19  Oops, talk about yourself.

 After defeating the bandits, Xellos and his men arrived at the riverbank, where they would spend the night.
 Celestina and Zveit are asleep, and Xellos is on guard with several knights.

 Even in safe territory, demons can appear and attack people.
 Since their return from the Great Deep Green, their senses have become as keen as a beast's, and even the slightest sign of them can wake them up.
 The problem is that if it is a bear or some other beast, they are happy to hunt it.
 They were getting seriously wild.   

 As Xellos was sitting by the fire, gathering herbs and seeds from the Deep Green, a girl approached him.
 She was Iris, who was in the same situation as him and had to live in another world due to the selfishness of the four gods.

Uncle, can I have a word?
"I'm sorry, but I'm not a pedophile, so please refrain from dating.
No, you're not! Why are you talking like that?
I was once asked out by a girl your age on the street. ...... I politely declined, and she said, "d*mn! I politely declined. I'm a little traumatized by that.
It's a little traumatic. ...... You're talking about in the original world, right?

 I was a little upset that she treated me like a prostitute.
 I'm not sure why she would be upset about this.

I can't believe it! I can't believe it!
I don't think anyone would mistake you for a prostitute if you were dressed like that.

 Iris was dressed in black, with a slightly revealing bust.
 She wore a long skirt of the same color with slits, and a bracelet on her arm that seemed to be an auxiliary magic tool with an extravagant design.
 Her appearance was that of a magician, but the outfit did not match her petite figure.
 She was clearly going for the s*xy route. It's a shame, because she looks like an innocent girl who is trying to be too tall.

Ugh, ......'s avatar was a tall, well-built beauty. I'm sure you're not the only one with a questionable appearance, you look like a newbie.
I did it on purpose. I've become too famous for my own good, so I had to camouflage myself.
You're a stinker. ...... What do you want me to say? You can't help but feel uncomfortable, like an extra in a movie walking around town.
 That ridiculously polite tone of voice just adds to the weirdness. ...... Honestly, it's so weird!
So it's okay. I'm not sure what to make of it.
 I've been using the term since I started working, and now I don't say "I" unless I'm emotional.

 Xelloss's tone of voice was corrected when he worked for the company and became what it is now.
 However, when a slender man of medium height speaks in this tone, it is not half so disgusting.
 To make matters worse, Xelloss was quite pleased with this state.

"So, ......, what kind of work did you do?
"Well, I mainly worked on security systems for the Internet. I built firewalls and counter programs to track down crackers. ......
Are you, by any chance, very intelligent?
I don't do ......, do I?
No, I don't! Don't say that in a serious tone.

 In my former world, I worked for a company for about seven years.
 At that time, he, Satoshi Osako's life was smooth sailing.
 He had been in charge of several projects and had contributed greatly to the company's profits by taking the lead.
 He was also involved in several national projects in collaboration with famous overseas companies. .......
 That is, until one thing forced him to quit the company. .......

That's great, but how did you get restructured? Isn't that just plain weird?
'Do you hear that? Actually, I have a sister. She was living in the company dormitory at the time. ...... He moved in because he was my immediate family.
 And he didn't want to leave for three years.
What's that? Your sister is an adult, right? Didn't she work?
Yes, I did work.  I quit right away and got married, but I heard she broke up with her husband. ....... And then she spent all of his savings account.

 Satoshi's sister was a rather selfish person .
 She inherited half of the money from her parents when they died, and she spent half of it in just two years, and she spent all of her marriage partner's savings without permission.
 This could have resulted in a divorce or even a police report, but because I had found out that he had been having an affair, it didn't cause much trouble.
 In fact, she was so devious that by making herself look unhappy, she was able to push the other party into a corner.
 The sister came to the company housing.

 For three years, she has been living in seclusion, watching TV and eating without working.
 Satoshi was in charge of all the bank books, so he was able to avoid any unauthorized use.
 Because she did not trust her sister, she kept a tight security around her room and even hid her bankbook in a safe deposit box.

What kind of sister is she? What kind of sister is that? She's a parasite, not a human being. ......
She took orders without permission, tried to get people to pay her bills, ...... ransacked her room for money and goods under the guise of cleaning, she was a disgusting woman.
"You didn't kick her out? Didn't you kick her out? - Didn't you talk to the police or get a lawyer? ......
I did. But ...... he's very good at looking on the outside and filling in the moat. If anything happens to me, I'm the bad guy, and that's not good.

 She plays the good sister outside the house, but she is arrogant at home.
 She got along well with the wives who lived in the same company housing, and never gave them a bad impression of her.
 After three years of such hellish life, I was transferred to another region for work and succeeded in forcing her out.
 To my delight, the company housing was a bachelor dormitory and there were only men.
 In addition, the room was small, barely enough for a single person to live in, a two-bedroom. I remember him glaring at Satoshi viciously when they parted.

She was a woman who had no intention of working and spent all her money. ....... If I were in this world, I'd kill her first.
I don't think that's the end of the story. ......

 Well, it wasn't the end.
 He went abroad for work, and when he didn't come back to his room, he faked a coincidence and showed up at Satoshi's dormitory, tricked the janitor, and broke into his room. He hacked and stole the data of the program he was developing.
 At the same time, she had met and married another man.

The other man was an executive at a rival company, and he was the first to release the stolen software!
"Your tone is changing, Uncle. ......

 Naturally, a patent application was filed, so the case went to court, and Satoshi won the case with evidence of further defects, but he was fired from the company because of his nasty sister.
 His sister's husband, also an executive, was also fired, and it was a nightmarish event that benefited no one.

 Satoshi bought a piece of land in the countryside and began to live as a recluse while farming.
 He had been playing games for a long time because he liked them, but the slow life of a hermit was surprisingly comfortable for him.
 When Satoshi's sister found out that he was living in the countryside, she stopped coming around after that.
 This was probably because she found the life of a farmer unbearable.

I wonder why we are talking about ourselves? By the way, are you going to change your equipment?
I don't have any other equipment. ....... I have the materials, but ......
You're the type to sell old equipment first. You should keep it so you can enhance it.
I can't do that. I'm too s*xy for that. It doesn't suit me now.
"So you're going to make money as a mercenary and buy new equipment?

 After that, Xelloss had a rough idea of Iris's situation, mixing in some idle chatter.
 He was probably a player who enjoyed playing the game and was basically a recluse.
 He is curious, but lacks a sense of danger.
 His relationship with his family is not good, but not bad either, and he seems to be from a normal family.
 His friendships are tenuous, and he seems to be trying to enjoy this situation after being reincarnated.
 This is how Xellos sees him, but he is not wrong.

"What's your uncle doing now?
"I'm teaching magic to the children of a nobleman, but I'll be out of a job in a few days.
You're a nobleman. ...... How can you be in a relationship with such great people? And in less than a month .......
I just happened to save him from being attacked by bandits.
I'm not sure what to make of this. There are similar situations in linoleum .......

 Even in this world, there is a huge gap between the nobility and the people.
 There is a big gap between the nobility and the people.
 Normally, it would be an honor for Xellos to even exchange a word with the nobility, let alone get involved with them.
 It was hard for Iris to believe that he was in a position to look up to them and tell them what to do.

When you meet someone for the first time, you use half of what you say to be true, the other 20% to be false, and the remaining 30% to guide your observation of the other person.
 The other 30% is for guiding the other person to observe you. You get information from the nuances of the words, and sometimes you use plausible words to explore the other person's emotions, and then you use falsehoods and truths to connect the dots.
 These are the basics of negotiation. You need to be bold enough to use your own skills to get through the rest.
Kuro! You're black, Uncle!
You don't win people's trust the first time you meet them, but you can turn it to your advantage by talking to them. Once you've earned their trust, the most important thing is not to betray them.
Isn't that half the trick of a con artist? It's pretty badass. ......
Conversation is the key to gaining someone's trust, you know? It's all about how good an impression you make of yourself.
 I'm sure you're not the only one. I've dealt with them many times, so I'm used to them.

 When making a presentation overseas, the key to success is to make a good impression and win their trust while talking to them.
 This will lead to new business opportunities, and if you succeed, the rewards will be great.
 After several such experiences, Xellos is now working as a private tutor.
 In a few weeks, he will be unemployed. .......

"You could be a great man of the state if you wanted to.
I don't want to, it's too much work. I just want to live my life in peace, plowing fields.
What a waste of talent, what a waste of ......
Everyone's life is different. I'm not going to change my ways no matter what other people say.

 My personality doesn't allow me to work in an important place in the country.
 I only need enough money to live, and even then, the power struggle among the nobles, who are also the country's internal administrators, is fierce.

 The current strength of this world is largely due to the contribution of knights in combat.
 As a magical nation, the status of mages is also high, but they are currently fixated on power and do not consider the implications of strategy for actual warfare.

 At least until now, the magical kingdom of Solistair has never been involved in a major war, and for some reason, the chain of command for military affairs is divided into two, with the mages and knights often acting separately.
 However, when it came to battle, they had to fight together, and there were some inconvenient problems if the chain of command was divided into two.
 When they work together, the orders for operations are transmitted to both divisions, but here they start to drag each other down, and there is a dispute over who can take the credit faster.
 Of course, there are few outward conflicts, but underneath the surface, the two sides do not trust each other, so they use political standoffs and trickery to create sparks underneath the surface.

 Mages have been trained in actual combat, but have rarely experienced actual combat in the true sense of the word.
 The Knights are trying to strengthen their cooperation against bandits and demons and operate in an organized manner, but they don't mind being dragged down by the Mages who have a different chain of command.

 In the event that you've got the same orders, the way you interpret them differs from the mages.
 Of course, there are times when this is useful in battle, but most of the time it's a way to harass the knights.
 This can happen because of the fact that the mage corps is divided into several factions, and the focus is on who can take credit and gain the upper hand, and ignore the knights and go ahead.
 There are some who are serious about fulfilling their roles as mages, but if they are stared down by the factions, they may lose their jobs.
 This is because the majority of the factions are powerful nobles.

 The King and the Knights are both worried about the internal division of the Mage Order, but since the representatives of the factions have their hands in the political center, they can't provoke them.
 Not only is the country in turmoil, but some have already begun to run amok.

Do you really want to serve in such a country? It's like a knife in your back. ......
Is this country going to be okay? There's something very twisted about the defense of this country, don't you think?
In the event that you've got a lot of money to spend, you'll be able to take advantage of it.
I'm sorry about the serious mages. You'll be able to find a lot of people who'll be able to help you out with this. That's no good.

 This is why Creston has created his own faction, but so far things are not looking good.
 The most important thing to remember is that many of the mages are here for research purposes and do not want to get involved in the military aspect of things.
 In addition, there are mages who do not want to join Creston's faction because they are afraid of the faction's people, and it has been difficult to secure personnel.

I've heard that there's a king's faction, a noble faction, and a small faction of knights.
You like to create factions? I don't understand. I don't understand. How can you maintain a country?
No one knows what's in their best interest, so they don't want to behave arrogantly towards the people. Well, there are a few people who do foolish things, but it's an unspoken agreement.

 He pulls out a cigarette from his pocket, lights it, and quietly inhales the purple smoke.
 His gestures stink, as if he were some kind of buyer.

"Aren't cigarettes ...... banned?
I'm not a smoker. It's a great world for smokers. If something goes wrong, you can heal it with recovery magic.
Your fantasy world will collapse in an instant. ....... Why do you look so happy?
"Because I couldn't stop smoking even if the price got higher. Do you know what it's like to smoke in a smoking area under the cold winter sky with the north wind blowing through? It's outdoors, without a roof.
Why don't you just quit? It's bad for your health, and for everyone around you.

 Theros, a tobacco lover, still couldn't stop smoking .
 He was forced to quit his job, but he continues to smoke.
 He loved to have a smoke after working in the fields.

I had a hard time for a few days after I came here. No cigarettes. ......
Why don't you just quit smoking? ......
When I found a tobacco shop in town, I jumped for joy. Hanagasa Ondo with a hip-hop twist.
What kind of dance is that? I want to see it!
I don't know why, but some of the people who were watching left some money, so we made a little extra money.
They thought I was a street performer! And you're making money! 

 I'm not sure what you're thinking, but I'm not sure what you're thinking.

"What the ......?
Are you going to continue to be a ...... mercenary?
Of course! It's such a fun world. I hear there's even a dungeon.
...... You'll miss out on marriage. In this world, the legal age for marriage is seventeen. Anyone over 20 is too old.
Leave me alone! I'll get a good man before then.
"You're free to dream, you know. ......

 He exhaled his cigarette smoke somewhat languidly.

 I'm not sure if this is a good idea or not. What Xelloss really wanted to say was, "Are you going to continue to live in a bleak world?" But I felt that I, who was currently on the verge of losing my job, could not convince him, so I stopped.
 In the first place, I don't live a life of greatness to the extent that I can interfere in other people's lives.
 No, I have already said great things, but secretly I am quite anxious.

 In particular, my two students have had a great influence on me.

"Well, now that I'm involved, if you need anything, I'm here to help.
...... You're not thinking of anything crazy, are you?
I'm a big tit kind of guy, so when your tits get a little bigger, you can seduce me.
I'm a big tit person, so please tempt me when my breasts get a little bigger." "Noooooo~...... people care about .... I don't even know my uncle's name...
"Oh, I know who you are, don't worry. I heard it when I was talking to a fellow woman.
I don't know him!

 When we got here, we realized that we hadn't introduced ourselves to each other yet.

Xelloss, that's what I call myself here. The name of my previous world means nothing to me.
"Xelloss ......, you mean the Kuro Annihilator?
I've never heard that name before. ......

It's a good idea to have a good idea of what you're looking for.
 In the event that you have any questions regarding where and how to use the internet, you can call us at the web site.
 Moreover, this was a recent development, and Xelloss himself did not seem to know about it.

I don't like the two names because they are too kitchen-sick. I'm not that old. ......

 It's too late now.

 Feeling unhappy, Zeroth made a circle with his cigarette smoke to cover it up.
 But it didn't make him feel any better.

 Tonight's cigarette tasted bitter, as if the emptiness was seeping through.


 The next morning, the wagons departed for the city of Santor.
 The next morning, the carriage departed for the city of Santor. In the lead carriage, Zelis handed the scroll to two of his students.

"Sir, is this ......?
"It's one of my original spells. As promised, I'm giving it to you both so you can try to master it.
"Silver Wall? I've never heard of it. ...... Is it a defensive spell?
It's up to you whether you want to use it or not. You can use it as one of your trump cards if you master it, so practice it to the fullest.

 The two of them immediately deployed the magic formula and imprinted the magic in their own brains (ideas).
 However, when they finished inscribing the magic formula, the scroll's magic formula disappeared in the blink of an eye.

"The ...... magic formula disappeared from the scroll...?
The magic formula has been tampered with from the beginning so that once the magic formula is engraved on the Idea, it will all disappear.

 If the magic formula disappeared, I would have to write it myself in order to teach it to someone else.
 However, the Silver Divine Wall is a huge amount of magic letters, and the only magic letters used are 0 and 1.
 This means that it is impossible to decipher what kind of magic it is, and even if you want to pass it on to someone else, you have to write a huge magic formula that you yourself cannot understand. Moreover, due to the compression of data, the formula was extremely detailed.
 When the formula was unfolded, it looked like a glowing sphere.

If you want to give it to your student, you must write the scroll yourself. I don't think it's possible to decipher the magic formula, though.
"This ...... doesn't make any sense at all, does it? Why is there a magic formula? It's impossible.
"How amazing is ...... that you can do so much magic with just 0 and 1!

 There is no one in this world who can read machine language, so Zeroth's magic has reached the point of being indecipherable.
 If our civilization were a thousand years ahead of us, we might be able to understand it, but if we could decipher it at our current level of civilization, we would be geniuses.
 To Celestina and Zveit, the magic of Xellos was unknown, and it seemed like an infinite honor to be granted it.
 Xellos didn't understand that being a Great Sage was such a high position.
 To the inhabitants of this world, it was no exaggeration to say that he was the god of magic.

The wall is a magical barrier, but it can be transformed into whatever you want it to be. It can become a shield or a sword.
Can it be extended or deployed like a thorn around the ......?
Yes, you can. But if you can't control the magic, it's just a shield, so it's useless.
It's an interesting magic, but it's hard to control. If you want to change the shape at a moment's notice, it's all about the image.
It can also make you invisible or shoot you out of the sky.

 I don't understand how this is a barrier spell.

 It is an offensive and defensive magic, and it can also be used for indirect attacks for a short time.
 The only disadvantage is that the strength of the barrier depends on the qualities of the individual.
 The control of magic power and the amount of magic power possessed by the individual are also related to the strength of the barrier, and to increase the strength of the barrier, a large amount of one's own magic power is consumed.
 Of course, it is easy to use magic from the natural world, but if the user's level is low, it is no different from a mere barrier.

I'm not sure what to make of that.
It's a very powerful spell. I'd like to try it, but I'm not sure how much magic it consumes. ......
You have to learn it by feel. It's a good idea to have a good idea of what you're doing.

 In any case, the two of them wanted to try out the new magic right away.

(It's good to be healthy. ...... So this is youth. (Do you really want to think about getting younger?

 In order to rejuvenate, you will need a potion called the Potion of Time Regeneration or the Potion of Rejuvenation.
 According to the data in my brain, once you use the potion, you will be able to rejuvenate yourself by about 20 years.
 Moreover, it will rejuvenate you without any side effects.
 The problem is that gathering the materials to make the potion is a hassle, but the materials are currently available.
 It's just that we don't have the equipment.

 The other potion, this one has a slight problem: the potion of rejuvenation.
 When used, it activates the body's cells and temporarily changes the body.
 However, aging will never disappear, and in a few years, you will age twice as fast.
 The number of times the body's cells can divide in a lifetime is fixed, and forcibly activating the body's cellular tissue will shorten the lifespan.
 The lower the quality of the product, the more pronounced its negative effects become, and frankly speaking, I don't want to use it.

 (Well, I guess I'll stay an old man for a while longer. (Well, I guess I'll stay an old man for a while longer, since I like looking weird in my own way. I like to look suspicious...)

 Before that, I just can't be bothered to keep up appearances.
 Since I'm single, I'm not tied down, and no one will blame me if I'm careless.
 It was so easy that I didn't have to worry so much about my appearance.

 It can be said that I became lazy after I was laid off.

 I'm young in spirit, but I'm worried about my physical decline.  
 But I didn't want to go through the trouble.

 It seems that I had been in seclusion for too long, to the point that I was losing my humanity.


 Iris sat on the back of the carriage and watched Xelloss in the carriage moving forward.
 He was curious about the strange old man who was in the same situation as him, but had no intention of adventuring, but was just trying to get some land and do some farming.

 She had been a mercenary for about a month, and she knew that no mage could be as powerful as Xellos.
 After all, she herself is beginning to be called a high-ranking mage, and the knights and mages of this world are far less powerful than the reincarnated.
 She will not be able to measure how much of an impact a high level mage, even one who is called an annihilator, will have on this world.
 However, there is no one more dependable than a companion.

 Above all, a high-ranking player like the Annihilator was something she longed for.

Huh. ......
What? I'm not sure what to say.
Senna-san ...... No, I was trying to figure out how to get that guy to join us.
That guy? Is he that great? Even better than Iris?
Probably ...... the most powerful mage in the world.

 This time, Iris learned just how dangerous mercenary work can be.
 It doesn't matter how high your level is, if you hesitate to kill someone even once, the enemy is sure to come after you.
 It is a problem if you do not hesitate to kill others, but if you cannot kill, you cannot be a mercenary.

I guess appearances can be deceiving.
Yeah. An ally would be quite reassuring, wouldn't it? That's why I'm thinking about bringing them in. ......

 Iris seems to be taking this very seriously.

"Hey, Iris?
No matter how strong you are, it's not a good idea to be an uncle. ...... What if you have a family?
Huh? I don't think he has a family. ...... What's wrong with that?
What's wrong with that? - Because he's an uncle. I'm sure you'll be able to find a lot of people who'll be able to help you.
 He's got no tits, he's flabby, and he's an infant. ...... He's going to get caught.
Who's a toddler? There is a little bit of ......, and before that, there is no such thing!

 I finally realized that Senna was mistaken.

I'm sure you'll be able to understand why I'm so fond of you after you saved my life, but ...... you're not that slutty of an uncle.
I'm telling you, he's not!
What did you two talk about last night alone? What did you two talk about alone last night? We talked a lot, didn't we? You seemed to enjoy it. ......
You're so persistent, Senna!
I didn't know that Iris liked her uncle. ...... She stuttered! I'm shocked.
The suspension bridge effect doesn't last long in love! And before that, Senna, you're mistaken, aren't you?

 But she seemed to have no intention of backing down.
 She's completely swept up in the vortex of her own thoughts and is starting to run wild.
 In short, she's not listening to ...... people.

Oh, and watch out for the mating season, okay? You might end up attacking him.
Humans don't have estrus! Well, in a way, we're in heat all the time. ......
Yes, we do. We do have estrus. ...... You don't know that?
・・・・・・・ What?

 The humans of this world have had an estrus period.
 It is not a natural phenomenon that starts when the season comes to preserve the species, but a phenomenon of young s*xual desire running wild.

 In the case of males, it is like a perennial estrus and does not affect them much, but in the case of females, it is a different story.
 In the case of women, they measure men in order to have better offspring, but the measurement is instinctive, based on magical power, and they tend to choose men who match not only their abilities but also their personalities and tastes.
 Of course, this includes s*xual proclivities, which temporarily resonate with a man's magical power and cause his biological instincts to overtake his reason.
 When this happens, the man also becomes aroused by the magical resonance and engages in the act.

 It is difficult for the ego to restrain the man's behavior, because the man's behavior becomes wild even though he has the will to do so, and women who have only fallen in love for the first time (or have never experienced love) are prone to this condition.
 The pheromone-like magical power released from this state reacts with the magical power of both men and women, and they begin to seek each other out.

 This is caused by the fact that women's magical power is higher than men's, and due to the nature of magical power acting on the mind, women's conditions and proclivities toward the opposite s*x interfere with men's magical power like a kind of curse (and vice versa), enabling them to find the most suitable opposite s*x for themselves.
 To put it bluntly, the woman pushes the man down, but there are also a few cases where the opposite is true.
 In the case of men, it is sad to say that even if they are in heat, they can just say, "I got horny.

 This may seem to cause confusion, but in fact it works surprisingly well.
 Even if a woman is out of control with the opposite s*x, it means that she is physically and mentally compatible with the man who attacked her. As a result, there are many polygamous and polygamous families, and most of them are mages.
 In addition, since they are building a happy family, the probability of happiness is abnormally high compared to a bad love marriage.

 In the modern world, this would be considered a crime, but in this world, for some reason, people tend to be happy.
 However, no matter how much your instincts demand it, it will not work unless one of you accepts the magical interference.
 In fact, Zveit was rejected, so it is not always possible to achieve happiness.

 In his case, no matter how much he asked for it, Luceria did not have the factor to ask for it, so he was doomed to be rejected in the end.
 Well, it would still be a crime for a man to attack a woman with force. .......

You're lying, right? You're lying, right?
It's true. ....... But I'm pretty sure you're going to get along just fine with whoever you assault.
You've got to be kidding me. ...... I can't have that!
It's also known as 'Cupid's prank'. It seems that everyone's normal rational mind is going in strange directions, especially the mages.
"Oh no! I'm in a lot of danger!

 I'm not sure what to do, but I'm going to do it.
 Naturally, the person you attack when you run out of control will be a man who is compatible with you.

I'm sure you're right. ...... But even if you do attack him, you're still compatible with him, right? But ...... if you assaulted your uncle, ......)

 It's not that I'm not a good person, but I'm a good person.
 And even if he took multiple women as wives or vice versa, somehow there was no bloody knife incident.
 This is probably because people with similar characteristics gather together, their reason and instincts are in tune with each other, and they are mutually satisfied.
 There is also the fact that humans are herd creatures.

 When Iris came to this world, she felt a shiver for the first time.
 This world seems to have a different providence that Xelloss and Iris, who lived in modern Japan, cannot understand.

 I can understand that people have different characteristics in this other world, but I don't think they would think that the mating season is coming.
 For now, a cold wind from the common sense of this world flowed through Iris's mind, shocking her.

 She was terrified of the outburst that might eventually come in the name of estrus.
 No one can resist the physiology of nature. .......