11 [1-11] 좋은 악몽

 A high-pitched scream echoed in the dimly lit stone room.


 Rene's body ached like it was about to explode every time the whip, branched like an ear of wheat or rice, sliced the air.

 Normally, the building is used as a prison. It was a place where arrested criminals were kept until their trial, and it was a place where imprisoned prisoners lived. But now a corner of it was commandeered for René by the knights of the Royalists.
 The room was not originally equipped for torture, but a large room with a capacity of about six people was used as a makeshift torture chamber by bringing in dangerous equipment.

 Rene was shackled, and his hands were bound with chains from the ceiling.
 The height of the chains was perfectly adjusted, forcing the hanged person to stand on his or her tiptoes while using his or her own weight to inflict pain. In addition, the unreasonable posture makes them defenseless against attacks and increases their pain.

 Whenever Rene came to this room, there were always several torturers present. All of the torturers wore armor with pectoral insignia. It was as if they were proud of their armor as if they were knights. As if torturing Rene was a noble duty as a knight.
 When they looked at Rene, they had either an angry, raging look on their faces or a lecherous, mocking look on their faces.

 In order not to kill him by accident, they chose a method of torture that was less damaging and more painful, and a sorcerer who could use recovery magic was always with him.
 The only reason they didn't kill him was so that they could execute Rene in public. The torturer reminded Rene of this from time to time. He was trying to psych him out.

 Rene screams again as the whip is driven into his empty torso.
 It felt like her throat was burning from screaming so much.

"Ow, ow, ow, ow, ow!
Don't think you're allowed to cry!

 Rene's eardrums twitched with the hysterical sound of his interbody voice.
 I already know that crying won't make you stop. I know, but it still hurts and scares me, and the tears are flowing all by themselves.

"Daughter of a corrupt king who sold out his country to the Federation!
 Why were you living on the border of the Federation? What contact did you have with the Federation? You know what I'm talking about! Tell me!

 The question was repeated over and over again.
 I lived on the border of the Federation, because the Federation culture is so strong that there is little prejudice against the "silver-haired, silver-eyed abomination", and there is little to be said about Rene's body. In addition, the relationship with the Federation was much better (even if it was a hierarchical one), and there was much less danger of the borderline suddenly catching fire than in other border regions.
 Her mother had mentioned this many times, and René knew the situation even at a young age.

 And even though she was told that she was the daughter of the king, René did not know that she was the daughter of the king.
 There was no way that she was involved in the King's policy toward the Federation, or in the negotiations behind the scenes. There was no way Renée could have known, because there was nothing to know.

 But that wasn't the answer the torturers wanted, and no matter how many times she told them, they shouted at her to "tell the truth" and whipped her even more as punishment for lying.
 All Rene could do was cry and scream.

I don't know ......, I don't know!
Lie to me!
Lies!" "Aaah ......!

 A whip cracked Rene's back.

 If you say you don't know, you'll be treated as a lie.
 Rene thought that if there was an answer he wanted, he should tell him. Because that's exactly what I'm going to say.
 But maybe there is no answer to be sought from the beginning. If the purpose is to torment you with accusations in the form of torture.

 Leaning back against the suspended arm, Rene sagged limply.
 Her shoulders creaked from the strain, but she could do nothing about it.

"Ohhhh ...... ouch .......
The ...... screams are getting quieter. Change your attacker.

 The torturer who had been ordered to leave came back from the next room with something.

 It was a hot poker.

"There you go.

 The poker is pressed against him.
 The pain was like a thousand bees stinging her skin at the same time, making her cower.


 A strangled scream erupted from Renai's throat.

"d*mn, there's nothing s*xy about a kid's scream.

 Seeing this, the torturer made a selfish comment.

The torturer takes the liberty of commenting on the situation. ......

 The torturer grabbed Rene by her silver hair and brought her face up.

I'm not sure if it's hot or not. Is it hot? You're hot, all right! Let's cool you down!

 Another torturer stood behind him, his eyes glaring maniacally.
 Holding an iron pot of boiling water.

"Huh. ......
"This will be cooler than the ...... burning iron.

 The contents of the pot


I jumped up, screaming.

 She wakes up screaming and realizes that she is not in a stone torture chamber, but on a soft bed.
 Through the delicately embroidered curtains, she could see the dawn sky beginning to turn blue-purple.

 You are out of breath as if you had just climbed a mountain at full speed, your heart is racing, and your body is drenched with sweat as if you had been caught in a downpour.

"...... dreams......

 Iris (Rene) muttered, as if to confirm that it was a dream.
 As an undead, Rene does not need sleep or rest. But Iris's body, her temporary home, was different. It needed sleep when it was tired. And I dreamed of hell.

 Memories of a living hell that could hardly be called a nightmare.
 The royalist knights who captured René tortured him with the sole purpose of causing him pain.
 In hindsight, tormenting René was justice for them. It was an attack on the reign of the former king, whom they regarded as an absolute evil.
 Above all, they were in the heat of the moment, they had friends, and René was powerless, so the attack was fierce. It must be a human habit, unchanged since the time of the apes, to be cruel to those who think they have the upper hand.

 Iris (René) looks around the still dark room. The fireplace, which had been burning all night, dimly illuminated the room.
 A canopied bed and a soft carpet. Even the walls were beautifully decorated, and the furniture all had shining, graceful curves. Even the walls are beautifully decorated, and the furniture is all shiny and gracefully curved. It's the drawing room of the Earl of Keighley's castle, a room that he keeps to himself, away from the rest of the party.
 The Countess Catherine and Iris (Renée) sleep in the two guest rooms in turns. This is to confuse any assassins who might try to kill Catherine.

 This is a warm place to sleep. I'm a working adventurer in a temporary position.
 You can rest easy. This is no cold stone prison, no horrible torture devices, no poor, cruel torturers.

 --Hahaha. ...... You're an idiot. What a relief! I'm the strongest undead you've ever seen.

 Iris (Rene) let out a shaky chuckle.

 The current Rene, if anyone captures him, will make him regret he was ever born. As long as there is no substandard enemy like Lawrence.
 The memories of my previous life have come back to me, and I feel as if I've become mentally stronger because of my life experiences.
 But in my dream, Rene was nothing but a helpless girl.

I'm ...... strong. Next time, I'll kill you.

 Iris (Rene) said as if she was telling herself that.

 It was as if the self in her memory was barking at her, "Don't forget the grudge.
 Don't forget the humiliation, the pain, the fear.
 Don't forget the grudge that took away my mother's beauty, my peace, my everything.
 Nothing but revenge can heal this soul. ......!

 Rene does not think he is righteous.
 From now on, Rene will take more than was taken from him, and hurt more than was hurt. The target of his revenge will be his parents, siblings, and innocent children, whom he will haunt and kill for generations to come. Kill unreasonably. Kill miserably. If anyone has a grudge against Rene and seeks revenge, he will be trampled underfoot and ridiculed. If necessary, we feed on the innocent.
 There is no justice in such behavior. But reason and right and wrong are no longer important. Rene will not stop until the black flames of resentment burning in his heart consume everything.

"Kill ...... kill ...... kill!

 And as he slams his fist into the bed, Iris (Rene) notices a strange, damp feeling. From the lower part of her body to the sheets, she was soaked to a level that cannot be explained by sweat.

 Even if you look into Iris's memory, she has no such embarrassing habits. If that's the case, it's probably because of the memories Rene brought with him. That nightmare was too much for anyone to handle.

"Oh, ...... worst .......

 In between ragged breaths, Iris (Rene) sighed as heavy as lead.