66 Oops, do some research.

 In the beginning, there is emptiness.
 After what seems like an infinite amount of time, a god descends into the void.
 He thrusts his staff into the darkness and light is born.
 Beneath the light, a flame is born, and when he thrusts his sword into the flame, the earth is born.
 And when he threw the book into the fire, water was born.
 The water moistens the earth, and when the shield is held up to the water, wind is born, and a world is born.
 When the world was born, the balance was placed in the world, and providence was born.
 In time, many lives were born and the world turned into a paradise.
 The paradise eventually gave birth to a wise beast, which spread throughout the world, and the seed of life spread.
 That life changes its form and eventually forms settlements, and by gathering in different places, nations are born.
 Desire is born, war is born, hatred is born and spreads.
 Hatred forms a circle, and that circle never ends.
 That hatred will become a plague that will eventually cover this world.
 There is no winner in the great battle that calls for the end.
 The earth will turn red with blood, piles of corpses will be built, and silent ruins will stand watch.
 In the end, the living will vanish and be laughed at by the many. ......

 Sighing at the mundane religious concepts, the old man closed the book on interspecies lore.
 The books on the shelves of the Great Library are all manuscripts, and if you include those that have been altered for religious reasons, there are many. He asked the staff of the Grand Library about them, and selected a few books to read.  

"......What is it, so many creation myths have similar stories~....... I'm not sure what to make of this. There's no twist. ...... In the end, what people think is the same in the end?
Uncle ...... is the end of the line, you know? What do you want at the end of the world, Uncle?
I'm not sure if you've heard of this, but I'm sure you've heard of it. He dives from the tower of a building and crashes into the ground with a shrimp-slinging cartwheel, then rides the galactic railroad, drinks with Campanella, and continues his journey in a dreamy mood, and eventually opens his eyes, gets a mechanical body, fights the black hero king, and after being overturned by a complete victory of over 120%, disappears alone in a ditch. "Too many twists, too much chaos!
"Too much twisting, chaos! I don't understand! What kind of end of the world is that? Is that what you really want?
No, of course not. By the time the world ends, I'll already be dead.
Before that, I don't want to see the end of the world in some incomprehensible way!

 Xelloss began researching the creation myths in the Great Library.
 Most of the books were the myths of the four gods, and the content was so standard fantasy that it smelled fishy to me, so I started to look into the older interspecies lore before that.
 As a result, I found out that the creator gods built the world, but they only created it and were mere observers of it. Like the four gods, many of them did not issue any trusts, and were regarded as gods who continued to watch over the world.
 However, there is no mention of the four gods in the doctrine of creationism, and we don't even know where the four gods came from.

It is strange that there is no mention of the evil gods in any of the scriptures or myths, even though the last one is Ragnarok. They caused a lot of damage in the last war, but where they came from before that is still a mystery.
"The four gods also show up from the War of the Evil Gods, right? I'm not sure what to make of it. I'm not sure what to make of this.
I'm not sure what to make of this. And the name of the brave man is .......
I'm not sure what to make of that. "There were 36 heroes, and only a few names remain. [Dice-Kinjo], [Yuki-Minasawa], [Hiroshi-Yamamoto] ...... are Japanese, right?
"Definitely ....... But I don't remember any large-scale disappearance of people on Earth. Maybe it's from another axis of the Earth?
That's what I think. Summoning several people at a time from different worlds is inefficient, and it's quicker to summon them from one world. It would also be quicker to summon them all at once from the same place. ......

 The names of the heroes in the fragmentary records were apparently Japanese, and the fact that 36 of them were summoned at the same time made it more natural to assume that they were summoned from the same world.
 From a magic maker's point of view, summoning several people from different worlds at a time would be inefficient due to the energy required. It would also be difficult to control the summoning technique since it would create a hole in the dimension.

It is said that this summoning technique was given by the four gods. I've read some of the old documents, but there is no such magic that makes a hole in the dimension. In other words, is it correct to think that the four gods gave us summoning magic? And before that, can a human control this summoning magic?
It's hard to tell without looking at it. It's not possible for me, but ...... the problem is still the evil gods. I wonder what this evil god really is?

 According to records, the evil god appeared out of nowhere and went on an indiscriminate rampage, as if to devour demons and many other species.
 It is said that even if you tried to defeat him, a single blow would have obliterated the mountains, boiled the oceans, and torn apart space.

The evil god is invincible, isn't he? How did you manage to seal it? Normally, this would be impossible. ....... It's not a cartoon.
I think it's hard work, friendship, and victory. It's not a cartoon.
If what's written in the lore is true, it's not something you can fight with wisdom and courage. I've actually fought it, and it's nasty. It's completely immune to abnormal state effects, completely absorbs and disables certain attribute magic, and has no pause in its attacks, so it'll just shoot you with a very thick laser. I don't know how many times I died, especially the third form. The third form is particularly vicious. It continuously attacks with the ultra-wide destruction spell "Darkness Judgment" and the all-directional spread annihilation spell "Give Ye Bouquet of Death". You can't win if you fight them properly.
I'm not sure what to make of it. I'm not sure if the heroes were that strong.
I'm sure you'll be able to figure out what's going on. It is very fragile. ....... In addition, the four gods have not touched it at all. To the evil gods,.......

 At this point, the disparity in power between the four gods and the evil gods has been revealed. The four gods did not have the power to defeat the evil gods.
 In other words, the evil gods are higher than the four gods.

Did they use their power to stabilize the world, as promised? Isn't that what the other scriptures say?
"I don't think so, after all, he left behind the otherworldly summoning magic. It's a good idea to have a good idea of what you're looking for. You can only think that they don't care about the stability of the world as long as they haven't recovered it.

 I'm not sure what to make of it.
In the event that you have any questions concerning where and how to use the internet, you can contact us at the web site. Moreover, it seems that there are many level 500s who are much stronger than the inhabitants of this world.
 In terms of strength, it is the largest country in the world, and it is also an annoying country, because each nation can not start a war carelessly, and at the same time, they make reckless requests.
 Well, it was no match for Xelloss, but he had to be careful.

I'm not sure what to make of it, but I'm sure it's a good idea." "Well, since it's that god, ...... the goddess of fire [Freyres], the goddess of wind [Windia], the goddess of water [Aquilata], and the goddess of earth [Gailanes]. Based on the content of the email, I'd say they're pretty irresponsible goddesses, wouldn't you? 
It's too random. ....... She's like a fairy. They are fun-loving, curious, and irresponsible. A nuisance, a nuisance, a nuisance, a nuisance. And irresistibly annoying. He reminds me of the devil ...... who is selfish and acts on the spur of the moment.
"Oh, the ...... fairies were like that, weren't they? I've been in a lot of trouble with them stealing my items. ......
I used to destroy them as soon as I found them, no questions asked. They may look cute, but they're small and full of malice, so I got annoyed and burned them. They were like demons. ......
Uncle, you're terrible. ......
The fairy gemstone is a tasty alchemy material, so we made some money. We burned down the entire settlement with range magic [Gamma Ray]. ....... I'm not going to lie, I was pissed off because I had several valuable elixirs stolen from me at the time. I was about to have a fight with a raid boss. ...... I'm glad I was able to beat that behemoth. ......
"Behemoth! That's reckless, Uncle! I'm not sure how you did it, but you did it.

 I'm sure you'll be able to figure out how to use it.
 The gamma ray penetrates through matter and can directly inflict massive internal damage, so it could destroy half-real fairies without question.
 After all, the bodies of fairies are made up of magic power and materials such as dust, so even if you try to catch them, they will immediately disappear, and it would be extremely annoying if they keep robbing you of items. By eliminating the material from the magical body, it becomes invisible, and by the opposite method, it materializes.
 However, the [Gamma Ray] is also capable of dealing a heavy blow to the magical body, and can be defeated by forcibly shooting more than the allowed amount of energy into the magical body that builds the fairy's body. It must have been a vicious magic for fairies.
 The fairy would be annihilated by its own magic power. Moreover, even if they turned invisible and tried to escape, the gamma rays were energy itself, and even a magical body would surely be hit by them and would never be able to escape.
 If you shoot a human, their blood will boil and carbonize instantly. A living being would die instantly. Radiation exposure is a scary thing, but magic can be changed by magic formulas, so radiation exposure can be nullified.
 Fairies have high magical power, and magical attacks are not very effective, but this magic can ignore their characteristics and destroy them. After all, even the magic barrier can be penetrated.
 The old man at the time was angry at the repeated robbery of items, and created this spell to destroy the little demon. Regardless of how it was created, the power of the spell was so vicious that it could only be considered malicious.
 Or perhaps it is just malicious. In fact, it was a forbidden spell that had no idea what kind of dangerous effects it would have if used in this world.

 As a side note, fairies are recognized as a legitimate race in this world, and cannot be killed carelessly.
 Taking advantage of this, fairies continue to play their nasty tricks, and are a real nuisance to normal people.
 There are many people who have had their children, family members, and friends killed by fairies, and many of them hold a grudge against the [Metis Holy Law God Country] that defends them.
 The number of victims of fairy mischief is surprisingly large.

I'm sure you'll be able to find a lot more information on this subject in the future. That means ......
"The four gods are fairy kings! I'm sure you're not the only one. It's a good idea to have a good idea of what you're looking for.
It's not impossible, but I don't think it's powerful enough to interfere with other worlds. I think there's something missing. ....... It's a good idea to have a good idea of what you're looking for. I'm not sure what to make of that. ......
I'm not sure what to make of that. I'm sure you'll be able to figure it out.
I'm not sure what to make of that. It's possible that the fairies are the same people who defend them.

 We can speculate. But there is no proof.
 If the four gods were fairy kings, who gave them the authority to manage the world would also be a mystery.
 If the four gods are fairy kings, who gave them the power to manage the world is also a mystery. They are probably the gods of creation, but if they are spirit kings, why did they give them power?
 And the existence of the Evil God remains a mystery.

If the evil gods were goddesses, why don't they have the authority to control this world? On the contrary, she tried to destroy the world and ......
I'm sure you're right. I'm not sure what to make of it. I can't believe he resented that so much that he tried to destroy the world. Ha-ha-ha.
I don't think that's possible, though. I don't think that's possible. If it is, it's a nasty story. ...... Hahahaha.

 There was nothing to deny, but it was too pathetic to be true.
 But there was no point in speculating here, since we didn't know the truth.
 Regardless of whether my prediction was correct or not, I would be able to find out everything I could in this library.

Well, let's put the books back on the shelf and go back. I'm hungry, so let's eat somewhere.
"I agree... I'm so tired! Gathering information takes a lot of time when you actually do it. It's so different from playing games.
That's how it is in real life. Well, the world of Sword and Sorcery seems strange when the city dwellers know the secrets of the ruins. I've often wondered, "Where did you get such valuable information? I've wondered that many times.
"It's true that ...... is a strange story when you think about it. Even if that world is not a game, I think that kind of setting is a little abnormal. The world of other games is also strange if you think about it.
The heroes also raided other people's houses to get items, so the game world must have a lot of insanity. Why is a powerful weapon stored in an abandoned building? I'm sure you'll be able to find something that will make your life easier.
"Ah, there's ......! Even if you think it's just a game, it's impossible to replace it with reality. It's a good idea to have a good idea of what you're doing and how you're doing it. 

 After finishing what they were doing, the old men began to talk about RPGs.
 It's true that the main characters in the games are securing items from other people's houses, or taking valuables out of castles without permission.
 If this is translated into reality, they are confiscating items as they please in the name of being brave. If the government has given permission for this, it would be somewhat problematic.
 Even if it is only a fictional world, today's old men are actually in a fantasy world. Moreover, if they actually try to do the same thing as in the game, they will become criminals.
 In fact, there are people from my hometown who tried to create a slave harem and became a slave themselves. Reality is a hard world.

You're trespassing in someone else's house without permission. How come you haven't been reported?
"Yes, yes! And even though a suspicious person is breaking into the house and ransacking the room, the residents are kind enough to give me information. I thought. In some cases, they even gave me weapons that belonged to my family.
That's right. And they sell those weapons in the next town.
Or they already have the same weapon. What do you mean you get it for free after you've worked so hard to earn it? I was so disappointed at that time. There's no other character I can equip it to.
"Yes, you do. Another time, I saved the main character's life in an event and the weapon was broken, and I was asked, "Which weapon was broken? Like that. Later, the weapon is modified and becomes a powerful weapon, but it is not used much and is stored away.
 Normally, if you want to fix a broken weapon, it is better to make a new one. Why reuse scrap metal? Cost savings?

 While chatting about trivial matters, they took the books from the shelf and put them back in their original positions.
 Some of them had to go to the vaults of old books, but they fussed over the shelves with no regard for the inconvenience to those around them.
 Fortunately, there were few people using the main library, so I was not offended.
 Only the library staff stared at them with a very scary face, but the old men did not notice it. They forgot that it was not only the students who were annoyed.

 You can find a lot of people who are interested in this kind of thing.

 Celestina was constructing a magic formula some distance away, but she was a little envious of Iris, who was happily discussing and researching with Xellos.
 When she returned to the academy, Miska was not there, and she left a note saying, "The Master has summoned me. Please don't look for her.' To be honest, I was puzzled.
 Fortunately, I was able to take care of myself, but it was lonely to be alone in the dormitory room, so I did my usual routine of killing time in the big library. I thought I was used to loneliness, but sometimes it made me feel sad.
 That's why I did my usual routine of constructing magic formulas. I'm working on a prototype of a stacked magic circle, and if the top and bottom magic circles are even slightly different in size, the magic circle for processing the magic formula between them will be faulty.
 The difficult part of this magic circle is to divide several different command magic formulas and stack them all on top of each other to create a stacked magic circle. The slightest deviation will cause a load that will affect the operational efficiency of the magic power.
 The magic formulas engraved on multiple magic circles also have different densities, making it difficult to construct magic circles of equal size for efficiency.

You can build a cone if you want to, but it's hard to divide the magic formula into writing magic squares. ....... You have to think about how to arrange the formulas, and it's more difficult than a flat magic circle.

 The magic circle I'm working on is an improved version of the intermediate magic [Lightning Shot].
 It is a range magic that shoots out multiple plasma bullets, which can only attack in the frontal direction, and if you are brought into close combat, you will be attacked before they spread over a wide area. However, since large plasma spheres are formed before they are shot out, I thought that floating multiple of these spheres could be used for defense.
 In any case, the power of a single hit differs between a plasma sphere that is shot out at a range and a plasma sphere before it is shot out.
 A plasma ball is powerful, but it is a single shot, and if it is shot out as a range spell, it will break up into countless pieces, and the power of each shot will be considerably reduced. Furthermore, the nature of the attack also changes, with the plasma ball exploding and the [shot] penetrating, making it a different magic before and after the shot.
 If you add to that magic formula a magic formula that uses the magic of the natural world, you end up with an awkwardly distorted three-dimensional magic circle of cylinders.
 If you don't make a stable shape based on the size of the control formula, the burden on the magician will increase. In the worst case, the magic power required to cast a spell might double.
 Celestina was having a hard time finding the right balance.

If you're looking for the best way to get the most out of your business, you're going to want to make sure you're getting the most out of your business.

 The lecturer's team could not decipher the magic formula and could not discuss it with him.
  Croisus is currently in the laboratory in the Great Library, investigating the newly discovered [? enhancer] that has been newly discovered.

 The reason why there is a laboratory in the Main Library is that it is inefficient to go back and forth to the remote research building with books when the materials are in this library.
 The library is a good place to do research while studying, but there is a time limit for other students to use the library, so you need to go through a procedure in advance if you want to use it for a long time.
 Fortunately, an acquaintance of mine who was also a Saint Germain student had rented this place beforehand, and I took advantage of it to enter his laboratory. Croisus seems to have a surprisingly careless personality. He had decided to use the laboratory in the Main Library as a last resort, because he didn't want to risk a reaction to the various chemicals in his lab.
 Well, the main reason is that Makarov and his team stopped Croisus. .......
 In the event that you have any questions concerning where and how to use the internet, you can call us at the web site.

In the event that you have any questions regarding where and how to use the internet, you can call us at the web site.
It's because you're splitting up the other command magic formulas too much. You should have made the first three into one magic circle. If you start from that point, you should be able to even things out nicely, don't you think?
"Oh, I see. ......, but then the size of the processing formula would be .......
It's a good idea to have a good idea of what you're doing. There's no need to change the internal magic formula.
"Oh, I see! I thought that if the magic circle became larger, the density of the magic circle that processes the magic formula would also have to be changed, but that doesn't have to be done, does it?
You don't have to think too hard. You don't need to think too hard about it, because the magicians that process the magic formula only need to fulfill that role. It's a good idea to make sure that you have a good idea of what you're doing.
I see. ...... is a teacher?

 I turned around and there he was: .......
 In the event that you have any kind of questions regarding where and how to use the internet, you can call us at the web site.
 He had just finished his work and was going to have a smoke, when a staff member saw him and stared at him, and when he turned away, Celestina was just by his side.
 It seems that she was peeking behind her, anticipating what was troubling Celestina, and then intervened.

You can't smoke in here, ....... You might want to put your cigarettes away .......
I'm sure you'll be able to understand why. If it weren't for the staff, I would have lit it on fire. ...... Daily habits are scary.
I'm sure you'll be able to figure out what's going on. I think there are morals that come before that.
I was almost unconscious, so I was careless. By the way, I was wondering while I was doing my research, what's at the end of the passage over there? I saw a couple of grad students going down there a while ago.

 At the end of the corridor beyond the library, there is a lending laboratory where Croisus is experimenting.
 I'm sure he's happily researching magic potions right now.

"That's a laboratory. It's often used by students who don't have a research building to make potions. Brother Croisus just left with you.
I'm curious to know what kind of research he's usually doing. I'm sure he's having a lot of fun right now.
"...... cannot be denied. You also caused a ruckus in the Lahmakh Forest. ......
I'm sure you'll be able to find a lot more information on this in the future. I'm sure it was Tina's brother who did it.
I'm not sure. When did you ......?

 It's a good idea to have a good idea of what you're looking for.
 The two of them were heartbreaking.

I'm a little curious about the academy's research. I wonder if it's going to explode? My hair might turn into an afro.
"It's not like it's an old comedy show, I don't think so. I don't think any teacher would let their students take such a risk.
Yes, there are. Explosion ....... In the event that you have any questions concerning where and the best way to get in touch with us, please do not hesitate to contact us. I've heard that research is always dangerous.
It's a surprisingly dangerous place to be: ....... I don't know what kind of recklessness you're putting your students through, but what if someone dies?

 The otherworldly schoolhouse is dangerous.
 Sometimes explosions and toxic gases are emitted while students are attending lectures.
 It's as if the military is conducting weapons development research in a public facility. In addition, the special forces of the government were constantly monitoring the area in preparation for the worst case scenario, and were ready to rescue the students in case of emergency.
 It is reasonable to assume that several emergencies were triggered, which is why a specialized rescue unit was formed. The level of crisis management is very different from that of Earth.
 It is also scary that even if you die in the research, it is your own fault.

It would be better to have a contingency plan in place, and to thoroughly check the safety of experiments. ......? It's also a good way to avoid some of the dangers.
I'm sure they do, but even so, I've heard that accidents occur frequently. Most of them involve Brother Croisus. ......
"Tina's brother, Mad? Is he the kind of person who would inadvertently create something dangerous?
I've heard that research is everything to him, so he doesn't know how many dangerous things he's made. He says, "If you don't experiment, you don't progress," and he's created things that could lead to war if they're not used properly. ......

 I was too familiar with it.
In the event that you have any questions regarding where and how to use the site, please do not hesitate to contact us.
 It's a human verification experiment, and one of my friends even perfected a magic potion that makes your head feel funny. All of the Annihilators can't blame Croisus. And of course, the old man.
 I've done similar things myself, and I have no right to blame him.

I don't feel like a stranger. It's like you're recreating your own bad behavior and it's gnawing at your conscience. ....... ...... I was doing something wrong.

Past tense? You're still doing it, right, Uncle? ....... Especially those cockerels, they're growing like crazy, you know? What did you do to them?
"I just practiced with them every day. I think it's great that you're serious about mastering something, don't you? Even if it's a demon.
I'm sure those boys are no match for anyone else. It's a good idea to take a look at the actual information on the web to get a better idea of what you're looking for.
I've never heard of such a thing." "Morphing is a common phenomenon among dragons. It's a good idea to have a good idea of what you're looking for. This is especially the case with the Blaze Dragon.

The Blaze Dragon looks the same as a normal dragon, but when it is in battle, its entire body changes into a form covered in swords. It's a great way to make sure you don't end up in a situation where you can't get out of it.
 Materials such as scales change shape when magic flows through them, so they were good materials for making transforming weapons.
 The average level is from 600 and up. Even a newborn [Dragon Puppy] was sure to be turned back by an ordinary mercenary.

"Sir, ...... dragon species are mostly phantom demons, right? It's not something you'll see around here. I think the best you can do is the Gabul.
I'm sure you'll be able to find something to help you out. It's the one that can be shot down by the weakest ballista?
The only one who can say that is you, uncle. It's a good idea to have a good idea of what you're looking for.
It's the strongest kind, and the bigger they are, the more magic and strength they have. It's natural for them to become stronger when their rank (level) is added to that. There are other skills as well. ......
How strong is the dragon....... I'm sure you've beaten the Dragon King class,......, right? Alone. ......
You don't want to do that: ....... It's hell to keep fighting for a long time, I recommend that you don't imitate it.

 Only an old man can do that.
 It is insane to hide yourself, constantly aim at weak points from a blind spot, and repeat it for a long time.
 Some parties were involved in the battle, but Xellos didn't mind using other parties as bait. By defeating them without ever showing himself, he improved his assassin skills and reached the [God] level.
 In short, I never challenged them to a head-on fight. I'm completely hunting.

I'd like to see what you're up to, Croisus, if you don't mind.
The laboratory is open to the public, and you can visit it if you don't want to interfere. Just don't touch any of the equipment. ......
The lab is open to the public. I'm too scared to do anything like that. I don't want to get knocked out by some accident.
No matter how big your brother is, he can't cause that many explosions. ......

 Do ------ ----!

You ...... woke me up, didn't you?
You never disappoint, brother. ....... I wonder what kind of experiments he's been doing. ......
You were expecting me? I'm not sure if I'm going to be able to do this, but I'm going to go check if anyone is hurt. I'll take care of your injuries.
Yes, I know. ....... I'm not sure if anyone is seriously injured, but if anyone dies, we're in trouble!

 I walked out of the library into the corridor, and Celestina led me to the laboratory.
 On the way, there was some kind of citrus scent in the air, and Xellos twisted his head a little.
 It smells like the scent of a woman who lives alone, but Celestina and Iris don't seem to notice anything. That was also strange.
 When I arrived at the laboratory as I was led, I found equipment scattered all over the place, a large yellow stain on the ceiling, and a large pot in the middle of it, like a witch stewing medicine.
 Inside was a half yellow liquid of the same color, which seemed to have exploded in some kind of reaction, releasing its power upward.
 And the [Appraisal] skill that activates on its own without asking.

I'm not sure what to do.
 This is a dream drug that women with no breasts long for.
 It's a great way to make sure you're getting the most out of your money. It's a great way to get the most out of your life.
 One spoonful will turn your A-cup into a lush Z x 10 cup in no time.
 Don't wait to use it.

"...... Mr. Croisus. I'm not sure what you're trying to make here. It's a good idea to have a good idea of what you're looking for. If you drink it carelessly, it will drag your breasts to the ground ...... or even crush them to death with fat! I'm not sure what to do, but I'd like to know what to do.

 Croisus had created a drug that could lead to war in another way.
 Moreover, the effect is too great to be of any use.
 He had created a prototype that would revolutionize the beauty industry in this world.