108 School's Daily Life 1

 Istor Academy of Magic.
 On this day, in the three hundred years since the academy's founding, a historic event was being held.
 It was held in the main auditorium, a place often used to present magical research, a sanctuary for students where many discoveries were made and influenced various fields of research.
 Only students who have achieved excellent results are allowed to present their research results in this auditorium, and after graduation, the doors of the Royal Academy of Magic of Solstice are opened to them. This was the venue for a major event that promised a future as a mage.
 The Solistare Academy of Magic was a research institution guaranteed by the government, and was a national civil servant for the purpose of research. From there, students were hired by various research institutions.
 A wealth of human resources and research funds were promised, along with a high income. It's a dream job for a mage.
 However, the main character in this case is not a talented student of the academy, but Croisus, who is listed as a representative of the Saint Germain school. The subject of his research is [deciphering magic formulas], a challenge to many mages.
 Until now, it was believed that all magic letters had a meaning and that magic could be activated by putting them together, but Croisus' research put a stop to that.
 But Croisus's research has given him some certainty and results, and he has published them here now.

So, the interpretation of this magic formula is 'the air layer creates a fault. In other words, the essence of wind magic is that the magic power flows into the vacuum created by the fault generated by the wind, and uses it as a blade to cut through the object. In other words, magic letters are a language, and the letters are used to create words using the 56 syllables. The reason why many mages have not noticed this question until now is that it has become common knowledge that each magic letter has a meaning. I advocate. Now is the time to learn how to decipher them properly and restore the prosperity of the old days.

 Croesus interpreted magic letters as a language, and announced that using letters to transform oneself in words was a magic book apostle. In conclusion, this research is correct.
 However, it is also true that there are those who deny it. For example...

"Wait! Suppose the study is true. ......
"It is true. I've checked it over and over, and every result I've deciphered has been exactly what I thought it would be.
If ...... is true, then everything we've learned so far has been wrong. I can't admit that!
"Samas, I understand your reluctance to admit it, but it is a pure fact. If we don't admit our mistakes, we will not be able to move forward. It must be painful to have what we have learned denied, but we must accept it for the sake of our future development.
"Then what have we been learning? Then what have we learned! If we are denied what we took for granted, then we have wasted our time. I can't admit it!
"Even if you don't want to admit it, the truth is as I've just presented it. It is up to the individual to decide whether to accept it or not. Reality can be cruel sometimes.
"Ugh. ......

 The Samas teacher had been told the same thing by Celestina before, but she tolerated it.
 I thought that she was just a dropout who could use some magic, but now she has made a name for herself as a 'brilliant woman', and the result of ignoring her opinion was announced earlier by the Saint Germain faction.
 The results of ignoring her opinion were announced by the Saint-Germain school first, denying that what she had learned up to now was useless. I regretted that I should have done my own research, but it was all too late.
 The rest of the instructors also had a negative look on their faces. But no matter how much they denied it, they had no results and could not completely deny Croesus' research paper.

It's not that everything I've learned so far has been wrong. It's true that even a single magic letter has meaning. I approached it the wrong way. You may think that you have lost a lot of time because of it.
 But we have to learn. This method of deciphering is essential to getting the old technology, and denying it will lead to stagnation. In fact, have we made any progress in deciphering magic in the last hundred years?
 Magic is a science and a technology. The factors that have hindered progress in this area are probably the conflicts between the various factions. They wanted magic to be powerful, and did not pay attention to the truth in it. War has become the norm, and the time to study technology has been lost. This has been especially true since the war of a thousand years ago.

 In order to disprove the erroneous deciphering method, Croisus presented a record of the situation at that time from the history of warfare, and explained the situation that the mages of the past went through.
 In war, magic is only about power, and those who focus only on power have denied those who challenge the truth by unraveling the essence of magic. As a result, it has led to stagnation and continues to this day.
 The policies of the olden days have become a curse, and have undeniably fettered the development of magic to this day.
 And today, that curse has been completely negated. The shock seems to have had a great impact on the academy's instructors...

I'm not sure how much time I have left, so I'm going to end it here. But I can tell you this. But I can tell you this: this is the right way to decipher it! I hope you will abandon your old habits and try to make further progress under the right reason. That's all. ......

 There was silence in the auditorium.
 The people who had studied it could not applaud because what they had believed in up until now had been denied.
 This will create a conflict between those who defend the current policy and those who challenge the new possibilities.
 However, this conflict did not become serious, and they only argued until they were able to completely decipher the magic formula.
 In addition, the Saint Germain faction's laboratory received a lot of support, and their authority grew.
 The mage corps at the top of the faction intensified their factional warfare and made moves to capture the Saint Germain faction, but the Saint Germain faction, originally a hive of research idiots, did not take any action.
 The only faction that took a favorable attitude was the newest faction, the Solisteers.
 As the authority of the Saint-Germain faction rose, the authority of the royal faction of Solstaires rose, and the authority of each faction fell.
 Of course, the Weasler faction was no exception. The unpleasant feelings will be directed to the end of the faction, the students.

 I have a lot of questions.

 OB. In any world, those who have graduated from the academy before the others have a pompous attitude.
 Not to say that all of them are like that, but they are arrogant just because they graduated from the academy first, even though they are not that good.
 It would be better if they were talking about their own experiences, but in fact they are just complaining in the name of blackmail. The students of the Weasler school were fed up with listening to the endless pompous sermons that did not provide any fruit or sustenance. It was unbearable to hear the same story over and over again.
 If they suddenly appear, use the lecture room without permission, and complain about the waste of time, they will become suspicious of the faction.
 If they don't understand something as simple as that, they will say things like, "My faction must take control of the military affairs and move forward on the right path," or "You're too lax to fall behind the other factions. When I was young, I was ......." And so on.
 They were probably told the same thing by their superiors, and came here to release their stress.
 It is a nuisance for the students.

"...... at all. What are you doing, lagging behind the Saint-Germain school? If I had been at the Institute, this would not have happened. ......

 And then, in an attempt to show off his superiority without meaning to, all of the students said, "Then you should have announced how to decipher the magic formula. That's bullshit, incompetent! without saying it out loud.

I'm sure you're not the only one. You don't have to be at the academy to do research, do you? I'm not sure what you've been doing all this time.
「「「「「! 」」」」」」

 I'm not sure if you've heard of this, but I'm sure you've heard of it.
 I'm not sure if this is a good idea or not, but it's a good idea.

I'm not sure if you've heard of it, but I'm sure you've heard of it. I don't mind leaving magic research to the St. Germain faction. I'm sure you're not the only one who has a problem with that.
"What the hell do you think I am, ......?
You're a second level mage in the Mage Order. It doesn't matter. Our faction is supposed to be the one that devises and implements defense strategies to protect our people in the event of a national crisis. Magical research is secondary to that. Since when did this faction become a group of magic researchers? We're supposed to be a faction that studies and pursues tactics.
I know what I'm talking about. All I'm saying is that the problem is that the St. Germain faction is gaining authority. ......
That's your business. What do you expect from a mere student? We are constantly researching the military facilities and terrain of each territory, studying strategic concepts from various angles, and studying combat. Actual combat is what matters, and magic research is good enough to make simple restoratives. In the first place, our philosophy is different from that of Saint Germain's.
You're the one who's talking! What are you talking about! If Saint Germain's authority rises, it will be impossible for us to control the military. We can't keep letting the Knights make a big deal out of this!

 For some reason, more and more of the Knights were using magic these days.
 This alone is a serious matter, but now that the opposing faction has discovered and published a way to decipher the magic formula, the Weasler faction's influence is diminishing.
 However, the Weasler faction is a faction that works with the Knights to formulate defense strategies, and should not be at odds with the Knights.
 The mages of the Weasler faction were influenced by the other factions when they entered the framework of the Mage Order, and switched from the idea of creating a cooperative system with the Knights to seizing military authority.
 Furthermore, most of the mages have never experienced a life-threatening actual battle, and they underestimate the power of war. The upper echelons were dominated by people who thought that magic was a panacea.

Are you in a hurry because the knights are using magic? But knights and mages have different fighting styles. Knights are expected to fight with dignity for the prestige of the country, while mages must use any means to win. Just unleashing magic from the rear is not enough to change the course of the war. Sometimes you have to fight a battle where you have to make a stand. I'm not sure we can carry out the mission if we team up with someone we don't trust.
I'm sure you'll be happy to hear that.
The way mages fight should also change. Strategies change with the times. It's not uncommon for what we take for granted to not work in the next war. This is not a problem that can be solved only by playing the role of a turret as in the past. We should always be looking for new strategies. It was your negligence that caused the knights to start using magic in the first place. That's bullshit.

 The way mages have always fought is basically as a battery.
 It was common for them to take up positions in fortresses and use magic from the top of the defenses. This is not to say that this is wrong, but strategy can vary greatly depending on the commander.
 For example, there are times when it is necessary to go to the front line, for example, to place mages in the knight order and go behind the enemy to cut off their supply routes.
 However, most of the mages in this world are not capable of fighting, and tend to avoid going to the front as much as possible. The reason for this is the shortage of mages.
 In the midst of magical research, the old magic formulas were altered so that they could only be activated by those with a certain amount of magic power. Celestina, Zveit's sister, is a case in point.
 As the number of mages is limited, unnecessary losses must be avoided. As a result, the tendency to take a conservative position has increased.
 To use the previous story as an example, mages are reluctant to go to the front in a mission to cut off the enemy's supply routes, and knights who lose their mages will suffer heavy casualties. Without the support of magic that can mask their appearance and presence, they are naturally more vulnerable to detection. If you can't rely on mages, it's quicker for knights to learn magic.
 This is why the Knights came to believe that they would be better off without unreliable mages, and began to reject them.
 Many examples, large and small, have accumulated, and the rift between the Knights and the Mages has deepened.

"How long are you going to drag out your old habits? Do we have to work for such a trivial organization? What is the point of such an authority that we have to abandon our role of protecting the people? We'd like to ask you, Second Grade Mage Domalt. Can you really protect the country as it is now?

"Ugh. ......

 Domalt didn't come to Istor Academy of Magic for the students. It was just a way to relieve stress.
 But the Weaslerian mages at the academy were suspicious of the current mage corps.
 The first premise of the Mage Order is that it is an organization that protects the people of the country, and the current situation is an environment that increases distrust. The current situation is an environment of growing distrust. It can't be called a part of the defense organization, even in a flattering way.
 I thought I was just here to take out my frustrations on the students of the academy, but before I knew it, they were looking at me with suspicion. That's how good the current students are.
 This is where I said, "You have a good point. I wish I could say that I always think the organization itself needs to be reformed," but unfortunately, Domalt is not the kind of person who can say that.
 He is only concerned about appearances and knows that he will lose his head if he speaks out, which is why he cannot say anything unnecessary.
 In the first place, a person who can speak openly about doubts in the organization would not come to the institute to complain to the students. He is only a middle-manager.

There's something wrong with the current Mage Order.
"Yes. We're trying to master magic to protect our people. But what's the point of an organization that not only doesn't interact with the Knights but also creates conflicts?
I'm sure you'll be able to figure it out.
A meritocracy that has nothing to do with the nobility is preferable. When a fool is at the top, the people under him are unhappy.
With the current situation of the Mage Order, it's better not to have them, right?
Absolutely. We have to fight together with the Order in case of emergency. Conflict between organizations is nonsense.

 A big miscalculation that Domarus didn't know about. The current students of the Weasler faction have adopted a meritocracy and are in direct conflict with the current Mage Order.
 If we reject them, the best people will go to other factions, and if we accept them, they may threaten our position.
 If you accept them into the Mage Order, there is a risk that they will reform the faction structure on their own, and the environment of the Mage Order will change drastically in the aftermath. From the standpoint of those who wanted to protect the current authority, it was a deadly poison.
 What's more troublesome is that the first of these junior members is Zveit. In other words, he is a blood relative of the Duke of Solistea.
 They couldn't treat him lightly, and if they made enemies with him, they would endanger themselves, or worse, be expelled from the Mage Order.
 The royalist faction led by the Solistare faction is steadily gaining power, and their opinions are becoming something that can no longer be ignored. If the St. Germain faction, with which they are cooperating, joins them, the Weasler faction's right to speak will disappear.

In the first place, it is foolish to create factions within an organization. What are these people thinking?
"Shut up, you ignorant little bastards! In an organization, orders from the top are absolute. You don't know what will happen if you disobey!
This is an unusual thing to say. We were just questioning the organizational structure of the Mage Order and voicing our opinions. If you're upset about it, then the blame lies with the people who are still in office, who have accepted the current organizational structure. That includes the second level mage officers of Domalt. This is an enormous shift of responsibility. On the contrary, do you think that the lives of many people can be entrusted to the current Mage Corps, which has abandoned the idea of national defense and is striving to expand its power? Do you really think that you can entrust the military to such an organization? I don't know.

 I'm sure you'll agree with me.
 In the first place, the students of the academy are not under the jurisdiction of the Mage Order, and the use of power could be an act of authority that would hinder the development of talented people. The precepts of the Mage Order do not apply to the academy.
 No matter how much we talk about it within the faction, the position of responsibility is different between mages in general society and students at the academy. In this case, it would be the fault of the organization to give such distrust to the students.
 It's dangerous from the point of view of Domalt because he's excellent, but if he denies the young mages who care about their country and people, it could be the worst thing that could happen.
 You'll be able to find a lot more than just a few things to do.
 This is the result of my attempt to vent my stress on others.

"Shut up! You've never been in a real battle before, and you're trying to tell me what to do!
I've been there, you know. I was surrounded by a group of demons in the forest of Ramaf. I was surrounded by a group of demons in the woods of Ramahd, and an assassin used an evil perfume on me. And I survived.
That was a bad one. ......
I thought I was gonna die, man. ......
I don't know how we all survived with all the demons coming at us. ......
You're lucky you learned some self-defense. You could have died. Melee combat is still necessary.

 He had much more experience in combat than Domalt. And he could do it not only with magic but also with combat.
 He was shocked to discover that his current juniors were better than him. He is a true mage who can fight.
 Domalt is helpless when it comes to melee combat. He had never been in close combat, and had thought that magic would take care of that. Many mages would have done the same.
 However, the younger members of the team found that this was not enough and learned the art of close combat themselves.
 The pay was good for middle management, but there was a growing danger that they might be forced to leave their current positions if they were not careful.
 Most of the factions were centered on the nobility, but it was unlikely that they would be able to stop these meritocratic juniors.
 After all, with the bloodline of the four major noble families at the center, it would be extremely troublesome. In addition, his younger brother has announced his deciphering of the magic formula, and his excellence is becoming more and more prominent.

I'm sure you'll be happy to hear that.

It's being sent to you from the academy, right? I'm sure there'll be some action soon.
I'm hoping it'll help reform the Mage Order.
Wait, what did you guys send to the academy council?
「「「「「 Our own interpretation of the Mage Order's reform plan, what is it? 」」」」」

 I'm not sure what to say.
 It's a good idea to take a look at the website to see if there is anything you can do to help. In addition, the results of research by the mages of the academy who have achieved excellent results and the ideas of those who have achieved commensurate excellent results are reported to the king, so that they can be used as materials to hire human resources.
 Hiring excellent people will lead to the national interest and defense, so the king will definitely look over the opinion. Depending on the content of your paper, you could be welcomed with exceptional treatment.
 And the academy council has a kind of grudge against the mage corps, and it is predictable that their opinion will be the first to be mentioned to the king.
 In any case, since they are using their power to put pressure on the academy council, the academy will not be amused. What will happen if the structural reform of the Zveit Corps is introduced?
 The king and the other ministers of government are also worried about the conflict between the Mage Order and the Knights. If a reform proposal is brought to them, they will be the first to recommend structural reform of the military, and it is likely to become the basis for organizational reform.
 When Domar looked back at his actions and thought that he might be moved to the left, he couldn't stay sane. His heart is beating fast and hard.

"What else did you guys bring to the council? What else have you submitted to the academy council? It's not just reform proposals!
I'm sure you'll be able to figure out what's going on. In addition to that, there are also defense strategy plans for local defense, training methods, employment plans for hiring talented people, ...... and what else?
What else?" "Didn't we submit a lot of stuff? There's so many I can't remember.
Oh, my God, what have you done? You bastards!
Second Grade Mage, if you don't get rid of the pus as soon as possible, the country will rot.
There can be no reform without pain. The Mage Order must be reborn.
We don't need incompetents clinging to power.
It's too late for that, you know. It's already been submitted a month ago!

 The worst was about to happen.
 Everyone here was a student at the academy, and it would be a long time before they entered the political arena.
 However, they were better than Domalt, and their research fields and organizational plans would most likely be used for actual reform. This is because the proposals for defense operations shown to them by their subordinates before were quite good.
 Some of them have been working behind the scenes to join the Mage Order because they are nobles. If the opinions of the students were accepted, such people could be eliminated in a major reform.
 The problem was that they were good students. If meritocracy prevailed, he would also be a target for elimination. The reason is that he changed the name of the author of the proposal he saw to his own and submitted it to the top management. I am aware that I am doing just that.
 And now I'm here to relieve the stress.

This is the worst ....... I didn't realize that the level of students at the school had risen to this level. ....... I'm going to be fired if I'm not careful!

 This is the first time I've ever seen such a thing.
 Times are always changing. Those who stray from the current of the times will only drown in the waves.
 It may be too late now, but Domarus decided to return to report to his superiors.

I've just remembered something urgent. That's enough for today. ....... You'll have to be diligent. ......

 With a heavy gait, as if he were wearing shoes with lead in them, Domalt left the room to escape this action.

"What's going on? That .......
'Well? But I'm glad the long conversation is over.
Yeah. Well, now that we've wasted enough time, let's continue where we left off. Was it about the defense of the Duke of Luthor's domain?

 Zveit and the others didn't seem to mind and went back to their usual routine.
 And so, without a care in the world, they began their strategic research.

 As a side note, the proposal that Zveit and his team submitted to reform the organization structure of the Mage Corps was adopted, and many unqualified mages were eliminated.
 In addition, the defense plan was also accepted in terms of military strategy, and the disgruntled members of the Mage Order quickly lost their authority and were expelled. As a result, the reconciliation with the Knights proceeded smoothly, and the defense of the magical kingdom of Solstair became a firm foothold.
 Of course, there were some who continued to work hard until the end, but the king directly asked, "What are you guys doing when the students of the academy can come up with such great ideas? What are you doing when the students of the academy can come up with so many ideas?
 In other words, we had to show that we were better than the students of the school.
 Furthermore, since the reform was ordered by the king, the status quo could not be maintained, and many noble mages were sent to departments that suited their abilities. The mages who were sticking to the status quo and taking advantage of it were immediately fired.
 At the same time, Zveit and the others were promised to join the Mage Order for their achievements, and they were expected to work hard in the future.
 The current students of the Weasler school became the candidates for the leadership of the Mage Order.
 However, Zveit and the others had no idea that such a thing was happening, and they spent their time training and studying strategy as usual.
 In the end, the Solstice Magic Kingdom divided the mages into military and research departments to fulfill their respective roles, and at the same time, they were able to cooperate with the Knights, but for now, they were still in confusion.

 I'm not sure what to say.

 In the Istor Academy, there is a large library. The library is also known as the "Stacks".

 It had been a week since Croesus' paper had been published. The seldom-used storehouse of knowledge was now filled with students.
 Lecturers and teachers could also be seen, and this was due to the large number of people who had gathered to learn the correct knowledge.
 Although some of the instructors still could not accept the reality of the situation, the fact that they knew how to decipher the stagnant magic formula was so great that they started to study the magic formula ahead of others.
 However, there are some exceptions.
 Celestina, a former dropout who learned how to decipher magic formulas before anyone else and has grown up to be able to create simple magic.
 With her friends Urna and Caroline, the three of them were going to work together to decipher the formula.

...... It's getting crowded, isn't it? There's no room for my research here.
"Wow, it's packed. I'm suffocating in this place.
It can't be helped. The paper that Croisus published was the key to advancing our stagnant research, you know? I'm not sure what to say, but I'm sure you'll understand.

 Celestina and her friends also came to this library to study - or rather, improve - the magic formula, but there were no more seats anywhere.
 In addition, once you leave your seat, it will be taken away by another person, and a fierce battle for the chair is going on. The only way to move forward is to kick others out.
 This is especially true for students in the upper grades of the school.

This is for those times! This is what the young lady reads in her spare time!
"Oh no!

 The cool maid Miska appears out of nowhere.
 The cool maid, Miska, appears out of nowhere and hands something to Urna and Carosti.

"Miska! It's .......
"Wow, Celestina-sama reads this kind of thing... ............?
"What's this thin book ............?

 The book opens to a world of skin tones.
 It's a great way to make sure you're getting the most out of your vacation.

It's not the same! I'm not a fan of this kind of thing.
"Huh, miss ........ Don't lie to me, okay? I know, I know. I know the boil of passion in your precious notebook. ....... That's an excellent piece. I recommend it should be released to the world.
"No, no, no, no, no, no, no, no! What are you reading?
"Of course, it's the unknown world of the shura of love, written with all the passionate pathos of your daughter's overflowing thoughts.
It is true that it is an unknown world, but ......, isn't it kindness to leave it alone?
Miss ......, I have no such kindness!

 I affirmed.
 This maid named Miska will go to any length to make fun of Celestina.
 Even if it is a rotten path that I can never return to.

"Say something from both of you .......
Ms. Caro, ...... this is great. ......
This is shameful. ...... It's outrageous! ......

 I was reading a thin book with very hot eyes.

I'm sure you'll be pleased to know that I'm not the only one. That's quite an accomplishment, young lady.
"Why are you blaming me? It's Miska's fault, isn't it?
A man is free to fall. I just handed you the book.
"What a nice smile, no hard feelings. ....... I don't know why that look of accomplishment pisses me off so much.

 Miska never hesitates.
 Because she's always serious.

Maybe it's my imagination, but Miska's behavior seems to be escalating lately. ......
"It's not my imagination. I am a woman who will spit on even the four gods to tease you, young lady!
I am a godless demon of corruption. ....... What color is your blood, Miska?
It's emerald green. I can live with the sun.
Photosynthesis? You're a plant?

 Every time he was asked a question, he seemed very satisfied.
 This is Miska's way of expressing her affection, but it's not so easy for her to be ridiculed.

"Huh~....... But what should we do now? With so many people here, there's no place for us to study.
"Hmmm, I guess so. Wherever we go, there will always be a crowd around Celestina-sama.
As a middle school student, we are not allowed to rent a research building. ...... What should we do?

 Celestina is often surrounded by primary school children, making it difficult for her to conduct her own research.
 In the event that you've got a lot of money, you'll be able to take advantage of it.
 Even if we do research on deciphering magic formulas in the dormitory, we cannot conduct experiments on activating magic formulas that we have constructed ourselves. This is because, as a rule, experiments are prohibited in the dormitory.

I can think of one place where you might be able to do that.

Where is it? I'm curious about the place Miska says she knows. I have a bad feeling about this.
Master Croisus's room. I've heard that he keeps a lot of stuff in there.

 A place to conduct magical experiments in peace. The only other places outside of the research building are the public laboratory inside the Great Library, and Croisus' room, which is outside the scope of extraterritoriality.
 Outside the bounds of common sense, the danger zone of the academy. In the end, it is called the Dangerous Zone of Istor Academy of Magic, a mysterious space full of unknown and mystery.

...... It has been rumored for some time, but the day has finally come. This is the day to challenge the mysterious realm of .......
"Oh, Celestina, she's going. She's very motivated.

 And Celestina was very curious.
 She wants to explore the mysterious space.

No, no, no, no! You can't ...... go in that room.
Mr. Caro, is this really such a great place?
Master Carosti is a victim, so I'm sure he's well aware of the dangers of that room.
"A mage is a seeker of truth. I challenge you! I challenge you to see the unknown. ......

 Celestina is curious about the danger zone of the academy, where her own brother lives.
 Celestina is curious about the dangerous zone of the academy where her own brother lives. She wants to know what is waiting for her and what mysteries are hidden there.
 Determined to find out, the seeker of truth heads for the academy's greatest secret. I'm not sure what to do, but I'm going to try to find out. The Celestina expedition is dragging a screaming victim along with them.
 The Celestina Expedition is a challenge. The Celestina Expedition is ready to take on the greatest mystery of the academy.