203 Oops, relative to the drone multi-legged tank

 After parting ways with the two heroes, Xellos and the rest of the group proceeded to the depths of the dungeon to confirm the information they had received from the mercenaries.
 We turned right at the Greek-style corridor and walked straight through the labyrinth for about 30 minutes until we found a cavern with a single opening in the wall. If the information is correct, there is a tropical jungle area ahead.
 The cave in the wall, surrounded by historical ruins, was strange to look at.

According to our information, this is a subtropical area. It's not as hot as the desert, but it's hot and humid. Hydrate often. ...... Oh, and be careful with the raw water. If you drink it, you'll probably get sick to your stomach.
Master, why do I have a stomach ache? It's only water.
In the tropics, bacteria may grow in the water where it comes from. If you don't sterilize the water by boiling it, you will suffer from the bacteria. Also, be careful because unknown diseases are possible. Oh, and to the masterful Count Mosquito.
"Mr. Xelloss, are you talking about malaria? I thought mosquitoes were the vector.
"I don't think you're going to get sick, Elomra. You seem to have a strong personality.
What do you mean by that?

I thought of rude words such as "somehow, he won't catch a cold" or "the sick one will run away", but I was being kind by not saying them.
 More than anything, he understood the meaning of the words, and glared at Xelloss with tears in his eyes.
Honestly, it's not cute.
To be honest, it's not very cute.

"That's enough of a warning. I'm not going to say anything about it.
"The robot is a golem, right?
It's just another name for golem. I don't know, Master and Elomra seem to have a common understanding, or is it my imagination?
"Me and Mr. Xellos share the same homeland, so I'm sure we have some similar knowledge. Don't be so curious, comrade.

 Elomra hides the fact that he is a reincarnation in front of Zveit and the others.
 When Xellos sees him, he wonders why he can't always be so considerate. It's really strange," he mutters to himself.
 He was absolutely right.

"If we go through here, we'll be in a war zone with bullets flying.
"Master ......, don't be so rash.
I've got a bad feeling about this .......
Comrade and Tina are both worriers. There's no way those things are out there. If there were, Xellos would scrap them all.
I hope you're right. ......

 The four of them walked deeper into the cave, talking idly.

 I'm not sure what to say.

"Elomra, ......, you're talking about the wrong thing. I thought you said it wasn't disturbing.
............ There was a time when I thought so too.

 When I left the cave, I found myself in a real battlefield.
 In the event that you're not sure what you're looking for, you'll be able to find a lot more information on the web.
 It was an area that looked like the underground city of Ether Lante from the Age of Magic Civilization, but covered in jungle.
 It seemed to be a military facility, with all the buildings and hangar-like structures covered by a large forest, and a small number of defensive robots roaming around, destroying demons.
 I wondered how the mercenaries had gotten through this area.

Why is that golem attacking the demons?
"It's probably using its motion discriminator to determine the target of its attack. It's probably using a motion detector to determine what it's attacking. I think it recognizes everything but birds as enemies.
Even animals are enemies? If it was humans who made that thing, how did they identify friend and foe in the past?
I'm afraid we don't have the tools to do that. But unfortunately, we don't have such a tool, though I'm sure Mr. Xelloss could make one.

 While we were talking, bullets were flying over the rubble where Zveit and the others were hiding, and stray bullets were chipping away at the concrete walls.
 On the other side of the rubble, a giant spider is turning into a beehive and disappearing to feed the dungeon.

How the hell did they get through this mess?
I'm sure the ...... defense system wasn't working at the time. I'm sure you'll be able to understand why.
I don't know why Elomura-san is so calm. ....... Ha! This is a ...... dream, isn't it?
Tina is terrible.
"But still, ......

 In the event that you've got any questions about the way to use this site, please contact us.
 A black shadow suddenly attacked from behind the trees, instantly cutting off the grenade cannons in the legs and top of the head, destroying the legs and taking away the mobility.
 There is only one person who can do such a thing.

"Hahaha, that was easy. Once you know how to attack, it's easy.

"You're so cheerful~......

 An old man who is in a good mood and renders robots incapable of fighting.
 It's a great way to get to know your friends and family.

The frame is an alloy of iron, aluminum, stainless steel and adamantite. The frame is an alloy of iron, aluminum, stainless steel and adamantite. It's better quality than the ones we fought in the area above. I'm going to have a lot of these magic engines left over, what should I use them for?

 You can always get one of these magic power engines by defeating the robots.
 However, they all seem to be mass-produced consumables, and I can't determine how long they will last.
I can use them for my hobby in many ways, and my dreams have expanded.

Master, are you finished?
"I don't know. It's more powerful than the ones we fought in the area above, and seeing as how they were fighting in units, I guess we should assume that it's more likely that they have a command center, as expected.
It's not a good idea to stay here, is it? It's a good idea to move, Xelloss.
The one we just fought is a base defense ......, and it's better armed and has more parts than the first one we fought. I think this is the official guard robot.
I'm sure you'll be happy to hear that.

 I'm not sure if this is a good idea, but I think it's a good idea.
 I'm not sure what to make of it.

I'm just wondering, why are there weapons from the Age of Magic in the dungeon? These aren't demons, are they?
"Ah, .......

 Celestina's question is something that everyone thinks about when they cool down.
 In the event that you have any questions regarding where and how to use the site, please do not hesitate to contact us. Demons are also food for the dungeon, and are generally recognized as natural phenomena that grow by absorbing the life force and souls of the creatures living inside.
 Demons such as golems and gargoyles are different from living creatures, but their essence is spiritual, similar to spirits and fairies, and they become material demons by inhabiting minerals. This is the same principle as when a negative thought inhabits a corpse and turns it into a zombie, so spiritual energy is included in the food of the dungeon, but robots are not life forms possessed by demons or spiritual beings.
 An artificial being without life or spiritual power cannot be the food of a dungeon, much less breed. If we apply the common sense of dungeons, this area where robots move around will inevitably seem abnormal and alien.

What do you think, Xelloss?
"I can make an unsupported guess. The dungeon is capable of reading information from events, and it just so happens that the jungle where the remains of the magical civilization existed has been recreated. Weapons are not living things, so they can't reproduce, and they can't be summoned. It is more natural to think that the terrain and ruins were constructed from the information of the old civilization that existed there. This is the theory that makes the most sense to me.
Like a 3D printer?
Reading information from ....... Do dungeons have such abilities?
But there are actually weapons walking around, and I can agree with Master's theory. That means those weapons are just a coincidence, right?

 Xelloss says that his theory is baseless, but inwardly, he can say that it has more than a little basis.
 For example, items such as the Crystal of Time, Mirror of Time Mirror, and Monocle of Appraisal are rarely found in dungeons.
 These items are found only in dungeons, are difficult for humans to create, and have very limited performance. The question here is, "Why do we create items that can read the past and present?
To "read the past" means to "see events".
The "Monocle of Appraisal" is an item that reads the information of the object of appraisal, but in order to read it, the information must be drawn from somewhere, and the next question is "Where does the information come from? The next question is, "Where does the information come from? This was very similar to the appraisal skills possessed by Xellos and the heroes.
 It's a skill that gives you information on unknown plants and objects, but it's unclear where the information on the target comes from, and it's very different in nature from the rare appraisal skills that the people of this world possess.
 In the case of the appraisal skill used by mages and merchants, the source of the information is known because it draws out from the brain the memory information that has been learned and cultivated, but the source of the information of the appraisal skill of reincarnated people and heroes like Xellos remains unknown.
 Well, that's just the common sense of this world.

The dungeons have the power to read past and present events as information, and create and recreate subspace areas within them. It's crazy that such a thing can occur naturally.
I'm not sure what to make of this. In the literature, it is said that they can find out information through appraisal that they never knew when they came to this world. ......
It's similar. If you assume that you can read information from events in the dungeon, then you have the advanced information search function and processing capacity to look up information from all over the world. I think we could do more than that if we wanted to.
"No, to sum up what Xelloss-san said, wouldn't you say that the inside of a dungeon is a virtual space that is as close to reality as possible?
You can touch the plants and buildings inside the dungeon, and you can take them out of the dungeon as well, so I'm not sure if it can be called a virtual world. ....... However, the more I learn about the nature of dungeons, the more I come to a scary thought~
""Strange thoughts? "Weird idea?
The world itself is a virtual world. ......

 The virtual world theory is advocated by some people even on Earth.
 It's a theory that is often dismissed in reality, but in this other world, it has more credibility. Normally, it would be considered outrageous to say that this world is made up of someone's imagination. However, Xelloss cannot deny it because he knows of an existence called the observer. To be honest, I don't even want to think about it any more.
 No one would like to think that he or she is just a pseudo-constructed being, and does not actually exist. That is exactly the kind of thing that would be published in an occult magazine.

I'll leave it to someone else to figure it out. I can't handle it anymore.
"Yes, you're right. ....... The examination of such theories is for scholars. I don't understand it either.

"Once you understand, you won't be able to believe in reality, brother. ......

 The three of them had come to a scary conclusion and stopped thinking about it.
 Because of their quick thinking, Zveit and his siblings almost fell into the dilemma of existence and ran away from the unpredictable fear.
 Only Elomra was fluent.

"Mr. Xellos, it occurred to me...
"What is it, Mr. Elomra?
If a factory or other production plant could be recreated in a dungeon, it would be possible to create a combined robot. If you apply magic, you can do things that are physically impossible to some extent.
I'm not sure if you think I'm going to come up with that idea or not. I can't even think about it normally.
Oh, you don't?
It is possible to maintain the shape of the body, but if you want to move and fight, you will not be able to withstand the unusual load on the joints. Even if you could reduce the load with magic, it would consume so much magic power that it would not be able to maintain its shape. Eventually, it will collapse under its own weight.
Can't magic do it? ......
"Magic today cannot escape the laws of physics. If it could, I'd have made it myself. At least not in human form.

 I understand the soul that seeks the romance of eroticism.
 However, overcoming the barriers of physical laws is not an easy task, and requires technology and the accumulation of vast amounts of data. Even if a production plant existed, there would be many problems to overcome, and it would be impossible to manufacture a giant humanoid robot.
 Even if a production plant existed, there would be many problems to overcome.

"Well, if it wasn't humanoid, it might be possible, but there would be a limit to its size.
A robot about eight meters long would be possible, wouldn't it?
"Even if it looks humanoid, the shape will be very distorted. Thick legs to support the weight, huge arms to handle heavy weapons, and machines to move them. Then there's the thick armor to protect the cockpit and space for the passenger, and the various precision equipment needed for control. ....... All in all, it's definitely a gorilla.
That's ...... not cool.

 The closer the shape is to humanoid, the more difficult it becomes to maintain the shape under gravity.
 Humanoid robots are familiar from cartoons and science fiction movies, but although they are highly versatile, they become useless when actually manufactured. In fact, an animal model would be more stable.
 It is nonsense to stick to humanoid robots if you want to be practical.

Yes, for example, something like ...... would be an ideal shape.

 When the three of us casually looked back in the direction the old man was pointing, we saw a tank-like aircraft buried in the rubble. It was probably caught up in the collapse of a building and was buried under the rubble.
 However, if you look closely, you can see that it is not a tank, but instead of a crawler, it has six legs. At the front, a movable manipulator protruded like a stag's jaw shears.

"......, Takemizuchi.
"Elomura, why don't you stop throwing in anime references wherever you can? The shape is completely different. By the way, I like the gun-rod better.
I don't know! I've never even seen the movie version! I just read a used book in a bookstore.
This thing is bigger than the one my master was smashing. ......
They used to fight wars with golems like this.

 At this time, Xellos and the others forgot an important thing.
 Robots that are powered by magic do not have the will to kill.
 In addition, the aircraft is covered with metal armor that blocks magical reactions to the outside world, so it is impossible to tell from the outside whether it is broken or on standby. Even mages who are sensitive to magical reactions cannot detect it.
 In short...

 --Vuun .......

 --This robot's still alive.
 No, I should have checked it carefully and noticed that the armor had deteriorated over time, but the Xellos were in a well meeting at the time. And it was buried in the rubble.
 The four of them failed to notice that the robot, which had been shut down except for its minimal functions, had begun to operate. And ...... this robot had a higher information processing capacity than the security robot that Xelloss had defeated. It recognizes life forms that cannot detect its friendly identification code as enemies.
 Then, the two giant manipulators slowly lifted up, and the laser cannons mounted on the tips of the manipulators caught sight of the four.

"There's a strange sound ......! Look out!

 In the event that you have any questions regarding where by and how to use this site, you can contact us at our own web site.
At that moment, the laser strikes.

This thing's moving. ....... You're alive!
I'm sure you'll be happy to hear that. I think it recognized the enemy and reactivated.
By enemy, you mean us?
That's what you think. Let's get out of here while it's still buried. If he crawls out of the rubble, there's nothing we can do.
"I'll buy you some time, you guys get someplace safe. Come on, let's party.
"Wow, you're so alive... ......

 Xellos draws his sword and holds it up.
 While Zveit and the others hurriedly evacuated to a nearby building, the robot was trying to stand up, dropping the debris that had fallen from its hunger.
 I couldn't see it because it was buried, but it was a multi-legged tank with a missile pod on top.

I see. ....... It was buried in a sinkhole and then filled with rubble. Does that mean that there is an original in the same condition as this one somewhere in the world?

 While muttering, Xellos uses his appraisal skills to try and get as much information as possible.
 The results of the appraisal--.


[TST-X103 Prototype Multi-Legged Tank
 Main gun 88mm magic type gun.
 7.52mm anti-personnel Gatling gun x 2 on the upper left and right.
 Working arm high-power laser × forward two left and right.
Two eight-armed multiple missile launchers.
Manipulator for barricade breaking work × 2 arms.
A multi-legged tank manufactured in the early days of magical civilization.
 It is a battle test vehicle with local battle specifications belonging to the 387th Independent Armored Unit.
 Two passengers.
 The armor is made of a composite alloy of iron, mithril, and Damascus steel.
 Manned, but can also be used as an unmanned aircraft.
 When used as an unmanned vehicle, it will indiscriminately attack any object that does not have an identification code, making it an inflexible data-gathering experiment and a defective machine.
 Participated on the defensive side in the assault on the Alharan base of Romelia, and was buried in rubble after getting caught in a hole left by the bombing. It was left in a state of temporary system failure.
 The crew activated the unmanned attack system and left the area.
 Later, while retreating, they were caught in friendly fire and both were promoted two ranks.


I'm sure you'll be able to find a lot more information on this topic at ....... I'm not sure what to make of it, but I think it's a good idea. I'm not sure what to make of that.

 The extra text is bothering me, but for now I'll concentrate on the robot in front of me: a multi-legged tank.
 I'm not sure what to make of it.

It looks like a Tigger with an extended body, arms, legs, and a large missile pod. It's not a good idea, it's not practical.

 The form is similar to that of the German tank Tigger, but the six thick legs make the vehicle taller, and the forward laser arm is folded under the body.
 The blue lines of light running across the body are futuristic, but the body design itself is classic.
 To be honest, Xellos wants to shout, "Why didn't you just make it a tank? Zeroth wants to shout.
 The shape of the vehicle looked like a hermit crab to me.
 The sensors flickered, and the Gatling gun mounted on the top of the turret was pointed at Zeroth.
 And then--


 --fire mercilessly.
 The Xellos dodged the bullets as it closed in on him and tried to cut off his thick legs with its sword.
 The same technique as the security robots.
 However, as soon as the armor of the thick legs was opened, the multi-legged tank was lifted up by air pressure and backed up at a speed that was unthinkable for a tank, changing its stance by shifting its center of gravity to avoid the slash of Xelloss.
 At the same time, he thrusts out his arms, which are folded under the body of the vehicle, and fires a laser at the enemy.

It's a good idea to keep your eyes and ears open.

 In the event that you have any questions concerning where and how to use the internet, you can contact us at our own web site.
 From the perspective of a multi-legged tank, it will look as if something is flying around at high speed.
 Its sensors were detecting movement, but it was unable to aim, and its Gatling gun was confused, only moving its barrel. Then Xelloss slashes at it.
 He succeeded in crushing one of the Gatling guns in the turret.

I'm not sure what to make of this. You'll be able to find a lot more than just a few of them here.

 The second Gatling gun was disabled as he grumbled, but the blade of the thunderbolt was chipped by the second attack.
 Although the anti-personnel weapon can be destroyed, it seems that the main body must be fought with a very strong weapon to defeat it. Fighting with a super-heavy weapon is nice, but not so romantic.
 As you land on the ground and are wondering what to do, the armor on the thick legs of the multi-legged tank suddenly opens up and begins to spit out air again at a furious rate.

"No, no way. ......

 The moment you think that, the body of the tank, whose total weight is unknown, accelerates like a bullet and closes in on Zeroth.

No, no, no, no, that acceleration is crazy!

 This is the first time I've ever seen such a thing. The instantaneous acceleration it generated was extraordinary.
 The sudden acceleration caused Zeroth to make an error in judgment, and he dodged to the left, just in time to avoid the approaching multi-legged tank, but the multi-legged tank spun around rapidly on the spot, making use of the three hover outputs on each side, as well as the emphasis on movement.
 The acceleration and rotation increased the power of the thrust, and the Xellos was sent flying with a splash as it made contact with the left leg. The fact that he had dodged it just in time proved to be his undoing.

I'm not sure what to say.

 I'm not sure if this is a good idea or not.

What the heck is that acceleration ....... How did he do that with his size? ......

 In the event that you've been hiding, you're going to be astonished at the shocking sight.
 They thought that the old man was insanely invincible, but the multi-legged tank was overwhelmingly strong. It was an unbelievable situation for the two disciples.
 Elomra was also incredulous at the unbelievable performance of the multi-legged tank.

"Ugh. ......gu....... I can't believe he could do that on a moment's notice. ....... No, maybe it was sharing information with the other security robots it had defeated! If that's the case, ......

 The multi-legged tank continued to move in a straight line while turning buildings into rubble, but while adjusting its posture and posture from a spin state, it activated its turret and set its sights on the Zeros.
 On the monitor in the cockpit, the gun camera showed the target, the aiming reticle locked on to the target, and the 88mm magic cannon was being loaded.
 It's a great way to get the most out of your time in the field.

It's not fair, is it ......?

 In the event that you have any questions regarding where and how to use the internet, you can call us at the web site. A roar rang out.

 The ground was gouged out by the shells that were fired, and the shockwave from the powerful blast on his body blew him away with great force. I'm not sure if I'm going to be able to do it, but I'm going to try.

One ....... I'm not sure what to make of this. I'm sure you'll be able to figure it out.

 The old man was tougher than he thought ........
 But then he saw it.
 The cover of the missile launcher mounted on the back was deployed .......
 The missile was fired to surround him in the center.

"No mercy, no mercy, no mercy, no mercy, no mercy!

 What are you saying to an emotionless machine?
 The screaming man was engulfed in a flashy explosion.

"No, you're kidding! Master ......
No, Mr. Xellos can withstand an explosion like that. Let's worry about ourselves, .......
"What? What?

 In the event that you've got a lot of time, you'll be able to take a look at the web site.
 It's also a great way to get the most out of your day.

""Run, run, run, run, run!

 The sound of gunfire echoed.
 A series of shells fired.
 In the event that you've got a lot of money, you'll be able to take advantage of it.
 The heat generated by the missile attack made it impossible for the thermal sensors to catch the Zeros, so the strategic AI of the multi-legged tank seems to have changed its target to Tsveit and the others.
 This would have been the end for a normal human, but alas, Xellos was no normal.
 A black shadow flickering in the flames like an eternal fire.
 And a rapidly growing magical power.
 The mana sensor detects this magical reaction as an abnormality, and the multi-legged tank temporarily suspends its fire.
 It turned its body in the direction of the Xellos.
 Yes, in the flames was an old man holding a Barrett M82A1 anti-material rifle, formerly a gunblade.

"You did it with a flourish. This is payback.

 The excess plasma that leaked out of the barrel of the rifle gushed out, and the high voltage inside the muzzle created a magnetic force that made it glow pale blue, and the bullet accelerated by the Lorenzo phenomenon shot out as a flashing arrow.
 The bullet struck the base of the right leg of the turning multi-legged tank, ripping off two of its six front legs.
 The tank was unable to maintain its posture due to the loss of the two right legs, and the two manipulators folded underneath the vehicle body were used as legs to support it and prevent it from falling over.
 While maintaining its wobbly body, it seems to be moving to activate its turret and aim at the Zeros, but there is no way the Zeros will miss this opportunity.
 He closed the gap before he was attacked and quickly jumped on top of the all-you-can-eat multi-legged vehicle.

It's a shame to destroy it like this. If we can get in and disable the auto-attack system, ......

 This old man was going to come here and get a multi-legged tank as well.
 He entered through the opening and closing hatch at the top of the turret and began checking the instruments using his appraisal skills.

Let's see, ...... this is the fire control system, and this is the sensor ....... Hmm? Is the automatic attack system controlled by the one on top of this one? Turn up these three switches, the red button and the blue button. ......

 A multi-legged tank that has allowed the enemy to enter its interior.
 There's nothing you can do about it.
 The auto-attack system has been turned off, depriving it of any method of attack, and the power switch has been turned off as well, completely disabling it.
 The multipod chariot was cut off from the supply of magic power due to the shutdown of the magic power engine, and the magic formula that strengthened the armor and frame was also shut down, so the body of the chariot, which was standing upright with an unstable balance, rapidly lost power and began to sway and fall.
 It's a good idea to have a good idea of what you're looking for.

It's not like you're going to be able to just sit back and watch it happen.

 Because it is a military vehicle, comfort is not expected of a multi-legged tank.
 The man who had been struck in the lower back by the impact crawled out of the cockpit, enduring the pain.

Doctor, are you okay?
If you have a weapon like that, use it from the start. I've had a hell of a time. ......
Comrade, you don't understand Mr. Xellos' character. This old man has been trying to steal this multi-legged tank from the start. I'm sure he'll modify it for fun.
"Hmm ...... of course. Why don't you take it apart and take a closer look at its internal structure?

 This old man was not only examining the weapons of the old era, he was even considering modifications beyond that.
 However, it was bigger than a Tigger tank, and it would take more than one person to take it apart.

I'm not sure how much time I have left, but I'm sure I'll be able to help. I'm sure you'll be happy to know that I'm not the only one who's a bit of a jerk.
"Wow, ......, this guy's for real.
"Are you going to take this out on the ground? Brother Croisus will be pleased. ...... Oh, I have a bad feeling about this.

 The fact that Xellos was a dangerous person was well known to Zveit and the others.
 But only Celestina noticed the other dangerous person.
God knows if the "Don't mix, it's dangerous" duo will get together again.


 In the event that you've got a lot of time, you'll be able to take a look at a few of the best ways to get the most out of your time.

「「「「「 What is this place? ...... 」」」」」

 It's an apocalyptic world that has been burned to the ground and devastated.
 In the event that you have any questions regarding where and how to use the internet, you can call us at the web site.
 In a word, it is the world after the burning hell.

Do I have to go through here?
There's no other route, so we'll just have to go on.
No, but ......

 The surface of the earth is vitrified in places where it has been exposed to high temperatures, and in other places it is half lava. We don't even know if we can walk on it.
 I'm sure it's cooling down, but I'm still sweating from the unquenchable heat.

Do you think there's a path up to ......? Isn't it blocked by lava?
"If you've got time to complain, go find it. I'm in this mess because I went along with you.
"It's not my fault the dungeon changed, is it?
"This guy's on my ass...

 Kicking Katsuhiko's ass, Nagisa goes through the scorching wilderness.
 Just to get back to the surface: .......
 I'm not sure what to say, but I'm going to say it.