9  Old man, talk about people's love

 Hanging around the orphanage is a young man named Zveit van Solstair, the son of the Grand Duke, who is also the lord of this city.
 He was accompanied by two knights guarding him, and was arguing with a sister in front of the orphanage church.

 He belonged to the high school of the Istor Academy of Magic, and although his grades were reasonably good, he was violent and was a problem child to the point of being extremely disliked by the teachers.
 This is due to the fact that the academy itself has become a place where mages fight for factions and socialize to secure personnel, and he belongs to one of the two major factions.
 The two major factions are the Weasler faction and the St. Germain faction.

 The Weasler faction produces many offensive mages who focus on actual combat, while the Saint Germain faction produces many theoretical mages who put research first, and both factions have made significant contributions to this country.
 But that was in the past, and now both factions are obsessed with power and are in a position to stare each other down.
 Their common enemy is the Order of Knights, but they cannot confront each other outwardly, and now they are in a state of cold war.
 Zveit is a member of the Weasler faction, and as the eldest brother of the Grand Dukes of Solstair, he is favored and looked upon favorably by those around him.
 Of course, his ability is at the top of the school's rankings, but this also contributes to his attitude.

 In fact, the Weasler School was home to his grandfather, Creston, and he believed that he would be the one to succeed him as the Mage of Purgatory.
 In addition, the people around him have been praising him so much that he has gotten carried away and is now one step away from being a dirty person.

 He is now of age.
 It was only a matter of time before he fell in love with the sister who runs the orphanage he happened to see last summer, and started following her around like a harassment.
 She came back during the summer and winter vacations, and every time she came back, she messed with me every day.
 No, it may have been too late. It's a bit like a stalker's mind.

"So, give it up and be my girl. How long are you going to stay in this orphanage?
"Wherever I am, it's my own decision. I don't need you to tell me what to do!
How long do you think this bullshit will last? I'm going to do whatever it takes to get what I want. That includes you, Luceris, of course.

 Luceris was picked up by an orphanage and raised there.
 At the time, there were still children in the same situation and monks and priests to take care of them, but the situation changed when Luceris finished his training as a priest and returned to the orphanage.

 The orphanage is subsidized by the government and run by the priests of the Four Divine Religions on their behalf.
 Therefore, Luceris also became a priest and helped with the operation, while also training to treat the residents of the neighborhood at a discount.
 It was at this time that Zveit appeared.

 With a strong desire to be a hero, he saw her as a saint who healed the people for a low price, and took action to make her his own.
 Well, when he first approached her, he said, "Hey, you! Be my woman! That makes me question his sanity.
 Even if you're not Luceris, you'll want to say, "What? Even if it wasn't Luceris, it would have made her want to say, "What?
 After that, I politely refused, but perhaps he was so frustrated that he divided the orphanage itself into four parts under the guise of training to gain experience in the lord's work.

 Ostensibly, he said that the existence of the orphanage would destroy the scenery of the city, but in reality, it was clear that his purpose was to isolate Luceris.
 However, this action led to him being disliked, and Luceris became stubbornly cold towards Tsveit, who was always trying to woo him.
 This makes him more and more stubborn, and encourages him to take a harder stance.

 In short, it was a quagmire.

"To begin with, I hate you very much. How can you expect me to forgive a cowardly and vile person who takes advantage of people's weakness? You are a disgusting person.
But you can say that while you're at it. You can't stay here when the new business is approved, you'll end up coming crying to me. For the kids' sake.
"This is truly vile. I pity the people when they think this is their next lord. I'm going with my brother, Master Croesus.
Bastard! You think that black-hearted bastard is better than me?
"He's far better than that scumbag who wields power without thinking!

 I don't know if you'd call this a lovers' quarrel, but it's a pretty emotional clash .

 If you're not careful, you'll end up in a situation that's more than just an injury.
 For example, if Zveit were to cut down Luceris, he would make enemies of all four religions.
 This could lead to an international problem with religious nations.
 If such a situation were to occur, the Grand Dukes of Solstice, even though they are the last of the royal families, could be crushed.
 He doesn't realize that in a sense, this is a crisis for the viceroy, since the royal family, the original family, cannot defend him.
 He was acting on the theory of a bully, and his pride made him a nasty person.

I'm sure you'll be able to understand why I've been so impressed with your work." "So, ...... means he's already been dumped, but he's still pining after the sister's ass.
"Yes, that's right. You're a child.
You call a child a child? ...... He's not so lucky. Oh, he's not dead.
I've been trying so hard to get him to turn me on, but I can't, can I?
You can't move up from being friends with him, no matter how hard you try.
 I feel sorry for him, but his first love is completely ruined because of his own actions. There's no way to fix it.

 When they turned around, a shabby mage was chatting with the children of the orphanage.
 And he was looking at them, explaining and analyzing the situation.

He said, "You want me to be your woman right after we meet? I don't know if you're a confident person, a fool, or both. The first thing you should have done is to ...... pretend to be a coincidence and have a natural conversation.
 For example, you could have said, "Thank you for your efforts, Sister, your healing for my people is very painful.
Oh, that's so cool!
"Since we're meeting for the first time, first impressions are important, right? You're meeting him for the first time, so first impressions are important.
"First mistake?
That's uncool!
That's uncool. You don't want to be that, do you?

 And he was analyzing their encounter objectively.

What happened after that is what's wrong. You split up the orphanage to increase the number of times you can meet each other, and you assigned an orphanage in the old city where it's even less safe.

 I don't like the way you're trying to get me to rely on you.
Sister said the same thing, didn't she?
Of course. You're the next lord of the house, so you should be aware of the public's perception of you.
 If word gets out, it would be nothing but a disgrace, and the people's trust in you would be further diminished. This is a random and ignorant mistake that an incoming lord should not make.
"My favorability rating is going down the toilet.
"Goodbye love, goodbye lord.
"It's all over, isn't it?

 It's been said all sorts of things, but from an outsider's point of view, it's the right thing to do.
 For that reason, Zveit was shaking his shoulders and stifling his anger.
 I don't know if he was aware of it or if he realized it after the fact, but he was reminded that he had completely screwed up and there was nothing he could do about it.
 That's why I'm so angry. .......

I'm not sure what to make of this. It's not going to work.
「「「「 Sissies, sissies, big mistake! 」」」」
I'm sure you have the guts to come and see me. But it's pointless, because you're too far gone to do anything about it. It would be more graceful to regret your infancy and give up.
「「「「 Lost love, lost job, goodbye life! 」」」」
"No, I didn't kill myself. No, I didn't kill myself. I'll have to live with the shame. ......

 Children are relentless.

If you bow your head and apologize for what you've done, that might change some things, but it's too late for that.
 It's not a situation that can be corrected, and it would be best to give up gracefully. Now, you can still keep your way as a lord.
You're going to use your broken heart as leverage for your work, aren't you?
I'm happy for you.
"A bad move can be fatal! Every second counts.
Do you want to be an adult? Or do you want to be a kid again? I don't know, do you?

 It may have been small talk between children, but it was a matter of life and death for the person who was told.
 In the first place, since they were arguing loudly in this kind of traffic, there would be witnesses.
 Furthermore, as an aristocrat who cares about public opinion, it is natural for him to make himself look good, and when he threatens without any shame or appearance, he is already OUT.
 Because he had never encountered such a situation, Zveit did not even realize the situation he was in.
 Yes, he was in a fatal situation, and if word got out, the title of lord could go to his brother.

There is a responsibility that comes with action. "Actions come with responsibility, and he failed to do so and acted on his emotions, which led to the cliffhanger of both love and the next lord.
That's what you call stupidity, isn't it?
I'd rather have a skewer.
Come on, old man, let's eat.
I don't care if the lord's son is dead.


 The two men who were arguing with each other and the knights guarding them were speechless.

 It's not so much a problem for Luceris because he's the victim, but for Zveit it's a huge problem and the people are making fun of him.
 In addition, considering the fact that there have been many witnesses, there is a high possibility that the rumor has already spread.

"Oh, um... ・・・・・
"What is it? Sister's daughter.
You're ....... Who are you?
I'm just a civilian who happened to get tangled up with these girls. "Old man, give me some meat.

 Luceris glared at the children and they all used Xelloss as a shield.
 They're surprisingly thick, and they seem to be alive and kicking.

I'm so sorry, ....... We've been struggling to make ends meet due to lack of donations. ......
"Oh, ...... you've gone that far. This seems to be the end of the line.
It's a cowardly move. It makes me question your humanity.

 Apparently, Zveit had exposed himself in front of her in a dignified manner.
 I can't help but wonder if he's really a good student.

Do you want all the power you can get? Some people are not dominated by power and authority. ...... That's stupid.
He doesn't understand that.
It doesn't matter. It's the skewers. ......
I'm sorry, I'm a complete stranger! I'll make sure you get your money back. ......

 Lucerys bows her head again and again.
 I'm sure you'll be able to understand why I'm feeling sorry for you.

It's not a problem. If you donate to the cause, ...... the children will have problems if they don't eat enough.
I'm so sorry! I'm really sorry, but are you sure?
I just bought about fifty of them, and come to think of it, I can't eat them all. Ha-ha-ha-ha.
Wow, that's quite a haul. ......
It's a big buy. My income was more than I thought it would be. ...... I hope the price of magic stones doesn't drop. ......

 Luceris had a strange feeling about the mage in front of him.
 He looked disheveled and suspicious, but he couldn't feel any of the magic that he could feel around Xellos.
 All people can release magic power, and it can be used to sense people.
 It's an ability that everyone who uses magic has, and if you're a skilled magician, the effects will show up in your skills.
 In the event that you've got a lot of money, you'll be able to use it to get the most out of your money.

The mage between his eyes sensed something was different, "Magic detection? I'm not sure what level you're at, but I'd say you're around 20. You won't be able to feel my magic then. It's too big.
You are not the only one who can sense magic power. Well, it's basically automatic, and you're only top-notch if you can use it to your advantage.

 The fact that you can't sense magic is not because you're weaker than him, it's because you're within Zeroth's magical sphere.
 It is quite common to fight a demon and think that you are weak, but you are almost destroyed, and then you manage to escape and feel the magnitude of its power for the first time, so Luceris experienced the same thing.
 The lower your skill level, the more likely it is to happen, so you need to block your own magic when you enter your opponent's magic zone. You have to feel it with your whole body to know exactly what it is.

I'm sorry. ・・・・・
It's not a problem. Don't worry about it.
But I've made a terrible mistake. ......
I've been guilty of that too. I've been doing that for a while now. ......

 Luceris is eighteen years old and of marriageable age.
 It's a good idea to have a good idea of what you're looking for.
 I'm sure you'll be pleased to know that I'm not the only one who's interested in this.
 He was what was known as a "titty alien".

"Oh my God!
You've got a great one. ....... I've never had a woman in my life, and I know it's rude, but my eyes just... I'm sorry.
I'm sorry about that. 「「「「 Old man, you're so hot! 」」」」

 It's a good idea to have a good idea of what you're looking for.
 I'm sure you'll be able to understand why.

I'm not sure what to make of this. Excuse me. ......

 You're right, I'm not interested in the Guinness Book of World Records for super big tits.
 He's got a thing for them.

I thought you were a polite man. ......
He's an old man. I'm an old man, and I do enjoy a little dirty talk. I'm still quiet.

 The teary-eyed, shame-stained woman aroused Xelloss's curiosity.
 But he stifled his desire and kept his composure.

"It's obscene. It's shameful! It's naughty!
"You'd be right to think all men are erotic. Of course they are. ......

 The three men, including Zveit, turned their heads away at once.
 It seems that you've hit the nail on the head.

I'm sure they are. That's disgusting!
I'm sure men will look at a beautiful woman like you, ....... I'm sure men will look at a beautiful woman like you.
You're either homos*xual or you've had a bad experience with women. Perhaps some of the people you've treated have had the same kind of looks.
That's ...... not possible. ・・・・・
How can you be so sure? For men, a beautiful woman is synonymous with the unknown. There is no end to the number of adventurers who try to jump into it.
 You should be aware of that. You should know that you are far above the average woman. ......

 At that moment, Luceris turned over, her face as red as a tomato.
 She has long platinum blonde hair that she wears in a bun down her back, and her proportions are so good that even the best models run for cover.
 She has a lovely face with a hint of innocence, and if she were to take a firm stance, it would be easy to say that she looks like a saint.
 However, having been born and raised as an orphan, she was unaware of her own attractiveness.
 So Luceris said, "Beauty ...... me? No! But ......," she muttered to herself.

In the event that you're looking for the best way to get the most out of your wedding, you'll want to look at the following.
"Oh! Yes, that's right! Let's see, ...... the kitchen, ・・・・・.

 She was so embarrassed that she blushed when she was told she was beautiful, but she hurriedly tried to respond.
 As a side note, she doesn't know that during her training as a priestess, the male priests struggled to shake off their annoyances.
 She was attracting men without question. And without even realizing it: .......

I'm sure you'll be pleased to know that I'm not the only one.
「「「「 meat ~~~~~~~~~~~~ handsome! 

 They are energetic children.

 Then, as he was led, Xellos tried to head into the orphanage, but ......

You think you can get away with insulting a nobleman for free?

 Zveit stopped me.

"Oh, you're still here? You've already been severely rejected, you know? You've got a lot of guts.
"Shut up! I don't know what faction of mages you are, but you gray-robed bastards are making fun of me. ......
"Gray robes? Are you by any chance deciding the rank of mages by the color of their robes?
What? I'm sure you've heard of it. The rank of the mage changes in order from gray, black, red, and white, with gray robes indicating the lowest level of mage.
 A gray-robed mage is as low as a fledgling mage, and I'm not a red-robed mage.

 You'll be able to find a lot of people who are interested in this.

Can I have a word with you?
What is it?
I'm a mage who came to this country from outside. I understand that the color of the country's robes determines the order of power, but that doesn't mean it applies to me, does it?

 I'm not sure what to make of this.
 You need to have a very high level of detecting skills to be able to estimate the strength of your opponent.

"Hmm, so what? I'm a high-ranking mage. I'm sure you're not the only one.
I'm not sure what to make of that. I'm not sure what to make of it, but I'm sure it's a good idea.
 It's also a good idea to have a good idea of what's going on in your life. It's a good thing you have a grudge.
I'm sure you're not the only one. I can't let those weaklings kill me! "Fireball!

 He didn't like the fact that Xelloss had been allowed into the orphanage.
 He suddenly conjured a spell without chanting and shot it at Xelloss.
 But .......


 ---Boshu: .......

 The moment Xelloss made a careless fist, the fireball instantly dissipated.

"What? You're not a mage, are you?
I'm a mage. I'm a mage, but I'm also skilled in combat. What does that matter?
You're not a mage, are you?
I'm more of a swordsman, but you don't need magic or swords for that. You can use your fists alone to deal with this.

 I'm not sure if you've heard of it, but I have.
 In the event that you're in the market for a brand-new pair of shoes, you're going to want to take a look at this.

I'm sure you've heard of it." "Huh, ......, a mage needs close combat. What's so surprising about that?
"Hey, you guys, ...... buy some time. I'm going to burn this bastard to death!
Ha! Yes, sir.
At your service, Master Zveit!

 The knights put their hands on their swords and looked at Xellos.
 This is a disadvantage for knights who have not drawn their weapons, as they can fight with their fists.
 I'm not sure what to make of it.

You've got your hand on your sword. Are you sure?
What's that, ......?
If you pull it out, I'll assume you're ready to die.

 A cold sweat ran down their backs.
 At first glance, nothing seems to have changed, but clearly the atmosphere has changed.
 The knights couldn't move. ...... They felt as if there was a huge, ferocious monster in front of them.

What are you doing? Go!
"But... ......
"Mr. Zveit ......, this man ・・・・・・・・ is too strong ・・・・.
"Zveit ...... level 53, Torquesa, level 60, Santos, level 64. That's too weak. It's not worth talking about.

 The other two have not revealed their names or levels, aside from Zveit.
 No, even Zveit has not revealed his level.
 To begin with, you need to have appraisal skills to see other people's status, and at the same time, you need to have a high skill level to see everything.
 It is normal for an individual's status to be visible only to its owner, with the exception of appraisal skills and some magic tools.
 However, Xellos does not possess any magic tools. So, the answer is obvious.

"Or is it appraisal skills, ・・・・・?
Yes, I can see all your statuses. Do you know what that means?
You're much stronger than all of us. ・・・・・・
It's ridiculous. ...... Someone of that caliber would be rumored to be... well, that's why they're dressed so fishy.
I'd like to be able to take down a wyvern by myself, at least. Well, there's not much difference.

 The man in front of me was a man of unimaginable power.
 For the first time in his life, Zveit, who had been wearing the red robe of a high ranking mage, met a powerful man.
 And he had fought with him.

"d*mn it! Purgatory flames, become a swarming dragon and destroy your enemy. My ancestor is a destroyer from the underworld. ・・・・・・
What? Master Zveit, that spell!
Do you mean to burn this city to the ground?
Hahahahahahaha! That leeway has paid off for you, eat up Drag Inferno Distraction!

 There were countless Red Lotus Flaming Dragons flying around Xelloss.
 But Xelloss could only breathe a sigh.

"I've already seen it. Phantom Rush.

 Instantly, Xelloss moved at high speed as if he were splitting into countless pieces, obliterating all the flame dragons with just a fist and a kick.
 This kind of wide-ranging attack magic can be minimized if it is crushed before the embodied physical phenomenon is fully activated.
 Everyone was taken aback by the insane strategy.

This is the last time.

 The last of the flaming dragons dissipated with a kick, and he scratched his shaggy head carelessly as if nothing had happened.
 He scratched his shaggy head carelessly as if nothing had happened. He acted as if he was insignificant.
 He had just defended a city with a fist and a kick against a spell that could have burned it to the ground without causing any damage.

You're much more powerful than Creston, aren't you? Well, I guess that's what you get for a level 50.
You can't be serious. ・・・・・・ is my best magic. It's so easy to ......
Hey, ・・・・・, now ・・・・
"Oh, ・・・・, the name of my predecessor, the Duke, is ・・・・・.
Oh, did I mention that? I'm currently staying at Mr. Creston's house.
I've never heard of him!

 In other words, you are an acquaintance of the retired man.
 At the same time, it would be a bad situation for Zveit.

"I don't think so. ・・・・・
"I'll be sure to report you. You're going to have to pay for your own misdeeds, aren't you?
Stop it! If you do that, you'll get me killed!
I refuse. What did you do to that Sister's child? I'm a scum mage.
 I have a policy of showing no mercy to scum mages. I'm sure you'll be able to understand why.
I'm sure you'll be happy to hear that.
"No, a mage is a seeker of truth. A mage is a seeker of truth. A mage is not a person who gets involved in politics and stains the path.

 I can't accept a mage who gets involved in politics and defiles the path.

(Well, maybe it'll help a little. (Well, it'll be a good medicine for a little while, because it's only a tragedy when those in power do as they please.

 I don't care about him because he is a complete stranger.
 In addition, he just wanted to look like a mage and was just trying to be cool for no particular reason.
 Xellos is fine as long as the other mages and nobles don't get involved with him.

"By the way, Sister? It's skewered meat. ......
Hi! It's ...... over here!
What's wrong? What's wrong? You didn't seem to be at home.
It's nothing! It's nothing!
You're biting me.

 I'm sure you'll be pleased to know that I'm not the only one who has a problem with this.
 Behind them, the children are saying, "Kuuuzo~. I'm going to eat meat!

 Zveit, who was left behind, collapsed in a heap on the spot.
 He would have to pay for his sins.

 Afterwards, Xelloss had dinner at the orphanage and returned to the villa.