175 Oops, watch the defense

 The city of Luna Sark was flooded with zombies outside its outer walls.
 Despite the fact that their bodies were all dried up, their strength was so great that they were able to climb the outer walls.
 I struggled to knock them down and shot countless arrows at them from above.
 However, these arrows had no effect on a zombie that was originally dead, and it returned to seek its prey.

"It's climbing back up!
Holy knights, priests, use sacred magic!
In the name of the Most High, merciful healing and rest for the souls of the wretched and unregenerate. Purification!

 The zombie, enveloped in the light of purification, releases a kind of black mist from its body and falls.
 But the zombie, which had been lying on the ground for a while, rose again and attached itself to the outer wall, ignoring the damage to its body.

It's not working again. ...... Why can't the purification work?
We need more arrows!
The firearms are useless, what can we do?

 These zombies were crazy.
 As far as they knew, a zombie was a corpse possessed by an evil spirit, and the sacred magic of purification was supposed to be enough to deal with them.
 The guards had experience dealing with zombies outside the city, but there was no way to deal with this strange zombie. If it was just an ordinary corpse possessed by an evil spirit, they should have been able to burn it up with the sacred magic of [Purification].

I'm sure you'll be able to figure out what's going on. I'm not sure what to make of that.

 Manabu felt like he was going crazy.
 He had never heard of such a monster before.
 The zombies in dungeons can be defeated with recovery magic, but they are not the kind of beings that can be bothered to this extent. Even ghouls, which are similar to zombies, are easy to deal with if you have sacred magic.

Is it resistant to magic? And even if you try to burn it with fire, it won't work. ......

 Oiling the zombie and shooting it with fire arrows did not bring it down.
 No matter how many times you try, it doesn't work. It only slowed them down a little, but I couldn't defeat them. I was trapped in this situation.


 One of the holy knights was grabbed by the zombies and fell outside the outer wall.
 The zombies all swarmed around the holy knight.

I'm not sure what to do. I'm not sure what to do.

 The zombies bite at the holy knight.
 As if to satisfy their hunger, they bit, tore flesh and sipped blood.
 The knights and guards were speechless at the sight.

You can't possibly be ...... sure that those zombies aren't dead! I'm not sure what to make of that.
You can't be serious. I'm not sure what you mean by that.
That's the only way it makes sense! Purification is a sacred magic effective against the undead. If that doesn't work, then the answer is inevitably that it's not dead.

 Gaku's answer was not accurate.
 The illegal immigrant zombies that Xellos and his team had dealt with could be cleansed normally, but the black mist had mutated so rapidly that it had changed their abilities, turning their prey into zombies while still alive.
 What's more, this zombie possesses the same skills as a hero. Skill effects and magic resistance make purification ineffective.
 When it draws blood from the victim's body, it takes control of all the blood and then draws it out, leaving part of the mist in the victim's body. This part of the mist manipulates the victim's body and gives the corpse various skills that it currently possesses.
 However, since the victim is not possessed by a spirit, part of the black mist begins to seek magical power and attacks living beings. It's like a puppet that reacts to magic and attacks.

It seems that there are also normal zombies. ......
I'm sure there's something that caused it to change from a normal zombie to its current form. I think that's what happened in the city down the road.
Then you should be able to kill them! I am. ......
Yeah, they don't die. There is something about the body that holds the soul in place!

 If the black mist absorbs blood, then some of the mist left in the bodies of those who became zombies also has the same property. The zombies are looking for the blood of the living.
 It doesn't matter if they get the blood, they will still attack you, because the blood of living things contains magic power.
 The obsession for life of the criminals, including Shallanra, has given power to this new zombie and created a nasty monster.
 However, there is no way for Gaku to realize this. Because he didn't know, he speculated based on his own knowledge and experience.

"Hey, if you look closely at ...... their bodies look like they're regenerating.
They are tougher than they look, and they have the ability to regenerate ...... or repair? And they're also violent. ...... You've drawn the short straw. ......
I'm not sure what you're talking about.

 I'm not sure what to make of it.
 But he is not invincible enough to take on a swarm of zombies by himself.

I'm not sure if I'd call them zombies in the first place. That's not the same thing! Why am I getting caught up in this movie-like situation?

 Honestly, I felt like crying.
 To deal with a bio-terrorist creature like this, you'd need a weapon with the destructive power of the earth. After all, the victim who was eaten would also become a zombie.
 If we don't destroy the creature in one blow, our damage will continue to increase.
 Moreover, if the knights under his command are defeated, the number of enemies will inevitably increase.

What are you going to do about it? ......

 It's not just a matter of time before you find yourself in a situation where you can't get out of it.

 Stiff, agile, detectable, and a bit of a pain in the ass.

They're coming up the wall again!
Intercept them! Don't let any of them get into the city!

 Some new zombies climbed up the outer wall from another direction and attacked the guards.
 Those who were knocking down the zombies that were climbing from below were attacked from right next to them. The top of the wall was turning into a battlefield.

I'm coming out.
What about the command?
I'm knocking off the climbers. I'll be right back. ......

 Gaku ran.
 He had just taken command in the center, so there was a distance to the zombies that had breached the top of the barrier.
 There might be casualties before he reached them, but he still ran as fast as he could, putting human life first. It was not the speed of an ordinary person.

The higher the level, the more superhuman the strength. The higher the speed, the more difficult it is to turn around, but it's an emergency. ....... I think I can make it just in time.

 Level 481 Manabu had been focused on survival since he came to this world.
 You can find a lot of people who are looking for the best way to get the most out of their life.
 Fortunately, his training with the knights has earned him a good reputation among them. The way he stood in the vanguard even in the line of death gave them the ideal image of a hero.
 Many of his subordinates had built up a trusting relationship with him, and he could not bring himself to abandon them here. It would disqualify him as a commander.
 He should have acted cautiously, but his inability to be ruthless has led him to this day. I can't tell my men to go die.

Why is this happening? ....... I hate how naive I am.

 In front of the abnormal zombies, Manabu has a bad feeling.
 He was about to witness his premonition come true.


 The top of the defensive wall was a narrow passageway, making it a disadvantageous place for a mass attack.
 And most of the guards and knights are armed with swords and spears. The spear was effective to keep the opponent away.
But that's only if you're human.
 One of the guards pierced the zombie with his spear, but the zombie didn't stop moving forward and bit into the guard's throat, sipping his blood.
His fellow guards made various attacks to try to pull him off, but the zombie clung to him with unusual strength and refused to leave him.
 The blood drained from the body of the guards, and they quickly dried up.

"d*mn it! You bastard!

 One of the guards chopped off the zombie's leg the moment it was away from the body of its comrade.
One of the guards cuts off the zombie's leg just as it leaves the corpse of one of his comrades. He approaches the zombie to finish it off, but something grabs his leg and he falls down.
 The thing holding his leg was his fellow guard. This is the man who was just killed by a zombie.

...... zombies?
Get away from him!

 The other guards kicked the zombie over and over.
 But the zombie was still kicking and biting at his legs, chewing through his armor and squirting blood from his wounds.
 It was obsessed with blood.

"Die quietly!

 Gaku drew his sword and cut down the zombie that had been his guard.
 The head rolled on the cobblestones.
 The head rolled on the cobblestones, but even with the loss of the head, the body still moved, and slowly stood up and began to walk in search of the living.
 No, it is blood that he is seeking.

"[Light Blade Slash]".

 The sword fight that Manabu unleashed became countless trails that rushed through the zombie's body.
 Those who were once human were dismembered on the spot and rolled cruelly on the cobblestones.
 The human parts that had been broken into pieces were still moving despite the black mist.

...... is it still working? How stubborn can you be?
"Brave sir! They're still ......
"How ...... can I kill them at all? You monster. ......

 Leaving the zombies scattered, Manabu slashed at the other zombies.

 I'm not sure if you've seen this before.

I'm sure you'll have a great time.
I'm not sure what to make of that.

 In the event that you have any questions concerning where and how to use the internet, you can contact us at the web site.
 On top of the defensive wall, the heroes are doing their best to defeat the zombies, and the morale of the defenders is rising. However, Xellos has a strange feeling about this.

"Hey, Xellos, ....... I'm sure you'll be happy to hear that.

There you are. There were zombies in Sword and Sorcery, but they weren't that hard to kill. They were easy to kill with purification.
"It doesn't seem to work, you know? If it's resistant, is it a mutation?
I'm not sure, but I think so. Maybe it's not a zombie, maybe it's a black mist.
So it's a deadly ...... legion? You know, the ones that control the dead?
I don't know. Maybe it's some unknown virus. ......
No, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no. You've got to be kidding me. Biohazard's not a joke.
It's more like a pandemic, isn't it?

 Accidental infection or natural spread of infection?
 Either way, the cause is currently unknown, but I think I've found the clue to the mummification and zombie outbreak. But the two of them were too fluent.
 The situation worsened and the brave defenders were being pushed to the center of the wall. If they were pushed to the stairs, the city would be damaged.

If you're not sure what you're looking for, you might want to check with your doctor.
It's so obvious. So, what do we do now? Do we join the fight?
Hmm, ......, let's see what happens.
I don't think that's a good idea.
No, we're in a position where people can't find out who we are. It's a good idea to have a good idea of what you're doing.

 It's a good idea to have a good idea of what you're doing.
 It's a good idea to have a good idea of what you're looking for, and how you can get it.
 In a fantasy game, it wouldn't look too out of place, but in real life, it's quite painful. If I had to say something, I'd say it's tilted.

I'm not sure if it's too late, but I think our outfits are more noticeable. I'm sure you'll be able to find something that works for you. ......
I'm sure you'll be able to find something that works for you. You're stealthy with your magic.
I'm sure you'll be able to figure out why Xelloss is wearing an eye mask that resembles an ogre and I'm wearing a monster mask that illegally resides in some theater. You want me to stalk a female actor?
"Then you'll get stabbed by Yu. Well, I'm not kidding. ...... There were no other masks. The younger the phantom, the better.
I'm rather curious as to why you have such a mask. ....... Whoa, what's with the guards coming this way?
Looks like they're transporting the wounded.

 The guards were warded so they would not be noticed, but the risk was to be kept to a minimum.
 The guards were supporting their injured colleague and seemed to be on their way to the priest who was treating him.

"Hey, what's wrong with you! "Hey, what's wrong with you! Hold on, we're almost to the priests!
"Ugh. ...... Ugh. ......

 As far as I can see, the shin guards that protect his legs have been broken and he's bleeding from them.
 It is possible to fight with this level of injury. However, the guard on his back is suffering as if he were seriously ill and sweating profusely from his forehead.

Isn't there something wrong? I should be able to fight with a wound like that. ......
I'm not sure if it's a bite or not. If that black mist is the main body, he may have been infected.
If it's a demon, like a virus. ....... Is it just me or does it look bad?
I think it's pretty bad, don't you? If it's a zombie, it's ......
Hey, what's going on? Come on! Whoa!

 As if their premonitions had come true, he suddenly went crazy and grabbed his colleague, the guard.
 The two guards fell in a tangle.

"What the hell is wrong with you?
"What the hell is wrong with you?
No way. ...... You ......

 The guards noticed that their colleague had joined the ranks of the zombies.
 Even a bite can turn a person into a demon, attacking the people around them.
He wants to kill him somehow, but he is hesitant to kill the man who was his friend until yesterday.
 The old man who watches this situation from the shadows is...

...... I never thought I'd be able to say "woohoo ♡" in front of such a public audience. ....... It's a shame about the youth these days. You really should think about the time and place. ......
That's not true! I'm sure you'll be able to figure out why I'm blabbering on at this point!

 --He was goofing around a lot.

He must have been having a hard time controlling his impulses. I didn't think he'd try to do something like this in traffic. ....... Do you really love him that much?

"I don't know! I'm going to punch you in the face if you don't stop, old man. ......
I know, ......ad you're so selfish~. Young people these days are so quick to lose their temper. ......
Is it my fault?

 In the event that you have any kind of questions regarding where and how to use the internet, you can call us at the web site.
 He then aimed the gun at the neck and pulled the trigger carelessly.


 The roar of a gunshot echoed through the city.
 The force of the shot blasted the zombified man from the chest upwards without leaving a trace, and the bullet landed on the brick exterior wall of the store in a straight line. The bullet landed on the brick exterior wall of a store in a straight line, smashing through the wall with a flourish.
 Debris and dust scattered across the main street.

"I killed ......!
It's not "I killed you!" Why did you suddenly let go? I thought you didn't want me to find out!
"Woohoo! The first thing to do is to kill it. Ad, this is international knowledge.
You're still going to pull that one? The ...... is more powerful than yesterday's, isn't it?
Seriously, a magic gun is a bad idea in the city. If the Winchester M73 is this powerful, what would happen if you used a shotgun?
Why the hell did you decide to use that thing here?
"Just a test shot: ....... I'll get out of here as soon as I can.

 The two prowlers flee.
 Fortunately, no one was killed by the Winchester M73 magic rifle.
 Fortunately, no one was killed by the Winchester M73, because of its ridiculous power.

 There were no casualties from the gun.

 There was a melee on the outer wall.
 The reason for this was that the zombies could not be defeated, and the number of guards and knights had increased as they joined the zombies.
 The guards and holy knights had great faith in sacred magic, but their sacred magic, [Purification], was completely ineffective.
In the meantime, several soldiers have been sacrificed and stand in the way of a new enemy.

I'm not sure what to make of this.
Is ...... this really a zombie that can't be cleansed?
I'm not sure what to make of this.

 I'm not sure what to make of it, but I think it's a good idea.
 If they were zombies, they wouldn't be this hard to deal with. If they were zombies, they wouldn't be this hard to deal with. If they had purification magic, they could kill ten of them in a single blow if they were densely packed, but the sacred magic they relied on wasn't working, and they were on the defensive.
 In the event that you've got a lot of money to spend, you'll be able to get a lot more than you would like.

It's not good. ...... Even a scratch can turn you into a zombie. It's a viral type, no matter how you look at it. ....... It's a good thing that you're not the only one.

 He was in a hurry.
 In the event that you have any questions regarding where and how to use the internet, you can call us at the web site.
 The sacred magic was useless, it could only raise the defensive power and strengthen the weapons and shields, but the zombies still attacked in numbers without regard.
 In addition, the top of the barrier is too narrow to allow the knights to deploy in a wide area.
 If several knights were lined up, the knights behind them would not be able to move forward. Their movements would be restricted and their means of attack would be limited.
 In addition, the knights were sandwiched in front of and behind him, making it impossible for Manabu to move forward.
 In the first place, he is not equipped with a shield, and to avoid the risk of being bitten, he moved backward, but now there is no room for him to move forward.

But you were right not to go to ....... If we had gone out with the whole army, we'd already be one of them. ......

 Because of the small area on the roof of the wall, they managed to block the water's edge, but if this had been a plain, they would have been pushed in. It is an enemy with that much strength.
 Moreover, its infectious ability is so high that a single wound can end your life.

Don't go near the stairs. If they get down to the city, the number of enemies will only increase! Do your best to stop them here!

 While inspiring, Manabu gave precise instructions.
 This zombie has an amazing ability to infect people, and the worst thing that can happen is that it descends on the city of Luna Sark. The inhabitants of the city would be turned into zombies in a short time.
 They also don't seem to feel pain and will attack their prey even if they lose a limb.
 Of course, some of the zombies fell down during the battle, but the impact of the fall shattered the bones in their limbs, and even with their regenerative abilities, the bones never fully healed.
 The guards below were attacking these immobile zombies with hammers and other weapons, crushing them into nothing but pieces of flesh.
 After all, bones do not regenerate easily. If the broken parts are not aligned, the bones will be distorted and connected. For living things, the skeleton is like the foundation of the body, and even a slight distortion can interfere with movement.
 Zombies, acting only on instinct, can't even think of the wisdom of putting the bones back in the right position. No, they can't. That was the least I could do.

"Even if you stab it with a spear, it's still coming at you. ......
And they're ...... unusually strong. .........
If they bite you, it's over! Be very careful!
It's not good. ...... You can knock down the ones that climb the outer wall, but the problem is the door that blocks the gate. I'm not sure if this power will be able to break through quickly enough.

 The zombies seem to have a tendency to rush to the places where the living gather the most, not spread out over a wide area. Naturally, they will concentrate on the knights.
 If we can make a decisive attack, we can use this property as a weakness to guide the zombies.
 However, even if they can guide them, the Holy Knights, including Manabu, are currently without the means to strike a fatal blow. If Takumi Kazama were here, he could have eradicated them all with magic, but the country's dislike of mages is a hindrance.

I'm sure you'll be happy to hear that. I'm not sure what to make of it, but I'm sure it's a good idea.

 A battle of attrition during the invasion of the Atollum Empire.
 It's a good idea to have a good idea of what you're looking for.
 You can't use it all the time, but it's a very effective spell in a crowded situation like this, and it's what you're looking for right now.
 I know I'm asking for something I don't have, but I still feel like I want to cling to the memory of Taku Kazama.
 Sacred magic is not suitable for dealing with such special demons. There are other spells that are better suited to attack, such as healing and barriers, purification and assistance.

"Hurry up and cover us, ........ It's going to push back with a lot of force!
I'm not going to let them get away with it. Don't be reckless! We're dealing with climbers too. ...... Please come back here, hero!
All right! But, hey! Behind you!
What? Ahh!
I'm falling again, d*mn it!

 There are a lot of zombies climbing the walls.
 In order to push them down, you have to bend forward and attack them with a spear. Since the center of gravity is moving forward, it is easy to lose your balance and fall if the spear is grabbed and pulled.
 Some of them had already fallen to the ground and become part of the zombies.

Oh my god. ....... He had a girlfriend he promised to marry! And here he is at .......
I've got a sick brother too! I don't want to die here!
I don't think I can keep my promise, Mary. ......
I'm going to ...... take over the inn when this war is over.
Heh heh ...... I know what I'm going to name my child. Jonathan for a boy, Elina for a girl. So, you know, we've got to get out of here alive.
I'm not sure what to make of that. Stop it, we're all going to die! It's bad luck, so don't say anything else!

 The knights are not raising a death flag.
 The knights were not flagging for death, they were just trying to distract themselves from the horror of the unknown.
 Of course, Manabu understands this feeling, but if he hears a line that he has heard before, he will feel a sense of foreboding.
 Then, as if his premonition had come true, he heard the voices of the knights guarding the city gates below.

"Oh no, they're breaking down the gates!
Why aren't there double doors in this city? We'll be breached if we don't!
Shields up! Shields up! Don't let even one of them get on our side! Spearmen, attack them from between the shields! Priests, light barriers and magic!
"In the name of the great gods, a barrier of protection for our brave men and women facing hardship! "Holy Shield.
I'm not sure what to do.

 I'm not sure what to make of it.
 I'm not sure what to make of this.
 If the city's residents are killed, the situation will be out of control.

What to do ......? What to do ......?
I'm not sure what to do. Brave man.
Who's there?

 In the event that you have any questions regarding where and how to use the internet, you can call us at the web site.
 Both of them looked like priests, but they couldn't have been priests because they were equipped with breastplates and gauntlets.
 They were wearing creepy demons and white masks, and what surprised me the most was the weapons they were carrying.

I'm not sure what to make of that. It's a ...... assault rifle.
"An M14 carbine. A great gun. Preferably an H&KG3, but ......
It's better than the Spencer Carbine. I hope you're not complaining, I got you a Mossberg M500.
I don't know why you're still using the Winchester M74. ....... What are you going to use for a shotgun?
It's the same Mossberg. I made two of these, didn't I?

 The two men were chatting without a hint of tension, as if they hadn't heard what Manabu had said.

I'm sure you'll be able to understand what I'm talking about. ......
"I'll take care of the zombies on the other side. I'll take care of the other side.
Well, let's kill them. I'm going to try some spellcasting. I'd like to see if I can get some weird effects from regular bullets. Let's start with ...... [Flare Burst] Enchanting.

"Hey, hey, hey. Take it easy, okay? [Flare burst activated]


 Bullets were ejected from the muzzles of the M4 and Winchester M74 .
 The moment they crushed the bodies of several zombies attacking from both sides, a magic circle unfolded.

"That's range magic!

 Gaku was astonished.
 In the event that you have any kind of questions regarding where and how to use the internet, you can call us at the web site.
 No matter how resistant the zombies were to magic resistance or heat resistance, there was no way to prevent the heat from reaching over 2000 degrees Celsius.
 Even if the zombies were spared from the magic effect, their upper bodies were blown off by the bullets fired in succession. It was far more powerful than a flintlock gun.
 Moreover, it easily burned through an opponent that even the priest's magic had no effect on.

The power is much lower, but it seems that you can enchantment without special bullets. Regular bullets also fire smoothly. It's a good thing I didn't have to replace it with special ammo.
I've actually used it and ...... it's even worse than I expected.  It's a good thing that you're not the only one who has a problem with this. Don't sell it for real.
I'm not selling it. Okay, let's stop the experiment here. Human life is our priority right now.
You're the only one who's playing. You're the only one who's playing, and there are already casualties.
That's what they do. Let's go.
Hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey. Let's just get this over with.

 The two of them ignore me and proceed on their own.

Listen to me!
What is it? I'm a busy man. I'd appreciate it if you could spare me ten words or so.
You can't talk about anything then! Anyway, are you ...... reincarnated?
"Well, I don't know. I don't have to politely tell you who I am, and I don't have the time or the obligation to do so.
You may not have it, but we do!
How can you be so generous at a time like this? But I suggest you give up, because this conversation is going to be parallel. I have nothing to say to you, and I told you I don't have time for this.

 I had a lot of questions to ask.
 There were so many questions I wanted to ask, but these two strange intruders jumped off the top of the wall in front of me.
 Into the thick of the zombie hordes...