37  Oops, I'm donating.

 The three men returned to the abandoned house they were using as a hideout and prepared to return to their country.
 It was necessary to warn them of the danger of the [Evil God Stone], which they intended to use to increase their strength.

 In order to confirm the power of the Evil God Stone, he had used mercenaries to investigate, but all four mercenaries had turned into monsters, and had become amazing beings that devoured all living things.
 This would not only increase their strength, but would also endanger the country.

 At their hideout, a mage wearing a hood appeared.
 They almost drew their weapons for a moment, but the sight of the familiar figure caused them to remove their hands from their swords.

"Oh, what's the matter? What's the matter? Did they find out about ...... in such a hurry?
"No, I don't think they know we're moving. But something has come up that we must report to the State.
What's that? What is it that you can't even tell me, a researcher?
The stone. It was something too dangerous to ...... turn people into monsters.

 The mage's hood reveals a smile of delight as she hears this.

That's to be expected. But ...... you're right, it's a monster .......
What's so funny!
No, if the stone is so effective on its own, why don't we give it a small amount in powder form?
Are you still trying to use it?
Of course not. Let me ask you this, do you think that without it, you, a small country, can defeat other countries?

 Their country is poor.
 Theirs was a poor country with no significant commerce or industry, much less any specialties to boast about.
 The only way for them to survive was to seize other countries, as they had done in the past when they fought wars of aggression.
 But it was too risky to use the evil stone.

There's no need for you to use it. You just need to distribute it to other countries.
We'll be d*mned if we're gonna let that thing go to waste!
Are you insane?
All we have to do is create chaos in the hostile world. Until the rest of the world destroys itself, that is.

 It's insane to distribute something so dangerous, but there are people in their countries who are still living in poverty.
 If we don't make a breakthrough here, their country will eventually disappear.

Let's use the organization behind the scenes. Yes, ......, so that they can sip their sweets.
"How can we enrich the criminals? And even if we did, I don't think we could control them.
Don't worry. I'll take care of that. I'll take care of that. If you guys help me, everything will be fine.
I don't think it's going to work out that way. ......
People who care about money don't care about other people's lives. They'll do more than you expect .........

 They are left with no choice.
 They are left with no choice, for if they don't strike a decisive blow somewhere, the country will perish.

It's no use. But we must inform His Majesty. ...... We can't act on our own.
I'll leave that to you. I'll make the necessary preparations and look forward to hearing from you, okay?

 After saying that, he left the mage hideout.

"He's a stinker.
But he's certainly helped our country get back on its feet somewhat. I'm not happy about it. ......
He's smart, but he's unreliable. I think he's dangerous.

 They don't trust the mage in black, even though he's an undercover agent.
 They don't know what he's up to, but he doesn't seem to have any ambition.

 For now, they have no choice but to remain calm.
 That's why the mage's knowledge was so useful.

 They split up, and one of them was assigned to report to the country.
 With the fate of the country at stake, they had no choice.

  "Pick and pick, pick and pick, pick and pick, pick and pick.

"I keep on picking and picking, but my life is not getting any easier. I look at my hands.

 Xellos, who had been mowing the grass as a farmer, was fed up with it.
 He had gone to work part-time building a bridge for nearly two weeks, and when he returned he found himself in a prairie overgrown with grass.
 I could barely make out the crops, so I started mowing around them, and now I'm in the middle of pulling the weeds out of the surrounding area.

 Although I used Gaia Control, I still had to do the work by hand in the small areas, and there was no end to the weeds that would grow back in a day.
 There was not enough manpower for just one person.

 Using a triangular-shaped sickle, I carefully thinned out the weeds, but within a day, small sprouts appeared and within three days, the weeds had grown to a certain height.
 I tried to cut the weeds into small pieces to make humus, but the weeds grew faster than the fertilizer.
 I don't know where the seeds and roots are, but if I let them have a chance, they would turn into a weed field, and within a month, it would become a virgin forest.

I wonder how strong these plants are. ......

 I love farming, but I'm getting tired of all the new weeds sprouting every day.
 It was impossible for me to do it alone.

 As he puffed on his cigarette, he looked in the direction of the house and saw several knights and an old man.
 It was Old Man Creston and some of his knights guarding him.

It's been a long time, Mr. Creston. What's the matter?
"Long time no see, Lord Xellos. I just came to check on you and deliver a message.
"Delivery? What is it, sir?
My grandson Croesus sent you a report. The magic catalyst ring I gave you earlier.
Oh! That's happened before, hasn't it?

 I forgot all about it until just now.
 The magic catalyst ring and bracelet were originally made as prototypes.
 I gave the bracelets to Celestina and the two rings to Zveit and his brother because they wouldn't be using them anyway, and I asked them to write a report on them to see if they could use them.

 He didn't expect it, but he didn't think they would actually send him a report.

"May I read it?
"Well, it's just like him not to send me a status report. He only sent me reports.
He's a researcher at heart, isn't he? Let's see, .......

 The report contained a detailed record.
 The report recorded in detail the efficiency of magic operations and the state of your own magic power consumption. From the low operational load derived from this to how much the power of the magic had increased, the report was filled with detailed text.
 The final translation was, "I like it. I'm going to use it from now on.
 The prototype seems to have been generally well received.

"Hmm, ......, it looks like you like it. It's a great honor for the maker.
"I think I'll have one made. I'll be needing one soon. ......
Are you going to war with someone?
No, I'm just trying to kill the ...... bugs. Yes, the foul insects that gather on the flowers .........

 Creston had his own secret agents stationed everywhere.
 In the event that you have any questions concerning where and how to use the internet, you can contact us at the web site.

 Of course, he also has information about his beloved granddaughter.
 It's also possible to get information on the students who have feelings for Celestina. .......

 At the same time, in the auditorium of the Istor Academy of Magic, one of the students felt a chill.

 Xelloss felt something disturbing, but decided not to say anything.
 He was sure that it was not a stipend.
 In fact, the knights in the background were distracted.
 It seems they have a lot of work to do.

That's a small price to pay. If you hadn't bothered to come, you could have just contacted me and I would have come to you.
I had some business to attend to.
What kind of business? What is that, ......?
"I want you to let me use the method you taught Celestina to decipher the magic letters.

 I've only taught Celestina and Zveit how to decipher it.
 Then you'll have to train someone else.

You want me to teach someone again?
"No, I can read magic now. Tina seems to be very good at teaching people.

 The old man is smiling like a fool.
 But then, I don't understand why he's asking me for permission.

"Um, does that mean you need to ask me for permission?
Of course! You're the only wise man in the world. You're the only wise man in the world. You can't just spread the word without asking your opinion.
"Is that so? I don't care if it's my magic formula or just an ordinary magic formula.
Oh, you're sure?
As long as it's not misused. Information will eventually be leaked to others, and it's not something that can be hidden in the first place.
 For example, even if a husband keeps the fact that his wife committed suicide a secret, it will eventually be leaked to the world through her friends, family, or people at work, and people around her will eventually know.
 As long as you can't put a door in someone's mouth, the world will eventually find out how to decipher the magic words.
That's very specific, isn't it?
It's just an example. It's just a metaphor. It's a common piece of gossip.

 Confidential information is something that will be revealed over time.
 It is true that unimportant information can spread in an instant, but it is only temporary.
 For example, how to decipher magic letters is very important in today's world, and everyone wants to have it.
 Of course, there would be people who would be spying on them, and even if we started to crack down on them, it would not be hard to imagine that information would be leaked from within.

"Indeed, national secrets will be known to other countries before long. You don't have a problem with people knowing how to decipher magic letters, do you?
I'm not sure if it's a problem for you to know how to decipher magic letters? It existed a long time ago.
I'm not sure about your own magic formula. I've had Tina show me as much of her magic formula as she can remember, but I don't understand what's going on.

The less you know, the better. It's too early to tell. Someone will figure it out eventually. For that matter, Celestina, did you remember any part of it?
"She's a brilliant girl. But still, you dare to leave a mystery behind...
It's just too complicated to teach. No one will ever understand it, and it will probably be hundreds of years before they do.

 With fifty-six magic letters, it will be impossible to compress the magic formula in any way.
 It is not impossible, but with the power of magic itself and the operation of magic power, a huge number of magic letters must be written.
 It was difficult to describe phenomena and special reactions in words, and sometimes it was necessary to write down information that could not be put into words in the old magic formulas.

 The problem is that there is no one in this world who can understand the process. The problem is that there is no one in this world who can understand it, but perhaps that is fortunate in a sense.
 Even if it could be done, there is no terminal in this world that can embed such a technique, and if it were to be done, it would require a great deal of time and effort.

 The old man could cut the process in half, but he has learned firsthand the dangers of two widespread annihilation spells, so he has no intention of building a terminal at the moment.
 Well, I guess I will if I feel the need. .......

There's something else I'd like to talk about, but not here.
I'm sorry about that. Let's go inside. I'll get you a cold drink.
Huh? A cold drink?
I can't offer much, but it's better if we talk inside. I don't want anyone to hear anything difficult.
That's true. We're talking about money, after all.

 Xelloss invites the knights and their guards into his home.

 His house is larger than you might think, with about seven empty rooms left.
 He mainly uses the two eastern rooms, the kitchen, and the living room.
 Even if there are rooms, there is no use for them, and if we leave two rooms for his wife and children in the future, at least four rooms are useless.
 The rest of the rooms are only used in the basement.

 In the meantime, we often use the storage room, where we currently keep the dryer and farm equipment.
 Since there is no rice yet, the dryer is not in use. It's sad that it's just an ornament now.

Please wait a moment. I'll get you a drink.

 Xellos went to the kitchen, brought out a few cups, and poured cold ale from his homemade beer server.
 The ale was slightly black in color, with a fruity aroma and white foam.
 This ale was chosen based on the stories of the dwarves, and was as close to lager as possible.
 It's a great drink to have in between work.
 There was also mead, but it was expensive, so it was kept cold in the refrigerator.

 Other than these two alcoholic beverages, wine was the mainstream in this world, and grain was rarely made into alcohol like sake and shochu.
 It is mainly made by dwarves who like to drink, but it is not very popular.

 As an aside, potatoes and other crops do exist in this world.
 To make liquor from them, one would put boiled potatoes in one's mouth, mix them with saliva, spit them out, and let them ferment for a while.
 Some aborigines are making this kind of liquor, but when I saw it, I was not interested in drinking it.
 In this world, dwarves in the mountainous areas were making this kind of wine.

 Elves mainly drink wine, mead, and fruit wine.
 They enjoy drinking little by little while farming or working, and are a surprisingly hard-drinking race.
 Both of them love to work, drink, and be merry.

"Drinking in the daytime? It's fine if you're just enjoying it. ...... Huh? Is this cold?
I'm not a fan of warm ale, so I chill it to make it more refreshing. It tastes surprisingly good when it's hot.
"Hmm, ......, that's a new one on me. Interesting.
I have some for your knights, so you may taste it.

 Creston also had never experienced drinking chilled ale before.
 In the first place, despite the existence of magic in this world, the level of technology is relatively low.
 Magic is only a means of attack and defense, and the idea of using magic itself in everyday life has never occurred to me.

 The knights looked at each other and were confused.

"...... are you sure?
I'm on duty. Isn't this a bad idea?
But since we're being entertained, wouldn't it be rude not to have a drink?

 They were loyal to their duties.
 They might have a few drinks during breaks, but never during work hours.
 That's why they are confused.

"That's fine. It would be rude to say no here, and it's a valuable experience above all.
"Well, ......, I'll take your word for it.
Oh, ......, it's very cold.
"Chilled ale, I've never had that before. 

 Creston and the others sip their chilled ale.

「「「「! 」」」」

 A coolness that they had never experienced before enveloped them.
 The sweet, fruity taste of the ale, combined with the carbonation of the chilled ale, created a cool sensation that was unlike anything they had ever experienced before.
 It's really refreshing, and it feels good down your throat.

Delicious! It's just chilled, but it tastes like this: ......
Once you taste this, you won't be able to drink any more ale!

'Oh, if I drink warm ale wine like this, it'll just seem like sweet wine to me.
"Wonderful. I thought ale was a cheap drink, but when it's just chilled, it tastes like this: ...... How refreshing!

 Magic and grimoires are tools for fighting and defending yourself, I never thought I would use magic like this.
 Their common sense had been shattered and they had glimpsed a new world.

I'd like to have one of these. I'd like to have one of those.
The technology itself is simple. It's just a process of slowing the deterioration of food by cooling it.
Yes, the technique itself is simple. But why didn't anyone think of it?
I think it's because magic is perceived as a tool of warfare. It can be useful in some ways, but the premise is that it is used to win wars, so why hasn't anyone researched this technology?
"Research on magic to enrich our lives: ...... No, magic tools! This is a good idea.

 It's a good idea to have a good idea of what you're looking for.
 However, when research that supports the livelihood of the people is added to the mix, the profits can be enormous, and the faction can quickly overtake the other factions.
 Even if the design itself is simple, if it is widely disseminated, the profits will increase.
 At the same time, it will be possible to bring in mages who are dissatisfied with the faction, which will further accelerate the research of magic technology.

But how do you keep it cool? The ice would melt too quickly.
I put a tank of water inside a metal box and freeze it to cool things with cold air. You don't need a lot of magic power to freeze the water, and even a small magic stone will be enough.
But you need to be a mage to store magic power in a magic stone. Isn't that too much for the people?
If it's just a freezing spell, you can carve it into the stone, and anyone can replenish the magic power without being a mage. It's not that difficult, is it?

 You don't have to be a mage to be able to put in magic power.
 This is because all life in this world is born with an instinctive ability to handle magic.
 Even wild animals use magic to instantly increase their physical abilities, so there's no reason why humans can't do something like this.  

That's true. The question is how much magic power will be needed. ......
"If you have enough magic power to use the 'ice cream' spell, it will last for several days. It depends on the size of your refrigerator.
How big of a refrigerator are you using? I'd like to see it for reference.
It's in the kitchen. I'll show you.

 As he led Creston into the kitchen, Xellos pointed to a refrigerator haphazardly placed in the corner of a pillar.
 It was a simple, metal door surrounded by bricks.
 The inside of the refrigerator was also simple, with a water tank at the top and different types of food stored in different levels.
 Meat was placed at the top where the coldest air hit, beer barrels of ale in the center, and vegetables at the bottom. At the bottom were vegetables.

Here it is. Surprisingly small, isn't it?
"Sure, ......, it's not that big of a deal. I'll tell my boys about it later.
I'm sure we'll be able to build something on a larger scale, but for now, this size is just right.
Large scale? Well, a warehouse! Some things transported by river from long distances will decompose over time. You want to prevent that, don't you?
We could install it on the ship, but it would have to be cold-proofed, otherwise the ship would freeze.
Interesting! But whatever we do, we'll need more mages.

 Creston's faction, the Solstaires, are currently stuck in the business of making magic scrolls.
 Ordinary mages are not very knowledgeable, and even if they were hired, they would not be able to do things like improve magic formulas.
 Mages who are skilled in mercenary activities are important in battle and are in great demand from other mercenaries. Therefore, they cannot be recruited into the army, and the only way to fill the ranks is to train them.
 In that case, it would be faster to gather the graduates of the Istor Academy of Magic and create a new organization, but there are not many mages who can work with the Knights.

 With a shortage of both production and combat personnel, Creston was having a difficult time securing personnel.

I'm not sure what to make of that.
There are a lot of mages who graduate from the academy but end up being half-assed in both combat and production. Most of them turn into alchemists, but medicinal herbs are expensive and hard to come by, so they end up working as regular workers.
What about making magic tools? There seems to be a lot of demand for it.
The price is so high that lower-ranked mercenaries can't buy them, and even if they make them, they can't sell them. Intermediate mercenaries will buy them, but they won't because they're disposable and expensive. In reality, they are not profitable.

 It was a difficult world for mages.

"Why don't they make magic tools for ordinary people? That's what I'm wondering.
"Even at Istor Academy of Magic, mages are still perceived as combatants. It's a good idea to take a look at a few of the things that are available in the market.
"Well, the faction itself seems to be run by nobles... ....... The faction itself seems to be run by aristocrats, so maybe they don't care about common tools.

 The people involved in the faction also seem to be filled with combat brains.
 The faction itself is run by the aristocracy, so it is inevitably focused on defense-related research and power grabs.
 But in a way, this is an opportunity for Creston.
 If he can build a faction that is supported by the people, he will be able to gain power that can overpower the other factions.
 As a duke, power doesn't mean much, but if he can gain immense authority among mages, it will be easier to carry out reforms.

 The problem is that there is a shortage of manpower, and we need even fallen mages to come to our side.

So you're selling refrigerators? You can use scraps of magic stone and it's low cost. And if you add in the dwarves who do the metalwork and the contractors who do the installation, you'll need a large organization to run it.

"So we're going to form a union of mages and send them to those who request it. We're looking for people for that purpose, but it's not going well.
I think it's the salary, isn't it? Everyone wants to live a good life, don't they?
That's why I want you to make this refrigerator ....... How much can you get for it?
How much? I can do it quite cheaply, but I don't know the official price because I made it myself.

 I'm not interested in the distribution price of magical items.
 If I need it, I can make it myself, and I have no intention of selling it to others.
 Perhaps that's why Xellos was so careless about money.

I don't have a choice. I'll talk to Dell, ...... he knows more about prices than I do.
By the way, you said you wanted to talk about money. ...... What does that entail?
"I have to give you a portion of the proceeds from the sale of the magic scrolls, but it's a bit exorbitant. That's why I'm here.
"Sales money? Oh, the ...... royalties. How much is exorbitant?
It's on this paper. You'd better take a good look at it.

 He unfolded the paper Creston had handed him and his eyes lit up at the amount.
 There were more zeros than he'd ever seen before.
 The Solstice Chamber of Commerce mobilizes all of its mages to create scrolls, which are then sold around the world.
 The mages in charge of making the scrolls must be having a hell of a time.

The mages in charge of making the scrolls must be having a hell of a time. ...... Um... there are so many zeros. I just optimized the magic in the academy, didn't I?
That's the price. That's what you've done.
That's a lot of money to live on for the rest of your life. ...... Honestly, I'm scared. This amount is ......
But you have to take it. It's a fair price to pay.

 Xelloss felt dizzy from the amount of money in front of him.
 He had been thinking of working hard to make a living, but somehow enough money had come rolling in to allow him to live and play.
 I have a feeling that I'm going to go down the wrong path as a person.

And by the way, I'm sure there will be more. "By the way, I'm sure there will be more, because what you make is too good to be true.
If you have this much money, you'll become a corrupt person. I'd have no use for it.
But you have to take it, don't you? This is your rightful reward. If you refuse, the man from Delsasis will be charged with a crime.
"Oh, ......Jesus. Oh, my God.

 Honestly, you can make as much money as you want.
 But I don't need any extra money to live a peaceful life, and even if I had a lot of money, I wouldn't have any use for it.
 While I was trying to find a way to spend it, I suddenly saw the roof of a church from my window.
 Then I had a brilliant idea.

"Can I donate this money?
"Donate it? Where would it go?
An orphanage. We could use the money to hire orphans to do charity work and give them money, so the children would know what it means to work, and most importantly, we'd have some money, but it would be small.

 Even Creston was taken aback by this.
 This is a relief measure, if you will, and it allows orphans who might otherwise be considered criminals to work and live a decent life.
 Normally, this would be a project for the lord, but taxes are limited, and the merchants of Delsacis use their profits to pay their bills, so they can't casually use the money for welfare projects, and it takes time to donate it.

 However, the reward money that Xellos was to receive was different.
 Since it was his personal money, he could donate it to the orphans without any hindrance.

If you want, you can also add it to the pocket money of the elderly who can no longer work, I'll leave that up to you.
Hmm. What do you want the children to do at ......?
Well, how about ...... dividing them into districts and having them clean and collect the trash from the streets? Empty bottles can be recycled and used as glass, and burnable dust can be burned to ashes to fertilize the fields.
I see. ...... So you're saying that you don't just want to put them in an orphanage and educate them?
Some of the children don't like orphanages, and the older ones could be put in wagons and sent to cut grass in the nearby villages, which would make a good living, wouldn't it?

 The orphanage is indeed an institution for orphans, but even so, the city is full of children without relatives.
 Abandoned by their parents or stowed away on ships, their numbers were increasing and they were settling in the old city.
 In rare cases, children are found starving to death in the back alleys and buried in unmarked cemeteries.
 The tragedy would be largely alleviated.

I'm not saying it will save everything. I'm only a hypocrite, so I'm going to ......, but the money we don't spend has to be put to good use.
That's enough. People are not gods, so do what you can.
"Oh, please let me give priority to weeding my field. We're in dire need of help.
That's what you want. ...... Well, that's fine. That's fine. We'd appreciate it.

 That's how we're going to use the money.
 This was the moment of the establishment of the welfare fund that would later be called the Merlin Fund.

 This relief activity, which started as an idea, would later spread throughout the country through the hands of many nobles and merchants.
 No one knows now that behind it all, there is an old man whose thinking is somewhat biased in a strange direction.

  I've been thinking about this for a while.

"There's a story about .......
"So ...... is a donation to children. And they pay them for their work... interesting business.

 He told his son, Delsacis, about the exchange with Xellos during the day, and the lord, Delsacis, exhaled in admiration.
 The amount of money paid to Xellos was more than a man could spend in a lifetime.
 The fact that he was willing to donate a portion of the proceeds from the sale of his magic scrolls was truly an act of generosity, and showed once again that the race of wise men was not greedy.
 In fact, they are greedy, but their greed is so insignificant that no one thinks of them as greedy.

But it is a very good use of money. "But it's a very good use of money, and I love the idea of not needing money unless you need it.
"You seem to really want peace. Self-sufficiency is a priority.
But a refrigerator? That's interesting. I love how easy it is to make. All you need is a magic stone with freezing magic in it, and it'll come in handy in taverns and restaurants.
How do you price the goods?
What about the price of the product? "The price will vary drastically because the size of the magic stone will also depend on the size of the object. We'll have to start selling the small ones first and see how it goes.

 The movement to destroy the mage factions had already begun.
 While everyone was focused on power, they were cunningly and quickly moving into action.
 The first step was the magic scrolls. And the second step was the refrigerator.
 Moreover, a patent application had been filed the same day, and anyone who wanted to make one would have to ask permission from the Solstice Chamber of Commerce.
 If you were to copy and sell it carelessly, you would surely end up in court.

 Moreover, the duke's family was too strong to even make an enemy.

Is part of the proceeds from the sale of this refrigerator also donated?
Yes, that's what Lord Xellos said.
I want you more and more, but you can't touch me. You could make an enemy out of me.
Mm. So, ......, how's it going over there?
Very well, sir. Count Jokubukeno will be removed soon. This will destroy one of Weasler's funding sources.

 The Count, who had built the bridge without permission, had falsely claimed to have been ordered by the king, and had been funneling most of the tax money he had extracted from the people to the Weasler faction.
 In other words, he was falsifying even the taxes paid to the government, and he could not escape the extreme penalty.

 The nobility in this country is hereditary, but in reality, their position is as fragile as that of civil servants.
 Violations of the country's laws are punishable by deprivation of title and even execution.
 However, the Count's younger brother is highly popular with the people, and Delsacis is currently working to make him the next Count.

"That's Marciner, isn't it? His brother's name is ....... Can he use magic?
"He can't use magic. I mean, he's a member of the Order, so he can help us with our plans.
Like Tina, or ......, he'll be a great ally.
Yeah. He has a lot of contacts in the Order, and he's the one who sees the Weasler faction as a danger.

 The Weaslers have been very active lately and have been very unpopular among the people.
 The Weaslers have been very active lately and have been very unpopular with the people.

"What do the Saint-Germainists say?
They're not interested. Well, they're just going to sit on their hands for a while. I wonder which side they're on. ......
When do we start the second phase of ......?
We can start as early as next week. I'll have her help you with that.

 The two marquises, both concerned about their country, are quietly working in the dark.
 They were reaching deep, quietly and surely, so that by the time they realized it, it would be too late.

"Can Candy help me with this? ......
"You'd better not mention that name, father. You don't want to mention that name, father. It'll make her sulk and she won't come out of her room for a while.
"Why the name of a poisonous plant? I think it's in poor taste. ......
Well, that's a mystery to me, too. Well, ...... that's all the work for today. We have to hurry. ......
Where is she this time? How many times have you been stabbed, ......?
This is how I live. If a woman kills me, so be it.

 Creston let out a sigh and lamented, "Where did I get my education wrong?
 I don't remember giving him the wrong education.
 A good man makes even his parents cry.

 He only hoped that his son would not be stabbed to death before his plan came to fruition.