14  Old men, go to the danger zone with your disciple...

 The Grand Duchy of Solistea, the villa ...... was bustling in the early morning of that day.
 No, rather, knights fully equipped with weapons and armor were walking around, giving the impression that it was more serious than lively.
 There were about fifteen of them, and their duty was to escort the duke's son and daughter.
 The reason why the former Duke of Creston arranged these knights is to sacrifice his beloved granddaughter to a demon in the name of guarding her.

I'm sure you'll find a lot of people who'd like to know more about this.
I'm sure you'll be happy to hear that.
I think that's enough! How many more sacrifices are you planning to make?

 I'm not sure what to make of this.
 There is no mage in the group, and this alone should give you a good idea of how badly the knights and mages get along.
 The Mage Order has no intention of sending mages to guard them.

I'll protest to you later, Mage Commander. What good is a mage without actual combat?
I agree with you, but you have another purpose...

 Of course, it is a substitute for Celestina.
 In the event that you have any questions concerning where and how to use the internet, you can call us at the web site.

I'm sure you'll be happy to hear that. Couldn't you have called a mage from there?
"Hmm. I'm sorry, but I don't have the skills to give them actual combat. I could have sent them to you, but alas, they all refused.
"I see. ......

 I'm not sure what to make of this. But he didn't dare to say it out loud.
 But I didn't dare to say it, because I already knew that it would be meaningless.  

 In front of this conversation, the knights were loading their belongings into the carriages and getting ready to leave.
 They had prepared as much as they could for a week of combat training, not to mention a huge amount of food, tents, cooking utensils, and other necessities.

"We'll be ready soon, Duke.
"Thank you. Will you take good care of my grandchildren?
"You can count on me. I'll protect them with my life.
"Yes, I will.

 The knight, who bowed reverently to Creston, immediately glanced at Xellos, but suddenly felt something strange.
 It's a good idea to have a good idea of what you're looking for and how to get there.
 However, the mages in front of him clearly gave him the impression that they were similar to him.
 The reason for this is apparent the moment you look away.

I'm not sure what to make of that. I'm sure you'll agree.
I'm not sure what to make of that. I'm sure you'll understand.

 That answer made sense to me.
 The mage in front of me is a fierce warrior who has been through many battles and understands the importance of close combat.
 The mage in front of him was a fierce warrior who understood the importance of close combat.

The battlefield? ...... You seem to understand the importance of close combat.
Of course I do. I'm not sure if I'm going to be able to do that. If you can't protect yourself, you're going to die.

 At this moment, he understands that the mage in front of him is no ordinary person.
 He is clearly a heretic who has been through enough actual battles to know that he will die on the battlefield, and is trying to master magic and swordplay.
 You can infer from the presence on his body that he is a man of considerable ability.

"Excellent. I'd like to show this to the mages in this country, they don't do close combat training.
I'm not sure if it's the mages who die first, or the ones who persevere and rise to power. ...... It's a nasty piece of trash. I pity the earnest mages.
I'm sorry to hear that. It looks like you're not going to have any conflict with us.
It's a good idea to have a good idea of what you're looking for.
 It's a good idea to have a good idea of what you're doing and how you're doing it.
The country is currently divided because of its inability to fulfill this role. I am embarrassed to say that ......
What does a mage have to do with power? We are supposed to be seekers of wisdom. ......

 A strange sympathy developed between Xelloss and the knight.

"I'm sorry. I am the captain of this squad, my name is Aref Gilbert.
"With all due respect, I'm Xellos Merlin. I'm just a seeker.

 We shake hands.

"Lord Xellos is an excellent mage who has taught my two grandsons the essence of magic, and you may have much to learn from him.
"Oh, ......, that's wonderful. I'm sure you'll be able to find something that will help you. Your magic and your skill with the sword are both ...... good.
"Yes, they're both being trained every day. You're both trained every day.
That's wonderful. Do you two know how to defend yourselves? ......
I'm not very good at it yet, but it's been drilled into me.

 This means that even the importance of close combat has been drilled into them.
 The majority of mages don't like such battles and withdraw as soon as their magic power runs out.
 However, in actual war, such a convenient situation does not always exist.
 In the worst case scenario, there could even be a pitched battle that could result in total annihilation.

Those who know actual warfare are different, aren't they? You understand the reality very well.

You're overestimating me. I've almost died many times because of what I lacked. I think it's my duty as an elder to teach you that.
That's enough. The Knight Commander often says, "These days, mages are corrupt. You can't survive on the battlefield with them. I agree with him.
You can't know what's going to happen on the battlefield, so you need to do everything you can. Is this country in such dire need of human resources?
It's a good idea to have a good idea of what you're looking for.

 In short, the mages turned out to be quite naive.
 They are drowning in a baseless sense of security that the rear is safe, and because they have never experienced an actual battlefield, they don't understand how stupid they are.
 They have been so peaceful for so long that they have forgotten the fearlessness of battle.
 It is the knights who have killed people in skirmishes who understand this, while the mages who only shoot magic from behind are too indirect to understand the meaning of taking a life.

"Does the Long Tranquility Corrupt People? "In times of peace, do not forget the disorder." ......
You make a good point. You're right. They don't know how to fight.
All they want is power and research. They're .......

 The mages in this country seem to be extreme to an extreme degree.
 But peace is almost an illusion, and there is always conflict wherever you go.
 Small quarrels, conflicts between villages, and even conflicts between continental nations are just an extension of that.
 Even among the same people, there will be no shortage of conflicts as customs and cultures differ from one country to another, and as religions and other factors come into play.
 Warfare occurs when such conflicts explode due to some action and spread all at once.
 The only difference is whether the scale is large or small, but the essence of the conflict is not so different.
 In the end, it is a conflict between human beings, and there is no such word as justice in it, but at the same time, it is a very vague thing that exists.
 The only ones who lose are those who are involved.

 Mages are neutral in a sense, but the moment they gain power, they disappear, and in the end, their personal desires drive them out of control.
 It's like a dangerous gunpowder that will never make anyone happy.

We're almost ready. How are the Duke's grandchildren getting ready?
I'm sure they're ready, too, but it's ...... late, isn't it?
I don't mind that I'm only wearing my clothes, but I wonder if it will take that long.

 In the event that you've got a lot of money, you'll be able to get a lot of things you need.
 Celestina was stuffed to the gills with a huge bag, and so was Zveit, with an extraordinarily large backpack that I don't know where they sell it.
 The two are shaking and dragging their luggage, as if it is too heavy.

"Ju...... is ready.......
"A little ...... overstuffed? It's heavy .......
"How did you get such a big package?

 I'm not sure what to make of it.
 It seems that Celestina's luggage has increased due to the fact that Xellos can also use alchemy, so he wants to challenge himself.
 Is it my imagination, or does he look like some kind of peddler?

Can't you reduce your luggage?
A woman needs a change of clothes! Do you want me to wear the same underwear all day long?
Do you have any herbal remedies? I'd like to try them out there.

 Both of them were serious.
 They were filled with extraordinary enthusiasm.
 Unable to ignore the enthusiasm of the two young men, Xellos had no choice but to stow his belongings in his inventory.

It's a useful spell, isn't it? What's the principle behind it? ......
It's not hard to figure out. It's not impossible to make one, but ...... I'm not sure how much magic it would take.
Is there any magic you don't understand?
Of course. I'm not a god, I'm just a speck of dust in the eyes of an omnipotent being.

 In the first place, there is no way for a small person to understand the principle of the power that the goddess gave to him.
 The formula itself is theoretically possible, but the magic power required and the sheer volume of the formula are not something that can be controlled.
 In fact, I secretly created a spell that boggles the inventory, but the result turned out to be useless, and it was a difficult and troublesome spell that could not be controlled by theory alone.

Anyway, we're all set. I'll be with you for a week or so.
It's good to have a mage who can help. I'll be counting on you.

 While Aref and Xellos exchanged greetings, in the background, ......

I'm sure you'll be happy to hear that. If any of those knightly fools try to touch you, tell me. I'll take care of them right away.
What are you doing? Grandfather ......
No, you don't have to worry about that. There are some things it's better not to know. ......

 Creston's grandfather gave off a dark vibe as he said goodbye to his granddaughter.

(This old man ...... is not the same person he usually is when his granddaughter is involved ..... I can only say that he is sick.

 He is usually a good man who cares for his people, but when Celestina is involved, he goes out of control.
 It's hard to believe that they are the same person.
 Well, I guess he loves his granddaughter that much, but he's on the verge of danger.

 Zveit had already talked with the knights about their plans for the area.
 Because the knights were also going to the Great Dark Green Zone of Furan for training.
 He must be familiar with the procedures in this area.

 The group then proceeded eastward along the Furan Road in a horse-drawn carriage.
 As the carriage rocked, Zveit asked the question he had been thinking about Xellos for some time.

"Hey, ・・・・・・.
"What is it, Mr. Zveit? Mr. Zveit.
Why are you tutoring Celestina? You don't like to be taken advantage of by powerful people, do you?
Of course I do. So what?
And on top of that, you're getting land from your grandfather as a reward, right? Isn't that a contradiction?

 Xelloss looks up at the blue sky with distant eyes.

I'm not sure what to make of that.
That's no different than being a vagrant.
That's right. I'm not sure if I'm a good person or a bad person. It's healthy for people to work hard and live modestly on what little they earn. And if you want to give me land, I'll take it gratefully.
・・・・・・ You're a lot thicker than I thought you'd be. ......
I don't help those in power, but I think it's a good idea to point out some paths for young people with a future.
Well, ......, I'm sorry, I thought there was more to it than that.
"Don't worry about it. Don't worry about it, it actually smells fishy.

 That's how the conversation went, but what he was really thinking was: ......

You want a house! In this country, I'm a stinky middle-aged man with no connections or trust. I can't find a job that easily!
 I'm not sure what to make of this. I don't even want to be in a cutthroat mercenary family business!

 ...... was pretty close.

 Zeroth Merlin, 40.
 I want to get married, and I want a warm home. I'm at the age where I'm getting impatient with my age.
 He is no longer old enough to go around the world just for fun.

 His detailed dream was to farm in a small house with a warm family.

 We were about to leave the city.

 About two days after the carriage ride, the group was camped in a corner of the Saffron Plains, at the edge of the great deep green of Furan.
 The knights set up tents, Xellos surrounded them with a magical wall of rock, and his two apprentices dug trenches and set up pitfalls around them.

 Only goblins and herbivorous demons appeared in the area.
 On rare occasions, predatory demons also appear, but with their current strength, they are not much of a problem.
 It could be said that they are overpowered, but since they are the guards of a duke's son and daughter, it could be said that they are underpowered.
 The role of the knights is to give the two of them actual combat experience, and at the same time, it is a training period for them to raise their own level.
 The question is whether there will be a suitable partner within this period of time. .......

"Hey, Master, ...... what are you doing?
"Master? I'm ......?
Oh, ......, I'm the one you're teaching magic to. Regardless of your personal feelings, you should treat me with respect, right?
You don't have to worry about it. So, what's the problem?
I was just wondering what you were up to. The magic paper, right? It's .......

 Xelloss cut a piece of magic paper, which had no magic written on it, lengthwise and wrote magic words on it with a pen.
 You can find a lot of things that you can do to make your life easier.

"Is this it? I'm trying to create a messenger.
"A spell? Is it a spell? Are you planning to capture the demons around here?
No, I don't need a spell. Well, watch this. Isn't it interesting?

 Zveit watched the scene for a while.
 The tip of the pen, running without hesitation, spelled out a magic formula that he didn't know, and gradually formed the shape of a spell.
 The magic circle formed by the countless letters was so detailed and beautiful that he could not help but gasp in admiration.
 What's more, Xelloss understood the meaning of these magic letters and manipulated them to create magic that he didn't even know existed.

 Zveit is also a mage, so he is curious as to what this spell is for.

Well, I guess that's it.
"You got it? What's more, what does it do? The spell.
Shall we try it? "Be my eyes and wings, false phoenix.

 When I chanted the magic starting key, the spell took in the surrounding magic power and manifested itself as an eagle.
 This spell does not bind a living creature with magic to make it a user demon, but rather creates an artificial demon constructed with magic power.
 Of course, since it is made of magic, the magic power will spread and disappear sooner or later, but since there is no need for food or care, it is much cheaper to use.
 There is a time limit, but it is a useful tool for scouting.

This is amazing. ......
It's more like a golem than a messenger, isn't it? You can use it for a long time because it collects dust from the surrounding area to build a body and seals the magic power inside it. It can also be used for attacking, like this: ......

 Xelloss gives the eagle a magic stone, and it swallows it in its beak.

What was that? I'm not sure if this is a good idea or not, but it's a good idea.
You can use it for an extended period of time by giving it a magic stone. Isn't that convenient?
Isn't it more useful than a bad demon?
Not really, sir. If it's a goblin, there's no problem, but if it's a large demon, the level of the magician is the key. An inexperienced mage will be useless.
I'm not sure what you mean by that...wait, according to your level? I'm sure you're not the only one.
I think I might be able to beat a wyvern with ease.

 It was an insane wizard.
 If the level of Zveit is 55 (and it has risen slightly since then), the level of the wizard is linked to 55.
 In terms of strength, it would only be as strong as a high orc (based on physical ability alone, without levels).
 However, in the case of Xellos, who has an extraordinarily high level, the user's level will easily exceed 1000, and his strength will be equivalent to that of a high level dragon. Naturally, the magic power required is not half bad.

 To put it bluntly, it is a monster.

It's a monster. ...... I've never heard of such a demon.
I've never heard of it. Would you like to try it? It's interesting.
Are you sure about ・・・・・・・・・・?
If you can't make something like this, you can't call yourself a mage. Take a look at it for yourself.
I'm going to try it. Let's try it out right away!

 Zveit, 17 years old, is as excited as a child.
 He was simple at heart.

 I'm not sure if it's a good idea, but it's a good idea.
 In the end, Zeroth made a magic spell and gave it to her as well.
"This is fun." "It's like I'm flying.
Yes, it is. And this world is so big. I didn't know that.

 The two of them linked the gaze of the demon to their own, and voluntarily conducted practical training in reconnaissance.
 For them, the spell is a toy, and they are enjoying the view from the sky while checking its effectiveness.
 In reality, they are on the ground, but the view seen by the magician is directly reflected in their minds.
 It's like the feeling you get when you see a 3D movie for the first time. The sense of realism was so uplifting to them that the fatigue of the two-day journey vanished.

 As for Xellos, he said: ......

I'm not sure what to make of that.

 He was scouting hard.

 He cut the visual link and headed for his squad leader, Aref.

"Mr. Arleff!
"What is it, Lord Xellos?
"There's a pack of Orcs nearby. There's a pack of Orcs nearby, about 20 in number and about 30 in level. ...... They're coming towards us.
Orcs? That's not good. All hands, prepare for battle!

 As soon as the knights heard the order, they began to prepare their equipment at once.
 They stopped their work of building their positions and started to fight as they normally do in their strict training.
 They put on their armor as if they were familiar with it, drew their swords to check their condition, and some took out their bows and strung them.

I'm glad to hear that.
It's nice of you to say so, but we're all around level 25.
Well then, now is the time to earn your keep. ......

 It's not the mage Xellos who was there, but a hunter, reminiscent of a fierce predator who is after his prey.
 I'm not sure if I'm going to be able to do it.

"Now, ...... the hunt begins!

 He's back in the wild again.
 In those days, when he was a survivalist for a week, .......

 The insane nightshade that would later come to be known as the [Xellos of those days] mode reappeared.

 The knights moved swiftly.
 They listened to the reports of Zveit and Celestina, formed a formation that could respond immediately, and targeted the orcs as they came out of the forest.
 They were constantly monitored from the air and were fully prepared for a preemptive attack.

They're on alert. ......
Where's the herd? Are we splitting up?
No, they're just standing still.

 Orcs have a nose like pigs.
 They were unlucky enough to be upwind of us, so they knew we were waiting for them.
 That's why the Orcs stayed where they were, probably watching for us.

You're a clever pig. In the wild world, you have to be careful to survive. ......
Orcs are surprisingly smart. ....... To be honest, I didn't think they'd get this far.
Waiting isn't my favorite thing to do, but it's also unwise to attack. ......
Then let's roast them. "Then let's roast him. "The arrow of judgment from the sky.
I'm not sure what to say.

 I'm not sure if this is a good idea or not.
 I'm not sure what to make of it, but I think it's a good idea.
 He manipulated his magic and took care not to annihilate them.

 The confused orcs were the first to flee the forest.

Bow, ready. -------- ---I'll be back!

 The knights raised their bows in unison and squeezed the strings to release their arrows.
 The panicked Orcs didn't pay attention to the knights, they were just running desperately to escape the magic attack.
 He waited for the orcs to approach until the last minute to reduce their numbers by towing them as much as possible and firing at them in unison.
 And ......

Let it go! ------------- Let go!

 The arrows were fired all at once.
 The confused Orcs didn't know it was a trap and their numbers were steadily dwindling.

I'm not sure what to make of it, but I'm sure it's a good idea.
"Knights, draw swords!

 The steel swords are drawn in unison.

Come on! ----------- I'm not sure what to do.
「「「「「 wow wow wow wow wow!

 The knights charged.
 They all carried shields and were fully equipped.
 I'm not sure what to make of that.
 Furthermore, since he had no techniques designed for combat against humans, he was sure to take damage with his sword.
 Also, even though he was good at attacking with force, his movements were too large and he could be easily stabbed through if he was caught.


 Celestina struck an orc in the head with her mace and succeeded in killing one.
 In the meantime, Zveit is also attacking with his longsword, and he is making sure to kill the weakened orcs.

Too slow! The mud puppet is much more powerful than this. It's too simple to be a match for!
You can't be too careful! This is a real battle, there's no guarantee of life.

 This is a real battle, and there is no guarantee of life." The fact that they were still no match for him was probably due to the gruesome training that Xelloss had been doing every day.
 The two of them had enough time to exchange a few words, and even though they were still inexperienced in close combat, they were capable of handling a group fight.
 In other words, Xellos' training was that bad.

Where's the teacher, by the way?
"I don't know. He got into a melee. He's probably out there somewhere killing pigs.
I know he's fine... Watch out!

 The orc that escaped damage from the magic attack raised his club and attacked Zveit.
 The orc was suddenly hit in the head by an arrow and collapsed helplessly.

"What ......? Where did the arrow come from?
"Brother, there's the doctor!

 Before you know it, Xelloss is sniping in a tree.
 When he feels he's in the wrong place, he shoots a wire out of his arm and flies through the trees.

"・・・・・・・・ mage... what is that?
・・・・・ I'm sure he is, but he's an assassin.
What the hell? There's a new group of Orcs coming this way! They're at ......15!

 Another orc unit was on the verge of contacting us.
 As if noticing this, Xellos pointed his bow in that direction and killed three orcs with a single blow.
 He put the bow back in the eventory and took out a silvery white Gurga knife.
 The hunter attacked the orcs.
 There was no color of emotion in his face, and he simply went through the motions of hunting.

 Xellos, the annihilator with his five companions.
 The horror of his power lay not only in the magic he had developed, but also in the stealth with which he killed his enemies before they knew it.
 In other words, he is a monster slayer.
 He would find himself inside the enemy, kicking out small fry with his wide-ranging annihilation magic, and slaying them mercilessly in close combat.

 It's not widely known that he was actually a producer, even though his fighting style is the complete opposite of that of a mage.

"Make sure to kill the weaker orcs! I'm sure you'll be able to find something that works for you.

 Orcs are vital, sturdy, and stubborn demons that are difficult to kill.
 Xellos, who is unusually strong among them, suddenly decapitates the orc from behind and throws a knife at his next prey.
 This is completely not the fighting style of a mage.

 This battle continued until all the orcs were killed.

"Whoa? I'm leveling up!
Me too!
That was quite a fight.
Yeah, it was hard for a first day. I can't wait to rest!

 The level of the knights had risen dramatically.
 That said, Xellos hadn't killed all the orcs.
 Once he had thinned out some of the numbers, he worked to weaken the other orcs as much as possible.

 It was natural for him to induce abnormalities such as poisoning and paralysis, and he was very careful not to kill as many as possible.
 Even though he looked like a warrior, he hadn't forgotten that this was part of his training.

"I'm leveling up, too: ......56. ......
I'm 32.......

 The two of them seemed a little uneasy after having leveled up on the first day.
 If this goes on for a week, they don't know what will happen to their personalities.
 After all, their mentor, Xellos, is too extreme.

"Geez, ~~~~~~~?
"What's the matter, Master? What's wrong with you, master? You're screaming like a freak, ...... why are you so pale?
......He's coming ・・・・・・・He's coming ~~~~~~~!

 Zveit's voice seemed to go unheard, and Xelloss trembled in fear as he linked up with the messenger.

"Lord Xellos. I'm sure you'll be happy to know that I'm not the only one.

 There was tension all around.
 The knights knew how strong Xellos was, so they knew how dangerous it could be.

"You're here. ・・・・・・・ He's here. ・・・・ Crazy Ape is here. ・・・・・

「「「「「Huh? 」」」」」

 The dumb voices rose in unison.
 It's a good idea to have a good idea of what you're looking for.
 There's nothing for Xellos to be afraid of.
 It was natural for everyone to nod their heads, but the real fear was understood in the following words.

"He's going for the ...... man's ass. I almost got dug up too. ......


 The space froze.
 It's not even a crack.

What the hell ・・・・・・?
"Crazy ・・・・・・.
Oh no, our chastity is at ・・・・・
This is a harem for him. .......  We need to get out of here. ・・・・・
No way. ・・・・・・ It's a different kind of danger zone. ・・・・

 And then he shows up.
 A giant ape with white hair and a face as disheveled as a drunken man.
 However, a small part of him was turned into an animal, and it was a wonderfully vicious Tower of Babel.
 Crazy Ape looked at the knights and Xellos with a licking gaze and shouted, "Ahaa~♡.

 A storm of extreme cold blew up the spines of everyone.

Run to 「「「「「, run away ohhh ohhh ohhh ohhh ‼‼‼‼」」」」」

 They fought valiantly against the orcs, but were quickly disintegrated by a giant ape.

 They fled as fast as they could.
 Without looking aside, they fled first, with all the strength they had.
 Some of them had their pants taken off, but they barely lost anything important.
 They hugged each other and wept with joy when they realized that they had all escaped unharmed.

 The Great Dark Green Zone of Fafran is a demon forest where demons roam.

 It is a dangerous field with many kinds of dangerous demons.