60 Toward the reunion

"Lime! You! What the hell were you thinking, bringing the human race into this village!

The man who was getting angry was a cat-man from the village. Ah, finally a normal pattern of entering a village and being rejected... I guess I've been too lucky so far. Masaru was moved in an unorthodox way... It's a really unimportant feeling.

"Because...because .... I'm sorry.

Lime's ears flattened in fear.

It's not because! I'm sure you're not the only one. What are you doing without your prey and your bow?

"Stop talking like a stupid nobleman and listen to Lime. Listen to Lime.

What the hell? I'm sure you're not the only one.

The man then draws a dagger from behind his waist and holds it up.

I'm sure you're ready for this.

It's a good idea to have a good idea of what you're looking for.

Where did that come from? It's a good thing. Take this!

You'll be able to use it as a weapon, and you'll be able to use it as a weapon of war.


You'll be able to find a lot of people who are interested in this. In the event you're not sure what you're looking for, there are a few things you can do.

That's dangerous! It's a good thing I know what I'm doing, because you're going to have to take a bit of a beating. ...Adelina! Here's your sword, just be careful!

I handed Adelina a slender self-defense sword from the item box, using my own body as a shadow, and turned to the beastman man. He glanced at Rhyme, but he was completely frightened and his body went rigid.

"Where did you get all those weapons? You clown, you're going to die sorry you ever challenged me!

This time, he held his dagger and stepped forward, closing the distance with erratic movements.

"Clown... you're good... how about this?

This time, he pulls out a spare chain from the item box with his left hand, which is not holding his sword, and calms it down. It's a good idea to have a good idea of what you're looking for.

I'm not a fan of this kind of thing.

I'm not sure if this is a good idea or not, but it's a good idea.

"Cowardly? I'm not sure that's the kind of thing you want to hear from a man who throws a knife at a woman by surprise!

He spits out the word and at the same time, kicks her from the chains without mercy! The impact sends you flying like a piece of wood, but the chains won't allow it! It's a good idea to have a good idea of what you're going to do with your life.

"Are you okay? Is that too much?

"Are you okay, Adelina? The knife you threw was poisoned.

What? This guy is even more disgusting than I thought... he reminds me of those idiots from the Order. I remember those idiots from the Order.

"Could it be you, Adolf?

I knew that idiot was up to something. .... No.

I'm sure you'll be able to understand that I'm not the only one who has a problem with this. Adelina?

Adelina? ......... Why don't you shut up.

I'm not sure if you've seen this before, but I'm sure you've seen it before.

"Come on, Rime! Let's talk about the bear first!

"What? Okay, okay, okay! Listen up, everyone! There was a bear with four arms near here! Where is it...? You didn't tell me. .... "Lime...

"Lime... weren't you supposed to be fixing your language?

A young man from the werewolf tribe came out. He's probably close to Lime.

Let me apologize first. This cat-man, Goro, has had a rough time since he lost his fiancée, Yuzu, in a previous battle with the humans. He wasn't that bad to begin with, but... can you please forgive him?

Really? I'm not sure how that happened... but ....

Is yuzu still alive? The yuzu is alive, right? "They say she's alive!

The words woke up the supposedly unconscious Goro.

"Yuzu's alive! Don't lie to me! Yuzu was killed in the battle with the humans. .... You're lying!

"Did you see him die or something?

No, I haven't seen him, but is he really alive?

The beasties who lost the battle were working for the humans, but he freed them... so he's officially their master, but they're doing fine.

"! ...Are you sure the warriors are still alive? If that's the case, I couldn't be happier. .... I'm alive!

I told you they're alive! I'm not sure if this is a good idea or not, but it's a good idea. I'm trying to build a city of beasts.

"So, so! No, no, no, no. The bear comes first.

Oh, Mr. Lime is angry.

Oh, Mr. Lime is angry. Well, is that bear around?

I ran into one yesterday... and I thought it was a bad idea because I'm no match for it. So I was wondering if you had any suggestions on how to deal with it?

Finally, I'll get to the point... you're taking the long way around.

Yesterday... that means we have to run. If I had the strength to deal with that bear, I wouldn't have run away to fight a mankind. You're right.

You're right.

Do you have any idea where you're going? I don't think so... we're already on the run. I mean...

That's right. How did you two manage to escape from that bear?

"Hmm? He wasn't hungry, so he just let us go. No matter how fast you run, if you race against it, it's going to be faster than you. ...I think I need to prepare something to fight with for now. .... I don't know.

"I can't imagine fighting that... hahaha. I can't imagine.

I can't imagine." Masaru and the young werewolf man are laughing as if they are escaping reality.

"......... What are you laughing at? You have to decide what you're going to do!

Adelina? You've just thrown the decision away, haven't you? ...Well, okay...

I'm sorry I'm late, but my name is Kiva. I'm the leader of this group. I'm the leader of this group, but I only became the leader because I was lucky enough to win in a contest of strength. So we're going to fight him.

"So if we have to fight him, we'll be on the front lines together! Nice to meet you, Kiva!

Oh no! I think I just said something really unnecessary. It's too late.

It's too late, just give up. You're looking good, Goro.

And so the preparations for the bear gear against the beastmen began.