59 Episode 58: Three

 --Poluk Nadar.

 This man holds the rank of Count in the Kingdom, and is one of the higher nobles who should be the spearhead in the event of an emergency with the Empire.
 He originally had a territory in the northern part of the kingdom, but due to the failure of the rebellion and inadequate management of the territory, he was ordered by the royal family to move to a new territory, and was given the current territory of Nadar.

 In order to prolong the peace, he was assigned to the border of the empire, and was entrusted with negotiations. ...... sounds good, but the truth is that it is just a good way to avoid bullets.
 You can't deny that you are a poor man's lot if you can't avoid war in the future, and you will be the first to suffer if war breaks out. This may be a driving force for him to make efforts to maintain the peace, but I am sure he does not feel comfortable with it.
 It could be said that his half-hearted diplomatic skills have backfired in this area.

 He was currently in the midst of frustration and impatience.
 This was due to the news that came in a few days ago.
 The crown prince of the kingdom, Ceylan Crosselrode, was coming to inspect in person.
 This fact came to him out of the blue, so to speak, and he even lost his color immediately after receiving the report from his subordinate. He had never expected that the Dauphin would come to inspect the city in person at such an untimely moment.
 Normally, it is customary to send an official first when there is a germ of suspicion. But for the crown prince, who was in charge of state affairs, to skip this customary procedure and go to the country was an extreme breach of protocol.

 Polk Nadar's mind is whirling with fear and anxiety.

 --Is it possible that the fraud has been exposed?
 --But if that were the case, he would have been summoned or taken to the royal castle first.
 --So this inspection is to prevent that from happening?
 --I don't know.
 --Is it true?
 --What's going to happen now?

 In proportion to the gradual dulling of my thoughts, my steps toward the reception room of the castle naturally quickened.
 The voice of the attendant behind her barely entered her mind.
 One moment, please.
 The documents.
 and so on in an impatient voice.
 Polk had no time to spare to pay such attention to his attendants.

 In the ...... drawing room, he had a guest waiting for him.
 It was someone who could be called Polk's accomplice.

 When Polk entered the parlor, he found a man already in the room, sitting on the sofa.
 He was in his mid-forties. He has two young attendants standing behind him as his bodyguards, and is enjoying the softness of the fine leather sofa alone.
 He was smoking a cigarette with his legs crossed on the sofa, an arrogant attitude that was completely out of place for a person in front of a high-ranking nobleman. He looks as if he owns the place. It can be seen that he has no regard for the fact that he is a guest.
 But that's allowed here. This guest is a person in a place where the authority of the nobility of the kingdom does not reach. In fact, the balance between the upper and lower positions is tilted in favor of this guest.
 His black hair is waxed and stiffened nervously. Despite his arrogant demeanor, his face is straightforward and honest. It seems as if this arrogant attitude is a sign of fidelity to the norm, as if he is doing it because he has to.
 In fact, it is. The man is only taking this attitude to formally show that he is the superior.

 The cloak he wears is a different kind of aspect from the formality of the kingdom.
 The uniform is black.
 A gold chain around his shoulders.
 A cross and a star.
 The design with such attention to detail that the word "nervous" is appropriate is nothing but the military uniform of the enemy Gillis Empire.

 Such a man glanced at Polk and greeted him with a thin smile.

"Count Polk Nadar. Count Polk Nadar, you are in a fine mood.

Count Polk Nadar. Please don't make jokes that aren't funny. General Gruntz.

I beg your pardon. Forgive my rudeness.

 General Gruntz... Leon Gruntz of the Eastern Gillis Empire. Although his rank is only one of several generals in the area army, he is still in a position to lead a group of ten thousand.
 Leon does not show any sign of bowing, as if this is a matter of course. What he does show is an air of generosity. This attitude is due to the fact that he is in a superior position.
 And that's why it's so painful for Polk.

 Leon suddenly holds out his palm.

"Why don't you have a seat first?

 The way he said it, it was as if he were in his own castle. Polk is annoyed that his pride has been betrayed, but he says, "I understand," with particular gravity, and sits back down on the sofa.

 And then.

"I'm sure you already know this, since you've acknowledged it in your letter.

"The Dauphin is coming to visit?

Yes. What was that little boy thinking all of a sudden? ......

If the Dauphin's wit is as good as the rumors say, he must have sensed your breach of trust.

That's not true! The cover-up was flawless! The cover-up has been flawless! We've fended off every attempt by the Inspector General's Office to spy on us!

I'm sure that's true.

 Leon agreed with Polk.
 Leon agreed with Polk, "It's probably true, but as far as he can tell, there's no sign of the inspectorate or any officials.
 As soon as he sensed that the officials were about to move, Polk moved with finesse, sometimes even sniffing them.

 He should be commended for his skill in this area.

But that's just the officials. But that's just the officials, not even the lowly mouths.


"As far as we can tell, some things have been neglected. What's with all the merchants on the street?

"Talkative sparrows. ......

 Polk spits bitterly, while Leon smiles wryly.

It's a good thing, isn't it? It's about time, don't you think?

"Mm. ......

 Polk lets out a snort and looks at the document that Leon sent him beforehand.
 It contained a proposal from the empire on how Polk should conduct himself in the future.
 But it's a tightrope walk.
 As a nobleman of the kingdom, it would be catastrophic.

 But it was also true that Polk was currently forced to follow them.
 That's why.

"Are you sure this will guarantee me a position in the Empire?

 This is what Poluk was screaming.
 All he said was selfishness and self-preservation.
 As for Leon, he is fed up with it.

 ...... Polk Nadar. An obese man with a nervous disposition. He is easily irritated and sometimes even violent. At the moment he's moving his body restlessly and biting his nails incessantly. When things don't go according to plan, this is the kind of man who is quick to show his attitude.
 Leon was looking at Polk with cold eyes.

"General Glanz!

"...... That's for sure. The emperor already knows this.

"I don't believe it on word alone! You'll have to prove it to me!

I'm afraid not. Even if you leave a document, it's difficult to be sure it will be valid.

"I will not only rebel against House Crosselrode! I will not only be rebelling against the Crosselords, but I will also be forfeiting my position and territory!

 Leon sighed inwardly at Polk's incomprehension.
 Leon sighed inwardly at Polk's lack of understanding, wondering if this was all his own fault.
 He wondered if it was because of his own greed that he had gotten into this mess.

...... If you don't like it, you can do what you want. In any case, you'll have to rely on us. Isn't that right?

"Gosh, .......

If this gets out, you'll be confiscated and sentenced to death anyway. Isn't that why you've come to us?

 Yes. At this point, Polk's fate is already in jeopardy.
 If Ceylan comes to inspect, the Dauphin, with his sharp nose, will surely be exposed.
 Then there is only one choice.
 Betray the royal family and join the empire.
 There was no other way for Polk to survive.

"What should I do now at ............?

"There is no need to rush. This was to be expected. In fact, it's even fortuitous that the Dauphin himself visited. All you have to do is follow the original plan.

"...... All right. I'll be counting on you for the future.


 ...... When Poluk Nadar left, Leon, relieved of his patience, let out a weary sigh on the spot.
 For a man who has lived his entire life on the principles of honesty and integrity, Polk is nothing but a greedy, lazy pig.
 He betrayed the royal family in order to line his own pockets, and even dealt in goods that were forbidden to be traded, if only to maintain delicate relations with the empire.
 And if that were to be exposed, he would forget about the royal patronage and cling to the empire. When cornered, they will do whatever they can. He's a picture of a corrupt aristocrat.
 And yet, he has an inordinate amount of pride. He may think he's hiding it, but his dissatisfaction was evident in his every gesture during the meeting.
 In fact, Leon found it rather amusing.

 For a moment, Leon escaped into a cigarette.
 Talking to a greasy pig is so uncomfortable that you have to vent every now and then.

 After finishing his cigarette, he turns to the corner of the reception room.
 I see a white mask floating vaguely in the empty space.
 Soon, as if the darkness had been lifted from the corner of the room, someone in indigo robes appeared.
 Dressed in a loose-fitting vestment, the mask hid her face, so naturally it was impossible to tell whether she was a man or a woman.
 While his followers stiffened with nervousness, Leon maintained his composure.

 Someone in a white mask sits down in front of Glanz.
 He flicked his cigarette into the ashtray, one eyebrow twitching.

"...... Are you sure about this, Lord Aluas?

"Yes, I think we're good. This result is a good return for the Wall Alter.

 I'm not sure if it's a good thing or not. She is still in her twenties, or perhaps even her teens, and she has a freshness about her.
 As the conversation goes, it is her dealings that are behind this meeting.
 Not Leon's and Aulus'.

 The Empire, and the organization to which she belonged.
 Poluk Nadar's rebellion was hoped to be the price of a new type of resistance spell.
 But I don't understand.

You ...... no, what the hell do you want? You want the destruction of a nobleman in return for a single spell, and to encourage war.

You don't need to know that, sir. General Leon Glanz. The Emperor is aware of this matter.


"As a general ......, but as an individual, you're not satisfied?

Of course.

 A single organization, neither a state nor a rival aristocracy, wishes the downfall of a nobleman.
 That didn't make sense to Leon.
 So here he was, trying to find out why.

"General. As a soldier, don't you have to obey your superiors' orders?

Mu ......

 If the norm is brought up, the honest Leon will have nothing to say.
 A soldier should be a cog in an organization. If that cog starts to move selfishly, it is inevitable that the organization will not be able to stand.
 The emperor had already given him the order, so even if he questioned the reason here, it would not change what Leon had to do.
 Suddenly, from behind the white mask, a faint smile could be heard.

"Besides, it's in the Empire's interest, isn't it?

That's .......

 Yes, it is.
 There are reports that the skill level of the Royal Army's mage troops has recently improved dramatically.
 In the event that you're not sure what to do, you can always ask your doctor.
 In that sense, this encounter is truly a fortuitous one.
 The Empire will not initiate the war, but if things go well, it will not be impossible for the Empire to proceed without loss.

"If you understand, General, then there can be no denial.

"...... understood.

 You can find a lot more information on this topic in the following article. ...... The higher quality of mages in the kingdom is a threat to the empire. In the event that you've got a lot of money to spend, you'll be able to take advantage of the fact that you'll be able to get a lot more out of it.
 It's a good thing that you're not the only one. We have always been tormented by the mages of the kingdom, but if this is true, we can expect to be tormented even more in the future.
 Therefore, we have to find out for sure what is really going on.

...... Lord Aluas, have you found out anything about it?

We're investigating it ourselves. In any case, we think the key may be the increased consumption of silver.

I guess so. ......

 The mage's skill level improved.
 It's a good idea to have a good idea of what you're doing.
 That's why I had to intervene through Polk Nadar.
 Perhaps something will be done about it.

 --Polk Nadar will be sacrificed.

 That's what Aluas had said before instigating Poluk.
 A chill runs up Leon's spine even now as he thinks of it.
 An elegant laugh echoed in the reception room. The laughter was clear and clear, like the ringing of a silver bell.
 Not at all like a plot to ensnare others.
 That's why it sounds so creepy.

 Eventually, Aluas left his seat and melted back into the darkness of the corner of the room.

The Silver Star, or ......

 Leon's muttering melted into the ceiling with a plume of purple smoke.