515 564 'Request for Remainers of Reminder'

 A strong thud sounded. In front of the Royal Palace of Borvat, a grave voice rang out.

Reorganize the troops immediately! The engineers must build a protective fence and narrow down the route of march! There is no time to lose!

 The Mastighios continued to shout with his black hair bouncing and his shattered arms flailing.

 I'm not sure what to make of that.

 For everyone here, Mastighios' angry voice is a relief. As long as they continued to follow his voice, they would not have to be aware of the roaring monster.

 His second-in-command, Hind, says in an emotionless voice.

"My general. The first and second units have been reorganized. The other half, 4,000 men, should be ready in two hours.

Hind, one hour. There's no time. The demon army will be in the capital soon. Make sure they're ready to fight.

Yes, sir. I'll have the bare minimum in an hour.

 Mastighios nodded, sweat dripping down his neck.

 There was no time to waste. Vriligant's return was certainly a threat. But at the same time, the demons that had once been in love with him were beginning to regain their strength with the return of the great being.

 If there were only small, sporadic attacks, the difference in numbers would be enough to overcome them.

 However, this would not be the case if the opponent was an army. Yes, an army. More than a few thousand demon troops had begun to gather in the outskirts of the capital.

 Of course, they didn't just appear like insects. They were a makeshift demon army that had absorbed the demonic beasts that had been defeated in the siege of the capital, and were still attacking and ravaging the surrounding villages.

 Apparently, some of them are close to the commander. Otherwise, the demons wouldn't be able to gather their troops. Because their instincts have the concept of a pack, but not an army.

 And their commanders are very strong. As if anticipating this deadly opportunity, the improvised demon army had remained hidden until now. The Mastighios frowned. There was something in the back of his mind.

 How could he have waited for such a time as this?

 But there was no time to complain. There was much work to be done.

"Sir, there are deserters everywhere! Permission to make an example of them!

 Eirene, his second-in-command, rushed to his feet, breathing hard. Her arm hung limply, as if she didn't care. An irritated voice echoed through the headquarters.

 Deserters. The Mastighios did not show any irritation when he heard those words. Deserters are a fact of life in the military. Especially when the threat of the enemy is more visible, as in this case, their numbers increase.

 The reactions of the people around him were all similar. Everyone was beginning to think that there was nothing to be done. It was doubtful that morale even existed yet.

"Permission granted. "Permission granted. But first, send word to all troops-- Lord Dohertysura! You still wield the sword, Lord Lugis!

 Dohasura was sitting on the sofa, holding his hand to his side, which had been pierced by the poisonous Junerva. Dohasura was sitting on the couch, holding his hand to his side, which had been pierced by the poison Junerva. He opened his magic eyes and responded to Mastighios' question.

 Her cheeks were slightly upturned. His cheeks were slightly upturned, as if he was amused by the scene in front of him.

"Yes, yes. What kind of madness is this? Or is it really a big deal? He's facing that evil dragon head-on. Our Lord Lugis.

 That's not a lie. It's the truth. Dohasura can actually see the scene through his magic eye. The impossible sight of a former human facing a demon. It was a very familiar sight.

 At Dohasura's words, the people around the headquarters suddenly became lively. There was even a slight cheer. There was a small light in their dark eyes, almost killed by the demonic air.

 There was only one thing on their minds.

 There are those who are still fighting against that monster. There is someone who can take on a dragon so high in the sky. Among the humans.

 The hero might be able to slay the dragon.

 That was their only hope. That's why they can still move their limbs. They can crawl.

 Says Mastighios, snapping his fingers. The knotty wounds creaked.

"The words of the decree are these-- all look up and see the dragon. There's a man still fighting it. Who is he? He's a Garaist, not a sorcerer, not even a Bolvaat. He's fighting for his life right now!

 Every word Mastighios said was filled with a burning heat. As if cursing himself for being wounded and unable to fight, he also spoke to the hearts of his soldiers with madness.

We have once been robbed of our country and our dignity. If we run away now, we will lose our country forever-- our hero still wields his blade. You'll put a spear in his back! Fight! Only then can we return from demonic cattle to men. Fight!

 It was a voice full of the qualities of a great general. Words that spur and drive others on. It was a glimpse into the fierce nature of the Mastighios man.

 Messengers and platoon commanders rushed out to deliver the words to the legion. There was a kind of madness in their eyes that Mastighios had passed on to them.

"Are you sure, my general? Our lives and the lives of our men are all in your hands, Lord Lugis.

"Not well. Normally, we should take our men and face Vriliganth. Since we can't, we can only provide passive support to eliminate the demon army from the capital.

 Mastighios himself knew very well that this was not the right answer to Hind's question. Perhaps Hind was asking if he should run. As his second-in-command, he should have said what he had to say.

 It is true that no matter how hard Mastighios tries to intercept the demon army, if Lugis becomes dragon food, it will be the end of everything.

 On the other hand, if Vriligant was defeated, it might be possible to retake the capital later. If that's the case, you could take your troops and citizens and flee the capital.

 --But if we do that, we'll never be able to call Lugis our ally again.

 Besides, the war against Vriligant will be a war of attrition. Even if we defeat Vriligant, we may be captured by the demon army.

 I will not allow that to happen.

 Our heroes are risking their lives. Then we too must protect the capital with all our might. So that the hero can wield his sword without fear of retribution.

 Mastighios opened his mouth again and issued a proclamation.

"Eirene! Infected magic is now available. I'm not going to be able to do that.

 Mount Bephemus.

 Mount Bephemus. There were only traces of sheer destruction. The mountain's surface was gouged out and the rocks were shattered.

 It was as if a mythical giant had swung his hammer down.

 With her silver hair hanging down and her breath coming in gasps, Kalia twirled her black scarlet.

I told you, I'll take no chances. It seems that your fate could not distort everything.

 In response, a single amber eye blinked. In the event that you've got a lot of time, you'll be able to take a look at a few of the best ways to get the most out of your home.

"...... Flim, is this the ...... original of Surat? Immediate .......

 The cogwheel Laboure was trying to mutter something with a body that could no longer breathe. I'm not sure if this is a good idea or not.

"Kalia ...... Bird ....... It is no longer ...... all that late. He's seen ...... it, you know.

 Kalia's silver eyes widened slightly.