6 fourteen-year-old boy

I turned 14 years old.
Fourteen years, eleven months and a few days to be exact.
That is, I was almost an adult.
I could no longer be described as a full-grown adult - I was no longer a full-grown man.

I had trained hard, but my body had not grown like Ronin's.

But it's not as meager as Vandal's, either.

If I had to choose, I'd say I'd have to say I took my tits from Mother Milia. She was rather slender.

Her face was also somewhat girlish. If you let her dress up as a woman, she would become a beautiful woman, Ronin said, and that's what Milia was trying to do, but I resisted desperately.

So, I've been able to avoid dressing up as a woman, but on my 15th birthday. That means she wanted me to dress up at least once before my coming of age.

I'd hate to be made to dress up as a woman. The rest of the mountain people would laugh at me.

So I turned my back to my parents as they prepared for Coming of Age Day and rode on the back of Schultz the wolf.

I was going to take a walk in the mountains for a change of pace.
On my friend's back I became one with the wind.

The wind is good to me. ......

When I blurt out my honest opinion, my friend asks me.

"My friend Will. Is it true that you are going down the mountain?

"Where did you get that story?

"My mountain buddies are whispering to me.

"That's Rick from Carbunkle. Well,

"He's a talker,


When I indirectly told him the name of the culprit, Schultz asked with a serious expression on his face, "And is it true?

And is it true?

"............ yeah

I paused because I didn't want to lie to my best friend.

"Father Reus told me. Dad told me I would eventually go down the mountain. He said I'd eventually become a savior.

The Messiah. Maybe this world needs a man like you.

I'm sorry. I won't be able to protect you anymore.

What's the matter with you. Will isn't the only one defending the mountain. There are others on this mountain who are fierce.

"Like Schultz?

"Yes, I'm the best wolf. I'm the greatest wolf.

." "Yeah. And the bears are strong. I think they can protect the mountain without me.

I hope the gods will cooperate with me when the need arises.

Yeah. Apparently the gods don't allow people to join in the fight, but maybe animals do.

It's like being pompous, but in fact, I've been protected many times.

Yes. You'll get along fine without me. ...... kind of misses you.

"Hey, it's not goodbye forever. Our bond is constant.

Saying something like Reus, I hugged Schultz.

He had the ruffled fur characteristic of a wolf, but the warmth that leaked out from underneath it was comforting.

...... Schultz, goodbye.

"Don't say things like "...... goodbye to this life

Sure. Can we meet again some day?

That's right. After you save the world, you'll be back here again. No, you don't have to save it, you can come back. It's your home. You can come back whenever you're tired of fighting.

"I'll be back. After you've seen one end of the world. There's no better place to be than here. When you come back, Schultz will have gotten a wife, and you'll show me your child.

"Don't be a smart ass. But, well, that's not so bad. Once we're free of your good luck charm, you'll have time to get a wife.

"You're going to marry Weiss, aren't you?

Weiss is a white-furred wolf in the mountains. Schultz and I have known each other since childhood, but they are both stubborn and do not fall in love with each other.

I'd rather marry a bear than marry that tomboy.

Schultz shyly turns his head away and leans in closer.

I said goodbye for the last time, letting my scent soak into my body, but the motion stopped in mid-sentence.

Schultz looks at the foot of the mountain with a mysterious expression on his face. --.

"-- something is coming.

I get the same look.

I put all my faith in Schultz's nose.

"What's it for?

I don't know. Maybe it's a woman.


"Yeah, human.

"The human woman--

I'm at a loss for words because I've never seen a human female since I was born.

I've seen a female mountain animal. Goddesses, of course. But I've never seen a human woman.

This Table Mountain is a mountain and a sanctuary for the gods to dwell on and man is forbidden to come near.

Human men rarely wander in or deliberately trespass, but no human woman has ever come here.

That's how steep the path to this mountain is.

...... human woman. Should I tell the fathers?

It's better.

Schultz says, "I'm going to head to the bottom.

What's the matter? Aren't you going to let us know?

I thought so, but I'll leave it to the birds. I'll go help the woman.


Schultz gave me a strange look and explained.

I just magically enhanced my hearing and I heard a metallic sound. There are men in armor coming toward us. I think they're following her.

I see, but the men might be better off.

"Mother Milia said. . that it was wrong to bully women by force.

"I see, do you believe in that principle

Yes, and besides, the heartbeat she gives off is very pleasant. How can a woman who can emit a heartbeat like this be a scoundrel?

"You think you can hear her heartbeat from this distance?
Schultz is surprised.

Normally, even if you use the Hearing Enhancement magic, it would not be possible to distinguish the sound of a human heart from this distance.

It's an act that only a magical genius can do, but is Will still a genius?

Once again looking at his longtime partner, Will, Schultz placed him on his back and started to run.

He runs through the trees like he's one with the wind, and then runs down the mountain to the women.

When Schultz and his men arrived, a woman in white vestments and men in armor were engaged in battle.