151 [3-8] August August August

 It was easy to find out where it was.
 It was easy to find out where it was, because the smoke from the boiling water was rising like a wolfsbane.

 The forest had been cleared, and primitive dwellings made of large leaves and wood stood side by side.
 However, all of them were twice the size of a man.
 They were even bigger for René, who had a small body.

 A number of faces peered at René from their doorways and windows.
 The inhabitants all had thick, flabby faces, dark green skin and brown hair.
 They are ogres. They are highly muscular, both young and old, and even children have the physique of a human adult.

 The ogre is relatively small among the demons commonly known as "giants," but in exchange, they have high fertility.
 The Ogre is also a warrior race that has always fought at the head of the Demon King's army in wars between humans and demons, and its horror is still talked about among humans.
 Incidentally, they are often thought of as "powerful idiots," but that is a prejudice that comes from their low aptitude for magic and their rashness on the battlefield, while in reality they are more intelligent than goblins, which are synonymous with bad judgment, due to their large brains.

 In fact, their large brains make them more intelligent than goblins, which are synonymous with wickedness. These ogres have formed a tribal society in this jungle area.
 There are many reasons why the human race would not dare to enter this dense forest area, but one of them is undoubtedly them.

 Rene was in a square in the middle of the village.
 The warriors of the tribe were on the verge of war when Rene suddenly arrived with a group of glittering undead in tow.
 In the midst of a tense situation, the only reason they don't fight is because they know Rene's evil spirit and the presence of the Forge, a huge dog ...... that sits behind Rene and glares at him.
 If the ogre shows any suspicious movements, the "Ote" and "Megafurea" will immediately fly.

 This village is in the Forge's territory.
 The "gorgeous molten steel beast" was like a natural disaster that even the Ogre could not touch. It was natural for them to be surprised and bewildered by the fact that it had turned into a strange undead henchman and raided their village.

 Opposing Rene was an ogre with a body as tall as a rock.
 He was covered in scars, both large and small, and wore huge animal fang ornaments all over his body. He must have been about three and a half meters tall.
 He held a huge studded club in his hand and wore a rugged metal breastplate. Apparently, he has some metallurgical skills.

 This ogre is the great chieftain of all the neighboring ogre tribes.
 His name is Nvadgi.

"So we're all supposed to swear allegiance to you and be your soldiers?
Yes, we are. I'm glad you understand so quickly.

 "Yes, I am." "I'm glad you understand so quickly," said Nwadgi in a rumbling, rock-rolling voice, and Rene affirmed it.
 Rene, who cannot speak the common language of the demon race, borrowed a translation item from Everis. These are an earring that translates the words you hear, and a choker that translates the words you speak.

 Demons with roughly human-like intelligence, social skills, and human-like bodies are collectively called "demons.
 Of course, the Ogre is one of them.

 Trained demons, like humans, become excellent soldiers who understand complex strategies and control various kinds of weapons.
 However, they are also capable of performing economic activities as a member of society in times of peace.
 Of course, there is a cost for this, but even if you only have an army of undead soldiers and beastly demons, it's still just a sham of a country. Power can only be obtained by holding and governing the people. Above all, an undead-heavy army has too many weaknesses to win against those who are prepared to fight.
 The more people that follow you, the more you can build an army that can compete with the powers. That's what Rene decided to do.
 They are the future of the nation.

 But when he asked them to follow him, the Ogre warriors surrounding N'Vadgi were understandably confused, stunned, and confused.

"Great Chief! Let's kill them!
 This is an insult to our tribe.

 This is an insult to our tribe." A bloodthirsty ogre shouted, clubbing the ground.

 It is a demon's instinct to follow the stronger demon. If you're not sure what to do, you can always ask for help. The more intelligent demons not only follow their instincts, but also use their brains to decide if they should follow or not.
 For example, most of the ogres in this tribe would be as weak as trash to Rene. But as long as the community remained united, even the weakest ogre would not swear to obey Rene in pieces.

 When N'Vadgi turned his head slightly to stare at him, the ogre that had been making so much noise cowered to the point of being half his height.

If he is strong, he will obey. ...... That's all.
 It doesn't mean he's weak. I haven't confirmed it yet.
But a little girl like you is no match for the Great Chief. ......
It's no different with the Flame of the Forest at your side.

 I'm not sure what to say, but I'm going to say it.
 It seems that Forge's presence is a big reason why N'Vadgi does not dismiss René's sudden appearance and demand for obedience as nonsense.

Follow the strong and be the bravest soldier you can be. That is the pride of Odette's warriors.
 Odeh is the strongest, so he became the chief. No one else was stronger than him so he became chief.
 If you're stronger than Odé, I'll follow you.
That's good. So how do we decide who's stronger?
 I don't know. If it's a fair decision, we'll follow your rules.
It's settled. A warrior's duel. That's how it's always done, Chief.
 A battle dedicated to the god Vulcanet.
 The whole tribe prays through the night and fights at sunrise.

 The god Vulcanet mentioned by Nvadgi is not a god worshipped by men.
 In the realm of human belief, there are many 'child gods' under the great god, and these gods send 'angels' to guide the people.
 In the same way, on the side of the evil gods, there are many evil 'demon gods' under the evil gods, and these gods control the 'demons'.
 Vulcanet is a demon god. Rene doesn't know much about him, but he seems to be a god that is worshipped by the ogre race, who are all about wild battles and the resulting destruction and carnage.

 In other words, Nvadgi's proposal is a dedication match to be held before the gods.
 Judging from the atmosphere, it's not a ceremonial fight, but a very serious fight of the 'death is not an option' type.
 If Rene defeated Nvadgi there, the tribe's ogres would certainly have nothing to complain about.

"I've already decided to use this ...... weapon.

 This is the only weapon I will use." Nvadgi said, picking up something huge from behind him and flinging it at Rene.
 It was not a stone pillar ...... that rolled in front of Rene, but a huge club carved out of a large rock. It was painted in a colorful primary color scheme.
 It was a gem that could be called a "heavy weapon" even with the Ogre's massive frame.

"I don't approve of soft weapons like magic. If you defile the duel, Odeh will show no mercy.
"Forgiveness? If you fight with all your might, my army will win.
 You can force me to obey you, but remember, I'm giving you your way.
"Maybe so.
 But try it. We will fight to the last man, without woman or child, and you will rue the day you fought with us.
 ...... Well, okay.

 N'Vadgi was unfazed by the challenge.
 Rene looks down at the cudgel, which is clearly much heavier and more voluminous than he is.

I'm not going to do it now. Can you hold ......?

 The huge stone cudgel is still thick, even with the relatively thinly shaved handle.
 Rene lifted it between his hands.

 It may look normal from the outside, with the head resting on the neck, but Rene's body is now a Dullahan.
 The Dullahan form, with its ability to specialize in hand-to-hand combat, boasts monstrous strength.
 He picked up a stone club and swung it once over his head, and Rene struck the ground with the tip.

It's light.
"Wow. ......

 It's so light," Nvadgi exclaimed with amused admiration.

You, prepare the wine and ritual tools.
 Hunters, go into the forest. Hunters, go into the forest and catch the offerings. Tomorrow night will be a festival, and at dawn we will offer up our war.

 Under the Great Chief's command, the ogres of the village began to rush about.