11 11 Let's grow Mandragoras ③

"Um, are you sure you won't eat me ......?

From then on, the girl with the mandragora, let's call her Dora-chan for bothersome. Don't ever associate her with the round blue fellow.
At any rate, Dora-chan was sitting at the edge of the garden, watching me poking around in the dirt, but she noticed that I didn't really want to do anything, and gradually closed the distance between us.
I almost stepped on it. As you did so, your head bumped into Jack's head as it was floating in the air.

"I really don't mean it. I really don't mean to. I mean, now that I see you, I don't feel like eating.

Now, for some reason, he is sitting across the desk from me eating in the hut, looking at me and having this conversation.

But you raised me to eat, didn't you? And yet I'm not going to repay you for raising me because I don't want to die: ......

Oh, what a good boy. If only this idea of a girl had any influence on the first killer plant we raised.

Never mind, but do you want something to eat too? We only have pumpkin dishes now.

Oh, no, I can live on soil, light and a little water, basically.

It's like a plant.
I was having an enjoyable dinner with some chit-chat for the first time in a while, and

"Big brother.

Jesus, Jack. I'm telling you, I don't plan on stewing you either.

No, it's not. My brother's house is surrounded.

That was at the same time as Jack's statement. A chill went down my back and I quickly got up from my chair and looked at the door.
At that moment, he kicks in the door and several gruff-looking people come in.
What? Don't bite the bullet on our door, which was already a wreck!

Hey, bro. Is your brother the monster grower that's been making the rounds lately?

What, I'm already so famous? Just as I was thinking this, one of them found a mandragora clinging frighteningly to my back.

Brother! I found you! Mandragora indeed! I'm sticking it to that guy's back!

"Wow, this is amazing. You've really succeeded in growing a mandragora. And the color and the shine of this thing are pretty d*mn fine. This thing's going to bring in a fortune wherever it's sold.

And then there are the raggedy smiles on their faces. They may be adventurers, but their words and actions are completely raggedy.
These guys are trying to steal my mandragora.

Hey, brother, give that one to me. And it won't hurt you. Well, I'll give you some of my money for the sale of the mandragora. How about that?

I can feel Dora-chan's fear as she trembles over her back at the raggedy leader's statement.
If I rejected their proposal, their weapons would definitely come flying at me.
Normally, the best thing to do would be to hand her over here. Normally.

No. What are you trying to steal something that someone else grew? That's stealing. I'll never give her to you!

I can vaguely feel Dora's surprise from behind her back.
Of course, you wouldn't expect me, a stranger I just met today, to do that.
But we didn't know each other today.
I knew this baby from before it was born, from seed.
I planted it in the ground and took good care of it.
The mandragora was slower to grow and sprout than the others. I gave up on them for a while, but I managed them by planting new compost around them and watering them regularly. I had to pull weeds around it, but this one was a real pain in the ass!
So for that reason, I'm more than happy to have raised him, and I was seriously happy when he matured properly!
And frankly, it's pretty emotional! So who will give it to you strangers!

"Okay, then I'm sorry.

And the rag-taggers who listen to my response and take up the fight.
I'm going to pick up the scythe that was placed right next to me, but frankly, I don't think I can win.
I'm confident that my level of ability hasn't risen a single point since I was sent to this world!
A group of rag-taggers who are far superior to me and have killed a lot of demons.
Well, this time it's a dead end.
Even though I thought so, I was going to do my best to get out of the way at that moment.
The raggedy leader with a smirk on his face in front of me slowly falls forward with that expression on his face.
Hoy? The people around you are just as surprised as I am.

"I thought I'd come by to see if you were interested, but I guess I am.

There is a dignified figure of Lily standing in front of the door!
Dear Lily! Thank you! Dear Lily! Thank you for coming!
The hero is a hero who dashes to the scene of the pinch! Yeah, you're not wrong.

You! Where the hell did that come from?

The ragtaggers that attacked Lily all at once. The only problem is that there are so many of them. I brought the sickle back to help, but...

But the three of you need to stay in your seats.

A flash of the sword. With a flash of brilliance, all those who attacked Lily fall down.
While I am taken aback, Lily looks at me uninjured and breathes a sigh of relief.

I'll take them to the soldiers' choke point, don't worry about them. Let my brother take care of them, and you won't have to do this anymore.

You know, his brother was a soldier. Does he have a certain status? Well, I won't go into that part in depth, because they say it's okay if you leave it to them.

I'm sure you'll be able to find a way to make it work.

I know you dared me to say something, and I heard you outside, but I just had to go back to .......

And then walk out with multiple gorilla ropes in tow. The dare?
I've been thinking about it for a while, and I'm wondering if you wouldn't give me Dora-chan before.
No, of course not. Who would give a stranger the child we worked so hard to raise?
And then as I remembered, I took Dora-chan from her back and sat her down on the desk.

You've been stunned by the commotion for a while, and then you're relieved, but the next thing you know you're crying again.

"Yeah, yeah, why are you crying, Dora-chan?

It's a good thing that you've gone to the trouble of defending yourself for me, because I'm so happy that you went out of your way to protect me, even risking your life for me, but I was embarrassed that I couldn't do anything for you. ...... Hmm!

Hmmm, various emotions seem to be welling up in me and I'm crying.
Not simply the joy of surviving, but also my actions and my own disappointment.
You don't have to worry so much about it. I'm attached to her because of the saga of the man who raised her.
As I was thinking this, Dora-chan looked up at me, desperately wiping tears from her eyes. There were two words in her eyes: determination.

I've made up my mind. I am going to be devoted to Kyou-san, no, I'm going to be devoted to my master forever!


"If the master wishes, woe betide you, you can have me! My life, the life my master raised me with, and the gratitude I owe him for protecting me, even risking my life earlier, if I can't repay him, my life as a mandragora would be meaningless!
Master, I'll give you anything you want, master! Please enjoy your meal!

Then you make a declaration that is the opposite of what you said half a day ago.
It's a dangerous thing to say, but it's not wrong, and the meaning of it is exactly the same.

Anyway, in my otherworldly life, Mandragora, who adores me as his master, and Jack O'Lantern, who also adores me, are by my side.

The otherworldly harem is a harem, but it's different from the harem I know.