  When Magda leans forward for it, she grabs and catches it. "Oh my gosh!""Don't be violent! I'll do popcorn!" I gave a bag of honey popcorn to the limp magda, and as soon as I could, I became quiet.  Reach into the bag and fill your mouth with popcorn.  ...how much do you like it? "At this moment..." I take off my jacket and put it all over the magda.  Then he headed for the Yodamari-tei with Magda in his baggy shirt.  On her way home, Magda was completely muted with honey popcorn. "Mr. Magda! I'm glad... you're safe." Looking at Magda's face, Jeanette breathes relief.  Estella doesn't seem to be back yet, but if you wait, she'll be back in due course. "I fed them with popcorn.""I can't believe you're feeding me, Mr. Jiro." Jeanette, who casts blame on him, looked very happy.  After eating popcorn, Magda suddenly became quiet.  Rather than that, he seems to have fallen in love with me.  He keeps clinging to my waist and won't leave me. "It's kind of cute like a kitten." As Jeanette reaches out, Magda shakes her shoulders and hides behind my back.  However, Genette seemed to be relieved of her vigilance as she smiled all the time immemorial.  She's embracing Jeanette and stroking her head.  Then I had Regina look at the wound and have it examined lightly. "If the injury is completely cured, the balance between the beast and the human being will be restored, and the memory of temporary confusion will be restored. After diagnosis, Regina made such a guess.  In other words, kittens will continue until the wound is healed. "Well, I don't mean to go on a rampage in particular... for a while."The hunt will be canceled for the time being, and I can't let the store help me... well, that can't be helped. "Well, Mr. Jiro. I have a problem.""What?" The troubled Jeanette snaps out a dress.  It belonged to Magda, who had been ripped to pieces. "Do you feel pain from touching the wound? If you put on clothes, it will tear." After Regina's examination, she was apparently ripped off when she tried to dress her. "I tried a larger one..." The next thing he offered me was Jeanette's familiar plain clothes.  I was left with a sad figure. "You don't seem to like my clothes, either...""Wow... this is terrible.""I don't mind if it's broken, for it can be repaired." Then I cast a glance at Magda.  Magda is wearing my clothes now. "I think I have to be as big as Yashiro". Jeanette explained the reason, "I'll touch the wound.  Magda would occasionally pull at the collar to bury her face and smell "soft."  ... apparently my smell settles down.  But can you say that to Jeannette? "Well, if you're going to wear my clothes, you'll have to live with them for a while.""I'm sorry, but I've got some valuable clothes...""All right. Then, if you have time, can you make me a new dress?""Yes! I'd love to." Jeanette snaps at the torn clothes and smiles happily.  Jeanette is more than happy to be of service to anyone.  If I can forget even a little about my inability to do anything about Magda by making my clothes, that's fine. "Oh my gosh! Magda in a baggy shirt waddles over here with her hands up.  And I'm just a few steps away. "………………………………Ahhhuhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh.""Oh, come on!" He's just like a child.  No, I'm a child... Magda was a more effortless, quiet kid.  This is a complete nuisance. "Good, good,""...what?" When I hug him, Magda closes her eyes reassuredly and leaves her with me. "I think we should ask Mr. Jiro to take care of Mr. Magda.""...Really?""You look like a cute little sister". As she spoke, Jeanette caresses Magda's hair.  My younger sister... My younger sister... Well, I'll take care of you for a while.  Just as I thought about it, there was an incident that made me hesitate. "Yasilot!" Estella is rushing into the room. "Hey, Estella. Be a little quieter...""What on earth have you done!" Estella approaches me with a sharp look.  I don't understand what it means and I'm confused. "There was a rumor on the hardware street! A strange man was running around saying, 'Where's the little soft-shelled turtle!'" What about…………………………?`And he gave the little girl sweets and took her away!' ....."Parents with young daughters were terrified! What are you going to do now?""What do you do?" For the time being, I'll stay away from the hardware street for a while.........or so on.  When you're working hard on something, you can't see what's around you.  Even if it's considered strange behavior to others, they do it when they're desperate times.  But can you blame me for that? That's how hard you worked! I'm even proud that I can work hard for someone! But on the board of the high street????"""Don't follow me when I'm told by a stranger, ""I'll give you some sweets""!" -What a time when a poster with a sentence familiar to me in Japan was put up... I thought about it a little bit.