100 First of all, colorful.

You're not going to give up the fight, are you? Okay, I'm not going to say anything because this is your fight for everything.

 The purple demon king holds up the pieces that he has decided to play with, they all look like the same demon pieces, but if you look closely you can see black areas on the pieces.
 The demon piece you just picked up has changed the color of its horns.
 Then he threw the piece toward the square.

Farfirmsektion, is it your turn?

 A shadow appears in the square where the piece was thrown.
 A shadow appeared in the square where the pieces were thrown, and grabbing the pieces, a great demon in the form of a man in gentleman's clothes appeared.

"'Scorching Horns' Fafilm XXO, here.

 Although it was in human form, it was notable for the two huge goat-like horns that sprouted from its head.
 The horns are as big as your arms, and they are black and hideous.

I'm going to give you an idea of what to expect when you surrender, but I've already lifted all the restrictions on everyone's 'pawn masks' for this game. Duvvreoris has been further tweaked, and some of them have been slightly altered as well.
Well, thank you.

 It's possible that all of the demons you're about to fight have higher specs than you've ever seen before.
 Some of them are even more powerful than the others, and some of them are even less powerful than Lord Raggedy, but even Lord Raggedy would have a hard time with them.
 Mixu was already rolling up his sleeves, ready to go.

"You've heard of him, right, Mixu?
Of course I've heard about him from Mister Ecd!
You don't have to win this war. The opponent has eight pieces in total, and if he can consume five of them, the Purple Demon King's pieces will appear on the board. If you can get to that point, you have a chance to win without fighting.
"Right, so what does your friend want me to do?
I don't want you to win, but I do want you to make sure that if you lose, you are ready for the next step.

 The first step to victory is to win five games, that's the minimum.
 It's not that you can't avoid battles with Lord Ragdoll's equal, Duvraioli, and the great demons that are being played with, as mentioned earlier.
 I'm sure you'll be able to find a way to get rid of it.

I'm sure you can understand that, but it's not something you want to say to someone who's about to go into battle.
If anything happens to you, I won't be able to face Marito, and it'll be hard on me.
That's a nice thing to say, but ...... it's more like--

 I'm not going to be able to face Marito if something happens to you.

I want you to win for me! Go for it!
"But I understand!

 Mixu went to the center of the square.
 I'm leaving the table and going over to Ex-Doic's side.

I'm pretty sure the big demon can shoot lightning magic out of its horns at high speed.
"Yeah, he's a multiple thunderbolt magician who can turn his surroundings into scorched earth in an instant. But what's that piece arrangement you just made?
I'll show you.
I see.

 Compared to Ilias, Exarch is much easier to deal with than Ilias.
 While I was thinking that, Ilias was looking at me like I was crazy.

"Oh, I'll give you this.

 "Oh, I'll give you this." He handed me the glasses.

What the hell is this?
"Those are the ones you pushed on me at the magic research, I made the last adjustments.
Oh, those?

 It's some kind of artifact I was developing as part of my magical research.
 If you name it, you can call it 'superhuman glasses'. Literally, if you wear the glasses while they are filled with magic power, your dynamic vision will jump.
 All of the Tarzians have high dynamic vision due to their magic enhancement, and I made these glasses through trial and error to see if I could somehow reproduce that.
 The principle was fine, but the fine adjustments were too difficult for Nora and Ruko, who had no combat experience, so they gave it to Exoik, who was skilled in handling magic.

Can I try it?

 Ecdysium swung a reasonably long chain around in a circle on the spot.
 When he was sure that he could no longer follow the chain in his vision, he put on his glasses with his eyes closed and opened them.
 The more you concentrate, the slower the chain seems to move, and the harder you concentrate, the more clearly you can see the shape of the chain.
 If I concentrate hard enough, I can see the shape of the chain clearly.
 I can't even move my mouth properly. When I close my eyes, my body returns to its normal state of motion, so I take off my glasses.

This is great, but it won't work in the field.
I know.
But I think I can watch you guys fight better as civilians.

 At this level, you don't know what's going on, and you'll be too late to give up.
 --I don't want anything to happen that would make me thankful that I'm here in time.

"Then, both of you, take a stance.

 Duvvreoris gave the starting signal as they stood 10 meters apart, facing each other.
 Mikus has a knife in each hand, while Pflaumzection has his arms in his pockets.
 It's an awkward stance, but if you're going to fire lightning bolts from the corners of your head, you're not going to use your hands.
 I put on my metahuman glasses again and try to concentrate as little as possible just before the start of the game, and concentrate when I see movement.

"Let the games begin!

 As soon as the signal is given, Mix throws one of his knives, and immediately equips a new knife with his hand behind his back.
 The thrown dagger went straight for the head of Pfamilczek, but as soon as the black horn of Pfamilczek suddenly shone brightly, the knife was flipped and dropped to the surroundings.
 I was watching very intently, but I could hardly see the lightning strike.

It's an attack that's so slow it makes me sneeze.
"Hmm, how about this!

 Now two knives are thrown, with a slight time difference.
 The two knives were thrown, with a slight time delay, and without a single change in expression, Fafirme XXO flicked them with a thunderbolt.
 However, the moment he recognized that much, he saw the third knife approaching him.
 He must have thrown it the moment the first knife was struck down by the thunderbolt.
 It's a very clever move, as the light of the thunderbolt makes it impossible for anyone to miss the moment.

What a waste!

 He thought his horn glowed for a moment, but then he quickly put out his arm and caught the knife with his arm.
 The knife pierced his arm, and a little blood seeped out.
 As he lowered his defensive arm, you could see the angry expression on his face.
 Why didn't he just use a thunderbolt spell?

"Well, I see you've learned the etiquette of showing your hand.
A magic stone.
As you wish.

 Fafirme XXO viciously pulls out the knife in his arm, splattering it with fresh blood, and throws it away.
 It's a good idea to have a good idea of what you're doing.
 If you follow the knife in your field of vision, you will see that it is indeed embedded with an enchanted stone instead of a jewel.
 With that size, it would be able to counteract magic up to two meters around.
 Blood is dripping from her arm.

Does that look painful?
Now let's increase the numbers!

 Mixu throws six knives, three in each hand.
 How many knives does he have?
 It's a good idea to have a good idea of what you're looking for.
 The first knife had a magic seal in it.
 As soon as he had evaded all six knives, a slightly faster knife came flying at him.
 It's such a blow that it's hard to avoid with the stance you're in at the moment of evasion.


 If you can't avoid it, you can grab the knife with one hand and stop it.

No, no, it's full of magic.

 And the knife exploded in his grasp.
 The knife exploded. That's the one that the dark side of Mejis used too.
 It would have been better if I had used my best thunderbolt, but since I still had the impression of the magic stone knife, I was deprived of the option of striking it down with a thunderbolt.
 As a result, he has received a knife that he should not have received.

You said it was child's play, you think you can defeat me with this level of magic?

 From the smoke, an unharmed Fafirme XXO appears, though his upper body clothes are blown off by the explosion.
 But it's quickly repaired.
 The Mask of the Pawn strengthens every parameter, and it is safe to assume that its durability has also been improved.  

I'm not sure what to make of this.
I don't like to look any different from a normal demon, so I prefer to keep the form I've acquired.
Well, well, well. I prefer it that way myself.
And I'm using most of the power I've been given here.

 Fafilm XXO flies further back, and the black horns glow brightly.
 The black horns glow brightly, and you can plainly see that a huge amount of electricity is charged around them.
 You look at the mix and think, "If this thing fires," but you're calm as if there's no problem.

"There you go, burn.

 Enough lightning strikes are fired from both corners to fill your vision.
 But the thunderbolts dissipate before they reach Mixu.

I've already scattered magic seal stones at regular intervals around me, so such a wide range of magic that might fill up all the escape routes won't reach me.

 I'm not sure what to make of this.
 It's a good idea to take a look at the website and see if you can find any useful information.
 Just as I thought this, a knife was thrust into Fafil Zecksho's shoulder.
 It seemed that he had thrown the knife high in the air in time with the lightning attack of Fafilm XXO.
 He had been so conscious of the knives flying straight at him that he had been less alert to the knives swinging from above his head.
 The weakness of the great demons is their weak sense of danger due to their high specifications.
 Their conceit that they have become powerful has robbed them of their ability to concentrate on the enemy's attacks.
 Furthermore, a being who has been wielding power as an absolute strongman, with no fatal lack of interpersonal skills, will never be able to learn small techniques.

You ......
I'm sure you'll be happy to hear that. I'm sure you'll agree with me.

 Magic is highly valued by adventurers, and many of them have acquired it.
 However, there are few adventurers who specialize in magic because of the existence of magic seal stones.
 If you're dealing with a demon, you can use magic without hesitation, but if you're dealing with a competitor, bandit, or thief, you can't be too sure.
 At the same time, adventurers should be familiar with how to deal with magical opponents.

Do you really think you can handle me like this?
"Yes, well, I don't want your friend to get the wrong idea, so I'll add that when I said I preferred you, I meant that you have a body that can take a knife.

 As he speaks, Mikus takes a few steps back and throws a knife right above him.

What are you talking about?

 Faafirmeksjöksio coughs up blood.
 Before you know it, multiple knives are lodged in his body.
 Mikus catches the knives without incident.

It's a good thing you stayed away, because I could have used that knife. It has a spell in it that creates a special kind of magic that attracts certain ores within a certain range after it is thrown. Most of my knives have that ore in the tip.

 The knives stuck in Farfirmseksio are the ones he's thrown so far.
 The last knife he stabbed into his shoulder generated a powerful gravitational force that caused the surrounding knives to stab him again.
 It is similar to a magnet, but the force of attraction is stronger and the range is limited.
 And if you work with magic that has the characteristics of attraction, even a knife with a magic seal stone can be included in the effect.
 At the moment of stabbing, the spell is broken and the magic power is lost, but the speed generated by the gravitational force is not lost.
 As a result, all the knives stabbed the enemy.
 He could have avoided it if he was physically strong enough, but the knife he had just been stabbed with caused his eyes to drift to the knife thrown directly above him.
 The distance between Mixu and him now was probably the range of the spell's effect, and he was even using the distance he had taken to release the thunderbolt spell.
 Perhaps he was even planning to move backwards to let the lightning spell fire.
 The level of psychological warfare against people is unusually high, is this the wisdom of Mixu, who came close to competing for the throne with the wise king Marith.

What ...... do you want me to say? I'm sure you'll be happy to hear that.

 Fafirme XXO suddenly starts screaming and writhing.
 His whole body is convulsing, and this is not due to the damage of the knife.

All the knives are custom made with different properties, even the one with the sealing stone has a different poison on it. The first one didn't seem to work, but several of them did, didn't they?

 He then used his magic on the knife he was holding, and the tip of the blade glowed white.
 There's no demon that doesn't know that feature, it's the light of the cleansing magic that the priests of Mejlis like to use against demons.

As you can see, it's a mixture of cleansing magic, and even you would be severely damaged if it pierced you.
"Ugh, ugh, ......

 He gritted his teeth and faced Mixu, who must have sensed the danger of the cleansing magic knife.
 I'm not sure if it's a good idea, but it's a good idea.
 The thunderbolt spell, his specialty, was useless because of the knife of the magic seal stone stuck in him.
 He does his best to avoid it - or at least, he can't do much since the poison is blocking his movement.
 But at worst, if you defend with your arms, you should be able to deal with it.
 Then Mikus throws the knife, and at the same time, Fafirme XXO's head is blown backwards.


 Unaware of what had happened, he fell to the ground.
 And then he was gone.
 The knife he must have thrown was lodged deep in his head.

Lastly, the speed of the knife I'm throwing seriously doesn't leave room for a sneeze.

 If it were a baseball game, all of my previous throws would have been slow balls, and then I would have thrown a hard fastball with maximum velocity.
 I was concentrating, but I couldn't see anything, yes.