112 Ossan explains his life to Luceris

 Xellos and Lusei have finished dinner, despite everything.
 However, the eyes of Luceris, who was watching them as if she were a chaperone, were frightening.
 She is smiling like a saint as usual, but for some reason there is a black miasma in the background. Even the old man is scared by this.

Scary....... That saintly smile is scary. Did I do something wrong?
"What is this ...... strange pressure .......? I've never felt fear like this before, even on the battlefield.

 It's a great way to make sure you're getting the most out of your money.
 They had never felt such fear before.
 Luceris herself did not seem to be aware of it, but this presence was what is called jealousy.
 They are not married or even lovers, but now the old man and Luceris are like a husband and mistress who have been caught cheating on each other. They are like a frog stared at by a snake.

I'm not sure what to make of this. I'm sure you've been asked by your lord to work on the roads, but where did you meet Mr. Lusay?
I'm sure you're not the only one.

 A young wife questioning her mistress about her husband.
 The fact that they were still behaving as they normally do was terrifying the two strongest people in the world.
 The atmosphere was such that they could be killed if they said something wrong. The fact that they are unconscious scares me.

No, no~ Actually, after the road construction, I was contracted to guard the dignitaries and went to the Atrum Empire. I was asked to do something else there as well. ......
"Well, ...... this is something that my family really needs to look into. I have come to Solistair with Lord Xellos.
"If it's a matter of state, don't you go to your lord's house? I don't understand why you decided to stay at Xellos's house.
I'm not sure why you're staying at Xellos's house." "Luceris, ......, the city of Santor is a trading city. Every inn at this time of night is overflowing with merchants and mercenaries guarding them.
"Besides, this matter is not ...... of national concern. Yes, I want you to think of it as my family's business.

 The pressure is so strong that you can't ignore even the slightest lie.
 There was a hint of danger for me if I were to deceive him here. There was no escape now.
 Xelloss exhaled quietly and calmed his trembling mind.
 He had learned how to escape this kind of pressure from his presentations at Lehman. But here's the thing.
 I have to decide whether to mince words or be sincere. Because Luceris is involved in this problem.
Xelloss makes up his mind.

"Huh. ....... Mr. Luceris, I actually have a question for you.
"You want me to ......? What is it?
"It's a matter that may concern you too, Luceris. I want you to take me seriously.
"Ha, ha. ......?

 Luceris is baffled by the presence of the old man who has gone into full-on serious mode.
 He can't understand anything that concerns him at this point.

I'll get straight to the point. I want you to match me up with someone who has known Mr. Rousselis since he was a child - the priest you asked about earlier.
I'm sure you've heard of him. How can that be ......
I think you'll understand if I tell you that Miss Lusay here may be Miss Luceris's real sister.
What is it?
Xelloss-dono! It's .......

 Luceris understood what Xelloss was trying to say.
 You can find a lot of people who have been in the business for a long time, but you can't keep it a secret if you're being pressured and questioned.
 But he still had doubts.
 By learning about Lucerys' past, he would be able to determine if she was related to him. However, even if the blood relationship was discovered, if Luceris turned out to be his sister, he couldn't just leave her to take care of the orphans as a priest.
 She would be a member of the royal family, albeit a minor one.
 I've made a mess of my life, and I'm going to make a mess of my life again.

I'm not a Lufeian. I'm not a Lufayl, you know?
That's the main thing. And you're about to learn something you don't want to know, Luceris. Of course, there is no known blood relation at this point. But you have to decide what you want to hear from here.
Oh, that's why I'd like to meet with the High Priestess: ......
That's what I meant.

 Xellos presented Luceris with two options.
 The first is to learn about your roots, even if it hurts you, and the second is to live without knowing your past, as you have always done. If the story was about Luceris herself, then she had the right to know it.
 But since Xelloss made this announcement, it means that there is a painful reality hidden in his past. That is why it is an option.
 If you want to know about your past, you can continue to listen to Xellos and the others, if you don't want to know, you can introduce Lusay to the High Priestess. Since it is a matter of his past, Luceris must decide for himself which he will choose.
 And the choice was made out of Xellos' own consideration and kindness.

Let me ask you something," Luceris said quietly.

"Are you sure? That would be a very annoying and disgusting story. ......
But I want to hear it. If this is my own story, I can't just run away.
...... Okay. I'll tell you what I know.
"Lord Xellos!

 As for Lusay, he wants to embrace his blood sister. However, she knows that she will be hurt by the problem.
 If you're happy now, you can't be blamed for cutting off the past.
 After all, House Imara has done so much for Luceris. No one would blame her for dismissing the story of a family she had never met, who would throw her out of the house with unjustified charges based on suspicion.
 But Luceris did not choose that option.

Are you sure you want to do this? Honestly, it's disgusting, isn't it? It's a tragedy brought on by a stupid custom.
But I don't want to run away. The past has made me who I am today.
Isn't that right? You're much more determined than you are, Lusay-san. Quick decision.
...... is strong. To be honest, I'm scared. I'm sure it's hard for Luceris to tell you the truth now that nineteen years have passed. This crime should be ours to bear.
I've always wanted to know why I was orphaned. ...... I've always wanted to know why I was orphaned. I've always wanted to know why I was orphaned. I've always known this day would come and I have no intention of running away.

 If you're a parentless orphan, you probably want to know about your parents at least once.
 Luceris was also one of those orphans. He had no choice but to run away.

I understand. ....... I'm not joking, but I'm going to be serious. But please keep in mind that we are still not sure of our blood relation.
Yes, please. Tell me what happened in my ...... past.

 He had been prepared for this, but when the time came, he was afraid.
 Luceris clasped her hands together at her chest and listened desperately to the truth that Xelloss was telling her.
 He and his mother had been banished when he was born, and she had come to this land in a desperate attempt to find the truth, but she had disappeared. With what Xelloss knows, he knows he was falsely accused, but he doesn't even know where the exiled mother and child are.
 The child is him, and the mother is still missing. And the key to the truth is the head priest of Merasa.
 When the long conversation was over, Luceris looked at Xellos with a somewhat tired expression.

In the event that you've got any questions regarding where and the best way to get in touch with us, we're here to help. It's even worse than I expected.
In addition, thanks to Xelloss-dono, it turned out to be a false accusation, but at the same time, we were confronted with the reality that we had made a mistake that we could not take back. We got what we deserved. ......
"So, you were sent to this country to find clues to your mother's whereabouts, Mr. Lusay. It's a way to face the past.

 Luceris could understand how Lusay felt.
 She was probably seen by the people around her as the daughter of a wrongdoer. That's why she came here, to find out where her mother was.
 If she was falsely accused of a crime, she would have decided that she had to go and get her.

"Your father cannot leave the country due to his position. I really want to find your mother by myself.
"So ......?
You can be depressed later. Right now, all we have is the current evidence. We have no definitive proof.

 Theros was calm.
 This is just a report of what we know at the moment, there is no definitive proof.
 It would be easy to find out with a DNA test, but such technology does not exist in this world.
 In the end, we will have to look for the evidence ourselves.

"The basis of investigation is the foot, Yasu!

 The old man makes some kind of detective gag, but he is not in that kind of mood.
 I'd like him to say, "Who's Yasu? But it would be a mistake to ask for that in such a heavy atmosphere.
 I should have at least read the atmosphere, but now I just feel sad that the gag slipped.
 I was a lonely old man who was ignored.

  I'll be back.

 After showing Lusay to his bedroom, Xellos went out to the door to send Luceris off.
 You can't see his expression from his back, but you can tell he's pretty shocked. The hand in his hand was trembling slightly.

"Well, I can't help it. ....... If I were you, I'd run. It's a messy, complicated story. ......

 It is admirable that Luceris has decided to face her past.
 However, from the content of her story, the pain she has suffered must be considerable. After all, she was born without wings, her mother was put in a difficult situation, and she was deported.
 It is not Luceris's fault, but if she had been born as a Runefail, this tragedy would not have happened. And her mother's whereabouts remain unknown.
 And if her blood relation is discovered, she will be involved in a troublesome family inheritance dispute.

Is everything all right? That's a bit inappropriate. It's hard not to be upset after hearing such a ridiculous story.
"Yes, ....... You're right, I am upset. I can't believe my mother was ostracized because of my birth. ......
That's not true. It is because of the decline of their knowledge and skills, and their short-sightedness in questioning others and not knowing the truth. In the first place, the child does not choose where it is born or what it looks like.
Are you saying that being born is not a sin?
Where's the sin in that? I don't understand.

 As far as the Zeros are concerned, inheritance is an unpredictable and natural phenomenon that not only the child but also the parents have no control over.
 There is no sin in a life born of mutual love. Judging is nonsense.
 If I may say so, it is the environment that directs malice against the life that should be blessed that should be judged.
 The presence or absence of wings was only superficial, and the cause of the vile suspicion and contemptuous ridicule was the problem.

Well, we won't know until we ask the priest, and only then will we know for sure if we are related. You'll only lose yourself if you think too much. Let's not dwell on the past, let's look at the present.
That sounds positive. That's very positive, but it's quite difficult for the person concerned. If it turns out that you and Mr. Lusay are related, ......
If it turns out that you are related to her, will you be able to leave your current life behind? You don't have to accept everything just because you come from a warrior family.
You're saying I should be free to do as I please?
Isn't it obvious? You don't have the right to deny Mr. Luceris what he has now. I'm sure you'll be able to find something that will help you out. I'm not sure what to say. 

 In the event of an eventuality, he would take on the general class of the Atrum Empire to protect Luceris. When he thought about it, Xellos remembered just how out of his league he was.
 He felt that he might not be able to handle a few high-level players like Luceris, but he could easily win against an ordinary army. He might even be able to take down a country single-handedly.

I'm not sure. I'm not sure if I'm the most dangerous person in the world? I don't want to think about a war ...... against the world.

 I'm not sure if this is a good idea, but it's a good idea. One of a kind.
 But if this is applied to Zeroth, it is no exaggeration to say that he is a demon king. It would be a one-sided overrun.
 He's a pain in the ass, so he just lounges around, but if he wanted to, he could easily change the world. At that point, he was no different from the evil gods.
 A cold sweat ran down the old man's back. The question was whether or not he would be able to go easy on him in a fight.

I kicked out 100,000 knights in the war event of Sword and Sorcery, maybe I can become a warrior? It's not just overkill! I'm not sure if this is a good idea or not. I'm not sure what to do, but I'm going to do it. It's not good for humanity.

 I'm not sure what to make of this.
 It's a good idea to have a good idea of what you're looking for. There is no way that Luceris, who cares about others, can bear the weight of sacrifice.
 If Xelloss and the warriors of the Atrum Empire clash, it will be Luceris who will be hurt.

"This is a very delicate matter. If you fight to protect her, she'll win easily, but you don't want any casualties. You don't want any casualties. ......

 I realized that the result would be the same whether I protect him or he takes me to his parents' house. This is why the old man is such an overpowering force.
 If he's not careful, it's more likely that Luceris will head for the Atrum Empire because Xellos is too strong.
 As I was thinking about this, I noticed that Luceris was looking at Xelloss. Her cheeks were tinged with vermilion.

"What's wrong?
"No, no! I'm not sure if you've heard of this, but I'm sure you've heard of it.
I'm sure you'll agree. I'm not sure if this is a good idea or not, but it's a good idea.

 I'm not sure what to do, but I'd like to know what you think.

I'm not sure if you've seen this before, but I'm sure you have. I'm sorry,.......
I'm sorry ......, it's just for a little while. Please let me stay like this. ......

 When I touched her shoulder, Luceris was trembling. Perhaps she was worried.
 The Imara family is a family of warriors that has been around for generations from the Atrum Empire, and their mother's side is royal. She would not be happy to have such a family living in a foreign land as priests of an enemy sect.
 There is a high possibility that Luceris will be brought back against her will. He has the authority to use diplomacy and other means to force her to take the path she has chosen.

 When dealing with the power of the state, there is no way that Luceris' personal power can compete with it.
 However, when Xelloss said he would protect her, she couldn't control the excitement in her heart and impulsively embraced him.
 Xellos, perhaps sensing Lucerys' feelings, unconsciously but gently embraced her.

'You must be anxious. If you were suddenly told that you are a member of a warrior family with royal blood, you would be confused. I'm sure you'll be happy to hear that.

 You will find a lot of people who are looking at you from the side of a mountain of rice piled up on the side of a house.
 It's a great way to make sure you're getting the most out of your vacation.
 They were probably also using the [Hide] skill to remove any sign of their presence.

"Hey, old man, there! Give me a kiss!
Sister's a good stock. She's one of the best. Get her while you can, man!
"Hmm ...... will we see Sister's child next year? A man would love to be called "sister.
"Sister, I want to be called sister too!
Tonight is a meat feast: ....... I want to be called sister!
Hey, hey, hey. ....... What kind of voyeur are you? You don't do the same thing every day, do you?

 You're not doing the same thing every day, are you?" "I'm still a novice, but I'm strangely skilled at disguising my presence. But he's already been discovered.
 From Xellos' point of view, it's not quite ready, but at least it's not something a child can use.

"Oh no, the old man found me! I'm running.
"Ouch! I'm not sure if the old man can see me. ...... I need more training.
If you've been spotted, just slay him with impunity. Hiding is not the way to be proud.
No, you can't cut him! You'll turn into meat. You'll be eaten alive!
Are you a cannibal? You don't eat people. I'm out of here!

 I'm not sure what to do, but I'm going to do it.
 They used their magical powers to strengthen their bodies and ran at full speed. It's a really great way to get out of the line of fire.

How fast they ran away: ....... You can say it's brilliant. What's wrong? What's wrong, Luceris?

 The only thing left behind was a dumbfounded old man and Luceris, who was still hugging Xelloss.
 I don't know if it was my imagination, but her trembling was more intense than before. And then...

"Hiya, ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~!

 --She let out a scream of shame that echoed through the night sky. And then he started running as fast as he could.
 At this moment, the old man was sure of his bloodline.
 He was convinced that he had a thick bloodline of badassery. .......

 I'm not sure what to say.

I'm not sure why I can't have a man. This world is so unfair. ...... Ugh.

 I'm not sure if you've seen this before, but I'm sure you've seen it before.
 I've been without a boyfriend for twenty-one years. The problem of her being out of marriage is becoming more and more serious.
 The only thing she can do is to hang in there.
 I'm not sure if spring will come to her.

 In the four divine religions, the priests are called "the priests".

 In the Four Divine Religions, there are several factions of priests.
 There are the "Power Faction" who are obsessed with power, the "Moderate Faction" who put charity to the people first, the "Fundamentalist Faction" and the "Reform Faction" to name but a few.
 Among them, the one that is gaining the most power is the "Power Faction", and the one that is not even recognized as a faction is the "Fanaticism Faction", or the "Blood League".
The fanatics are a faction that has grown as the power of the Power Faction has grown, and they are crazy people who blindly believe in the Four Gods.
 The reason why they were able to grow in power is because they were just right for forcing the dirty work.
 Their blind devotion to religion, in other words, made them the perfect pawns to be led around with plausible words.
The fact that the "powers that be" favored them to a certain extent was also a sign that they could do anything despicable under the guise of "divine revelation.
 For example, they force orphans into the temples where they gather and educate them to be convenient pawns, or have them gather information under the guise of proselytizing in other countries where the political situation is not stable, and leave all the troubles to them.
 The department that monitors the [Blood League] is the Inquisition.

 Ostensibly a department to punish priests who break the commandments, but in reality a torture unit to slaughter infidels. They are not priests at all, but pleasure killers bound by slave contracts.
 And now they were in the forest, watching the fanatics of the Blood League from a distance.

"Hee hee hee, these fools are being used for their own ends. "Hee hee hee, these fools are being used for good. They don't know they're going to die anyway, they're so healthy~
"This time it's martyrdom. They're happy to go to God. Don't they know that death is the end?

The priests belonging to the Bloodline Alliance were spreading a liquid in small bottles throughout the forest.
 This bottle is an item called "evil perfume" that has the effect of attracting demons, and is one of the magic potions banned by various countries.
 If it doesn't rain, the effect will last for more than a month, during which time countless demons will start killing each other in this place.
The priests of the Bloodline Alliance were ordered to martyr themselves in order to protect the Divine Kingdom from the threat of the Hell's Legion, and at the same time, to punish their divine enemy, the Magic Kingdom of Solistea.

 The road to the magical kingdom of Solistea is long, and the goal is to induce the Great Givlion with evil perfume to get there.
 The reason why he is targeting Solistair is because mages are the ones who deny the teachings of God, and the existence of a country of mages cannot be tolerated.
 But the real reason is that it would be less harmful to lead them to the Kingdom of Solistair.
 The Kingdom of Solstair is a small country located in the east, surrounded by rolling mountains to the rear and a few plains to the south that lead to the Great Dark Green Zone of Fafran.
 By guiding Givellion along the mountains, the city of Metis will not be attacked, damage will be minimized, and most importantly, the troublesome political enemy will be eliminated.
 By sacrificing a large number of zealots, we'll be able to take care of our virtual enemies and our domestic problems at once.

"Whoa, looks like the spearhead is here. Shall we run, then?
Well, I don't feel like dealing with bugs, so let's get the hell out of here. The fun doesn't start yet.
"Hee hee, you're right. I can't die here when I have so many people to kill.

 The Inquisitor mounted his horse and withdrew from the scene.
 Immediately thereafter, the G monsters, including Givellion, attacked the fanatics as food.
 The cries of the fanatics being eaten alive echoed throughout the forest.
 Eventually, the herd was guided in the same way at each location, and made its way towards the magical kingdom of Solistair.

 However, there was a major miscalculation here. In the first place, demonic outbursts and Hell's Legion often start from a lack of food due to being chased by the presence of powerful demons or overpopulation.
The effect of [Evil Perfume] is indeed powerful, but the range of the effect is fixed, and giant cockroaches outside the range continue to advance. These swarms seek food in large areas and gradually spread out.
 The Hell's Legion approaching the magical kingdom of Solistair would be fewer in number than when it attacked the Holy Goddess Kingdom of Metis. This strategy was indeed successful, but it was not perfect.
 A large number of their dependents, the Chabane Cockroaches and Yamato Givuli, were left behind in the country and spread throughout the country.
 Such deviousness is not always successful.