58 [1-58] Horseback ● Horseback King

Idiot! Don't call her a princess! She's a monster born of a pig traitor who impregnated a b*tc*!
"I'm sorry, too!
...... What's going on?
The skeletons are carrying a palanquin and are slowly making their way down South Avenue towards the city gates! The liches and ghouls have set up a perimeter!

 "The Rose Princess of Grudge Prison" ...... The air in the operation control room became tense at once upon hearing that name.
 It's the enemy general, the source of this situation, and the enemy's greatest asset.

 It's not just a matter of time before she comes in with a full head of steam.
 It was a sign of the final, catastrophic attack, but also an opportunity to seize the victory of nine lives by taking her down.

 The Red Rose's flag was flying.

 The flag of the Red Rose fluttered in the air, and the dead soldiers walked with the sound of their shoes.

 An army of undead was advancing along the main street leading from the South Street Gate. In the center of the street was Rene's palanquin.
 The number of soldiers participating in this march is small, as their main focus is on suppressing the city walls, but the visual impact is still immense. A group of non-humans are marching down the main street of the capital in broad daylight, holding up their own military banners.
 It was a demonstration, or rather a provocation.

It looks like the Second Commander has been captured. To be honest, I wasn't expecting this much.

 Rene calls out to Alastor, who is riding a zombie horse beside the palanquin.
 He's got a bunch of callers with him. We're going to redeploy to the city.

"Yes, sir. It will make things much easier for us in the future.

 Alastor nodded in response.
 René had observed the capture of Bertil with his emotional sensor. Lawrence might still think that it was not the Revenant who attacked the south gate, but a member of the Second Order who betrayed him.
 If he hadn't been exposed as the Revenant, the result could have been like this, but it was just a matter of 'lucky if it worked out that well.

You don't have to be afraid anymore, do you?
"Yes. Let's get the troops to the residential area.
Make sure there are no more casualties.

 Of course, it's not out of humanitarian considerations that I don't want any extra deaths.
 It is a foreshadowing to give us an advantage when we try to sway them in the future. It is also to leave a psychological margin for Rene in case he has no choice but to slaughter civilians. When the atrocity gauge is maxed out, the blade dulls.

 The escape route to the west is still unblocked. The more nimble citizens have begun to evacuate, but mercenaries and adventurers have also begun to flee.
 Rene only had knights of the First Order, Hilbert, and those who would be needed in the future sneak out to monitor them, and left the rest to flee.

 Now, it seems that the information that the south gate has been breached has not yet reached the city, but the citizens will probably not listen to the knights' restraint or guidance and try to escape through the west gate first. The information that they can escape from the west gate has been spread by adventurers who have been turned into revenants.
 This was mainly to create confusion in the city and to take advantage of the urban warfare. However, this was a bit of a waste as the knights retreated to the city walls at once.
 Well, the adventurers and mercenaries hired by the knights seemed to have been defeated, so that was good.

 The battle was about to come to a close.

 It would have been easy for Rene to just destroy the capital, but he couldn't kill Lawrence in such a sketchy fight, and Hilbert would probably escape.
 That's why René drove Lawrence into a corner, strangling him with cotton as if he were tearing off his limbs.
 The only thing left to do was to make sure Lawrence was killed and Hilbert was finished off. To do so, he still needed a plan.

I was hoping that the Second Order would be able to compete with the First Order, but it looks like that's not going to happen. I'm just glad we were able to pull away.
"Huh. I think we should just let the second knight order destroy itself and neutralize it.
Right. Can we do it now? It's a good idea to have a good idea of what you're going to be doing and how you're going to do it.

 The knights of the Second Order are not the ones that Rene wants to kill so aggressively.
 In the event that you've got a good knight, you'll be able to use it to make an excellent undead soldier to bolster your forces, and also to destroy the possibility of an enemy under Lawrence's command.

 Rene gave orders to the undead with his thoughts. Instead of signaling, he snapped his fingers.

There's no such thing as a Revenant. Everyone's overreacting.
"What's with the ...... line?
I just felt like I had to say it.
Right, sir?

 The Revenant that Rene created in the Second Order was not the only one that caused the attack on the gate tower.

 I'm not sure.

 Knights are running through the city.
 Fleeing the avalanche of undead. Away from fear.
 A small squad of ten. They all belong to the Second Order.

 I heard undead soldiers don't mess with the Second Order.
 That was true, but they wouldn't be safe forever. No freak wanted to test his mettle in the middle of an avalanche of undead.

 I've lost contact with Commander Bertil. Instead, the First Knight Commander ordered us to retreat, and he also ordered us to go to the Great Temple for an examination.

 They say the Second Order has been infiltrated by Revenants. Have the priests at the temple identify them and exterminate them. After that, we'll collect the knights and priests who are being treated in the temple and retreat to the royal castle. ......
 Easier said than done. We don't even know if we can outrun the oncoming undead, so how can we search for and exterminate the undead that have gotten inside? And escape to the castle with the wounded and non-combatants? That's absurd. I don't think it's going to work. At a time like this, I would have thought that the Lord Commander (Bertil) would have come up with a better plan, but no matter how many times I called out, the caller didn't answer. Maybe the undead had killed him, or maybe...

 Everyone was in an extreme state, as if their nerves were being sanded.
 Or like the belly of a deflated balloon rat that will burst at the poke of a needle. ......

"...... and wait!

 The captain called out to his men. He noticed footsteps approaching from the side.

 The clinking of armor, the metallic sound of footsteps.
 It wasn't an army of undead, but another unit of the Second Order that appeared around the corner. The other side looked surprised for a moment, and then relieved.

"Are you all right, boys?
You too!
Well, I guess.

 The more people there are, the more reassuring it is.
 It was a moment when the tense thread of tension suddenly loosened.

 But then...

"That's ......! It's undead!

 The sorcerer who had joined the party pointed at one of the knights and shouted.

"...... What?

 The knight who was named seemed to have no idea what he was talking about.
 But the sorcerer's fright is not unusual.

"Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa! Don't joke about--
Get away from me! You can't fool my eyes! Everyone be careful!

 And then the sorcerer held up his wand and immediately began chanting.

"You, you, you ......!

 The knight suspected of being a revenant drew his sword and slashed at the sorcerer.
 But then two other knights intervened.

You can't let that happen!

 The two swords clashed and clanged together, but it was only two swords.
 Two against one was an overwhelming disadvantage.


 I'm not sure if this is a good idea or not.

I'm not sure if this is a good idea or not.

 Another knight chuckled.
 When they heard this, they all became frantic and began to watch the others with their hands on their swords.

 Somewhere nearby, from another place, a voice said, "The Revenant is here! from somewhere else nearby.

 I'll be back.

A fight has begun within the Second Order. ......

 Lawrence couldn't believe his ears when he heard the report in a hushed voice. The situation went beyond his expectations.
 The man on the other end of the line was one of the captains of the Second Order.

"They're killing each other looking for the Revenant!
 I don't know if they're really only after Revenant. I don't know if it's really just the Revenant that's being targeted. Everyone's on edge. ......! Or it could be that the real Revenant is making false accusations. ......
"Then why don't we just go to the temple and have the priests check it out!
"There's chaos spreading around the Temple! The Second Order was moving in platoons towards the temple, and the Second Order members were gathering around it! We'll have to go through the melee to get to the temple!
 If I didn't, I'd be like, "There they are! It's the Revenant! Aaaaah!

 The screams, and then the voices died out.
 Lawrence crushed the caller in frustration.

The second knight's order is ...... if the leader is the leader, then the members are the members. You idiots. ......!

 After saying that, Lawrence reconsidered.
 You have to assume that these idiots were never going to be a force to be reckoned with. In fact, it would have been better if they had disappeared before the final battle rather than opening a hole in the defense at the last minute.

 But the disadvantage in numbers is now decisive. The undead, on the other hand, will increase in number.
 There was no choice but to hope for a last resort.

"I will defeat him, my king!