351 take a long view of it.

 His consciousness became clearer and he could recognize that he was once again trapped in the mirror. Most of my memories are gone since the O'Fallow appeared in this place and took his match.
 At the end of my vision is the figure of Seiya Yukura, and as I look at him, a number of sentences flow through my brain. Is this a bookmark memory technique performed by Wolfe in the virtual world?
 The flow of time in the virtual world is different from the real world, and if you try to carry over your memories to the original world, the burden will be considerable. Therefore, in principle, you cannot take out the knowledge and experiences you have gained in the virtual world. However, there is a way to bring them out as simple information.
 What Wolfe did was to include some simple information in the name of the anniversary date set in the virtual world. It is likely that "I" remembered this in a flash and used a similar method to bring back the memory of the virtual world as a text.

You seem to have brought back a certain amount of memory. It's a rather impatient way of doing things, but it's true that you can bring back a minimum of information that way.
Still, it's pretty hard to get information out of your head all of a sudden, isn't it?
"At that point, you and O'Farrow were equal in strength. But you had more contact with the gold and were better at handling the virtual world. I guess that's why you won.

 If it is a virtual world where you can retrieve your memories, the mental load is not a problem. That's what I judged, and that's what I did. I'm usually aware of it myself, but at this point, I'm completely unaware of it.
 I was given the power by Seiya Yukura, and first of all I was given more than ten minutes to test the power.
 What I was doing there was not verifying that I could use the same power as the O'Farrow, but trying to interfere with space.
 Seiya Yukura constructed a virtual world as a result of the Orfalor's selfishness. The construction seems to have been crude for one who has the power to interfere with reason.
 So I first interfered with the space and recreated something close to the power of the Golden Rule. What I needed was a way to distort the time axis and extend the time of experience.
 I was right in thinking that it would be difficult to create a world from scratch, but not so difficult to manipulate or interfere with it.
 I was given a place to sit for concentration, and pretending to meditate, I interfered with the virtual world and stretched the flow of time around me to the limit. As a result, I had not just a dozen minutes, but close to several days of preparation time.
 After that, I fully demonstrated my equal power and succeeded in defeating him while blocking the Orfallo's aim. For an opponent of equal strength, a few days of careful planning would be enough to achieve the desired victory.

As for me, I could only laugh at your patience.
You look like you've been through a lot. Scary.

 "Of course, the mental load on me caused by the distortion of the time axis was considerable. There was no physical damage, but it seems that he was struggling to maintain himself on the inside. His advice to me was, "Don't try this because it will destroy your mind. We have no aptitude for demons," he recorded. I'm sorry I've been so reckless, but I'm not going to be carried away.

It was a shame to waste all that power.
...... Not really.
You didn't want me to move, so I returned the power. Not really. There's no point in fighting this fight if we're never going to leave this place. After all is said and done, it would have been worth it to keep it.
"Sure, there'll be a lot more you can do. You'll be able to do a lot more, but you won't get any sense of accomplishment from it. There's no sense of accomplishment in it, only emptiness, and you might even starve for more power. Isn't that what you are now?
"-Yes. I don't feel much for what I've made possible.
What's the point of living peacefully if you still have something to aim for? If you can't find any meaning in living peacefully, there's nothing left for you.

 But the battle with the O'Fallow was not in vain. The power to interfere with reason that I borrowed from Seiya Yukura was certainly beneficial to me.
 I believe that I will be able to reach the flow and the final development that I am looking at right now, but there is a risk of losing many things in the process.
 The power of the demon race is beyond imagination, and the Kuro Demon Lord's strength is such that even without his own power he can bring his army back again and again. But even so, I've always felt the burden that stretches across my heart.
 But after the battle with the O'Fallow, I was able to look at the future more accurately. This is a scene that only we, who have both the human side and the Kuro Demon King's side, can see.

I'm not very ambitious. But I think that's a good thing, too. It's still lonely. When you look back and there's no one standing nearby.
"At most, cherish the humanity you have left, Shigeya Yukura. I'm not sure what to do, but I'm going to do it.
I'm sure you'll be able to understand.
Yes, I did. I'm sure that's the only thing you can get for your name.

 YUKURA Seiya became the Shiro Demon King. But this guy hasn't lost his name. The other Demon Lords lost their names in exchange for becoming Demon Lords, but this one lost his in exchange for something else. This may be a sign of his remaining humanity and his determination. As long as he has that humanity, there is still hope for him.

"By the way, why do you call me by my full name?
"...... The reason is that to me, you're just a historical figure. Because you're not trying to live in this time.

 Subconsciously, I didn't see you as a person living in the same era. That's the result of analyzing myself now. He left a lot of things in this age, but he is not in this age. For Seiya Yukura, the era in which he lives is still the same as when the Kuro Demon King was still a man. ......

That's right. By the way, you just thought of the reason, didn't you?

I'm not afraid to call you Yukura. I don't mind if you call me Yukura.
You can call me Naruya if you want to be friendly.
You're the only one who wants to be called that. It makes you feel empty.
No, it doesn't. Are you feeling better, ......?
Yeah. Well, I got to vent to the O'Fallow.

 There's hope for you. You'll get better. I'm sure you can do better than I ever could. I'm counting on you, Exduk.


 A good amount of time has passed since I began my treatment with Ecdysium. It's going well, and I don't expect the body to fail, since Heki is serious about it.

"Mr. Exdoik: ......

 Currently, Exdoik is lying on a device prepared by Heki and is receiving power from Prosperity. In the meantime, the blue and purple are waiting on his left and right, pouring magic power to build a new body.
 To those who live in this world, it must seem like a strange sight. And Marya, who is in love with Ecdysius, would not be happy about it.

How are you feeling, Blue?
"The body is fine. Two thousand more re-creations and you'll meet the requirements.
Two thousand. ....... Well, yes. I don't think you'll fail in the slightest. The problem is with Exduk's mind.

 The mind of the ecdysiac is in the virtual world created by the mistress. Normally, the link between the body that remains in the real world and the mind that is sent to the virtual world should be completely severed, otherwise the time distortion would put a heavy burden on the body and mind.
 But not now. Ecdysium is being swept away by the vastness of time, realizing that his body is being recreated over and over again in the virtual world.
 The minimum requirement for a demon to be in an awakened state is for the body to be fully acclimated to the demon lord's magic. This is being done in the real world by Blue, using the power of Prosperity, at an uncommon speed. Using the magical powers of both Blue and Purple, the cells of his body are being recreated over and over again, recreating the passage of hundreds of years.
 Of course, this is not enough to bring Ecduke to an awakened state. The mind cannot keep up with the changes in the body, and the heart is broken.
 Therefore, the mind was sent to the virtual world while it was linked to the body, and the flow of time that the mind undergoes was slowed down to the extreme. Now, Exoik has recreated the sensations that the demons actually experienced and continues to live in the flow of time.

I have the aptitude. But the only successful examples are the three under Kuro. There's no guarantee. We have to trust him.

 The biggest challenge is whether or not Ecdysius himself can withstand the passage of hundreds of years. Among Kuro's men, there were many with strong minds. Even so, only three of them could withstand the passage of time.
 By giving up their names, the mistresses were reborn as Demon Lords in body and soul. That is why they are built to withstand the passage of time. But the hearts of the demons are still human. In order to maintain their individuality in the face of hundreds of years of time, they need to have emotions that are far from normal.
 Ecdysius must find it within himself before his spirit is sometimes crushed. If he cannot do so, he will never return to the real world.

Couldn't you have given me some more useful advice?
"It's for the best. "That's the best you can do." The superfluous words of others will eventually be swept away. The most you can remember is one word.

 Before being sent to the virtual world, Heki gave Exequik a brief piece of advice.

Don't change. That's the only word he'll tell you.

 Without understanding the meaning of his words, Exoik went to the virtual world. In the event that you've got a lot more than one of these, you're going to need to have a lot more than one.


 The air in the room is heavy. I'm not sure what to make of it, but I'm sure it's a good idea.
 I've explained the situation to Marya. If we fail, Exoik's mind will be lost and even if we succeed, it will be hundreds of years in the future.

"Hey, girl. Come here.
Oh, my God, is that me?
Give me your magic. I'll use it to rebuild Exoik's body. I was just thinking that my magic and the two of you might not be enough anyway.
I'm sure you'll be happy to hear that.

 I'm sure you'll be happy to hear that. I'm not sure what to do, but I'd like to know what you think.

"Put your thoughts on the magic power.
Feelings ......?
I'm not sure. The same is true of the demon lords, whose emotions cause the demons to take different forms. It's more meaningful than just praying.
I'm not sure if it's safe for me to put my feelings into ......?

Aside from the purple, the magic power coming from the blue is loaded with emotion. It doesn't matter if one person's thoughts are mixed in. In fact, if you don't let them mix in a little, it's like they're whispering to me and I might get heartburn.

 I'm not sure what to do, but I'm going to do it. I'm not sure if you'll be able to find the right one for you. I'm sure you're not the only one who has a problem with this.

"Hey, Blue Demon Lord! What are you whispering to my king?
"Not to him! To Ecdysium! Ecdysium! Don't you dare misunderstand me!
Bother. I know without being told that you wouldn't send me such an unripe fruit emotion. But if you're going to put your feelings in, why don't you put them in a more eloquent way? It's the same thing over and over again. I can't wait to see--
"Whoa! Whoa! Wow!

 The ...... concubine also wants to do something sweet and sour like that. But I guess it's impossible, because I'm too old to be that much of a maiden.