130 Ad, to the shamba

 Mornings in Hasam are early.
 We get up before the birds sing, before the sun has even risen, and start by taking care of the grazing livestock.
 After the animals are fed, they are released into the communal pasture.
 Of course, they kept not only cattle and pigs, but also sheep and goats.
 The cowbells attached to the necks of these animals echoed throughout the village in the early morning hours, marking the beginning of the day.
 The villagers would gather in the square in front of the village chief's house to do exercises, and then head to their fields.
 Breakfast is prepared after the work in the fields is finished, and the general cycle of the village is rather relaxed during the day. It was a very peaceful scene outside the window.

Ah~...... wonder how our fields are doing? Early in the morning the cocksuckers do it, and during the day the orphan children take care of it, but I've never seen it. ......

 I've never seen it before." This is an education and money-making scheme for orphans started in the city of Santor. The man who recommended this is an old man.
 In the event that you have any questions regarding where and the best way to get in touch with us, please do not hesitate to contact us.
 Most old people tend to stay at home, and orphans also abound in the city, making it a breeding ground for crime.
The city is rife with these problems, and Xellos was just the beginning of a solution. Although he may have been a light-hearted man, his policies have been appreciated by many of those who cannot work.
 Recently, more and more people were going to the stores of the big stores or to the farmers around the city, where they were assigned work, and the security was getting much better.
 The Duke of Delsacis was so pleased by this that he began to assign jobs to the old men according to their skills by applying for what jobs they had been doing.
 In any case, the old men were the ones who had the skills to support the Duke of Solstice's domain, and some of them were very skilled technicians who could be called masters. I thought it would be a shame to let them go into hiding.
 Of course, there were not many people with such skills, but just being able to earn some money from farming was enough to help the development.
 Even now, small villages are gradually increasing, and the more people there are, the more the territory develops. This will reduce the number of people who become criminals, but there are still people who are incompatible with their surroundings.
 There are those who take advantage of orphans by forcing them to work by force and blackmailing them, but these people are treated like criminals who have committed serious crimes, and are enslaved and forced into labor.
 Such a policy had begun to be implemented in other noble domains.

I don't think we'll be able to get enough people to go to Hasam Village. ......

 The employment of vagrants and orphans is effective in eradicating criminals and maintaining public order, but it requires a large amount of money.
 A percentage of the city's tax revenue goes to the state, and the rest is used to pay for infrastructure projects and staff salaries.
 However, depending on the size and prosperity of the city, the amount of tax to be paid varies drastically.
 No matter how successful the Duke of Delsacis was in his charity work, it would be impossible for other people to do the same. After all, the scale of capital is different.
 If they tried to imitate him without a plan, they would eventually hit a financial wall and withdraw from charity.
 This is because the funds to protect orphans and rehire the elderly come from the pockets of the Duke of Delsacis. It is impossible for nobles who do not do business themselves to do the same.
 In other words, the Dukes of Solstice, the family of the Duke of Delsacis, are a conglomerate.

Well, that's none of my business. But still, .......

 When I looked away, I saw Lisa and Shakti lying in a large room.
 No, it's more like they're lying there exhausted.
 They'd been working as hard as they could for nearly seven hours to stop Yui from running off last night. Until she collapsed, I had been exposed to the fear of being killed at any moment.
 The room was in a state of disarray as if a typhoon had just passed, with fragments of vases and other objects scattered about, shelves knocked over, and knives sticking out of the walls and floor in various places.
 The room was in a state of disarray as if a typhoon had passed. Just thinking about it makes me shiver.
 You'll notice that there is no sign of Ad in that deserted room.

'...... He was unusually jealous... I wonder if he took the unconscious Mr. Ad in? I'm not sure what to do, but I'm sure I'll be able to do it.

 The out-of-control Yui did not stop.
 In the event that you have any questions regarding where and how to get the best results, you can contact us at the web site.
 The trouble is that each of the knives has been given a disturbing magical effect, and also comes with a curse that can contaminate the mind. The curse cannot be lifted until the knives themselves are dealt with, and the effect is doubled by the seven knives working in tandem. It nullifies magic attacks, raises physical abilities to the limit, and has the added bonus of [Mental Contamination] and [Becoming a Madman].
 The fact that Yui, who was supposed to be of a low level, turned into an unruly beast shows that this equipment was quite evil.
 And it's worse because it works even if you don't have a weapon in your hand.

Ted ......, do you hate couples that much ......?

 I'm not sure what to make of this.
 It's a very good character.

I'm not sure what to make of it.

 After muttering to himself, the old man went out.
 He was going to do his daily routine of kumite with Ukei and the others, and at the same time train his body.
 The old man is always concerned about his health.
 Soon after, "Say! Sayer! will be heard from him.



 In the early morning, with the morning sun shining through the window, Lisa opened her eyes quietly.
 She could hear the birds crying "chun, chun" as they flew around outside, and the farmers greeting each other.
 And then, "Boom! Boom! squeak! but she doesn't care as she is half asleep.
 She rubs her eyes and looks at the window with a dazed expression.

"Cock! Oh, no!


 The high-pitched metallic sound and the silvery white cockerel, Zankei, blowing past the window.
 The old man jumps up and Wu Kei crosses him, kicking him in the air.

...... What? I'm not sure what to do.

 It's a great way to make sure you're getting the most out of your money.
 It's an assassin's combat skill, the [Phantom Shadow Slash].
 You can find a lot of things that you can do to make your life easier.

"Cock-a-doodle-doo! (What? !)
You're not done yet.

 It's a good idea to have a good idea of what you're looking for.
 In the event that you have any kind of questions regarding where and how to use the internet, you can call us at the web site.

"Kokeke...... (Were you stopped? ......)
I'm not sure if I'm going to be able to do this, but I'm going to try.

 Violence in an idyllic farming village.
 Lisa stared in amazement at the scene.

That's not a cock, is it ......?
"Oh my God! Shakti, you're awake?
You can't stay awake with all this noise. I don't know what you're doing in the morning. ......
I think it's my morning prep work. It's pretty hard. ......
If this is a preparatory exercise, then the training that the knights of the Kingdom of Issaras are doing is no more than a stretch. I'm not sure what to make of this.

 And they're hitting each other with real attacks.
 They may be taking it easy, but the level of their training cannot be described as training.
 It's a real battle.

Wasn't Kokko supposed to be a prettier monster?
It's not a demon anymore. ...... It's starting to look like a biological weapon.

 Slashes flew, sparks flew, and impossible blows echoed.
 It's not a demon anymore.
 Common sense is always overturned, but this went far beyond that. The fantasy world is a frightening one, because the world of manga is possible in reality.
 Even now, a series of invisible rushes were hitting each other in the air, the sound of blows roaring out of place in the crisp morning farming village.

...... I think you should stop thinking about it.
"Yes, ........ We'll clean up this room. We've done a lot of damage last night.

 A runaway drama in someone's home.
 I'm sure you'll be happy to hear that.

Yui-san ...... seems to be very possessive.
That type of person is dangerous. Depending on your husband's personality, he might kill himself in the form of revenge. Ad-san is the type of person who cares about her lover, but if he has no integrity and is selfish, it could be worse.
"You know a lot. Did you look that up on the Internet or something?
Lawyers get sent to all sorts of trials and arbitrations. A person who neglects his wife and children because of his job is not the right type of person for you. He's too vain to plan anything. It was easy to find out information, because you could look up any gossip article you wanted to.
It's impossible in this world.
But humanity is so pure. But humanity is very pure. Well, not all people are pure.

 There is nothing wrong with having a low level of civilization.
 There is nothing wrong with a low level of civilization. The lack of extra information makes it easy for people to be naive.
Even so, crimes still occur, mostly because of a violent character or a failure to find a job.
 Most of the time, the second son who could not inherit the family was not accepted in society and became involved in crime. In other cases, those who had fallen from mercenary life became bandits, usually due to the disparity in their living environment.
 If you have some education and skills, you are less likely to become a criminal.
However, since there are no public facilities like vocational schools in this world, one needs money or an apprenticeship with a craftsman in order to learn skills and studies.
It takes a long time to train a technician, at least ten years to be considered as a full-fledged technician. For some professions, it may take twice as long. A blacksmith is a good example.

Statistically speaking, the most common occupation is mercenary. Next is civil engineering. Most of the professions are male-dominated, so the position of women is quite low. There are more women in pharmacists, mages and alchemists.
What about priests? I've seen a lot of female priests and priestesses.
They don't make much money, you know. They're in the service of God, so they've given up marriage for religious reasons. Women stay at home most of the time, and there are not many places where they can work. That's why a lot of people want to be priests.

 Priests--mainly of the Four Divine religions, but priests are not allowed to marry.
Apprentice priests and priests were just barely allowed to marry.
 Priests were meant to be believers who had Bibles and spread the faith to the general public, while apprentice priests were the borderline who could return to the secular world.
 This system came about naturally, out of consideration that it would be hard to leave the secular world without marrying for the rest of one's life. However, the Four Divine Religions have become a religion completely consumed by greed.
 I don't know if this is the reason, but many of the apprentice priests have returned to the secular world, and many of them have started their own families while spreading their faith in small ways. Luceris's position is that of a nun, but she refuses to become an official priestess, although she is subject to a final hearing during the ritual.

 She originally wanted to become a priestess for the sacred magic. She only wanted to gain power for the orphans, so she didn't have to worry about a formal priesthood.
In addition, other religions than the Four Gods - the Genesis religions - allow priests to marry.
In their doctrine, lust is considered to be a part of human nature, and they spread the message that what is important is the strength of mind not to be drowned in lust. In the magical kingdom of Solstair, religion was left to the free will of the people.

Some religions allow their priests to marry. The four religions are not the only religions, there are several other minor religions, but none of them are right.
"Even on Earth, religious conflicts are fierce. In some cases, religions have fought each other because they are of the same religion but of different ethnicities, and the image of them forcing their values on each other by force is strong.
"Normally, it's better for religions to get along with each other. "Normally, it would be better for religions to get along with each other, but it gets complicated when conflicts between lands and ethnic groups are added to the mix.
We can't move forward forever because we can't separate religion from religion and politics from politics. There are different values depending on where you come from, and some people use their faith.
You mean the people who are fighting guerrilla warfare and terrorism?
Yes, the country is trying to come together, but the unthinking fools are dancing around them and using them as pawns for assassination. Suicide bombers are just like that. If God really existed, he would laugh at us for our stupidity. It's a desecration of life.
I hear some people are anachronistically reluctant to allow women into the workforce.
I can only assume they're obsessed with the old ways. They only see women as tools to bear children, and they don't want them to have a social status.

 There are many countries where the position of women is weak due to religious reasons.
 There are many countries where the position of women is weak due to religious reasons, such as the Magical Kingdom of Solistea and the Imperial Kingdom of Atrum, but most of them are male-dominated societies.
 In the Holy Priesthood of Metis, women were only allowed to rise to the rank of priest, and men were usually chosen as cardinals and popes. The exceptions are the saints, but they do not have strong political authority.
 A saint is a priestess who is connected to the four gods, and anyone who tries to gain political power is immediately ousted. They are nominally there to spread the faith, but...
 This is the case with the priestess Merlasa.

You're doing the same thing on Earth as you are on the other side.
That's what religion is all about. The point is how to live a healthy life. The Bible has been rewritten to fit the times, and it is not very useful except for the moral teachings. I think anything that even approves of war has been added at the behest of the powers that be.
"Ms. Shakti, scathing: ......
I'm sure the philanthropic teachings of the Sumo family were annoying to the powers that be. That's why it was destroyed. And the Confucians flourished. Confucianism was convenient for the powers that be.
What's wrong with philanthropy?
Philanthropy is the idea that all people are equal, so to speak. In a time when the emperor was considered absolute, such an idea would be nothing but dangerous.

 For example, let's say that a doctrine allows for revenge and conquest.
 For example, suppose that the doctrine allows for vengeance and conquest, and the powers that be use that as a justification to raise armies to invade various territories. What would happen if philanthropy were taught in such a situation?
 It is nothing but a hindrance to those who are trapped in the ideology of power. Those who affirm their actions are desired, and those who deny them cannot be left in the world.
 Creationism, while not equal, denied human conflict and favored verbal communication.
 However, the four gods are absolute, and under them, the pope is to be worshipped.
 Those in power are treated lower than the priests, and the pope is even allowed to use force against the nations if he wants to. The existence of sacred magic and the four gods gave them an absolute advantage.

I heard that Ad and the others fought against the Four Gods, but they weren't very good.
"Xelloss said he might be able to beat them on his own, so I'm pretty sure they're acting gods. Where did the real God go?
"Well? But he had those people acting on his behalf. It must be a bad god.
...... I agree. The four gods seem to be nothing more than merrymakers.

 The four gods are not proper gods by any stretch of the imagination.
 They are lazy and irresponsible. They do things that could destroy the world for their own purposes.

Well, it doesn't change what we have to do.
I don't see Mr. Addo around, do you? What's up with ......?
What's going on?" "Of course she was taken away by Mr. Yu. There's no way she would have left him by our side.
"Wow, ...... makes sense.

 I'm not sure what to make of this.
 She doesn't tolerate cheating, and even pulls out a knife if there's a woman around.
She must have been thinking about Ad for the past several months of her life. The moment he lost his grip, his emotions went into overdrive.
 And the devastation before her eyes spread. The hall of the village chief's house, which had been used as a meeting place for rampaging in other people's houses, was now completely deserted.

Shall we clean up .......? It's really awkward.
I'm not sure what to make of it, but I'm sure it'll be fine.

 Sighing, the two began to clean up the room.
 Outside the window, the extreme sounds of the old man and his cocksuckers were still echoing.

 We're going to be here for you.

 After completing a set of kumite for a real fight, Xelloss and the three cockerels are doing a light exercise like tai chi together.
 This is their usual routine, and they always do it after they have finished their real combat moves.
 The reason why Zankei and Senkei also do it is because some opponents cannot be defeated by swordplay or assassination techniques alone. Therefore, they train themselves for various types of battles.
 The Kokkos were martial artists to a fault.

"Where do you think you're going?
"Cock-a-doodle-doo, my instincts tell me.
"Cock-a-doodle-doo, cock-a-doodle-doo.
"Cock-a-doodle-doo... (To the land that mankind calls the Great Deep Green Zone: ......)

 The instinct of the beast was to seek the strong.
 The instinct of the beast was to fight the strong, to eat the strong, and to become even stronger.
 The demon's instincts were pure survival instincts to become stronger.

"Cock-a-doodle-doo! (I'm going to defeat the dragon eventually, Master!)
(I'm going to defeat dragons eventually, Master!) "You have to be a Dragon ...... Demon King to take on the Dragon King, you know? They're the strongest race with ridiculous strength.
"Cock-a-doodle-doo, cock-a-doodle-doo.
Cock-a-doodle-doo, cock-a-doodle-doo! (Only by challenging the strongest can you reach such heights, boys!

 I've poured oil on the flame of motivation.
 The old man was a little scared that they might actually make it.
 Perhaps it was his imagination, but to Xellos' eyes, the three birds seemed to be spewing scorching flames.

"Well, let's get ready for breakfast. ......
"We're going to pick up some bugs in the field.
Kekekoko (or snakes or lizards)

 To fill their stomachs, the cocoons charge into the field.
 The old man was strangely convinced, "I haven't seen any insects in the fields lately, but they've been eating them, ......".
 Xelloss doesn't know. Wild cockerels, like slime, are forest cleaners.
 They are beneficial animals that eat the corpses of other creatures and feed on insects and other small animals.
 After watching their backs, the old man opened the door of the village chief's house, muttering, "I wonder if I can borrow the kitchen.
 The door must have been a mess from last night's commotion, but Lisa and Shakti had cleaned it up, though there was a bit of a mess.

Good morning, both of you.
"Oh, good morning, Mr. Xelloss.
Good morning, Xelloss. - Violence so early in the morning. Do you think they train like that every morning?
Well, they've been getting tougher lately. You can't be too careful. You can never be too careful. Hahahahahaha.
"Isn't he breeding the natural enemies of humans?

 What they both thought was correct.
 Xelloss is probably much stronger than the inhabitants of this world.
 I don't think a creature raised by such a ridiculously high level person would be able to defeat an ordinary human. In fact, they would lose for sure.
 They have evolved in a rather strange way, and if their numbers were to increase, they could become even more dangerous than demons run amok.
 It is capable of the three major attacks of slashing, shooting, and punching, and can also use its combat skills at will. Moreover, he is a martial artist who only obeys the strong.
 When you think about it, it's really a troublesome creature.

Good morning, everyone. Hmm? You've cleaned up nicely, haven't you?
This must be Mr. Uru. Good morning. Are you coming back from the fields?
Yes, I've just planted some wheat. I also planted some tarot.

 Tarotaimo is a plant that looks like a combination of potato and sweet potato.
 If planted in winter, it can be harvested by early summer, and is a common crop in the plains.
 However, demons such as "Donmos" (elephants), "Big Dodo" (giant rats), and "Fangbores" (boars) often appear, targeting these potatoes. It was a good source of income for the mercenaries.

"Excuse me. It's because of our arrival that the room has become this big. ......
"I'm really sorry. I can't do anything about the broken stuff, but I'll do my best to clean it up.
"No, no, no, no. I think they love you very much, Ad. To be honest, I envy you. Don't worry about the broken things, they are just junk anyway. My grandfather collected them as a hobby.
You can't believe how young he is." "So, he's a good man. ......

 Among the broken items are wooden masks that look like they could be used in some unknown ritual, wooden sticks with strange patterns carved into them, and many other things that make it impossible to determine which ethnicity they belong to.
 I couldn't understand why the chief of this village was collecting such strange objects, let alone if he was majoring in folklore.
 Everyone has his or her own taste, but I can't imagine that I would want to buy any of these things.
 They would surely become unsold items at souvenir shops.

Morning, everyone. Good morning.
"Good morning, Yu. Did you sleep well last night?
Yes. Yes, I slept very well. ......
"Wait, didn't Uru just call ...... Yui-san?

 I'm not sure if it's my imagination or not, but the way Uru looks at Yui seems a little hotter than usual.
 I'm not sure what to make of this.

"...... I don't think so, but does he know about you, Yui?

It's possible. Maybe she fell in love with Yui at first sight. ......
But she's a married woman, so maybe she's trying to use us to get us to break up.

 The way he was talking to Yui was that of a man in love.
 At this point, the three of them were convinced. The three of them were convinced: "Oh, ......, this is going to be bloody...

The sun looks yellow ....... The sun looks yellow .......

 And then, out of thin air, came Ad.
 But he was as dazed as if he had lost his mind.
 In fact, he looked as if he had been drained of all his energy. When I saw him, I realized what had happened.
 It reminds me of my former subordinate who looked fine when he left the day before, but was dazed and confused when he came to work the next day.
 Yes, Ad must have been squeezed by Yui last night.
 In fact, Yui's skin was shinier than it had ever been.

"Hmmm ...... was that you, Ad? Looks like you had a good time last night.
"Oh? Well, .......

 Ad was stammering, but that wasn't the point.
 Uru knows what Ad and Yui were doing last night. On top of that, he's giving off a dark vibe.
 He is clearly hostile.

I'm not sure what to do. ----?

 Apparently, the two of them had burned last night on the creaky bed.
 From the state of the add, it seems that Yui was the one who took the initiative. That doesn't sit well with Uru.
 He was clearly releasing a killing intent that came from jealousy.

"How can you be so carefree after leaving your ...... wife behind?
It's not easy. I've been in wars, I've been on the dole, I've been on the dole.
That's not a reason. Since you're going to be a father, haven't you thought about being more considerate to her?
If you have a problem with that, take it up with the four gods. They're the reason we couldn't get rid of ...... them when we did.
Well, the allies of justice were too strong. If we had jumped in, we would have only gotten in the way. We couldn't make enemies, you know.

 The old man also regretted that he had become a bystander in the heat of passion.
 I think now that I should have dealt with him first when I met him.
 Now I hate our otaku spirit.

"Four Gods? What does God have to do with any of you?
"It's not just us. Lisa and Yui there are all victims. They're the ones who separated us, sent a lot of us to who-knows-where.
"Some of them may be dead. Some of them may be dead. They are to be eliminated, because some of them are idiots, and you can see how many people they are bothering .......
Have you ...... done anything to be judged by the four gods?
"On the contrary, the four gods are causing a lot of trouble here and there. You don't know that.

 It is widely believed that the four gods are the guardians of this world, but when it is said that the gods are causing misfortune to many people, including Yui, the inhabitant of this world, Ur, can only nod his head.
 However, he is extremely jealous of the fact that not only Yui, but also Shakti, Lisa, and Xellos share the same perception as Ad.
 Uru is the only outsider in the room. This made him feel intense emotions.

"It seems that the Holy Law Kingdom of Metis was summoning heroes at the behest of the Four Gods, but at the cost of nearly destroying this world. It's definitely an evil god.
No way!
Well, you wouldn't believe it. But we're different. We're scattered all over the world, so it's not easy to find people we know. Just so you know, I didn't throw you out, did I?
"You were lucky to have met Xelloss. Thanks to you, I was able to see Shun-kun again so quickly.
Oh no, it was just a coincidence.

 Uru only knew Xelloss from stories.
 It was only natural that he had met him before he met Yui, but to him the old man seemed like a plague.
 Uru thought that Ad had left the pregnant Yui in front of the village, but in fact it was the handiwork of the four gods, and they did not abandon her.
 He had enjoyed the month or so he had spent with her, but the only thing he was unhappy about was the distant look in her eyes when she talked about her husband.
 And it was her husband who had found Yu.

I wanted to say hello to the village chief who protected Yui.
"If I knew where she went, I could chase after her.
"He said he was going to the hot springs. He left early in the morning with everyone in a very funky carriage.
"His carriage, huh? I don't care what it is, but it's too wide a range of activities!

 It's a place and a person we both know very well.
 And today, too, the runaway carriage seems to be driving around the country in high spirits.

"By the way, Mr. Ad. What are you going to do about Yu?
"What? What about ......?

"We're guests of honor in another country where we've been treated well. Isn't it cruel to take us to that country?
Besides, I'm carrying a child. I can't let her go on a long trip.
There it is: ......

 As Lisa and Shakti said, Ad and the others are in a delicate position.
 In addition to being a high-ranking mage whose abilities have earned him preferential treatment from the state, he is also a hero who has helped alleviate some of the country's food shortages. There's no way they'll let him go.
 The Kingdom of Issaras does not want to let go of her, and Yui's presence is useful enough as a hostage.
 She could be a trump card for the war-mongers.

"Mr. Xellos, ...... can you do something?
I don't like to rely on others. ......
Don't say that, just help me somehow! You can't leave Yui in the care of others forever, and I'll do anything! I'm not sure what to do.
I'm sure you're desperate~ ...... then I'll introduce you to someone I know, His Excellency the Duke. I'm sure that the Kingdom of Issaras and the Imperial Kingdom of Atorum owe this country a debt, and I'm sure they'll demand something in return that will give them an even greater advantage.
"Ugh. ......

 Ad, I was confronted with the biggest option.
 I'm not sure what to make of this. However, considering Yui's situation, it would be safer to move here.
 It's a good environment for raising a child, and it has the added benefit of Zeroth's support in the event of an emergency.

But ...... it would be unfair to come to this country out of the blue. ......
Then why don't we give the Kingdom of Issaras the benefit of the doubt?
Do you have a better idea?
Well, ...... I don't recommend it to be honest, but why don't we sell a car together with the Kingdom of Issaras? It's the one that the Animal Detective used to drive. ......
"Animal detective? I'm sure you'll be able to find something that will help you.
It's not a ...... keamin. Mr. Ad. ......, did you see that?
I loved Yui.

 I'm not sure if this is a good idea or not.
 What I'm trying to say is that the Daimler-Motore carriage is probably the closest, but it's a gasoline engine with not much horsepower. It is a prototype of a carriage with an engine attached, but it is better than building a Ferrari.

"I think it can be powered by a small magic motor and magic stones. The structure would be simple enough.
Isn't that going to cause an industrial revolution? Are you sure?
A magic tank is a combination of mithril and orichalcum. It's not very practical in terms of budget. I think it'll work for about twenty years. You could use magic rocks as fuel.
"If it runs on magic rocks, it doesn't need to be filled with magic power. But considering the running time and distance, we'll need a good number of them to run it.
"Even if you run as fast as you can, the speed will be the same as a carriage. In fact, it may be slower. Well, I think the demand for magic stones will increase and the mercenary profession will be revitalized.
I think it's going to be an industrial revolution for sure. ......
You can't turn your back on that. The magic kingdoms and the ore producing countries, if they were to join forces, this would be a good place to start. Things like our motorcycles and light wagons are technically difficult to manufacture.

 Zeroth's [Azi Dakaha] and Ado's [Light Wagon] use a large amount of rare metals.
 These metals can only be mined in mines or dungeons, and most are treated as rare metals. There aren't enough of them to be used in industry.
 I don't want to cheat in production, but I think this is a good place for Ad to start.

The question is, can I take Yui to Santor like this? ....... I'm sure you'll be happy to hear that.
I'm sure you'll be happy to hear that. Yui ......
What? I'm not sure what to make of it, but I'm sure it'll be fine. But I think it's better to at least say hello.
"Should I leave a letter? It's not good to disappear without a greeting. ......
Wait, wait, wait!

 You're getting impatient.
 From his point of view, the woman he loves is being taken away by Yui's husband who suddenly appeared.
 He's already engaged and has a child, so he's in no position to interfere at this point.
 However, the young man was not mature enough to be convinced by this.

I'm sure you can understand. You're taking her out of this village at such a critical time!
"I have means of transportation. We can get to the city faster and safer than a carriage.
But what if something happens?
Well, if you're in a stable condition, you'll be fine. When we get close to the city, we'll have a backpack.

 The old man's rear car, made for farming, is equipped with a suspension system.
 The light wagon is also equipped with cushions, so there is no problem in transporting it for a short distance.
 However, the young man in love was not rational enough to be convinced by such things.
 The woman he loved for the first time was now out of his reach. There was no way he could bear such a situation.

"All right. ...... Then you'll have to fight me. A duel.

 And then he went on a rampage.
 The old man and Ado were both dazzled by the sudden turn of events.
 It was natural that they couldn't know what was going through Ur's mind, but the outburst of youth and love sometimes posed a reckless challenge.
 He doesn't know that Ad is in the [wise man] class.
 In a way, that may be a blessing. He doesn't know that there is a difference in ability between the two, to the point where he can't even compete with them, let alone injure them--.