39 Episode 39 Marquis House Again

 After escaping from the prison of the royal city, the Arks ran through the city at night and arrived at the Marquis Gaston's mansion.

 Beyond the hedge, they could see the majesty of the four-story mansion.
 The windows were filled with glittering glass, and there were many exterior lights around the mansion.
 As a result, everywhere is blindingly bright.
 It's a bit much for security reasons, but at any rate, it makes it difficult to break in.

 Noah, Kazi, and I peeked over the stone wall into the garden and saw a group of stone statues lit up.
 When Kazui saw them, he said in a disgusted voice, "Wow.

"......, what? What's here? I'm sure you've heard of it, but I've never heard of it.

"Right. It's the residence of the Marquis of Curlew Gaston.

Curlew Gaston, ......

 You'll be able to find a lot more information on the web.

 It's a good idea to have a good idea of what you're doing. A senior nobleman of the kingdom and a high-ranking official in finance.
 You will find a lot of people who are looking for a new way of life.
 It's hard to say "I want to leave" when you've offered to help.

"Thank you for this, Kazui. I'll be sure to thank you later when you visit Raytheft's house.



 Suddenly, Kazi came to me with a mysterious look on her face.
 What was on his mind? He's lost all trace of his ever-present humorous smile.

"What are you doing here?

"What? No, I told you before we left the sealing tower. I told you before we left the tower, I'm going to save my sister from being captured. I'm going to help my sister.

That's this great nobleman? I mean, are you even thinking about what you're going to do after you do that?

I don't know. It's the privilege of children to do things they don't think about.

What are you talking about, ......?

 Then Noah followed Kazui's complaint.

Noah followed suit. I don't know what I'm going to do at my age if I keep talking like this.

I'm not sure what to say. ...... I have to help Lisha. No matter what, we have to do something now, don't we?

"Master Arx. What if we wait for Mr. Crabbe to make a move?

You know we can't do that right away, right?

Yes, sir. If he was moving, he'd be in contact with us.

...... You know that's what you're asking, don't you?

Yes, sir. It is my duty as your squire.

 Noah says this in a nonchalant manner.
 But it's nice of you to check with me every time.
 It makes me aware of things I may have missed, and it helps me sort out what's going on.

 After all, it is only a competent person who wears clothes.
 As I was talking with Noah, Kazui suddenly said something unexpected.

"Hey, Arx. Can I come with you?


The more hands, the better, right?

That's true, but ...... we're dealing with an opponent, remember?

You're a member of the aristocracy. You're a member of the aristocracy, so there's always a chance you can make it work.

Are you expecting my status? You're a member of the aristocracy, and I'm a disinherited one.


 He climbed over the wall and landed in the corner of the garden.

 He didn't seem ...... to care about the rest. He's already ready to go for the jugular. I don't know what makes him do that, but I honestly appreciate it.

 I followed him down to the garden.
 Then, Noah said.

"...... Careful, Mr. Arx. There are mercenaries following you everywhere.

They're pretty tight. It's not like they're watching us.

Probably the Inspector General's office. They've already stolen evidence once, so they're on high alert.

 Noah said, climbing down the wall as well.

Let's hide behind there.

It's a good thing the Marquis has bad taste.

 In the direction Noah was pointing, there were elaborate hedges and stone statues everywhere.
 There's no need for shielding. I suppose I should thank the Marquis for that.

 When I observed the garden, I saw people wandering around.

 All of them were the mercenaries.

What do you want?

If there are guards everywhere, why don't we just go through the front? Or do we need a diversionary tactic against the mercenaries? I think it's better to reduce the number of mercenaries than to spread them out.

You're out of your mind. Don't you have an option to infiltrate?

There's magic for that, but I think it's better to annihilate them rather than use up all their magic power.

Annihilate? That's easy for you to say, .......

Hmm. I think three of them is enough strength. I'm sure you'll be able to find something that works for you. I'm not sure what to do, but I'm sure I'll be able to do it.

 In this case, the biggest problem is the hostage situation on the other side, but currently it is difficult to rescue Lisha without the enemy knowing about it from start to finish.
 If that is the case, one of the best ways is to let them take her as a hostage after she is completely free of the guilt of being a mercenary.

 Even if the hostages are taken, it is enough to neutralize them before they can do any harm.
 And we have the devil's cards for that.
 That should be enough to win.

Mr. Kazui. If you don't mind me asking, do you have any magic for large groups?

Sort of. What about you?

I've been in a few battles. I could use some backup.

I've been able to conserve some of my magic thanks to Kazi. I'm not sure what to do. I'm not sure what to do with it.

"The Kuro ......?

That's it. That's the magic that shot the guards in the foot several times at the sealing tower.

Oh, that evil .......

 Cazi seemed to have remembered the sealing tower, and looked satisfied.

"Noah, do you know where Lisha is?

The most likely place is the guest room on the second floor, according to our research before we went to the sealing tower.


 I nodded and stood up on the spot.

All right, I'll go out first and make some noise, and you two go poke the mercenaries who have gathered there in the side.

 I'll go out first and make some noise. Make sure you stand out.
 Anyway, as for the two left behind...

"...... is a brave kid. I don't know how he could come up with something like that and carry it out at his age.

"That's true. And...

 I'm not sure what to make of that.

I'm sure you'll be able to help us.

Yeah. Don't worry about that. I'm his employee now. I'll work for my money. I won't betray you.

"...... Okay. I'll be looking forward to working with you again.

 After the final confirmation was completed.

 After the final confirmation, they turned their attention to where Arx was headed and found that Arx was already making a racket and mercenaries were gathering from everywhere.

 -Marquis' riches!

 -Lots of bad taste!

 --Barker! Barker! Barker!


 Noah and Kazui are both stunned by the overly childish swear words that can be heard from a distance.



 I'm not sure what to make of this, but I think it's a good idea. It's no wonder they feel so uncomfortable.

 After a while, Kazu started to talk.

"Let's go to .......

"See you later.

 Noah then stood up and began to chant a spell, a prelude to defeating the mercenaries.