196 Go to the dungeon with your old son and your teach...

 A mysterious humanoid lump of flesh and the giant centipedal woman who had created it.
 After devouring them all, the dragon remained motionless in the destroyed city for a while, but then it spread its wings and took to the sky.
 Genma, who had been watching from afar, watched the dragon's flight with suspicion.
 Perhaps it was his imagination, but the dragon seemed to be flying unsteadily.

"...... dragons. Is that really a dragon? Why does it have to eat that monster to get big? It looks like a .......

 I'm sure you'll be able to figure out what's going on.
 I'm sure you'll be able to find a lot more information on this in the future.
 Eventually, I came to the conclusion that 'I can't understand it with all my thinking. It is called abandonment of thought.

The hundred-legged monster is similar to a monster I saw sometime ago. When it starves, it takes in its own kind and eventually grows to a huge size.
The dragon is similar to ....... The dragons are also similar. ...... (I don't think it's the influence of that bad medicine, right?)
Is that so?
I'm not sure what to make of that. Specifically, the dragon's body changed while he was eating the Hundred Foot Woman, becoming more than a size larger and gaining a neck. ...... It's the same species, no matter how you look at it.
If they were the same species, why were they fighting each other?
I'll have to ask him about that. I'm not sure if it was homophobic or not.

 We can speculate to a certain extent.
 But Genma and the others, who are not specialists, can only see the resemblance, and do not have the knowledge to distinguish the differences.
 There are no mages in the Holy Law Kingdom of Metis, and it is unlikely that they will believe the information we give them. On the contrary, there is a possibility that you will be captured as soon as they find out that you are an elf.
 After all, this is a country that views different races as objects of persecution, and if you are not a mercenary registered with the Mercenary Guild, you will be the first to be reduced to slavery.
 The Holy Law God State of Metis is also unable to interfere with neutral organizations that cross national borders.
 In that case, the only country that would make effective use of this kind of information would be the neighboring magical kingdom of Solistair.

Kozue, can you draw a picture of him?
I couldn't make out all the details from a distance, but I can get an idea.
Draw him while he's fresh in your mind. And the giant centipede woman. The Mercenary Guild will pay good money for this kind of information.
Okay. See you at .......

 I've been thinking about this for a while, but I'm not sure what to do.  

I've always wondered, where do you keep that tool hidden in your ninja outfit?
It's a housewife's secret, dear.

 Seven Wonders of the Mistress Kunoichi.
 The Seven Wonders of the Wife Kunoichi.
 He had been married to his wife for many years, but Genma still had no idea where she kept this kind of tool.

"Hey, why are you drawing a sentient ink painting? ....... You don't need it now, do you?
"It's the secret of brush trials and maidens, my dear.
You don't need to draw anything! And the wrapping cloth on your back: ....... That's a sentient book with everything inside! Go return it to its original place. You're a fire thief!
It's not a crime to be a thief if you ...... don't get caught, you know. I'm not sure what you mean by that.

 The commotion caused the merchants and ordinary families living by the gate to flee immediately.
 Of course, the dragon's indiscriminate beam had caused many houses to burst into flames, and the bookstore Kozue had robbed must have suffered the same damage.
 Regardless of the reason, Genma would not have been able to overlook a fire thief who took advantage of the fact that no one was watching.
 If he allowed this to happen, he might repeat the same thing.

If you are tired of reading the book, you can sell it at a second-hand bookstore, so I don't think you need to be so upset about it. It will help pay for your travel expenses.
You ...... are probably not doing the same thing without my knowledge, are you?
You know how hard it is to make ends meet? You...

 I'm not sure what to make of it, but I'm sure it's a good idea.
 Bounty hunters and mercenaries are always battling to make money, and Genma's love of drinking and gambling has put a lot of pressure on his pocketbook. His wife's not-so-secret and rotten hobby is one of them. .......
 There was no way the couple could continue their journey without some extra income, so Genma and his friends mainly raided bandits' roosts and robbed them to pay for their long journey.
 However, this was not a stable source of income, and if they used the money as street silver, it would soon be depleted. In the first place, a bandit would never have a lot of money.
 Since Genma was also responsible for his financial situation, it would have been painful for him to be attacked.

"Old books... I don't think you'll make much money selling them, but it's better than nothing. ......
"That's right. Money is important for traveling.
In that case, jewels are better than books, aren't they?
You ...... want me to be a thief?
You're doing the same thing!

 What Kozue is saying is not right.
 I'm not sure what you're doing, but I'm sure you're aware that stealing jewelry is a crime, and stealing 801 books is the equivalent of protecting a work of art.
 She looked very unhappy with Genma's words.

I'm not sure if there's an inn where we can rest.
If it wasn't damaged, it should be safe. I don't think the owner of the inn is here.

"At this rate, even if we can stay at the inn, we're going to be caught in the fire. ......

 In front of their eyes, they could still see the fire spreading by the wind, and the houses in the city collapsing due to secondary damage. It would take a long time and a lot of money to rebuild the city.
 As he gazed at the devastation, Genma let out a sigh of resignation, "I guess I'll be living in the wild from today. ......

 A few days later, in the holy city of Maha Ruadh, a plan to rebuild the city was discussed, but due to the economic situation, the budget for reconstruction was not approved.
 In the end, the citadel was abandoned, and it was recorded as the first time in history that it was destroyed by a battle between monsters, and it will be talked about for generations to come.

The Duke of Solstair was in the city at the same time.

 At the same time, in a room of the Duke of Solstice's villa.
 Or a room in the Creston Mansion.

"Let's go to the dungeon.
"Huh? What?

 Xelloss suddenly said, "Let's go to the dungeon.
 It's a good idea to have a good idea of what you're looking for, but it's not always possible.

I've been working on a lot of things lately, and I'm running low on iron, so I thought it might be a good idea for you guys to try your hand at dungeons while you're mining.
What do you think? It's too sudden.
Comrade ......, this old man said it was a mining trip. And I don't want to go .......
But I'm interested in the dungeon. There's a lot of preparation involved.

 In the event that you have any questions concerning where and how to use the internet, you can contact us at the web site. It's a good idea to have a good idea of what you're looking for.

I'm not sure if this is a good idea. I'm sure you'll be happy with the results.
So you need to be prepared! You never know what's going to happen in a dungeon.
Brother, do you think the doctor needs to be prepared? I have a feeling he's going to go into the dungeon empty-handed and come back a few days later with some great gear.
Sure ...... can't deny that part.

 I'm not sure if you've ever heard of it, but I'm sure you've heard of it. If you go into a dungeon empty-handed, you might be able to create a powerful weapon there using magic smelting.
 He can easily imitate the special forces who go into enemy territory alone, survive with their advanced survival skills, and use the local resources to defeat the enemy.
 This is a talent that every country should have a few of.

......... As someone who is in charge of a country's territory, I would love to have someone like you, Master.
"Hahaha, I have no desire to serve my country at all. I don't want to serve the state at all. Freedom is the best.
It's a different kind of luxury. ......
By the way, Elomra, ....... By the way, Elomra, you look a little pale, are you alright?

 I'm not sure why the old man is looking at the depressed Elomra so curiously.

The dungeon ...... are you seriously going to? There? No, I don't want to go there. They're ...... waiting for us. .........
"When you went to the dungeon alone before ......, did anything happen?

 Zveit had a hunch, but he didn't know what it was.
 No one would think that his trauma had been exacerbated by being approached by someone of that type.
 Not knowing is a blessing.

I've heard that you can only go up to the third level now, so there's no problem, right? Demons are small fry, too.
"I'm sure they are for you, Master, but they're a nuisance when they're numerous. I'm sure you'll be happy to know that I'm not the only one.
I'll punch through the ceiling if I have to.
The only one who can do that is the master.

 That's a dangerous thought, old man.
 However, the fact that it is possible makes it worse, and I have already experienced how to escape by punching through the ceiling. The old man may be a threat to the dungeon.

I don't mind spending a few days in the dungeon anyway. There's nothing better than honing your survival skills when you have the time.
That's a good point. ....... So we'll go tomorrow?
Didn't your brother help you with your official duties?
My father took care of everything, so most of the work went to the staff and I didn't have to help. It makes me wonder if my father wants me to inherit the dukedom.
"Your father: ......

 It is common for the heirs of noble families to learn how to rule in their respective territories when the Istor Academy of Magic is on vacation. But in the case of Zveit, this is difficult.
 The reason for this is that his own father is too capable and takes away all of Zveit's opportunities to learn.
 If it were Creston, he would leave some work for him, but in the case of Delsacis, he doesn't leave any stone unturned until he has dealt with the entire schedule, and in fact, he mercilessly deals with other people's work in order to gain his own free time.
Creston laments that this is the reason why young talent cannot be nurtured.
 His behavior made those around him cry in a different way.

I'm starting to wonder if I'll ever surpass my father. ......
No, you can't. I don't think you need to be the Duke of Delsacis. If you're reckless, you'll break down in three days. He's as insane as I am, in a way.
That's very convincing, .......
It's a little complicated to be convinced. ......
When does your father take a break?

 The private life of the Duke of Delsacis is full of mysteries.

I'll tell you what, I'll start exploring the dungeon tomorrow. Don't worry, I was able to make a day trip, so feel free to go. Mr. Creston has asked me to give you some experience as well.
"Grandfather .........

 And so it was decided that we would go to the abandoned mine dungeon in the village of Arhan.
 But when Elomra heard this, his face turned pale.

I don't like it!
I'm not sure if this is a good idea or not. I'm sorry.

 I'm not sure what to make of it, but it's a good idea.
 But Elomra, who is also Zveit's bodyguard, has no choice.
 It's his job. .......

 The next day, the reluctant Elomura was taken to the hospital.

 The next day, dragging a reluctant Elomra, we arrived at a former abandoned mine and current dungeon in the village of Arhan.
 Ignoring the unusually frightened Elomra for some reason, I completed the formalities at the brand-new mercenary guild and quickly entered the mine.

Is this a dungeon? It's just a normal tunnel from what I can see, isn't it?
There are multiple entrances and exits to this dungeon, and I've heard that it's quite difficult to explore from the third level down. I wonder how it's changed now.
I'm not sure if you even know what the structure is, even with all the mercenaries coming and going. ......
I know you think so, Zveit, but there's a reason for that too.


 In the dungeon, occasionally a sound like the rumbling of the earth is heard, and somewhere underground, the structure is still changing.
 The mercenaries are unable to investigate because the information they find out will be useless the next day.
 The maps sold near the entrance to the mine are only for reference.

Is it because the mine is a complicated route? For example, one level suddenly leads to an unexplored area.
"Very perceptive, Mr. Zveit. Somehow, a vast world has been constructed even though it is underground. It's intricately connected and intertwined with the tunnels. Is the space distorted? Wow, dungeons are full of wonders!
Some of the mercenaries are worse than the demons, though. ......

 In the event that you have any questions concerning where and how to use the internet, you can call us at the web site. I wondered.
 But he didn't dare to ask himself.
 Somehow, he felt that he would regret asking.

Well, it's not as bad as the Great Dark Green Zone in Far Flan. It's not as bad as the Great Deep Green Zone in Furan, but you have to be careful of the traps.
"Traps. ......?
I don't know if the dungeon has a will of its own, but it may have traps in the passages on a whim. If you accidentally set it off, you'll get hurt badly.

 The traps that inexperienced dungeons must be most wary of are the ones that you don't know where they are laid. Not a few mercenaries have died by inadvertently triggering traps during combat with demons.
 Experienced mercenaries use even the traps to kill demons, but it is difficult for novice mercenaries and those who have no experience in dungeons to distinguish between them, and mercenaries with the skills of bandits and assassins come in handy.
 Well, some assassins and thieves are really backstabbers. .......

The guild does not allow exploration beyond the third level. The guild does not allow you to explore more than three levels, but there are still many mercenaries who go deeper without permission, and many of them are missing. Well, they got what they deserved, didn't they?
Hey, hey, can't you crack down on the mercenary guild?
You can't. Most mercenaries are poor, and if they don't make money to survive, they'll starve in a few days. If you make a fortune and fail, you're on your own.
If you dive into a dungeon to live and end up dead, you've lost your mind. Isn't the Mercenary Guild a little too irresponsible to take responsibility for their own actions?
It's the mercenaries' fault for ignoring the warnings and going deeper into the dungeon. You can get rare metals, medicinal herbs, and materials for demons more safely in dungeons than in the Great Green Zone. Isn't that exciting? I'm sure Croisus will be happy to take on this challenge when he finds out about it.
That's what he'd do. ......

 I'm not sure if you've heard of it, but I'm sure you've heard of it.
 If he hears a rumor about rare materials, he will say, "Interesting. I have to go to the site and investigate at all costs! And it is clear that he will certainly get lost.

 He's an indoor person and he's not very strong, but I can see him doing something crazy.

I'm sure Brother Croisus would come to the dungeon. I think he'd be the first to die if he went in there without hiring guards. ......
Celestina: ....... You're beginning to understand the character of Croisus, aren't you?
I'm sure you'll be able to figure out what I'm talking about. Even in Ether Lante, he secretly stole an ancient magic tool. ......
Hey! I'm not sure what you're talking about. Did you just witness the theft of a magic tool?
I accidentally witnessed the crime. ....... Does Brother Croisus usually do something similar? He seemed strangely adept at it. I chased after him, but I lost sight of him immediately, and he left no evidence. ......
I'm sure you'll be able to figure out what to do about it.

 The trouble is, Croisus doesn't have any bad intentions, and he doesn't care about the consequences of his actions on the people around him.
 Everything is a chore and a trivial matter in front of his interests and research.
 It's no wonder he's the same kind of person as Xelloss when he's pursuing his hobby.

Now, I'll give you a warning about the dungeon. As I said earlier, you have to be careful with traps. They're hard to spot because you don't know where they're placed and they're even disguised.
Pitfalls are rather popular.
"As you say, pitfalls are typical, but they are surprisingly easy to find by looking at unnatural cracks in the ground. If you look at the ground and see an unnatural vertical crack, you won't catch it unless you are a novice. You have to stand right above the hole to open the lid, but some of them open by themselves every hour, so be careful.
"Hehehe ......, I got caught too. I've been caught in one too.
"Is this guy really okay?

 I was worried about Elomura, who was severely depressed.
 They didn't want to hear about Elomra's situation, but they began to seriously consider whether they should take him with them. When they thought about it, there was nothing to worry about even if he was not there.

If you're not feeling well, Elomra, you can wait for me in the village. It would be a disaster if you were caught in a trap in that condition.
You're not abandoning me, Mr. Xelloss!
I don't want the village, I don't want the village, I don't want the village, I don't want the village, I don't want the village .........

 An increasingly confused old man .
 It is not the dungeons that are dangerous for Elomra, but the party of mercenaries staying in the village of Arhan. For him, the dungeon is safer in a different way.

Elomra, how can you be an escort like that?
Village ...... No, I'll hunt as many demons as I can rather than go back to the mercenary guild!
I'm not sure what to do, but I'm sure I'll be able to do it. I'm also going to follow the rules of the mercenary guild.

 The battle with the demons is within our expectations, but you never know when an unforeseen situation will arise.
 But I'm more worried that Elomura in her current state might cause something unforeseen to happen.

Well, I'd better hurry up. Follow me to ...... Oh, Elomra, be careful of the ceiling--
I'm sure you'll agree.

 In the event that you have any kind of questions regarding where and how to use the internet, you can call us at the web site.
 I'm worried about his skeletal problems.

When I came here before ......, there were no traps here! I didn't even hit the switch!
"Maybe it's a random trap? Both of you, some traps can be triggered suddenly, like now, so let's be careful to stay alert.
"Oh ....... Suddenly near the entrance?
Dungeons are scary. ......
Are you worried about me? Hey, aren't you worried about me?

 In the event that you have any questions concerning where and how to use the internet, you can call us at the web site. Whether or not there is any trust in them is a questionable point.
 In their attitude, "Everyone is cold ....... I'm going to cry, aren't I? Hey, it's okay to cry, right? Elomura lamented depressingly and pathetically. .

 I'm not sure what to say.

 As they continued to explore the dungeon, they easily defeated a platoon of goblins led by a hobgoblin in the boss room of the first level, and the group reached the second level.
 There, they found a forest so large that it was hard to believe it was an underground world.

...... So this is what you call a field inside a dungeon. I've heard of it, but it's amazing.
There really is a forest, isn't there? Where is this sunlight coming from?
"The demons that appear here are the same ones you see outside: Goblins, Orcs, Bludodos, Forest Wolves, Red Hawks, Horned Rabbits, and so on. This used to be just a tunnel. ......
The place where I fell in the pit shooter was a snowy mountain, but I wonder what level it was on: ....... It was so cold!

"What? The second place I intentionally fell was in a poisonous swamp. I wonder if the internal structure has changed again. I don't know how many areas there are. ......

 I'm not sure how many areas there are," he said.
 Some areas are just tunnels that he can't determine if they are levels or not, and he hasn't mapped them out, so the structure of the dungeon in his memory is very vague.
 Even so, information suggests that minerals can be mined in relatively shallow levels, and he doesn't mind because it doesn't interfere with his original goal.

There was a request from the mercenary guild to collect medicinal herbs, but this dungeon would be too hard for new mercenaries. There's a trap on the first level.
"Elomra was checking the guild's bulletin board? That's ridiculous. How is that even possible? ......
Comrade, isn't this terrible? You don't think I'm unthinking, do you?

 Your everyday behavior determines your reputation.
 Zveit's perception of Elomra is determined by his unthinking stupidity, and his silence teaches him that fact. Elomra felt like crying because he was not trusted.
 It was his own fault.

"Hmm? It seems that a visitor has arrived. There are five goblins, please try your best to kill them.
Well, that should be easy.
To be honest, I don't like to kill living things. ......

 Zveit uses his greatsword and Celestina uses her mace to intercept the goblins.
 They are weaker than the goblins that live in some great deep green area, and the battle is over quickly.
 The two are surprised to see the goblin vanish, leaving only the magic stone.

This is the first time I've seen a goblin get eaten by a dungeon ....... I've never seen this before. I didn't observe it up there.
I've never seen this before. I'm not sure what to do.
I think you need to be an expert to even strip a forest wolf of its fur. Do you want to try your hand at dismantling it? Tina.
I'm sure you'll be able to find something that works for you. But it will be a bit tougher.
If the demon has little magic, it will be eaten by the dungeon immediately, and if it has a lot, it will only leave behind the parts that contain magic. How do you get the materials out?

 In the dungeon, defeated demons and materials will disappear in a short time.
 Even if you use your dismantling skills to get the materials, all the loot will be absorbed by the dungeon as time goes by. To prevent this from happening, you need a specially processed backpack or leather bag, but many mercenaries don't have such tools.
 The reason for this is that they are very expensive because they are classified as magical tools.
 What you can bring back are magical stones and herbs that are not absorbed. The only thing you can take back with you is a part of your body that is filled with magic power.

"......... Master. We don't have a bag that's that convenient either.
Don't worry, it's no problem. In fact, I've secretly prepared one. I have a lot of ......... things to do.
I'd like to see you say you've got everything .......

 In the event that you're not sure what to do, you'll be able to ask for help.
 It's a good idea to take a look at the actual information on the web to make sure that you're getting the most out of your internet site.

I'm not a fan of this kind of fancy stuff. I'm not very good at this kind of fancy stuff, so I struggled a bit.
I'm not a fan of this kind of fancy, so I struggled a bit. It's for infants .......
But the performance is good, okay? I'm sure you'll be able to figure out how to use it. You can even fit a large troll in it somehow.

 A large troll is at least 8 meters long.
 A magic bag that can hold such a monster is worthy of being a national treasure, but it looks too fancy. Even Zveit and his siblings were astounded by this.
 Xelloss is an old man who throws himself into useless things.

Let's hurry up. There are a lot of medicinal plants growing on the third level, and it seems to be a pretty good spot.
I'm not sure if I'm supposed to carry this on my back. It's cute. ...... It's cute. ......
The performance is great, but why all the unnecessary decoration? I don't know what Master is thinking.
It's okay, comrade. I don't know what Xellos is thinking either. ......

 Now, in the abandoned mine dungeons of Arhan, each level had its own boss room.
 They are a rank stronger than the other demons that inhabit the levels, but the current Zveit and his team are more than capable of defeating them.
 At least, it seems that magic-using monsters do not appear in the level.
 The group arrived at the boss room on the second level, where a squad of five high orcs was waiting for them.

"Pigs are coming out.
You can't eat them except for the Meat Orcs, so you'll have to kill them by aiming for the magic stones. Even Zveit and the others can easily defeat them.

 It's a demon that old men and Elomra can kill instantly.
 But if you're Zveit or Celestina, you might have some trouble with the numbers.

We're fighting on our own?
Five Orcs?
We'll help you if you're in trouble. Good luck.
No, no, no, Mr. Xellos. I don't want the Duke and Duchess to get hurt. ......
"Let's see what you've got after training at the academy...
I'm not enjoying this!

 The high orc is a slightly more intelligent demon than the orc species.
 I'm not sure what to make of that.
 The other orcs also noticed the leader's caution and kept their weapons at the ready, not moving.

"It can't be helped. ....... We're going to have a field day.
The teacher is strict. ......

 Knowing that there were two opponents, the High Orcs gave the order to attack.
 The four orcs split into two groups and move to attack from both sides, targeting Zveit and Celestina respectively.

""Body Enhancement!"

 Using body-enhancement magic without recitation, Tsveit and Celestina quickly closed the distance between them and the High Orcs.
 It's a good idea to have a good idea of what you're looking for.

I'll take that!

 This is a great way to make sure that you don't end up with a lot of problems.

"...... ツッ!

 You'll be able to find a lot more than just a few of them.

This is it!

 Celestina did not miss that moment.
 In the event you're not sure what you're looking for, there are a few things you can do.
"Crack! The high orc screamed out in pain as a nasty sound echoed.

Go f*ck yourself!

 When the pain distracted Zveit's attention, he readied his greatsword and swung it down at the high orc's head.
 It was a little off from what he had measured, but the sword slammed into the head.
 No matter how strong and regenerative the High Orc was, it would have died instantly if the sword had struck it in the head.

There are four of them left! Brother, the orc on the right, please.
Can't you take on two orcs at once? Well, I'll help you if you're in danger.

 Perhaps upset by the loss of their leader, the High Orc, the Orcs began to run for cover.
 Still, they did not head towards Xelloss and Elomra.

We killed the High Orcs instantly. ....... Comrade, you're stronger than I thought. I don't see my role in this.
"Well, I'm still training, you know. You can do this.
I thought this world was like a video game with levels. ......
"It's the same in every world, the more you train, the more it reflects on you. I'm not sure what to do, but I'm sure you'll be able to do it.
I'm going to be an unwanted child? I'm going to be unemployed again? I don't want that!
I don't care what you say. I don't care.

 In the meantime, Celestina beat the orcs to death with her mace, and Zveit crushed them to death with his greatsword.
 The Orcs in the boss room were quickly subdued by crushing the leader of the pack first according to the theory.
 Xellos was satisfied with the result.

"This much should be easy.
No treasure chests, huh?
No treasure chests, huh? - Oh, two or three levels, I don't think you can expect to find any.
You know a lot, Mr. Edmund.
At least call me Elomura, my real name is Enomura! And Tina, you used to call me Elomura until the other day!

 Celestina easily forgets the faces and names of people she doesn't care about.
 Celestina forgets the names and faces of people she doesn't care about, even if they have strong personalities, except for friends and important people.
 Elomra was considered to be an escort for Zveit hired by her father, the Duke of Derusasi, so it was easy for him to fade from her memory if she didn't see him for a while.
 This tendency was most severe for Croisus, followed by Celestina. Zveit had a similar tendency, but not as severe as the two of them.
 The fact that some young man in love was forgotten was also due to the fact that he was perceived as unimportant.

Well, I don't care if your real name is Enomura or Eromantle, so let's move on. The other mercenaries can't get into the boss's room.
I don't really care about that! That's my name. It's important! And what's an erotic cloak? I don't have any taste for nude cloaks.
I don't have a taste for nude cloaks..." "What kind of a pervert would say that, after having fallen into slavery for s*xually harassing a slave and peeping at a hot spring resort? Are you such a good person that you care about your name?
"Don't hurt my old wounds! I'm going to cry! I'm going to wail!

 I'm not sure if he's serious or stupid, but at least he's a worthy dupe for the old man to play with.
 After finishing the boss battle and collecting the magic stone, the three of them quickly proceeded to the end of the room.

 Only Elomra, the objector, was alone and noisy.