73 73. Those who know Kensei

 I stood in front of Iris, sword at the ready.
 There were two behind me, one in front, and another at a distance - from the looks of Aria, she was not in the fight.

(I wonder if my persuasion worked, or if ......)

 She glances at Iris behind her.
Iris quickly stood up and faced the two behind her.

"Sir, Kufilio Notria is that child.
"! You're not the man in the white coat over there, are you?
"Hello, nice to meet you. Alta Schweizer.

 The boy, Kufilio, makes a slight gesture of greeting.
 The boy, Kufilio, still looked relaxed - from the signs of combat, he would have been superior even if he had gone toe to toe with Iris.

You know who I am, don't you?
"I've done some research. I didn't expect to find someone as skilled as you in this country. ...... To be honest, I didn't expect it. I didn't think the kingdom would be an enemy of ours.
I'm not sure what to make of that. Well, maybe that's why you're comfortable.
Well, yeah. But it's true that it was because of you that the assassination of Aena Baudel became so difficult. It seems that Aena herself was trying to lure us out.

 Kufilio looked to a place a little further away.
 Aena and Mercier are waiting there - Aena was about to come to our side, but I stopped her. There's no need to put her in the center of the enemy force when she's being targeted.

To be honest, I'm glad you took me up on my offer.
"Haha, you're right. I think you and I would get along.
I don't know. I don't think I'd get along with you, Mr. Iris, but get down.

 Alta was the first to move.
 I'm not sure what to do, but I'm going to do it.
 It's a great way to make sure you don't get caught in the middle of the action.
 Their last-minute evasive maneuvers are very similar to Aria's.
 The Kufirio in front of me also has a face just like Aria's.

It seems that what Mr. Mercier said is true.

 --According to what I've heard, the people who belong to the Shadow Apostles are all related by blood.
 That's not an exaggeration, they are family.
 ...... even if they are made up.

"You're fast. You look like a sword saint.

 Kufilio said, running towards me.
 The fact that he's still running straight at me, even after seeing my swordsmanship, shows that he's absolutely confident in his ability to fight. He is holding a dagger. The shorter the weapon, the faster the swing.
 My sword and Kufilio's dagger crossed - if they had magical effects, my blue armored sword would have a poisonous effect that would kill the effect.
 First, we hit each other repeatedly. The sound of clashing swords and daggers rang out, and I stepped backwards to support Iris' body.

"What, Sensei ......? I'm fine! I'm not injured!
"Oh, I see. I didn't have enough time to check on Iris's condition.

 Iris looks a little surprised.
 It's not that Kufilio is using any kind of trickery. --It was just a pure slash fight, and I was on equal footing.

I'm sure we'll get along just fine. Your sword is really like a sword saint.
You say that like you know it.
Yes, I do. At least I know a man named Raoul Isaruf.

 --That's not just a hearsay kind of statement.
 It sounds like you've met him before.
 Of course, I don't have Kufilio in my memory. ...... I don't remember everything about the people I've fought, but at least I'd remember them if they were this good.
 I'm sure you'll be able to.

(This dagger is used in the same way as Aria's.) At least, I don't know of any organization called the Shadow Apostle, and I've never fought against one. If it's possible, I've seen them on the battlefield. (Well, this Kufilio is probably ......)

 I put Iris down and kicked the ground to close the distance between me and Kufirio. Once again, the sword and dagger fights began.
 First three blows. I launch myself at Kufirio.
 I avoid the first blow. He slashes away the second blow, and counters the third blow with his own sword.
 I dodge out of the way. Then, with a wave of my left hand, I unleash Invisible. Kufirio also uses his dagger to block the invisible high-speed blade.
 Another series of blows. I could see Kufilio smiling in the midst of the slash.

Well, you're certainly strong. I'm strong, but I'm not going to lose.

 I'll figure it out as we go. I'm sure Kufilio is aware of this.
 His physical abilities and reactions are impressive, but he's only able to block and dodge my swordsmanship.
 On the other hand, Kufirio's dagger swing is fast, but not enough to kill me.
 As we pass each other, a blow is struck - a dagger slightly grazing my cheek, and a blow from my sword on Kufirio's shoulder.
 Fresh blood flew through the air.


 It was the younger of the two who had been standing by who shouted in agitation. He was just about to move.

"Don't move, it's me and Alta.

 Kufilio stopped him.
 It seemed that Kufilio had ordered them not to move.

Shouldn't they all come together?
"I need you two to keep Iris in check.

 As Kufilio had said, Iris had already regained her position and was facing the two assassins.
 I'm fighting with Kufilio, and the only thing I care about is the other guy. A man in a white ...... coat.
 I glanced at him, but he was calmly showing me the situation.

(...... At first glance, he doesn't seem to be much of a fighter compared to the other three. And he's not the only one who looks like Aria.

He was working with the Shadow Apostle, but only the man seemed different in this situation.
 I'm not sure what to make of this.
 ......, but it is strange that he is a child in the first place.
 I'm not sure what to make of it, but I think it's a good idea.

"Oh, you're worried about that guy? Well, then you don't seem to understand everything.
Yeah, that's my origin. Apparently, our information leaked from another notebookia. ...... is really full of defects.
Another notebookia. ...... I see. Your words have made a lot of sense to me.
It's funny, right?
It's not funny at all.

 In this case, it was Aria who had the problem.
 To her, they were her real family. Naturally, I began to understand Aria's reasoning for turning to the enemy, but that would not solve everything unless Aria made a move.
 At that moment, the man who had been watching from the sidelines opened his mouth.

"Hmm, you seem to be struggling, Kufilio.
I don't need your help.
"Of course not. I'm weak, unlike you. But I'm sure you understand the situation. If we continue like this, we'll lose. So let's change the plan. Leave the two Nautria and we'll flee... how about that?
"...... might be the only way.

 The two of them start talking about such a plan in front of me.
 In the event that you're in a position to do this, you'll be able to do so with the help of your own personal computer.
 The two assassins who were facing Iris started to move at the same time.
 But what prevented them from doing so was a knife thrown by Aria, who had stopped some distance away.

"...... Aria!

 Aria's sudden action caught Iris off guard.
 The two assassins positioned themselves between me and each of them threw their knives to the left and right.

"Four-way ward.

 At the same time, a ward is placed over me.
 When the three of them saw that I was trapped in the wards, they ran from the scene.

"...... Sorry, Iris. Doctor, please don't ...... kill us both.

 Aria let out a pleading voice and ran away from the scene.
 Iris glanced at me.

"I'm sorry, sir.

 I'm sorry, sir." She muttered a single word, and Iris ran from the scene.
 I guess she was apologizing for her choice to go after Aria instead of helping me.

There's no need to apologize, though.
...... You've got a lot of leeway. Well, we're only here to hold you back. You'll be there for a while.
And in the meantime, we'll fight Aena and the others?
If they come, so be it. But our job is to stop you. As long as we can do that, the rest doesn't matter.

 The voices of a young man and a young girl answered each other.
 Both of them took off their masks, and what they saw was a face similar to Aria's.

"- Stalling. I'm sure you can do it for a few seconds.
"What? !

 The young man's expression is one of surprise.

 One or two blows couldn't break the wards.
 It's a strong structure. But there's nothing that can't be destroyed by repetition.
 With just a few blows to the exact same spot in the exact same way, the wards that held me were instantly shattered.
 Taking advantage of the momentary gap created, I unleash the Invisible.
 The two assassins fell to the ground.

"...... Don't kill me, right? I knew it was them that Aria wanted.

 As I look at the two fallen men, I finally become convinced.
 There are two remaining enemies - Kufilio and the other man that Iris chased.