32-Reason for the crime

''Ryota-sama, I'm so sorry! 

 No! Is the window flower really going to squeeze out of these people? Stop it! Please stop it! Take a closer look. No matter how you look at it, it's already empty!

 Do you think you could squeeze these people for window flowers and come up with something? Your cheeks are burned and scrawny... you're not just going to squeeze, you're going to starve to death. 

Um, window flowers? He's pretty skinny, and even if he's a bandit, there's something going on... 

''Bandits are to be exterminated. Even if they are skinny, they must have some reserves if they are alive! Let me take you to your residence first. Ryota-sama would you like to get rid of it here if you don't want to?

  But I couldn't have an opinion because I was afraid of the window flower's spirit like Hannya...

 I'm really sorry I'm a speculator. On top of this, I'll manage to steal the eye of the window flower and offer it to you.

 Eventually. I gave the former bandits the rope and had them voluntarily tie my hands, and we had to go to the hiding place with beads tied together... On the way, the former bandits almost fell down several times.

 Please! At least give me a place to live!

 However, it's your job. So you have to interview people while you're on the road. I hope you have the stamina left to have a conversation.

Why the bandits? I don't think I'm cut out for it at all, and for all intents and purposes I look like a farmer.

 If you're going to call yourself a bandit, you should at least unify with your head. My men call me village chief, right? You're obviously a villager, right? It makes me feel like a bandit...

'All hands to the village, help! The demon attacked me, food came with it, and I made the bandits do it!

 It's getting harder and harder...
 Mr. Windowflower, can we stop now?
 If you squeeze this out, you're going to die for sure, okay?

I couldn't stand it any longer and asked him for details.

 According to the village chief, once the lord of the land, a baron, came to defeat the demon. However, he was beaten back so badly that he even threw away his equipment and fled in a flash.

 It's a horrible story, but it hasn't been talked about at all, and the lord probably covered it up.

 Probably after the village was destroyed and the demons left. I think the plot is that [When we rushed to the rescue, it was too late].

 The boss of the demon is a Kong Troll. A dozen or so muscle orcs, mounted on large crocodile tortoises (giant alligator turtles) and equipped with the equipment of returning knights and soldiers, are guarding the boss.

'That's unfortunate, spicy but the bandits won't be missed.

 As an otherworldly person, I have no idea what a demon is, even if I only heard its name. So I decided to ask Midea.

I'm sure you'll be able to find out more about this. But they don't have a lot of back oil and their magic core is small, right?

 Although we call them all the same thing as a nucleus, the essence is the magic power that has been stored in the body. Therefore, it has various shapes. A major ordinary orc is crystallized on the right side, opposite of the heart. It is also the organ that stores magic power for long periods of time away from the demon area.

 A goblin with no flavor has a similar accumulation of calcium and minerals. The nucleus is contained in the bones, and the bones with a low density of magic nuclei take the place of the nucleus. Therefore, they have no commercial value.

 Others are in liquid form in organs like bags, or in fat cells. There are multiple stockpiling patterns. Crystalline and liquid forms seem to be the most common, but except for major demons, they are unreliable.

 Yes, it's not a game, but.......at least they should have a unified direction of evolution!

 In case you're wondering, Window Flower's predicted method of stockpiling magic power for Muscle Orcs.

 Oh well, let's ask Midea to continue...

"Cong trolls are giants, averaging 4 meters in length with long, curly hair. They're like sheep. The hair on his body is covered with qigong, which prevents magic and weapons. Moreover, because it is a troll species, it has a high regenerative capacity and is very difficult to defeat.

 The number of demon nuclei is large but small and dispersed throughout the body. Moreover, it seems that there are only about two orcs' worth of them in total.

 Except for the small magic nuclei, they are probably stored in the body hair. Moreover, when the body hair dies, the qigong disappears and the body hair has no value at all, a harassment-like ecosystem.

 The value of the product is inversely proportional to its strength from earlier? That's right, it's not a video game or a novel, right? But isn't it usually proportional?

 Ohhhhh. Next.....

The Great Crocodile Tortoise was large and sturdy enough for a troll to ride on, with a large horned head that looked like a lizard. Its carapace is also strong and resilient and can bounce back even with mace. But I heard that it could be processed into a beautiful, durable, amber-colored crafting material that could be sold for a lot of money.

 Finally, finally, finally, yah! There's a demon with commercial value!

 It's like tortoiseshell in the story. In ancient times, it was treated as jewelry and replaced with plastic.

 Apparently it is less valuable than the real thing. Still, they fetch a high price, and more importantly, the quantity is large. This is your chance to get a lot of money!

 While he was consulting with Midia, Window Flower was using Window Flower to find out from the village chief what was gold or valuable....

 You'd think they'd be selling them for food by now, wouldn't you?

 It used to be just me, a human, but Midia looks like an elf as long as she hides the tips of her ears with a hat, hood, etc. Therefore, it's not surprising that she's accompanied by a spirit. That's why window flowers and Mogu are also showing themselves proudly.

 According to the window flower's inquiries, the hemp field is safe, probably because it's not a food source. If they can be harvested, they can be cashed in and may be able to buy some food.

 And there is a coal mine that was abandoned by the dwarves during the prospecting stage because the amount of coal mined was so low. There might be some coal in their possession, though it's not much. And, although there isn't much, they say they can get lead, zinc and tin.

 But it was the crystal that the window flowers ate up the most. Maybe he wanted it so badly that he took the request to defeat it as an actual reward.

 The Demon Exterminator (provisionally) is me and Midia... Well, I was going to exterminate them, and I couldn't go against them anyway!

 If you wanted window flowers and shiny things, I wish you had told me ahead of time. I'll give you some spending money, so please don't squeeze too much out of these people.