230 Character introduction up to Chapter 5.txt

If you're confused by the sudden appearance of a character from the first chapter, or you can't remember what kind of character you had, I can't remember! This space is for those of you who are.
I'll be writing this as I remember, so I may be missing a lot of things. I'll just do it in a nutshell. I'll revise it as I feel like it's appropriate.
So, let's start with the first chapter, which most of you may not remember--

[Name] Aikawa Uzumi / Christ Eurasia [Role] Protagonist
It's easy to forget, but she's using her sister's body.

Name] Aikawa Yotaki [Role] Sister
Character Image] The protagonist's younger sister, currently inside her brother's body and being kidnapped by the id.

[Name] Diablo Sith [Role] Chapter 1 Heroine
Person Image] Blonde haired swordsman (wizard), one-armed, body slashed, legs turned to charcoal, personality hijacked, lover missing, mental instability, on the run.

[Name] Rustyala Fuzzyards [Role] Chapter 2 Heroine
A beautiful girl with the heroic syndrome of Jewelculus, golden eyes and long, sparkling hair, very beautiful.

[Name] Maria Distras [Role] Chapter 2 Heroine
【Personal Image】 Former slave, dark haired, dark-eyed girl, seems to resemble the protagonist's sister, good with fire, likes the protagonist, unknown since she fainted after fighting Palinkron.

Lin-san. [Roles] Bar's signboard girl.
【Personality Image】 Cheerful and kind sister. She taught me a lot of things while I was working part-time.

[Name] Store manager [Role] Bar manager
【Personality Image】 Dependable manager, formerly an adventurer with a high level of experience.

[Name] Crow [Role] A common warrior in the tavern.
The man who taught Kanami all kinds of things about the labyrinth in chapter one, the older brother you can count on.

【Name】Alken, the searcher who was teasing Dia.
He was the leader of a party of explorers who bet on a monster-hunting race with Kanami in Chapter 1, but got beaten down and left the Varto.

[Name] Tida [Role] Boss.
[Person Image] The 20-layered boss of the black liquid, sold off as a magical stone, consumed by the Palinkulon, and after separation, swallowed by the World Votive Force.

[Name] Arti [Role] Boss.
[Person Image] The little guy's 10th layer boss, the magical stone is being assimilated with Maria.

These are the characters in chapter one.
Next, chapter two--.

[Name] Palinclone Legacy [Role] Enemy
[Character Image] He did a lot of things behind the scenes, so the main character took him down (Chapter 4).

[Name] Snow Walker [Role] Chapter 3 Heroine
[Person Image] Dragon Man, Neat, Formerly the strongest hero, Home is strict and rebellious, Recently, I tried a bit hard, but Palinkron broke my heart again Kanami asked me about the party, but ......?

【Name】Rainer Helvilshein 【Role】Knight close to the hero
[Personality Image] Low self-esteem, mean boy, adopted by a great nobleman, loves his brother-in-law, and is now obsessed with the Christ and Rastiala that his brother-in-law left behind.

【Name】Franlle Helvirshine 【Role】 nobleman, explorer, and young lady.
[Character Image] The girl who fell in love with Kanami's tone of voice. Precious blonde twintessence, although she looks like she is joking, in fact, she has a strong core of common sense and will eventually become the Celestial Knights.

[Name] Erna [Role] Friend of the Helvirshine sisters
[Person Image] Cat Girl, Eltralieu College student, she wasn't available ...... You can meet her at the school.

【Name】Persiona Quager 【Role】Chancellor of the "Seven Celestial Knights
【人物イメージ】総長さん 黒の全身鎧と高身長と低い声のせいで男と思われがち 努力家のお堅い騎士様 尻尾みたいな髪でプロポーションよしのお姉さん 大聖堂と舞闘大会でカナミに敗北

【名前】モネ・ヴィンチ 【役割】『天上の七騎士(セレスティアル・ナイツ)』副総長
【人物イメージ】副総長 苦労性のお父さん的な騎士 カナミには魔法に特化した騎士と思われて《次元の冬(ディ・ウィンター)》であっさりやられた

【名前】ハイン・ヘルヴィルシャイン 【役割】『天上の七騎士(セレスティアル・ナイツ)』
【人物イメージ】理想の騎士さん けど、夢見がちで乙女回路全開な人 ラスティアラとカナミを幸せにすることに命を賭けて死亡 その死体は友であるパリンクロンの手に

【名前】ラグネ・カイクヲラ 【役割】『天上の七騎士(セレスティアル・ナイツ)』
【人物イメージ】魔力物質化のできる少女騎士 「っす」口調 若い 可愛い(・・・) カナミには決闘で一方的に負けた

【名前】セラ・レイディアント 【役割】元『天上の七騎士(セレスティアル・ナイツ)』
【人物イメージ】裏切ってラスティアラに忠誠を誓った 青い狼の獣人 可愛い女の子が好きで、男を汚らわしく思ってる カナミに似た正義感を持ってる もしかしたら、サブヒロイン

【名前】ホープス・ジョークル 【役割】『天上の七騎士(セレスティアル・ナイツ)』
【人物イメージ】飄々として人生楽しんでるおっさん かなり頼りになる騎士 カナミには決闘で一方的に負けた

【名前】フェーデルト 【役割】宰相代理殿
【人物イメージ】ティアラ再誕の儀式にいた男 フーズヤーズの偉い貴族様でレヴァン教の神官様 手段を選ばないが、国のことを思っている立派な人 カナミにとってはラスティアラを殺そうとした敵

【名前】レキ 【役割】元老院から来た人
【人物イメージ】ティアラ再誕の儀式にいた若い女性 口調はお婆さんっぽい


【名前】ローウェン・アレイス 【役割】ボス
【人物イメージ】剣聖青年な30層ボス 魔石は剣に

【名前】グリム・リム・リーパー 【役割】リーパーはリーパー
【人物イメージ】『呪い』から解き放たれたことにより仲間となった死神 繋がりという能力で人生経験をチートで重ねまくっている 純真で常識人な最年少の褐色っ子

【名前】グレン・ウォーカー 【役割】最強の英雄
【人物イメージ】スノウのお兄ちゃん 最強 短剣四つで戦う器用なスカウト 気弱で臆病 残念 スノウと似てて卑屈

【人物イメージ】典型的な貴族でライバルキャラ 完璧主義のリーダーでギルド『スプリーム』のマスター 中身は理想の英雄を目指す努力家 結局は英雄なカナミのファンになり、果てにはライバルになろうと頑張ってる変人

【名前】フェンリル・アレイス 【役割】現・剣聖
【人物イメージ】剣聖のお爺ちゃん ディアに宝剣あげた人 ローウェンに敗北したが、認められもした カナミとディアの味方をしてくれる人

【名前】ヴォルザーク 【役割】エピックシーカーの頼れる男
【人物イメージ】元は剣闘奴隷 巨漢 傷だらけ 大剣使い 大雑把で見られがちだが、思慮深い 思いやりのあるできた人間

[Name] Teri Rinker [Role] Epic Seeker's wizard sister.
[Person Image] The one who is trying to get Snow and Kanami together, the good little girl and sister of the previous generation's "strongest

[Name] Rail Senks [Role] Epic Seeker Submaster
[Person Image] Friend of Palinkulon

[Name] Alivers Rivers [Role] Epic Seeker Blacksmith
A retired blacksmith who retired after a serious accident. He has one blind eye, both ears shaved off, and one burn left. He covers his face with his long hair, and when he gets into it, he goes wild.

[Name] Seri [Role] Epic Seeker's little swordsman
[Person Image] Noisy. Not much of a turnout. ...... 

[Name] Agnes [Role] Meek Academy student
In the main story, Kanami loses to her in a match and ends her career. In the Bounty Academy version, she's the heroine. In the IF version, she was sacrificed.

Next, chapter four--

[Name] Aide [Role] Boss.
【Personal Image】 The 40th layer boss of Hyorogens Vizier, while alive, appeared at the end of Palinkron vs. Kanami, taking Yotaki's body as a fisherman's substitute for the king.

[Name] Kanami the Founder [Role] The main character from a thousand years ago
[Person Image] Aikawa Uzumi from a thousand years ago

[Name] Apostle Sith [Role] Apostle Enemy
It is the enemy from a thousand years ago that was inside Dia, an advocate of world peace.

[Name] Apostle Legacy [Role] Apostle 
[Personality Image] An enemy from a thousand years ago in the Palinkron. However, since the initiative was in the Palinkron, he only appeared in the past as a boy in this volume.

[Name] Apostle Diprakra [Role] Apostle
[Personality Image] Unknown. Sith says it's a houseplant.

[Name] Saint Tiara [Role] Unknown
【Personal Image】 A thousand years ago, in my memory, he was Kanami's apprentice. A thousand years ago, he rescued Kanami from desperation... and created magic? Now it's blood? Mostly unknown.

[Name] Hailey Weisprope [Role] Sub-heroine.
[Person Image] Silver's life expectancy is short, "Jewelculus" Kanami, Palinkulon, died beside Ryner.

[Name] Shea Legacy [Role] Palinkron's niece
[Personality Image] Talentless leader, cheerful and energetic, working with Aide.

[Name] Rouge [Role] Enemy.
[Personality Image] Red's life expectancy is short, "Jewelculus", a rash character, losing to Dia and Maria, working with the Aide.

[Name] Noir [Role] Enemy.
【Personal Image】 Black with a short life expectancy, "Jewelcrus", a tepid character, working with the Aide who lost to Dia and Maria.

Next, chapter five--

[Name] Lord Titty [Role] Boss and heroine.
[Person Image] The demon king-like 50th layer boss

[Name] Nosfi Foozeyers [Role] Boss and heroine.
[Person Image] The brave 60th layer boss

[Name] Reynand Volus [Role] Blacksmith and General.
The father who taught me how to blacksmith.

[Name] Elizabeth Vols [Role] Old subordinate.
[Personality Image] A thousand years ago, he was a knight in the king's guard under the founder Kanami

[Name] Serdra [Role] Unknown
[Personality Image] The dragon who became a general. He was once a friend of the Lord.

The endgame is easy as it seems fresh in my mind.
Reference if you like.