154 Old man, sister and brother started preparing befo...

 Xellos walks through the streets of Santor, feeling eyes on him from behind.
 To be honest, I don't want to invite him to my house, but he's planning a lot of preparations and is trying to hunt me down.
 If he misses this opportunity, there's no telling when he'll show up next.

"......, I'll do whatever it takes to kill him.

 I feel like a hunter now.
 I have no doubt that I will hunt them down thoroughly and make sure that they are choked out.
 It was a beautiful relationship between sister and brother.

Oh, it's the old man.
"Oh, Johnny, is that you? Are you eating out today?
Yes! I did some work today. The old lady at the orphanage gave me some money.
Jo, Joanie! You can call me the head priest!

 There were the usual suspects, including Luceris.
 They seemed to be eating in the dining room.
 There are various stores in the city of Santor. Some of the cafeterias have seats outside, perhaps due to land issues, and Luceris and the others seem to be in the middle of launching a bazaar.  

"Thank you for your hard work today. Did you make any money?
No, we keep our prices low because it's a service project. We made a good amount of money, but we don't make a profit.
"Well, you're a priest. Well, you're a priest. If you run for profit, you'll end up like some other countries. It would destroy our humanity.
Uncle, you really don't like the Holy Law Kingdom of Metis, do you? ......
"To be honest, I wish the Four Divine Beings' predecessors would die out. I'm sure there are some decent believers out there, and I'd like to encourage them to convert while they still can.

 The old man proudly affirms Iris's impression.
 If you're a fan of the game, you're going to love this game.
 The other gods have begun to interfere and are getting ready to pull them down from their positions.
 When the evil deeds of these irresponsible goddesses spread, the sacred will turn to the evil. I was really looking forward to the coming time.

What were you doing today, Janae?
"Us? We were looking for tools for our work. Potions can be checked by Iris' [Appraisal], so you can tell if they are good or bad quality. I was able to purchase a good product within my budget.
The [Appraise] skill comes in handy in situations like this. If it's used for gambling, I'll be very rich.
"...... Iris? You're not going to ...... a casino?
I don't go to casinos! I don't go to casinos, I don't gamble for money, that's a crock of shit!

 Iris's words hurt Lena.
 She was a well known gambler and was well respected by those who knew her.
 She was a celebrity in the opposite sense of the word to some priestess.

Yeah, I know. ....... It's okay to have fun, but it's not okay to gamble. ......
"Lena? What are you so desperate about?
It's nothing. It's just that sometimes Iris' innocence stings. Don't worry about it. ......
I don't get it, do you?

 I'm sure you're not the only one who can't figure it out.
 It's not that she's an enigmatic woman, but she wanted to keep the fact that she was in and out of the casino a secret. This was also out of consideration for her children.

What have you been doing all this time, Mr. Xelloss? All I heard from Ad was that he went somewhere with a customer. ......
No, I was selling a potion I made for a story. I even went to his house to explain the product. It's a powerful potion, so I thought I'd need the consent of my family.
"Uncle ......, what kind of magic potion did you sell?
"The complete version of ...... [Female Transformation Potion]
「「「「 You sold it! 」」」」

 I'm not sure if it's a good idea, but it's a good idea.
 I'm not sure if I'm going to be able to do this, but I'm not going to be able to do it. And it was the full version.
 In other words, there are men who want to become women. It's hard to believe for these women who live normal lives.

"Well, it's not a drug that sells to everyone.
Of course not. You'd have to be in a very bad situation to buy it.
...... Yeah. We don't know what that's like.
Who would buy something like that?
Unfortunately, I can't go into details because it would violate my privacy. Let's just say that he was very upset. So much so that he attempted suicide.

 I'm sure you'll be able to tell me more about it," he said.

 With only a little bit of information, only the nuance of the correct meaning of the word "female conversion drug" was conveyed.

I'm leaving now, so please enjoy your meal.
"What a pain in the ass, old man.
Let's have dinner together.
Kai wants some meat. Will you buy him some?
Meat. ~~~~!
I can smell the booze in the air. ....... I'm sure you've already eaten. No pressure.

 The children were as cash-strapped as ever.
 However, the children seemed to be paying attention to the direction that Xelloss had come from, while talking as usual. It seems that they are aware of the tailgater.

"Oh, ......, you noticed the two guys behind me. They seem to be growing more than I expected. They are fearsome children.

 I'm torn between rejoicing in their growth and fearing their rapid growth.
 Nevertheless, I don't want them to attract the attention of the tailgaters behind me. Especially since Kaede is a High Elf.
 If Shallanra finds out, she might kidnap her and sell her to the slavers.
 She won't be able to hear us from a distance. I think we should give her a warning.

"Oh, yes. My sister may appear in front of you all in the near future, but please keep your guard up and never let your guard down.
「「「「「「「「 What? 」」」」」」」」」
I've been following her from the tavern, and she's still peeking at me. You can get a bounty if you catch him and turn him in to the guards, so you might want to give him a try.
 Just be careful, Luceris. He might try to take you hostage or steal your livelihood, so be on the lookout for him.

 In other words, a warning to be on the lookout for a vicious wanted criminal.
 After all, these women were acquaintances of Xellos, and this was the least guarded place in the city. If they approached him as good guys, he might easily accept them.
 But Xellos knows his sister's tricks. By telling her about her experience, she can raise her guard and protect herself, while at the same time destroying her plan.
 Since they are both women, they can easily fall for each other if they use their sympathy.

"Uncle ......, you're going to take advantage of this opportunity to get rid of your sister, aren't you?
He's already a criminal. He tried to kill you, Zveit, and he's killed several merchants. He has to pay for his crimes, right?
"Wow, he's really corrupt. Then we'd better catch him.
There's a pretty good reward on the table. And here's the wanted list.

 There are also bounty hunters' wanted list in the tavern.
 I borrowed some of them and gave some to Janne and the others.

"The bounty is 10 million gold?
What is that? That's a lot of money!
That's a lot of money for trying to kill the heir to a dukedom. It's my uncle's family. ......
"In a way, you could say you're my uncle's family, right?
That's right.
It says you're getting younger, right? His age is ...... forty-six years old! You're lying with this face. ......
I'll take that as a challenge. It's great that they don't complain when you cut them down. Lord Xellos' sister must be quite capable.
"She's not going to give me any meat... ~~~~".

 In this way, he completed the siege by his acquaintances.
 But I felt this wasn't enough.

I'm not sure what to do.

 Ado is a familiar expert.
 They too are in dire need of money and are living in extreme poverty.
 They are currently the guests of the duke's family, but they have a guilty conscience about taking care of them too much.
 The only reason they are accepted is because they are acquaintances of Xellos.
 However, he didn't feel comfortable involving them in his family's shame, and Ad's life was in danger as well.
 After all, his fiancée, Yui, is jealous and will kill him without mercy if she smells a woman.

Let's not do this. I feel sorry for you, Ad. ......

 I tell her what happened and decide that I should keep my guard up.
 The main reason was that I didn't want to turn this into a shouting match.

He said, "Well, I'm sorry to interrupt your dinner. I'm going home first, so if you want to go after him, you'd better check him out while you still can. I'll be sure to pass by this store, so keep an eye out for him.
You have no qualms about sending your own sister and brother to the execution block.
That's my old man.
Can't we just cut them up?
It's good training, isn't it, if we can take them on?
Let's see how much meat we can eat with our winnings.

"You guys are really good at this, .......

 The children were more motivated than Jarnay and the others.
 Smiling at them, Xellos waves goodbye.
 After Xelloss leaves, a woman walks away from him.
 Her face was covered with a hood, perhaps as a bounty hunter's precaution, but her movements left no room for error. She seemed to be preparing to run away.
 But on the contrary, his behavior was different from that of an ordinary person, making him look suspicious.

"...... There you are.
There you are.
There you are.
That's Mr. Zeros' sister. ......
You're standing out like a sore thumb, aren't you?
How would a normal person know that, Angel? ....... I think he's never been on the receiving end of a chase before. He's careful, but he doesn't know what other people are looking at.
"Even we're not that obvious. We're not that blatant. You wouldn't know if we were. Uma ......
Can't we just cut him now?
『『『『 Something scares me more than the kids. ......』』』』

 In the past, the assessment of street children who lived off of theft was really harsh.
 It seems that they are better prepared to commit crimes. They were able to see into Sharanla's state of mind by the slightest behavior that ordinary citizens could not.
 I'm not sure whether to praise them for having such insight or to caution them for not being able to escape their underworld life.
 At any rate, Sharanla is still on the hunter's radar.


 Back in time a bit.
 Reimei, aka Sharanra, has started following her brother Satoshi, and is planning to find out where he is based.
 There, she witnessed Satoshi chatting with a group of women he knew at a diner.

It's a good thing that I'm not the only one who's had this problem. This is fortuitous.

 In the past, Reimei had approached the brother of a girl who had been dating Satoshi and had forced him to pay her money.
 If it is the same woman, you can find out what she likes and guide her so that she does not distrust you. Once you are in their pocket, you are in their hands.
 Also, once a woman is distrusted, it is difficult to regain her trust.
 If they are friends, they will start to doubt even their own lovers. He was very good at making them turn away from his actions by making them so.
 She played the role of a devoted woman to her boyfriend's brother so that he would be blinded, and took the position of a good-natured sister to the girl. No matter how much Satoshi said, "Don't trust that woman," after building a trusting relationship with her, she came to dislike him.
 As a result, the relationship between Satoshi and the girl broke down.
 The girl's brother, who was deceived, became a recluse, and the girl, who did not trust Satoshi, selfishly blamed him. This was in spite of his repeated warnings.
 In Reimi's opinion, "If that's enough to break the trust, then that's the extent of our relationship after all, isn't it? That's what she said.
 Moreover, when she no longer needed him, she simply dumped him and found another man.
 She has been doing this kind of evil since she was a junior high school student, and has been improving herself in a bad way.

I'm not sure what to make of that. There are two swordsmen, a mage, and a priest,......RPG.

 Reimei is no fool.
 In the event that you have any questions regarding where and how to use the site, please contact us. She didn't look like she had a lot of money.

I'm sure you could make a good amount of money selling her to a slaver. That style and appearance ...... pisses me off.

 Reimei turned her ill will towards Luceris, Janae, and Lena.
 After all, she was now forty-seven years old. Young and beautiful women were the object of her jealousy.
 Moreover, she turned to the [Secret Potion of Rejuvenation] in order to become young again. The result was, of course, unmistakable. It was her own fault, but there is no word of remorse in Reimi's dictionary.
 She really believes that her failures are the fault of others.

Just as well. You can sacrifice yourself for me if you know Satoshi. It's just as well.

 It's a wonderfully rotten situation.
 But this is normal for Reimei, who has sacrificed herself for others without working.
 And no matter what her parents or brother say, she has never tried to change this way of life.
 In a sense, she is consistent.
 If she had any integrity at all, she would be a proud evil, but unfortunately, she is a scoundrel to a fault. She cannot be honorable.

"Well, if we can get the ...... handwriting, then we can do whatever we want. It's a good world, really, because you're not going to do any scientific research.

 Most contracts in this world are signed by individuals.
 Even if the person with whom the contract is made is not the same person, as long as the handwriting is the same, the contract will be accepted.
 In other words, as long as one's family register and handwriting are correct, it is possible to make a contract to borrow money, etc., even if one is not the principal. This is why it is often used by malicious criminals.

 Yes, there was no such thing as fingerprinting in this world.
 For a merchant, a contract is something that needs to be carefully managed, even kept in a safe.

I'm not sure what to do. You'd better get a move on!

 Satoshi and the women are sitting outside the store talking.
 Satoshi and the women are sitting outside the restaurant talking, and there are also some children who look like they're being cheeky, which makes them even more irritating.
 I don't like children either.
 The time Satoshi spent talking was not so long, but while he waited, he was quite irritated, tapping his fingers on his crossed arms, unable to think calmly.
 She didn't like to wait either. Besides, Reimi was a bounty hunter and a wanted criminal.
 The bounty hunter might show up while she was doing this.
 In the meantime, Xellos waved his hand and walked away.

"...... Don't keep me waiting! I'm sure you'll be happy to hear that.

 I'm relieved that he has finally started to move, and I hurry after him.
 You'll be able to find a great deal of information on the web, and you'll be able to find a great deal of information on the web.

"Watch this! I'm going to take all your money. ......

 Her face was hidden, but she had a vicious smile on her face.
 But she's forgotten. She forgets that Satoshi is the person who understands Reimei's actions the most, and that he is the one who can predict her future actions, especially with regard to her own sister.
 And she didn't notice that there were children walking in front of the cafeteria, looking at Reimei as if they were prey.

 I'm not sure what to say.


 When I came to my house through the side street of the church, I saw the three mockingbirds.
 They were the three mockingbirds I had left behind on my way back to the city of Santor.

"Welcome back, did you get anything?
"Cock-a-doodle-doo. (It was really good training, Master. Real life is good.
Cock-a-doodle-doo. (Well, we've learned our lesson.) I'll continue to work on my training, so please teach me.
"Cock, cock, cock. I have made the mistake of missing my prey, but that is because of my inexperience. I'm not ready yet either.
"Missed your prey? I can't believe you guys? I can't believe it. ......

 Xellos understands better than anyone else the insane strength of Wu Kei and the others.
 He no longer believed that a wyvern class could defeat them with ease. It was unthinkable that the Ukeians would let their enemy escape.

"What kind of demons did you fight? Was it a dragon?
Kokoke. It was a black one.
Cock-a-doodle-doo. It looked like the dragon I'd heard about. But ...... was different.
"Cock-a-doodle-doo. That was a strange creature. (It was a strange demon. There were countless human faces floating in places where there was no body hair or feathers.
I wonder if there's such a thing as a ...... demon? A new species? A new species? A rare species? I don't know. ......

 I'm not sure what to make of it.
It's a great way to get the most out of your business.
 There's not enough information to determine if this is because it's a different world or if it's a demon caused by some other factor.

I'm not sure what to make of it. The only one that fits the bill is ..........

 What I do remember is the final boss, the Evil God.
 It looks like a giant face made of offal. There were countless horrific faces floating on its surface.
 I remember that its features did not disappear even when it changed forms, and it screamed in disgust every time I attacked it.

I don't know if it's the influence of the [Evil God Stone] or not. I'm not sure what to make of it. I'm not sure what to make of it.

 There's something strange about it.
I'm not sure what to make of it.
 Naturally, if it takes in a human, a human face may appear during the transformation process.
 However, demons are extravagant creatures that are sensitive to presence. It is unlikely that they would take into their bodies the [evil god stone] that emits a strange miasma.

"Can't stop thinking about it. ....... You must be tired after your long journey. You should get some rest.
Cock-a-doodle-doo. Thank you for your concern.
Cock-a-doodle-doo. Well, it looks like you'll be getting some rest tonight.
Cock-a-doodle-doo. I haven't had a proper rest. It's a blessing to have a place to come home to.
Where the hell have you guys been?

 Xelloss knew that Wu Kei and the others had been baptized by a vicious wilderness.
 They were in the henhouse, and upon their return they were surrounded by other cockatoos.
 Tonight, they would share their saga with their friends. They're not ready to rest yet.

"Well, ......, let's get ready for anything, shall we?

 When I entered the house, I went to the experimental equipment that was left in the living room.
 It's a good idea to take a look at your own personal life.
 There is even an iron ingot inside.

"Hmm? Welcome back, Xellos. ....... What took you so long?
"Ad-kun, were you sleeping? Did you show up at Yu's place? If you don't show up, even for a day, you'll get stabbed.
Don't be scared! It's so real, it's really scary!
You said it twice. ...... You're really scared.
In fact, if he wasn't dead weight, I'd stab him for real. ...... What's more, when you get back, you'll be mixing? What kind of crazy stuff are you going to make this time?
"You can tell from the materials. You can tell from the materials. It's wood glue and iron powder. ....... I have a feeling I'm gonna need them.
What do you need that for?

 So I decided to tell Ad about my own sister, Sharanra.
 After a certain amount of explanation, he made a very bitter face.

He said, "...... You're two nasty sisters. In a way, we're just like each other, aren't we?
"I don't like that assessment. It's humiliating to be put in the same category as that guy. I did what I wanted in Sword and Sorcery, but I would never do something like that in real life.
No, you're not convincing me. ....... No, you're not convincing me.
I'm not sure what to make of that. It's not like you're blowing up your allies in a defensive battle or spreading evil potions to get them high. And I'm sure you've done it too.
Ugh, ......, I feel like I'm revealing things I don't want people to know.

 He remembered the demon that had appeared at the bridge construction site.
 When he had defeated that demon, he had collected the [Evil God Stone].
 Normally, no one would like to possess a stone that emits miasma. I don't know whether the demon or the human was used for the experiment, but I felt that it was artificial.
 If [the player] was involved in this, the most likely suspect would be Ad.
 Because he belonged to the Kingdom of Isaras, it is highly likely that he experimented with the idea of military use.

"Well, I don't want to get involved in the internal affairs of the country. Let's just leave it at that.
"Well, I don't want to get involved in your country's affairs. I don't want you to go to jail without Yui.
"I'll pretend I didn't hear that ............... line too. My suspicions have been confirmed.
..................... Seriously, please.

 I'm sure you'll be pleased to know that I'm not the only one.
 I'm sure you'll be happy to know that I'm not the only one who has a problem with this.
 He doesn't want to be resented.

I'm not sure if you're a gamer or not.
No, of course not. I'm not sure if you've seen this before, but I'm sure you have. There's no way she'd stay indoors and play online games.
Then why did you go to ...... for Sword and Sorcery?
I'm sure you've got a lot of time on your hands. I joined [Sword and Sorcery] because I was bored, but I'm not very cooperative and I can't play with my friends.
"Oh, ......, so you're a PK player.
Maybe we've executed that b*tc* before. We've probably executed that b*tc* before, because she seemed strangely afraid when she heard the two names of the Annihilator.
How much flesh and bone are we fighting over?

 It seems that these two sisters are destined to be attracted to each other, both in reality and virtually.
 Like the magnetic force of a magnet, they are attracted to each other by negative attraction and repeatedly separated by the repulsive force of struggle.
 A cursed fate that will never end until one of them is annihilated.

"This time, I'm going to give him the boot. Kukukuk......
What the hell? Well, it's a good world either way. My sister is the perfect world to commit crimes, and Mr. Xellos is the perfect world to take care of her. In the case of Mr. Xellos, there is a great cause of justice enforcement there. ......

It's really ...... a very good world. It's a very good world. Killing them was a crime. ...... I couldn't get rid of them even if I wanted to.
It's scary that Mr. Zeroth has no doubts. ....... He's already taken care of it.
Of course! I've got a lot of people working with me on this. He tried to assassinate a member of the dukedom, and that was the end of it. He's wanted dead or alive.
That was a deliberate leak. What they couldn't do on Earth, they're going to do on this world.
Of course he did. You think I'm going to miss this opportunity now that I know he exists?

 Xelloss smiled viciously.
 The look on his face scared Ad to the point of making him shiver.
 The pure, evil, black emotion of human hatred, so different from Yui's fear, is enough to send chills down your spine just by looking at it.

I ...... don't ever want to make an enemy of this person. I'm not sure what to make of it.

If the Xellos of Sword and Sorcery was a happy-go-lucky fear, the Xellos of today is a fear of evil delusion. The quality of fear is completely different.
 I don't even want to get close to my sister who is being targeted by this evil mage.

If you want to get rid of him, you can do it directly, right? You're a newlywed with a baby on the way. You're a newlywed with a baby on the way.
You're trying to get my hands dirty, aren't you?
"Ha-ha-ha, the bounty will keep you alive for a while. That's not a bad deal. It's life or death.
So you don't care if you kill him on the spot or on the execution table, as long as you can get rid of him?
Isn't it an honor for him to die for others? I mean, she's a poisonous b*tc* anyway. ......
Mr. Xellos seems more poisonous to me. ....... I want no part of this.

 Demons do exist.
 I'm sure you'll agree with me.

 I forgot.

I forgot about ....... I forgot those monsters existed. ...............

 Sharanra found Zeroth's base, but there were white demons in the yard.
 And it's not just the three we've encountered before. Including the chickens, there were twice as many.
 Even if they were to dive into the shadows with the Shadow Dive, there was a high probability that the demons would notice them with their keen intuition. They would not be able to escape and would be beaten to a pulp.
 Three birds alone would be a nuisance, but such a monster is walking around the yard unrestrained. It would be impossible to break into the house and steal something valuable.

You'll be able to get a lot more than that with the help of this website.

 When Satoshi was an office worker, Sharanra moved into his company housing.
 However, he remembers not being able to withdraw any money because he couldn't find anything like a bankbook.
 It is possible that when he found out who he was, he probably took care of things.

You can't get close to the house, and even if you could, you don't know where the money is. It's probably in your inventory, but I'm pretty sure they won't just give it to you. They are far more powerful than you, and they will kill you as soon as they see you.

 The target turned out to be too strong to approach.
 I was so paranoid that I followed him, but after thinking it over, I realized that he was too high level to be an enemy.
I've used up most of my damage nullifying items such as [Substitute Doll] and [Sacrificial Gift], and I only have a few left. The [Demon Doll] has already been destroyed by Satoshi's hand.
 I'm not sure what to do.

I'm not sure what to do. I'm not sure what to make of that. I'm not sure what to do. You'll regret making an enemy of me!

 I'm not sure what to do.
 Considering her remaining life expectancy, she must act now. And so Reimei makes her move.
 Reimei and Satoshi - or rather, Xelloss and Shallanra - begin to read each other.
 Unbeknownst to her, a man is staring at her.