96 Episode 95 Request and Transportation

In the midst of the tense atmosphere, a man emerged from the staff compartment.
He was clearly no ordinary guild employee. He was almost two meters tall, and his muscles were overwhelmingly large, even through his clothes.
It would be more accurate to say that he was an adventurer returning from Decibatore.

As the man walked, the adventurers who were crowded around the request board took a few steps back.
The man walked slowly through the space created and stopped at a place where a D rank board (coincidentally, the same rank as my request) was hanging.
In the still air, the man takes out a request board from his pocket.
As soon as it was hung on the hook, the guild came back to life with noise.
And it's dozens of times louder than usual.

I got it!
Don't push it! That hurt!
Give it to me!

Before I could confirm the contents of the request, adventurers were rushing to the request board.
It seems that there are not many request boards, and they quickly disappear from the hooks, and some even try to take them by force from the adventurers who have already secured them.

The guild was in chaos.
However, in the midst of the chaos, one by one, people began to emerge from the crowd with the request board in their hands.
They run through the guild in a straight line and slap the request board on the counter where the receptionist is.

"I'll take that!
"I'll take this one too!

It seems that the adventurers can't do anything about it at this stage, and no one tries to take the request board.
The adventurers who failed to get the requests start to choose other requests with dejected faces.
Since all of the adventurers were of D rank or higher, it seemed that no one was seriously injured, though some were slightly injured.
No one had been identified as a criminal on the guild card. None of the bandits were detected by the information operation analysis.

Now I understand why the staff member who brought the request board was unnecessarily strong. If it had been an ordinary receptionist, she would have been caught in the middle and seriously injured.
The guild had probably anticipated this catastrophe.
And the receptionist brought me to the guild to show me this situation.
So, ......, is this a request I made?

But was the reward I offered that unbelievable?
In the first place, the number of requests is different.
There must have been no more than ten people who succeeded in getting the order.
On the other hand, I received requests for 24 people. The reward was the same for all of them, 2,000 Tells.
Even if it is a safe request, this salary should not be too high for an adventurer of D rank or higher. ......
The reward was decided after consultation with the guild.

What do you mean? Was the reward too high?

I'll ask the receptionist who brought me here why.

"It's not a matter of compensation, it's a matter of what you asked for. ......

"What request?

I'm not sure if it's a question of the reward or the request. I found myself in that situation. ......

Level up: ......
By the way, there is such a thing as level.
I hadn't heard the level-up sound since I killed the dragon, and hadn't paid attention to it.
I was a little curious, so I checked my status for the first time in a while.

The level of ...... had surpassed 2600.
I see. No wonder it doesn't go up. I can't imagine what experience level 2600 requires.
I'm sure I won't be able to increase my level unless I kill another dragon or kill a bunch of dragons.

So, the guild is in trouble. ......, but what can we do about it?

There is no such thing as not sending out requests.
If you put the request elsewhere, it will only cause more trouble.

I'm not sure what to do, but I'm sure there are ways to deal with the flood of requests that come in.


It's a system that's been around for a long time and has been largely forgotten by the guild. ...... It's like a reverse auction.

Reverse auction: ......
It's a form of competition to see who can get the lowest price.
But how easy is it to revive a system that has been out of use?

Is that something you can do right away?

"It's not going to be ...... right away, but I think it will be possible this evening. It's not so difficult to prepare if we can just get the place ready.

Sounds good.
But will I be involved in this?
The guild should be able to do it all by itself.

So what am I supposed to do?

Change of orders. I mean, you're agreeing to a reverse auction.

Yeah, that's not a problem.

You review the documents presented to you and sign the bottom one.
The guild will take care of everything else.
Well, I'm curious, so I'm going to check out the venue in the evening.

After I left the guild, I decided to go see the insulation experiment.
When I opened the door and entered the room, Catherine was already there.
I don't see Mercia at the moment, but it looks like one of the staff saw me and went to call her. She'll be here soon.

How are you doing?

It's still frozen. This is great. ......

Catherine mumbles as she picks at the meat in the insulated box.
The meat in the uninsulated box seems to have already melted completely.
It won't spoil in this amount of time, but it won't keep for a long time.

It's more effective than I expected.

I had imagined that the coldness would be different, but it seems that the magic stone, which would have lasted two hours without insulation, lasted all night.
It seems that the hair of the green wolf is more insulating than I thought.

Yeah. However, it seems that we still need a lot of magic tools. We're almost out of magic.

Well, it's this size now. The whole ship is at .......

Thank you for your patience.

While we're talking, Mercia seems to have arrived.
It's a bit early, but she must have been nearby.

Mercia, have you checked the results?

"Yes. I'm sure you're aware of that. ...... However, this is still a large amount of magic stones required. You can't have as many as you'd like, even with reusable grimoires.

I think the solution is to make the ship bigger. An export ship doesn't carry goods one day at a time, does it?

It's not a distance that can be carried by a small ship. They don't go back and forth every day.
They'd use a bigger ship to carry it all at once.

Of course. We'll probably have to transport about 150 tons at a time.

"That's about 100 times the amount of the experiment. ...... How many times as many magic stones do you think we'll need to carry a hundred times as much cargo?

Well, I've heard that the larger the ship, the more efficient it is, so I'd say ......50 times.

"No. Actually, we don't need even half that.

When the scale is doubled, the volume increases up to eight times, but the surface area only increases four times.
The volume is proportional to the volume, and the heat coming in is proportional to the surface area, so just doubling the volume by a factor of eight will double the efficiency.
A hundred times the volume is difficult to calculate by heart, but it is larger than ......8 times eight, so it is easy to see that the efficiency is more than four times higher.

I'm sure you'll be able to figure it out. Is it that much less?

"It should. Besides, the insulation material used in this experiment is a rough one. If you make it thicker and pack it tightly with hair, the efficiency should jump.

Five in a box is practical enough. Five in a box is practical enough. If you reduce it further, ...... you might even be able to transport it to other countries.

...... Isn't there a logistical revolution in the transportation of meat?
Well, I don't think they're going to actually do it, because shipping to other countries is going to cause a lot of problems.
Anyway, that's theoretical. If it cannot be realized, it is meaningless.

In the meantime, order a ship for the experiment. Even if it doesn't work, there are ways to improve it or use it in other ways. Also, please look for fibers with high insulation properties. Fine wool might be good.

The thinner the hair, the harder it is for the air to move between them.
No matter how difficult it is for air to pass heat, it is useless if the air moves with it.
The role of the fiber is to interfere with that.

I get it!

I've done my part with the insulation, and while I'm killing time by hunting and adding attributes to magic stones, night has come.
There was a notice posted in the guild about a reverse auction for a death request.
The reward for starting the auction is 2000 Tel. It's the same price as when there was a flood of requests.

When I arrived at the venue, the auction had just started.

"2000 Tel!
Sixteen hundred.
One thousand!

The prices kept going down as the levels went up.
And finally, the time came.


"...... minus 100 tells!

Minus ......?