51 Episode 50 Close Range And SugarCane

 The wyvern has two legs and looks like a dragon.
 Its color is generally red, and its wings, unlike those of birds, are flat and somewhat shiny.
 The wings seem to be held together by six bone-like appendages on each side.
 From the tips of these bones, there are stingers.
 Of course, it would not be able to jump up with these wings.
 There is a possibility that it flies by magic, or that its wings are functioning by magic.
 Its body shape is that of a normal bird with a slightly stocky body.
 The size of the creature was obviously off the scale, and its wingspan would be close to 30 meters.
 While observing it, I closed the distance and landed diagonally in front and to the side of the wyvern without losing too much momentum.
 It almost rolls, but I force it to stop by braking it with acceleration magic.

 I land right next to the wyvern, and my claws swing down on it.
 The speed is faster than the magic I can cast without a wand, but it's avoidable on the ground.
 The wyvern seems to have only two legs, so I was hoping that it would lose its balance, but it seems to be using its wings to keep its balance and doesn't seem to be losing its balance at all.
 One of its two legs is on the ground, but it may not need it.

 I'm going to use as much of my magic power as possible on the magic armor to buy some time.
 After that, I'll attack, but if I have to, I'll use my magic sword.
 The ground is a great advantage for this tactic.
 At low speed, the magic of acceleration is more efficient, and you can use your legs to avoid using magic.
 Flying in the air would reduce the margin of magic in some ways.

 Her next attack was a blow with her wings.
 It is not very fast for its status.
 I could easily dodge it by using magic and flying a little later.
 Since the distance between me and the wyvern is less than two meters, I guess it can attack at close range but cannot use its breath.
 Even if I could use it, it would be easy to avoid from this position.

 Since I had enough time, I tried to slash at it.
 It would have been dangerous if I had slashed him with my staff and had been hit, so I used my magic sword.
 Because nothing good has ever happened to me when I slashed at such a hard opponent with an edged staff.
 If it was wood, it would only hurt your hand, but in this situation, it would be fatal.
 In that respect, I trust the magic sword.

 I swung it at the wyvern's wing, and it dug into the wing as expected.
 However, about three centimeters into the wing, the sword suddenly stopped moving.
 Suddenly, the sword stopped moving.
 As I hurriedly pulled the sword out, the claws on my legs attacked.
 The sword was easily pulled out, but there was no time to dodge it, as expected. I took the attack with my magic armor, but I did not feel the armor being cut off at once like a breath.
 The amount of armor depleted by the claw attack would be compensated before the next attack came.
 Even if you continue to receive the attack while strengthening your armor, you might be able to replenish your armor, although it would slow you down.

 After thinking this far, I feel a sense of discomfort.
 I have a feeling that the pace of magical armor reinforcement has increased.
 The magic power increased when he hit the wisp, but now it's instantaneous output?
 I wonder if that's possible even through a sword.
 I'd like to give it a try, but I don't have that much time.

 After the claws, the wyvern used not only its claws and wings, but also its tail.
 It was difficult to avoid the attack with its long, thick tail and spikes.
 The weight of its magical armor is much heavier than that of its claws.
 Its movement is even greater than that of a claw attack. It's a relief that it doesn't seem to come at you continuously.

 He chases after the wyvern as it pulls back its tail, intentionally cutting its relatively low wing shallowly this time.
 The sword only made a wound about 1cm deep and 5cm long, but this time it did not stop.
 The shallow cut seemed to be okay, but it also seemed to heal quickly and not much blood was spilled.
 Well, it's good that I can use all my magic power.
 Dodge claw attacks and attack again.

 While I was cutting the wyvern like this, I could clearly feel the output of my magic increasing.
 It was about 1.5 times higher than before.
 The magic armor has also recovered to the point where it can withstand two breaths, so I'll take my chances while the wyvern swings its tail.
 The situation may tilt in our favor if we continue to fight, but it will be troublesome if we are out of range, especially if we gain altitude.
 I want to do as much damage as I can before that happens.
 You can kill two birds with one stone by increasing your magic power, and even better if the damage to your wings prevents you from flying.

 I store the blade staff in the item box, approach it with acceleration magic, and thrust the magic sword at the wing with both hands.
 The sword slowed down before it could penetrate more than 5cm, but it did penetrate.


 This is the first time he's shouted.
 It tried to knock me down with one of its wings, but due to its position, the power was not that great.
 The margin of armor is increasing rather than decreasing.
 However, the penetration of my sword is also subtle.
 The sword is thrusting at the edge of the wing, where it is not very thick, but it is still more than 30cm long.
 Even so, even if you thrust the sword with all your might, it will not penetrate more than one centimeter per second.
 It is not hard, but rather highly viscous.
 The sword will definitely enter, but it will not enter all at once.

 After the sword had entered about 10 cm, it changed its mind and started swinging its wings, which I was still attached to.
 It's hardly an attack, but the dragon's wings don't have much support, so I'm about to be knocked off.
 I managed to resist with acceleration magic, but as expected, I was shaken off in less than three seconds.

 The wounds I had inflicted seemed to be starting to heal, albeit more slowly than the shallow wounds.
 With the previous attack, the magic power available per second has increased to about 30, so defense is much easier.
 However, I don't know how much damage I'm doing, so I'll show the status of the wyvern again.
 You will get hit, but it's much better than fighting without knowing the situation.

 Ignis Wyvern
 HP 2566272/2578200
 MP 5246724122/5722415129

 Skills: Wyvern Breath, Flying

 Checking the status of the wyvern while being careful of the breath.
 The damage is so small, it doesn't seem to have taken off even 1%.
 ...... I feel like my stats are generally lower than what I saw before.
 Also, MP consumption is high.
 Is this because it's being used to repair the damage?

 I'll try slashing the wings again and see what happens.

 Ignis Wyvern
 HP 2566116/2578199
 MP 524669769/5722404388
 Skills: Wyvern Breath, Flying

 Oh, it's going down .
 It's working.
 I don't think the damage I've done so far is worth the MP consumption, but there must be a reason.
 It's definitely working.
 I'll continue to poke it with my magic sword.

 As I cut the wyvern with my magic sword, I found a similarity in the situation where it suddenly stopped cutting.
 The sword turns black.
 The blackness starts from the point where the sword is stuck in the wyvern, and when it reaches the root of the blade, it becomes impossible to cut.
 When it reaches the base of the blade, it cannot be cut. The black part of the sword that reaches the base reaches the hilt and disappears around my hand.
 It seems that this is how the sword is prevented from remaining black.

 Oh, it's not disappearing, I'm sucking it up.
 Status check.

 Name: Suzumiya Kaede
 Age / Race / s*x : 21 / Human / Male
 Level: 30
 Skills: Information Manipulation Analysis (Concealment), Complete Mastery of Otherworldly Languages (Concealment), Magical Qualities, Martial Qualities, Otherworldly (Concealment), All Attribute Affinity (Concealment), Fire Magic 3 Earth Magic 3 Water Magic 3 Pressure Magic 1 Wind Magic 5 Perception Magic 4 Restoration Magic 2 Swordsmanship 2 Explosion Magic 5 Warding Magic 5 Magical Adaptation Unknown Magical Activity

 MP is still increasing.
 I didn't even remove 10% of the wyvern's MP, but it's still a big deal.
 I wonder if the magic element activation in the skill column has increased the speed of magic consumption.
 This means that the wyvern might be worth slaying even after it is defeated.
 In order to do that, I have to kill it first.

 But the wyvern finally took off, as if it had learned that it had no chance on the ground.
 I was too careless to close the distance in the air, as there was a high possibility that I would be hit by another breath, so I tried to follow up with magic, but it was nullified.
 It was similar to the way the wisp was disabled.
 The wyvern maintains its 200m height and flies toward the sea.

 I had no choice but to accelerate and track it from the ground.
 The first time I was hit by the breath, it wasn't very close and it wasn't a direct hit.
 Since I had more than three times the magic power available to me, I had more armor to spare, so my main goal was not to avoid getting hit, but to limit the damage even if I did get hit.
 Ideally, we should hit it when it lands, but if it keeps flying, we should attack it.

 Their acceleration was fast, but their cruising speed did not seem to be that fast, so we were able to track them steadily.
 It didn't seem to be releasing breath or attacking aggressively, but it was not oblivious to my presence as it occasionally turned its head toward me.
 It would be nice if the flight consumed MP, but it seems to consume less than one MP per second.
 It's better that it doesn't regenerate, but it's not enough for me to expect it to stop me from flying.

 I flew at about 300 km/h for about 10 minutes.
 Thankfully, the wyvern landed on a nearby island.

 The wyvern doesn't seem to be paying attention to me, he's just laying there.
 Maybe he's trying to recover.

 I gain altitude and look at the island to see if I can see anything strange.
 The island is almost circular, with a radius of about five kilometers.
 Most of the island is forest, but there is a part of the island, about 100 meters square, that has a different kind of vegetation than the rest of the forest.
 The area where the different plants were growing was close enough to the wyvern that it seemed easy to land, so I landed while paying attention to my breath.

 This plant looked familiar to me.
 I think I've seen it before when I traveled somewhere, ...... I think.
 Anyway, let's have a look.

 Sugar Cane
 Description: A grass that yields sugar. It grows in areas with high levels of magical elements.

 Oh! It's sugar cane!
 This is wonderful. It's the first time in a long time I've had something sweet to eat!
 ...... What the hell am I doing so close to a wyvern?
 I shake off the temptation of the sugar cane, cut off a few dozen of them with my magic sword, store them in my item box, and head for the wyvern.