181 Oops, I'm going to resume 100000000000000000000000...

 Croisus Van Solstair, the second son of the Duke of Solstair.
 He is a self-confessed research fool, a natural genius who will try anything and everything related to magic, and will always come up with some kind of result.
 He is currently...

I want to go back to ...... my utopia. I want to go back to ...... that place.

 --I want to go back to that place.
 The best students of the Istor Academy of Magic were sent to the magic city of Ether Lante for an extracurricular class called the investigation of ruins.
 The reason for the name is that the instructors of the academy gave up on them saying, "Huh, there's nothing more we can teach you," and sent the high achievers to the island.
 However, the archeology and magic research teams dispatched by the government were very happy because they were able to solve the manpower shortage. And so the hell of the students began.
 The number of magic tools increased every other day, and the remaining documents were being deciphered. The work was so hard that some of them became depressed due to the slow progress of the analysis.
 After analyzing one magic tool, a hundred new ones are brought in.
 The only people who are having a good time are the researchers of the country, and for the students of the academy, they are in a state of piling up stones and being broken down by demons. It was an infinitely black field.
 The only one who could adapt to such a scene was Croisus.

The Wonderful Magical Tools of the Old Civilization: ....... Ancient writings in magical script: ...... I miss everything.

 It was heaven for him.
 When he closed his eyes, he could vividly see the piles of relics of the magical civilization. A lot of artifacts.
 Even the never-ending analysis work was an adrenaline-pumping, thrilling and fulfilling experience for him, and he could not sleep at night because of the excitement when new facts were revealed.
 He loved every minute of those wonderful and fulfilling days.
 However, those happy days would come to an end, and Croisus was expelled from paradise because of his status as a student and his social standing.
 In fact, many of the students at the academy shed tears of joy at being freed from hell.
 For Croisus, it was Heaven, but for many students, it was Hell. At this point, it was clear that he was crazy.
 Adam, who had been expelled from that paradise, was now rotting on a bed littered with junk. The inside of his room is in the same state of decay as the dormitory of the school.
 It was a desperate time for him as he was deprived of his daily life.
 He forgot that there was a monster nearby, a monster that could be called the top of the mages, and he was alone in his despair. He really is a helpless research fool.

"......... And this is how it is?

 When he saw Croisus, Delsacis, who was unusually visiting his son's room, was taken aback.

"Oh, it's your father. It is unusual for you to come to my room.

 Delsacis was holding something in his hand that looked like a long, thin package, but Croisus was not interested in it. He really didn't care about anything but his own research.
 Incidentally, Croisus had unconsciously expressed his current thoughts, and Delsacis had heard him clearly.
 Normally, he would be embarrassed, but unfortunately, Croisus did not have such delicate nerves.

You should work out a little more, don't you think? I know you want to be a researcher, but if you don't have the physical strength, you might die of exhaustion.
If you want to die in the middle of your research, that's fine with me. So, what do you want from me? Father.
I heard you were rotting in your room, so I thought I'd give you something interesting. What you do with it, Croesus, you can decide for yourself.
"A present from ......?

 Delsacis is not the kind of person who would give a gift to a child.
 It's not as if he's laissez-faire.
 He is not a laissez-faire person, but he has an educational policy that is as close to that as possible.
 He encourages the children to be independent by giving them a nudge or a complaint when necessary. In short, he is a man who thoroughly enforces the principle of "think and act at your own risk.
That is why the gift from his father, Delsacis, is so suspicious.
This question appeared on Croisus' face as a dubious expression.

So, what is the gift in your father's hand? I think it's some sort of wand.
"Hmm. It's something I'd like to develop in secret, but I wanted to get your opinion first.
"Top secret ......"? Perhaps it's related to magic tools?

 There's no way Delsacis will ever come under Croisus.
 It's a lot more common to see him three to seven times a year. It's the first time he's asked for my opinion.

Shall I show you what your father has brought? I'm getting a little curious.
"One of them is the new weapon of the Holy Law Goddess of Metis. The other is a selection of artifacts found in Ether Lante that are in the best possible condition.
"...... Huh.

 A faint glint appeared in Croisus' eyes.
 When he heard that it was an ancient relic, his motivation flared up.
 In front of his eyes, Delsacis untied the strings that bound the package and took out the contents.
 In the event that you have any kind of questions regarding where and how to use the internet, you can call us at the web site.

...... This was also thought to be a weapon by the academy.
"It is a weapon. It's a weapon. Lord Xellos has a weapon similar to this. No, perhaps he made it.
"Lord Xellos, too? I see. ......

 Croisus held both in his hands and examined them briefly.
 There is a difference in the way the handle is attached to the back or a little further away from the center, but it is clear that both are made based on the same concept.

 Looking at the cylindrical parts, I concluded that it was probably a tool that shoots out something by pulling the metal fitting at the base. Weapons that pull the trigger include bowguns, which have a mechanism that releases the metal fitting that holds the pulled string in place and shoots the arrow.
 This is why we can conclude that this staff is an ejection weapon.

The weapons of the Kingdom of the Holy Law of Metis are more primitive in shape than those found in the excavation. How can a country that rejects magic make a magic tool? ......
This must have been recreated from the knowledge of the heroes. The weapons made by Lord Xellos are more like those excavated from ruins.
"Hmm. ...... May I tear it apart?
"No problem. I've disassembled it and examined it, but I can't figure out how it works. I need you to recreate this weapon for me.

 Delsasys asked Croisus to analyze and create the weapon.
 I'd be happy to reproduce the magic tool, but my father intends to mass produce this weapon. It seems that he intends to set up a system to produce it in a very hurry.
 Otherwise he wouldn't have approached Croisus.

"You're being absurd again. ....... So, have you figured out how to use the weapons of the Holy Law God Kingdom of Metis?
"It's called a flintlock rifle. You put gunpowder and metal bullets into the end of the rifle and push it in with a stick under the barrel. A lighted rope is fixed to the clasp on the right side, a small amount of gunpowder is placed on the fire pan in front of the gun, and when the trigger is pulled, the gunpowder ignites and shoots out a metal bullet.
That's a lot of steps. In the event that you have any questions regarding where and how to get the best results, you can contact us at .......

 Croisus's head begins to spin at full speed.
 Both weapons agree that they both shoot out bullets.
 The important thing is the gunpowder, and considering that it eliminates the process, I can only assume that it uses magic instead of gunpowder. However, since it is a magic tool, it is necessary to store magic power somewhere.
 The reason is that using the user's magic power would be less efficient and therefore not very practical.

You'll be able to find a lot more information on the web at .......

 The box in front of the trigger comes off, and when you look inside, there is a mechanism that allows you to put something inside.
 Inside the box, there is a structure that pushes something out from underneath, probably a spring.
I took apart the other parts briefly, and found them to be very interesting.
The grip also had what looked like a lid on the bottom, and inside was a long, thin tube with intricate magic inscriptions all over it.

As we saw in Ether Lante, this tube seems to be the component that stores the magic power. It's a good idea to look at it as an enhanced version of the Holy Law Kingdom's weapon, and this box-shaped thing seems to be a mechanism that allows you to insert bullets and fire them continuously. It is possible to shoot continuously. ...... So, is there a mechanism inside the body to shoot out? It's an interesting weapon,......, but I can't figure it out.
What's that?
If Lord Zeroth possesses a weapon similar to this, why don't you ask him directly? Why me?
"Lord Xellos does not intend to serve his country. Even if it were a hobby, he would never get involved in the manufacture or mass production of this kind of weapon. He may make a sample, but he will leave the rest to us. They will say, "Make it yourself. They'll help us with magic scrolls, but they'll definitely avoid this kind of weapon.
I see. ....... So you're saying it's okay to make them for personal use, but not for mass production?

 There are things I understand because I am a hobbyist.
 I'm not sure if you've ever heard of this, but I'm sure you've heard of it. This is because it is just an extension of experimentation.
 Convenience and productivity are things for others to consider, and what is important is the information obtained from the results.
 Yes, the verification of theories and the consideration of the resulting information are the most fulfilling moments for Croisus.

I'll provide the manpower. You may use my faction's workshops. We'll use what we have left.
"Father ......, by 'extra manpower' do you mean 'craftsmen'?"
Well, ...... the power unit of the magic motor carriage can not keep up with production. We have a lot of spare time on our hands. I'd be happy to pull some people from there and put together a team.
I'm a student at the academy, remember? I'm a student at the academy. I'll be back after my leave.
While you're gone, we'll work on the project. I'm sure you'll be glad to know that I'm not the only one.

 Croisus looked at the weapons in front of him.
 Delsacis clearly seemed to be aware of the gun weapon.
 However, a weapon that merely shot out metal didn't seem that important. He thought that this level of attack could be prevented by a magical barrier.
 He was only a researcher, and he had an immense faith in the technology of magic, and he didn't understand how dangerous the gun in front of him was.

Well, it sounds interesting, so I'll take it, but I don't think it's that urgent.
You seem to think that magic is absolute, but there is nothing more terrifying than basic physics. There is nothing more terrifying than basic physics, and the weapon to prove it is right in front of you. It will fundamentally change the nature of warfare.
That's about it. ....... So let's go to the workshop and get some helpers. Let's start with the dwarves who are good at metalworking.

 And so, at the Solistaean workshop, work began on the gun.
 This would eventually lead to the creation of the Musketeers, but that is a story for another time.
 At any rate, it was a plan that would make Croesus an important part of the country.

  It was a plan that would lead Croesus to an important position in the country.

 While Croisus was working on the mass production of guns, Tsveit and Celestina, who had returned from Ether Lante, were also taking classes on magic at the villa of their grandfather, the former Duke of Creston.
 The two are taught by Xellos, who of course teaches them every Sunday.

 Today's subject is magic smelting, which is done on a special table called the [alchemy table].
 The alchemy table is a special table that can be used to perform alchemy processes without the need for laboratory equipment, and the complex magic circle engraved on the table is linked to the will of the magician, and is an excellent device that eliminates troublesome work processes in the form of "results.
 For example, when refining water, it is necessary to combine hydrogen and oxygen, but with the alchemy table, if the magician can show the image of combining elements in the atmosphere, water can be easily refined without laboratory equipment.
 When making potions, all you need to do is to prepare the ingredients and visualize the ingredients of the herbs, the drug reaction during the production, and the working process, and you can make potions without any process.
 The problem is that the quality of the potion is much lower than when you make it with laboratory equipment, but you have to get the hang of it by repeating the process over and over again.

Now, today's lesson is about combining magic stones and gems. Today's lesson is to combine magic stones and gems.
No, that came out of nowhere. Master ....... I'm sure you've heard of it.
I've never seen it before. I've never seen it before.
The other two have been gathering dust in the storage room of this house. In the event that you have any kind of questions concerning where and how to use the internet, you can call us at the web site. It takes a certain amount of skill to make a good quality product.

 Zeroth does not intend to make the best quality from the beginning.
 This is a class to see how much of the lessons he has taught at the school and as a tutor can be formed into an image on the alchemy table.
 The process, power, and shape of an attack spell are all determined by the magic formula.
 However, if the magician can visualize it clearly, he or she will be able to increase or decrease the power of the invoked spell at will. This technology is an extension of magic manipulation.
 It can be said that the class using the alchemy table is to make physical phenomena that are known as knowledge manifest as phenomena using only imagination. Images are very important for mages.
 And the easiest task is [bonding].

"Gems are minerals that have been combined and compressed underground, but magic stones are also compressed magic power, so the process is similar. In the image, the magic power is incorporated into the gaps between the bonded particles of the gemstone and compressed.
What happens if this fails?
"The gemstone is broken down into particles. Diamonds turn to carbon. Jade is silicon, rubies and sapphires are aluminum oxide, chromium, iron and titanium. ......
You know, ...... isn't this a very expensive class? Even a gemstone the size of the tip of your pinky finger is usually expensive, right?
"Well, I guess the average person can live for a few months without working. The original is free anyway, so don't worry about it.
"No, you do care (I do). ......

 I don't care how free the original is, I don't like wasting gems.
 In addition, there is a high probability of failure if it is done on the smelting table, which may be too much for the current Tsvetos.

The magic stone is the iron, oxygen and magic power in the blood of demons. ....... What kind of particles is magic power? What is the number of the element?
I'm sure you've heard of it.
In the first place, magic is energy, right?
In the event that you have any questions regarding where and how to use the site, please contact us at .......
What's wrong if the magic power is radiation?
I don't think it's possible for a human being to survive. Even if we assume that we are resistant to radiation, we will be exposed to it from birth. What is magic power, really?

 Magic power is a mysterious energy.
 It's there, but no one questions its existence.
 It causes all kinds of phenomena and is constantly being transformed, yet its energy never diminishes. It is a mysterious force that makes up the world.
 In time, it may evolve metals into living things.

When you think about it, magic is kind of creepy.
You're a mage and you're telling me that?
It's true that we are only vaguely aware of magic power, but the source of its power is a mystery.

 I'm not sure if it's a good idea, but I think it's a good idea.
 All the power that has been transformed by magic returns to magic, and all kinds of things can be formed by magic. It was as if this world was a perpetual motion machine.

"Well, there's no point in thinking about what magic is. Let's just experiment.
"Right. I feel like I'm going to get stuck thinking about it too much.
As a mage in pursuit of knowledge, you are disqualified. ......

 You can't help it because you can't understand with that knowledge.
 No, precisely because no one has the knowledge to understand.

"Now, we're going to combine the gemstone with the magic stone, and the magic stone will have different colors depending on the element. The four elements are light and dark. ....... This is a vague conceptual power, but it has actual properties like that. When you bind a magic stone to a gemstone, it changes to the color of that attribute. Ignoring the color of the material that makes up the gem. It's strange, isn't it?
You often incorporate magic that matches the four elements when making grimoires, right? It's mainly for offensive grimoires. I'm wondering, even if you incorporate fire magic into a large wind magic stone, the power does not increase.
I don't know why it would decrease.
If you combine light and dark magic stones, they become non-attribute, but you can't incorporate the four major attributes. Gravity and space magic can be incorporated, but ....... Well, I think there's a demand for it because it's the only way to make the materials needed to back up items. ......
I'm not sure what to say.

 In the event that you're looking for the best way to get the most out of your business, you'll want to take a look at the following.

 At least eight magic stones to build a space magic subspace inside the back. Barriers and wards are the applied technology of space magic. Because it is a magic tool that is always in a state of activation, it is necessary to constantly fill the magic power of the magic stones by incorporating a magic formula that supplies magic power.
 Although it requires the owner to recharge the magic power approximately every week, it was a useful tool for mercenaries and knights on expeditions.
 However, it is difficult to produce and there are only a few mages who have inherited its technology. Most of them were in the position of nobles at the level of state secrets.

I'll be back. I'm not sure what to do. Master ......, can you make it?
"Yes, I can. I've got a few that I've made myself, but they don't look very good. I'm not a professional, so my designs are bad. ......
No, no, no, no. Just being able to make one is a big deal!
Will I ever be able to make one?
I'm not sure I'd recommend it, because even the most experienced people make a lot of mistakes. It's more profitable to just make tools.

 Item bags have a high probability of failure anyway.
 You can make more money by making normal items rather than forcing yourself to make them. It takes a lot of work just to get the materials.

It's more about the magic stone processing. There is a demand for grimoires that activate simple magic. It's a good idea to have a good idea of what you're looking for.
You may be right, but ......
...... item back.

 Celestina and Zveit wanted the item bag as much as they could get their hands on it.
 It's a good idea to have a good idea of what you're looking for and how you can use it. This is because it is not easy to transport supplies on the battlefield.
 As for Celestina, she was attracted by the fact that she could store herbs and dispensed magical media in the item bag, and retrieve them when needed.

I don't want you to look at me like you want something. You have more important things to do in class.
You're right. You have to start small and work your way up. ......
...... Item bags are expensive.

 In spite of all the reluctance, the two of them face the alchemy table.
 You can find many different colors of jewels and gemstones in front of you. When they pick up the appropriate jewel and stone, they pour magic power into the smelting table to activate the function.
 The magic circle on the smelting table shines and the magic stone is ready to be processed.

"All matter is formed by the union of fine particles. Imagine incorporating magic crystals between the particles that form the jewel.
You want me to superimpose the gem and the magic stone?
If you put them on top of each other, they'll repel each other and break into pieces. It's like breaking down the magic stone into magic power and binding it to the gem. It's like filling the space between the tiny grains with grains of magic. ......

 Draw multiple circles on the blackboard, color-coding the magic power, and draw a diagram of two large circles surrounded by smaller circles. Then, add a notation of pressure from all sides using arrows.
 In short, there are three processes: simultaneous decomposition and adhesion, and condensation.

You can kind of get the idea, but ....... I know what you're thinking, but I'm not sure what you mean by applying pressure at the same time. ......
The wrought table will take care of that. Professionals don't use a refining table for this kind of work.
No, Master ......, it's impossible to smelt with magic alone. Is it possible to do that with just an image?
"Yes, it is. See .......

 In the event that you have any kind of questions regarding where and how to use the internet, you can call us at the web site.
 It's a great way to make sure you're getting the most out of your money.

You can't waste your magic power. I'm sure you'll be happy to hear that.
"Oh, ....... (There's something I don't understand about ......)
Is that the art of the master?

 I'm not sure if this is a good idea or not, but it's a good idea. 
 The answer seems to be that it was done by gobbling up images and magic control. This is the conclusion of an old man who repeated several experiments.
 To understand the physical phenomenon, and to change the strong image into a phenomenon forcibly by magic power.
 However, it is not an easy task. It can only be done with scientific knowledge and a thorough understanding of the changing nature of magical power.
 It requires excellent control of magic power and deep scientific knowledge, accurately changing the nature of the material used as a catalyst, and ignoring the production process to transform it as a result. Naturally, the probability of failure is high.
 To compensate for this, long "spells" have been created. While confirming the work process in the form of a spell, at the same time concentrating the mind to increase the success rate. This is primitive magical alchemy.
 The alchemy table is a tool that eliminates the time and effort, and brings the result as close to success as possible with the magic formula, which does not require spells, but requires a deep understanding of physical phenomena.
 In the first place, the old man does not know any long spells. However, it can be said that this is a class where the knowledge of Zveit and his friends can be confirmed visually.

"d*mn, ...... is pretty hard .......
It's a good idea to combine ...... decomposed magic stones into gems ....... I know what I'm doing, but ......
You're struggling.

 In the first place, the two of you have never seen the bonding state of matter.
 It is possible to see the bonding state of metals, for example, with an electron microscope, but there is no such thing in this world, and the image of bonding different crystalline bodies does not come to mind.

 Originally, in order to create a magic crystal, magic power is poured into the gemstone to transform it, for example, "ruby" = "fire".
 This is because the color of the gemstone unconsciously establishes the nature of the attribute, and thus the preconceived notion of "blue sapphire" = "water" or "topaz" = "earth" is born.
 Well, it's not entirely wrong, because when a magic stone with a different attribute is added, the gemstone changes its color to match that attribute. But it's not absolute.
 The gemstones they are using, Zveit's is ruby and Celestina's is amethyst, but the color of the magic stone is green, which means it has the attribute of wind.
 If successful, both gems should change to green. But--

"Oh, it shattered. ....... You failed.
"Oh! If it fails, it'll be like sand. ......
I'm not sure what to make of it, but I'm sure it'll be fine. It seems to have failed to retain its hardness and crushed.
But the color of the broken gems is green.
Really? I've only broken mine into tiny pieces and there's no color change. ......

 In other words, Celestina is better at controlling magic power.
 I think that Zveit has a tendency to try to move magic power by force. It was fine until she broke down the magic stone into magic power, but when she combined it, she forcibly twisted it in a reckless manner.
 The different properties of the materials repelled each other, and the jewel and the magic stone both shattered.

"It seems that Celestina is suited to delicate control. I'm not sure if that's a good thing or a bad thing.
"No, I probably imagined it half-heartedly. The idea of incorporating another particle into an existing one was difficult to grasp.
Well, I'll give it a try. I'll do it slowly and visually, so you can observe carefully.

 Xelloss took out a very large gem and a magic stone and placed them on the smelting table.

I'm sure you'll be happy to know that I'm not the only one who has a problem with this. It's enough for an average citizen to live off of for a few years. ......
I'm not going to be able to show you a very clear example unless it's something this big. I'm not sure what to do with it.

 Palm-sized gems and magic stones.
 If this could be made into a magic stone, it would be a national treasure.
 In a sense, the two of them were about to witness the moment of the century.

"Well, let's begin.

 The gem that Xelloss produced was just a crystal, but the magic stone was a deep blue color.
 What kind of demon's demon stone it was, was unknown.
 The jewel floated in the air on the smelting table, and the larger magical stone broke down into small pieces as if it were melting.
 The magic stones, reduced to magic power, drift around the jewel and are sucked into the jewel as if they were permeating the inside. At the same time, pressure from the outside accelerates the bonding process.
 The crystal, which should be quite hard, was wriggling like slime.

The awesome ...... colorless crystal is turning blue.
It's not as hard as a diamond, but it's pretty hard, right? Why are they moving like this ......?
It's because the magic force applied to the gaps between the particles makes it impossible for them to retain their hardness. It's a great way to make sure you're getting the most out of your money.

 The crystal, which had been in a state of blue slime, was hardened by the pressure from all sides.
 The crystal, which had been in a blue-slime state, is now hardened by pressure from all directions, and is compressed from the size of a palm to the size of a tennis ball.

I guess that's it.
It's such a deep blue color ...... that it's water-based.
...... Hey, maybe if we'd been shown this example from the beginning, we wouldn't have failed.
It's a good idea to have a good idea of what you're doing. I think the ideal is to be able to create it in a short amount of time.
I'm not sure if I can do that myself. Can we do it?

 Let me correct Xellos' mistake here.
 The method that Xellos has just followed is the correct way for beginners to make magic stones.
 The first thing the old man made the two of them do was to squish them and then suddenly make them do it. They almost lost a lot of gems and magic stones.
 The point is, you can either make magic stones all at once on the premise that you will fail, or you can make magic stones without fail by being prepared to have your magic power consumed immediately.
 There is no way you can succeed if you suddenly show the skill of an expert.
 The old man did not realize that he was getting ahead of himself.

 Having been shown the example, Zveit and the others started smelting again, referring to the process that Xellos showed them, in order to make sure that they could make the magic stone.
 There were a few failures, but they barely succeeded in creating the magic crystal stone.
 The shape was quite distorted, but...