159 [3-16] Final current, wild boar monkey

 It is said that demons do not like farming.
 Of course, demons are like animals, but even intelligent demons who build societies rarely cultivate fields to earn their daily bread. Even if they have the concept of saving, they don't bother to earn their daily bread by steadily accumulating their achievements. The only exceptions are a few insects.
 It is not clear why the demon race has developed such a nature. According to some theories, the evil gods gave them this nature in order to lead them into battle so that they would not be able to survive without depriving humans of their food.

 However, if you want to maintain a large army of demon kings, you can't just hunt and rob.
 In particular, as the human race was driven out of the continent and the demon race dominated the continent, there would be no one to take them, so they would have to manage on their own.
 Therefore, Everis, who was the chief strategist of the Demon Lord's army at the time, constructed a large-scale farming system using the undead.
 It was no small feat to create a system that somehow managed to produce food using a large number of dumb zombies and skeletons, but the semi-automatic food production line that kept running day and night contributed greatly to the rapid progress of the Demon Lord's army.

 Now, Rene was trying to do the same thing.
 The ability to use the undead is a strength of the evil gods that the human race does not have, and he believes that agriculture is an inevitable part of building a large power in the future.

 The Transipole is a pillar-shaped organ that serves as a foothold for the undead and provides energy by drawing magic power from the earth's veins.
 Low-grade golems that only give instructions through conditional branching based on weather and work conditions.
 And a few undead.
 They were placed there and allowed to farm on a trial basis. If they functioned properly, the plan was to procure labor and improve the environment, and gradually expand the scale of farming.
 However, within half a day of the start of the experiment, it was a mess.

This is ......

 It was a relatively shallow area of dense forest on the northern side of the Khulkar Range.
 It was a relatively shallow area of dense forest in the northern part of the Khul Khal Range. It was a place where the forest was supposed to be cleared and cultivated.
 The fields that had just begun to grow were battered, as if they had been used for explosive experiments.
 The 'transit poles' used to move the undead had been destroyed, exposing the rib-like structures and wiring remnants.

It was just as the sun was setting when we pulled out.
 Less than an hour later, here we are.

 Mihranze looked puzzled as he reported.

 Rene looks around at the ruined field. No, it's no longer a field, it's a small, localized wasteland. There seemed to be some kind of strange presence in the air.
 There were no crops, of course, but it did not look like the work of a field thief.
 I wondered if they were after the parts of a magic item, but the "transistor pole" had been destroyed and the wreckage left untouched.

Did anyone see the killer running away?
"There was no such report. If a stranger had entered, the demons would have made a scene.
You're right. ......

 You break into a jungle full of demons, destroy a field under cultivation without anyone noticing, and leave without being noticed.
 The purpose and means are unknown, and the motive is hard to guess. Who is the one who has it all?

 When René looked up at the sound of a hail of wind ripping through the night air, he saw the figure of Everis, her purple hair fluttering in the moonlight, flying on a broom like a demoness.

"Princess, excuse me for coming late.

 She was wearing a coat that completely covered her body, instead of her usual revealing outfit.

She was wearing a coat that completely covered her body.
I'm not sure.
 I'm not sure if this is a good idea or not, but it's a good idea.

 It was an appropriate outfit for early spring.

 Rene and Miaranse had left a note in Everith's workshop before they came to check on us. The message was brief, but Everith seemed to have sensed something unusual from it.
 Looking around the ravaged field, Everith crouched down and patted the ground like a policeman inspecting a crime scene.

It's not holy air ......, but there's something strange about it.
"Oh, it wasn't just my imagination, was it? It's not holy qi ......, but there's a strange smell, like smoldering unburned garbage, and the body is slightly numb .......
I'm not sure what to make of this.
 I'm not sure what to do. Oh, no, no, no.

 Evelisse shakes her head in disgust.

 This is not holy air neutralization.
 It's something that sets order in the place so the evil spirits can't exert their power.
 There is a famous fire elemental magic called "Cleanse Fire" that destroys the undead with a cleansing flame.

It's a big deal, isn't it? I'm sure you'll be able to find something that works for you.
"Well, let's just say it's an odorless poison for the undead.
 You can learn to feel it as you get used to it, so why not learn it now?

 Everith's tone sounded tense, but she was serious.

 An attack with a counter-attack against the undead.
 If so, it was natural to assume that they were acting with a clear intent to harm Rene or the exiled nation of Ciel-Teira, which Rene led.
 It's a good idea to have a good idea of what you're looking for.

I'm sure you'll be able to find a lot more information on this at ....... You can get more benefit than the cost of expensive consumables if you use them effectively.
 The fact that it was an emergency this time is just a consequence, but if you report every time something strange happens, you'll be able to figure out if it's an emergency sooner. For that reason, it doesn't matter how many empty reports you get.
Haha. ...... Sorry about that.
Just be careful next time.

 I'm sorry about that.

 She did not report the situation immediately, but reported it verbally as she came to the castle. As a result, there was a time lag of a couple of minutes between Miaranse's realization of the situation and Rene's knowledge of it, but it may be a bit harsh to blame her for that.
 If it had been a clear enemy attack, she would have immediately alerted him. But Mehranze doesn't really understand the benefits of sharing less than that information in an agile manner.

 Rene, who has memories of his previous life on the IT-saturated Earth, and Miaranse, who was born and raised in this world (Pangaea), have different senses of time.
 Even though this world has the magic of communication, it is still inconvenient and incomplete compared to social networking sites, telephones, and telegrams. For people, information is transmitted slowly, and the world moves at that speed. The speed of information sharing is often inadequate, even in the national institutions of large countries.

 In fact, it could be said that Rene and Everith were too radical.

If you don't want to waste a caller, you should study communication magic. If you're good at it, you should have no problem getting your voice heard from here to the castle.
I'm sure you'll be able to figure out what's going on.
 If there's a sudden battle, it's going to be tough if Miaranse is exhausted. ......
You can also use potions to recover.
 In the event that you're not sure what you're looking for, you'll be able to find a lot more information on the web.
 I'm off topic.

 I'm sure you'll be able to figure out what's going on, but I'm not sure if you can.
 Next, he began to lay out the parts of the transistor, taking it apart with uncanny speed.
 He intends to take it home and examine it.

But who would do such a thing ......?

 Miarandze was unhappy to learn that the attack had been clearly hostile. Miaranse holds René in infinite reverence, and the attack on René's forces in Ciel-Teira's exile is something he cannot tolerate above all else.
 If there was a way to find the culprit who had vanished like smoke, he was ready to tear it apart.

 Whatever the case, the unidentified attacker must be found.

"...... Everis. Do you know what a security camera is?
Sure I do. You want to go fishing or something?

 I'm not sure if you can find the surveillance cameras, but I can.