171 171 "Primitive Hero"

"-------- -----

 In the light, a voiceless voice is raised.
 I've lost consciousness and I don't know where I am.
 All I know for sure is that I feel a small touch in my hand, and Rock is with me. And in my chest, Dora is with me.
 No matter what happens, I can't let go of this hand and Dora-chan in my heart.

 Just with that thought alone, I was swallowed by the muddy stream of light with a strange sensation that made my whole body distort.

 --And then

"...... uh-uh-uh ......

 The first sensation I felt was the warm sunshine on my body.
 Then the feel of sand.

This is ......?

 I open my eyes and find myself in the middle of the desert.
 I sat up and looked around.
 In my chest is Dora-chan, unconscious but still breathing.
 Rock is lying next to me, and I get to his side and call out to him.

Rock, are you all right? Rock?

"Ummm, hmmm ...... pa?

 I look at Locke as he wakes up with his eyes wide open, and let out a sigh of relief.
 At the same time, Dora-chan, who was inside my chest, also wakes up and confirms that everyone is safe.

Master, what is this place?

 Dora-chan was puzzled, and so was I. I wondered if this was the desert area where I had visited Sin.
 Looking at the background, I wondered if this was the desert area where Shin and I had visited Arabial before.

 I'm sure you can say that we are all alive and have escaped from our captivity, albeit a little differently than planned.
 However, the sad expression on Luna's face as she did it is still fresh in my mind.
 You'll be able to find out what you can do with it.

...... Well, at any rate, this is how we got out. This is the arabial, maybe we can get you back to the others.

"Really? Master.

"Yeah. After all, we have a rock that can move through space.

 I looked at Locke and said, "Yeah! I've got it! Dad! and clenching both fists.

"Okay, let's move on to the nearest arabial, shall we?

Oh, come on. Rock.

 I said that and put my hand on Locke's shoulder.
 But the problem is yet to come.
 How do we get Luna back from the Dahaka?
 Whatever the method of getting it back, Luna's determination was too weak.
 And we don't even know where the old demon king's castle is.

 No, wait.
 Do you know where the Demon King's Castle is?
 Yeah. Maybe I should ask you guys for help this time.

 Thinking about this, I managed to formulate a plan, but the scene in front of me didn't change any time soon.
 I'm sure you'll be able to get a good idea of what to do with it.

"Ugh ...... woo ......

 I'm sure you'll be able to find out what's going on, but I'm sure you'll be able to find out what's going on.

You'll be able to find out what's going on. Rock . Are you out of shape?

Woo ......

 A teary-eyed Locke whispers something unbelievable to me as he asks the question.

"There's no ....... ......


I tried to move to ...... arabial or to Mir where my dad and his friends were, but nothing came back to me on ...... It's like there's nothing there ....... It's like there's nowhere for Locke to know. ....... I can't move to a place where Locke doesn't know and there's nothing there ...... 


 I am stunned by that answer.
 Whoa, what's that all about?
 Does that mean that the town where Arabial, I, Lily, Mina and others used to live is gone?

 No, no matter how ridiculous it is.
 Even if Luna's words were real, and she had acted on them to destroy the country and the city, no amount of time is too soon. It's impossible.
 We were out cold for an hour or so at most.
 There's no way they could have done that in such a short time.

 But Locke wouldn't lie.
 Not being able to transpire means there's no place in his mind to do it: .......
 What the hell does that mean ......?

 But at that moment, a huge shadow appeared above us as soon as the sand behind us rises.


 We turned around without a second thought, but what appeared was a huge sand worm!
 Oh, ho, ho, ho! The demon that always accompanies the desert!

 I didn't get to see it last time I was here.
 Well, I'm glad to see it.

 Don't tell me that!
 This guy is so deadly, he's going to eat us now!
 It attacks the place where I and Locke were, baring its jagged teeth from above, but Locke instantly moves to hold me and avoid the attack.

"Well, thank you. Locke.

"No! I'm not afraid of this!

 Then Locke sets me down on the ground.
 But what is this? It's a shameful thing to be rescued by a grown man in the arms of his daughter or a little girl.
 But even with this appearance, Rock is an unmistakable SS-ranked monster.
 I don't know how dangerous sandworms are, but I don't think Rock is going to fall behind.
 To be honest, if she is going to come at us with hostile intent, we have no choice but to counterattack as well.
 Locke thinks the same, and when the sandworm tries to lunge at him again, Locke raises his fist in the air, but...


 A moment later, a girl's call echoes from behind the sandworm.
 The moment the worm turns around, its body is cut in two.
 Backlit by the sun, a girl lands in front of us.

Are you okay? You guys.

 It was a beautiful brown-skinned swordsman.
 For a moment, I mistook it for Lily, but it wasn't a resemblance, but rather an impression of a vague resemblance.

 Light armor and revealing clothes for moving around in the desert.
 A girl with short blonde hair swinging and still has a young innocent expression on her face.
 If you look closely, you can see a few freckles on her cheeks, which in turn enhances the girl's innocent image.
 Rather than beauty or beauty, the impression was one of simple cuteness.
 That girl swordsman stood in front of us.

Oh, thank you. You're saved.

"You're welcome. You better watch out for the sandworms around here.

 I immediately thank the girl for her help.
 I look at Locke and see him looking up at the girl in front of him with a strange look on his face.
 I wonder what's going on? There's no way I know .......
 At least I don't recognize the girl in front of me.

Oh, my name's Kyou. This is Rock.

Wow, they're called Keogh and Rock. That's a nice name.

 A girl replies to my introduction with a smile.
 But the next moment, the girl's name surprises us.

My name is Luna. "I'm a great warrior with a title of 'Primordial Warrior'. How do you do?