108 Episode 17 Charlotte's Swordsmanship

 Standing in front of me is Charlotte Cremeria, daughter of the first Countess of the East.
 She is in high spirits, perhaps because she is finally ready for the match she has been looking forward to.

 She is now dressed in her practice uniform, and is wearing a breastplate and other protective gear.
 Her long, silky hair is kept in a simple bun, and her thin, supple fingers are protected by a thin basket.
 Her hair and skin are as beautiful as a young lady of the deep.
 Everyone in the room is gazing at her graceful figure.

 Once she stands in the kendo hall, will she be a refreshing breath of fresh air in a heated place?
 No. No, this is a potion that stimulates the fencer's appetite for hunting.
 The swordsman's dignity is quietly asserting this.

 The intent of the cut is like a low level of static electricity.
 The exposed skin is tormented by a prickling itch as if it were pierced by a needle.
 On the other hand, watching from the wall is Ian Cremeria, the eldest brother of the Cremeria family.
 Dressed in traditional aristocratic attire, he stands calmly.
 He is not holding a sword, but at a glance, you can't see any flaws.
 After all, he must be a man of considerable ability.
 His gaze seems to be sharper than Charlotte's, who is about to face him right in front of her.

 Eventually, the young man who had just fought with Charlotte stepped in as the referee, and both Charlotte and I stepped forward.
 As he looked at her, he noticed that her wooden sword had a longer hilt than those of the others.
 I can't say for sure what the purpose of this is, but...
 Charlotte took a half-hearted stance with the tip of her sword sticking out, a basic stance for fine swordsmanship.

 I have seen this stance many times since I arrived at the dojo today, but the only difference between Charlotte and the other students is that she is wavering her cutting edge.
 It is said that in ancient martial arts, there is a stance in which the tip of the cut does not stay in one place, but moves in a similar manner.

 I don't know the truth, but that's beside the point.
 As soon as the judge says the word "start," Charlotte moves first.
 There was no pause in the reading.
 She took a big step forward and threw a direct thrust as a greeting.


 In contrast, I jumped back to the side as if I were being hit, and dodged it.
 I'm not sure if this is a good idea or not, but it's a good idea.

 I'm used to seeing sharp thrusts from ...... Crave and Noah, but her thrusts were also quite good.
 She immediately tried to step in with a puller, but Charlotte reacted immediately and quickly stepped back to separate the two.



 It seems that she won't let you fight back easily.
 And now it's time for us to attack.
 She stepped forward and struck without saying a word, but the wooden sword did not hit Charlotte.
 The wooden sword does not hit Charlotte. She strikes in rapid succession, but this is narrowly avoided.

(Can't hit: ......)

 It's not so easy to hit her.
 It's almost the same as when dealing with Crabbe or Noah.
 In fact, Charlotte's move seems to be more dangerous.
 The reason why I feel this way is because the timing of her evasive maneuvers is different.
 It is neither too late nor too early.
 The timing of the transition is just too perfect.
 Even the actual sword that he hits after feinting is read and does not hit.
 This is the ability of a soke.
 It is the result of experience acquired through daily training.
 Or maybe you have acquired an unusual power of concentration like myself.
 I don't know which it is, but it is not hard to imagine that if you are in a hurry and play poorly, you will be met with a painful counterattack.

 After a brief exchange.
 After a brief exchange, Charlotte's thrust was met with a quick pull back, followed by another thrust. A series of thrusts.
 I pull the wooden sword to my body and minimize my body movement to parry the thrusts.
 Because of the fierce attacks, you are unable to launch a counterattack.
 Just as you are about to catch your breath after surviving a series of quick thrusts, another thrust strikes.
 Just as he was about to catch his breath, another thrust struck.
 In response, he lowered his right foot and rotated his wooden sword, which was held in the middle position, so that it fell to the right side.
 He then immediately aimed at her neck and slashed up, but the sword blow went through the air.

 Immediately after, he stepped in front of her and opened his body to spread his arms in front of him.
 Charlotte is startled and reflexively reacts to the gap.
 Swordsmen rely on reflexes because techniques and patterns are learned through repetition.
 In addition, since their immediate movements are the ones they often take, their attacks tend to be monotonous as well.

 Charlotte's attack is biased toward thrusts. As predicted, the tip of the cut is thrust into her exposed chest. As soon as I saw the expression on her face, I used the wooden sword in my right hand to knock away the thrust of the wooden sword to the left, and used the return blade to cleave the body.


 Charlotte was struck by the wooden sword with her right hand.
 Charlotte did not resist the blow, but instead turned and moved out of the way. Instead, she spun around with the same momentum.
 She's going to try to hit me in the right temple.

 Or maybe I should just move back and avoid it.
 Immediately after the shadow of the sword appeared at the edge of my field of vision, my back was seized by a bad premonition.
 This premonition became an alarm bell, probably because I had a hand-to-hand fight with the old man when I followed his life.
 I should not have dodged this by a hair's breadth.
 Remembering such an experience, he did not immediately move out of the way, but instead threw himself down low to escape the side-knife.

 Once on the wooden floor, she thrusts her hands to the side like a beast on all fours.
 However, Charlotte's right hand was not at the base of the sword, where it should have been, but at the hilt of the wooden sword.

Oh no, she dodged me.

 I'm not sure what to make of that.

 ...... The technique of extending the area of the sword strike by letting the hilt slide away from the handle is said to exist in various schools. In particular, this technique is so basic that it is even popular in schools that handle long objects, such as cane fighting.

 It is said that it is mostly applied in sword fighting.

 Charlotte smiled childishly, like a child who has been caught playing a prank.
 In some schools, this technique is a must-kill, but for her, it was just for fun.
 However, it is frightening that she can perform such a difficult technique without hesitation, as if the handle would fall off and fly away.

 His expression is happy.
 He should be angry if he dodged the technique, but there was no sign of that.
 The corners of his mouth are slightly lifted in a smile.
 People like this often play and experiment.
 Just as I had almost been seduced by someone inside of me earlier.
 Suddenly, Charlotte's left hand moves.

 As she moved to brush away the left hand that was held out like a blindfold with her wooden sword, it moved below her.
 Reflexively, she shifts her head to the side, and the wooden sword extends upward from below.

(Branch and leaf stabbing: ......!?)

 The sound of wind rushing by.
 The sound of the wind slicing through the air.
 I felt my skin flush with the sensation.
 It was a blow that was almost invisible, both in terms of its occurrence and behavior.
 It was used by a dojo student earlier, but it was originally meant to be used as a hidden technique.
 Noah had used it many times before, so this time he was able to avoid it.
 She turned her head and immediately fell back.
 Charlotte, on the other hand, moves in one big leap.
 She is light on her feet. It feels like she's always jumping up and down. In addition, she can jump a long distance in a single step.

 It's not a good idea to match Charlotte's movements.
 If you stand on the same field, you will lose without a doubt. If you chase after her, the moment you move too slowly, you'll lose.
 Then you should take a firm stance and handle your sword.
 Steady. Steady. Don't be tossed about. Don't chase. If you get drawn in even a little, you're skewered. You should move with that in mind.

(...... Thrusts and slashes come from all directions in front of you.

 In addition, his footwork is flexible. The ankles are soft and supple, as if they had bearing balls in them.
 This must be another technique of the ...... soke of fine swordsmanship.
 I don't know how he can move his feet like that and not have a limp ankle.
 To be honest, it makes no sense.
 People in this world are crazy, both physically and mentally.

 Moreover, even if I launch a sword attack, there is no sign of a hit.
 There is no way that we can be caught, and our swords are simply evaded.
 It is as if the trajectory of the sword is known in advance.
 I wondered what subtleties of my own were being read, and how my future movements were being sensed.
 In order to confront her, I should first find out.

 That's what I thought, and that's when I started to concentrate.
 Suddenly, I'm pierced by Charlotte's gaze.


 At the moment when I was pierced by the arrow-like force, I groaned involuntarily.
 At that moment, a strong thrust struck.
 A blow aimed at the torso.
 He hurriedly moved his wooden sword forward, and then hurriedly stepped back.
 However, the powerful twist of the thrust deflected the wooden sword that he had drawn in desperation.
 I thought my belated retreat would have come true by a hair's breadth, but the tip of the blade reached my abdomen.

"Ugh. ......

"My tail...

No, it's shallow.

 No, it's shallow," Charlotte said in response to the referee's decision.
 Shallow. Well, maybe it was shallow.
 Even if it was serious, a small portion of the tip would have pierced the flesh.
 Charlotte holds her sword up in front of her.

 A cold sweat broke out in her pores.
 If she hadn't learned to concentrate like that, this would have been settled now.
 That was such a display of strength and thrust.
 I can hear the voices of the dojo students.

"You are no match for my daughter.

"You've done well.

 "You're no match for her.
 It's no wonder they say that.
 The place where I was hit had a burning sensation. The "burn thrust" is a fine sword technique that gives the sensation of burning at the point where it is struck, but the fact that this can happen even when the strike is shallow shows the severity of the training.
 This is a technique that is often used by hosekijutsu fencers, and when it is applied to the arm, shoulder, or leg, the sword flash or movement is slowed down.
 There is one monster, a national mage, who can be hit anywhere as long as the tip of the blade is crushed.

 Charlotte smiles at me.

"That's amazing. I can't believe you got away from that sword.

No, if it was serious, it would've been over by now.

Maybe you're right. But this is a dojo. A dojo is supposed to fight like a dojo. There are no "ifs" or "buts". A wooden sword must be defeated with a wooden sword and in the style of a wooden sword.

I think so, too.

Yeah, well, what about this?


 Charlotte rushes forward with a thrust.
 I'm not sure what to make of it, but I'm sure it's a good idea.

I'm not sure what to do.

 I'm not sure if this is a good idea or not, but it's a good idea.
 Just as I thought that I had created an opening, a powerful thrust struck me again from in front.
 If this one hits, it's a done deal.
 Instantly, I lay my body down on the wooden floor.
 He rolled his body and used the strength of his back and waist to turn his body like a top, and swung the wooden sword as if he were dredging his feet.

 He swung it in desperation.
 I'm not sure if it's a good idea, but it's a good idea.
 It's a great way to make sure you don't get caught in the middle of a fight.

 The wooden sword was supported by her left hand as if she were doing iai, while her right hand remained on the hilt.
 When Charlotte went after her, she would use the spring in her legs and feet to jump up and swing the sword as if she was going to pull it out of its scabbard.
 But the expected follow-up did not come.

 Charlotte stayed where she was and didn't move, as if she had anticipated my counter.
 We just lost our stance. For all intents and purposes, this was an opportunity to win.
 And yet, he does nothing. Same as before. It's as if she knows what we're going to do.
 They haven't even read each other's tides since the first time they fought her in the first place.
 This is getting really weird.

 Anyway, the referee didn't seem to know what to do.
 In Hosokenjutsu, if a fighter's stance falls this far, it is usually considered a loss.
 However, Charlotte remained in her stance and said nothing.
 The judges are watching Charlotte, who does not release her stance.

 The referee keeps his eyes on Charlotte, who does not release her stance, and slowly stands up.

I'm not too impressed with the way you're showing that technique, Char .......

It's a good idea. Brother Ian. This is Clemellia's dojo. This is Clemeria's dojo. Besides, the technique will decay if you don't use it.

"Totally ......

 Ian let out a light sigh, as if he didn't want to show his skills.
 It seems even he can't stop Charlotte with a sword.

I'll go.

 He nodded silently at the words.
 The tip of the wooden sword bends, just as it did before.
 It is true that there is such a technique in fencing.
 It is a technique that uses the bending of the sword to strike a frontal opponent from behind.
 However, wooden swords do not bend. And yet, here we are.

 Then it's all an illusion.

 It would be different if there was a technology that could make a wooden sword bend, but there is no way that can be done unless something is done to the material beforehand.
 Then, the only answer is that they are doing something to our five senses.

 --Human vision is a vague thing. Human vision is fuzzy. It's easily manipulated to suit itself. You see? What we see now is not continuous. It's what our brain replaces by preparing images to cover up the occasional interruptions.

 That's what the old man said.
 When I met that man for fun, he made his shinai disappear like a magician in the middle of a fight.
 Perhaps this is something like that. It was not that "her sword" was changing, but that "my eyes" could not catch the substance of her sword.

 Keep a large distance, avoid, and watch closely.
 Every once in a while, her hand would loosen widely, and I would see the wooden sword swaying slightly.


 That's when it finally hit me.

 A pencil.
 Like a flash of light, it came back to me what that man had shown me when he was in elementary school with his friends in the classroom.
 There is a game of bending a pencil.
 You pick up the center of the pencil with your finger and roll it around, or grab the end and shake it to make it look as if it is bending.
 Since the pencil is supported by a single point, the end of the pencil flexes up and down, and this continuous flexing gives the eye the illusion that the pencil is bent.
 In short, the principle is the same as that. The sword is deflected from side to side by the swinging of the loose hand, and the tip of the sword is curved like a fencing sword.

 The wobbling of the tip was a preliminary step.
 The hilt of the sword is longer than that of the other dojo students, probably to increase the amplitude of the swing.
 However, since it is only to create an illusion, it does not actually look like a fencing sword, and the cutting edge does not reach the target.
 Therefore, it does not matter how much you pay attention to the curved tip. It should.
 But when it's responsive, you can't help but reflexively take evasive action.

 That must be what she was aiming for with this sword.
 Even if you know the technique, your body will move on its own, making it difficult for those who wield swords by feel to do so.
 As a person who just opened up his body to expose an opening, I can't say that it's a nasty sword.

 If you know what you are doing, you can deal with it.
 Be patient and don't let your body react.
 On the contrary, I aimed at his loose hand and struck him with a wooden sword.


 It worked. But Charlotte didn't drop the wooden sword. She must have tightened her grip just before the sword hit her.
 Was this also just barely detected?
 As well as the strength of his ankles, his grip is also very strong.

...... can handle this too.

If you know the theory, you won't be fooled.

 I'm not going to be fooled.

"Did you just see through that?

 Ian's reaction was one of surprise and suspicion.

"By chance.

You're right. And don't tell anyone about it.

I'm aware of that.

 And don't tell anyone about it.

"But if it happens again, you might be less talkative.


The squire often points out that I'm quite careless, so it's not impossible that I might remember and say something about an illusion or .......

Are you trying to scare me?

No, I didn't mean that at all. I was just expressing my inadequacy. Besides, something like this wouldn't threaten the fine art of swordsmanship. I don't think that revealing a theory or two of the technique will shake your family's fine sword art.

"I see. So, what are your true intentions?

I'm cutting all ties with the House of Raytheft from now on. I need to protect myself as best I can.

All right. I'll take care of myself.

 I'll take care of myself." He smiled back at Ian's smile. To be honest, I'm not much of a gut checker, but I'd like to get a little revenge.

Dear Charlotte, I'm sorry to keep you waiting.

No problem. I've seen some interesting things.


"Oh, it was your brother Ian who rebuffed me, wasn't it?

 Charlotte dismissed him, and Ian gave her a puzzled look.
 When I saw that exchange, I wondered if she kept using that technique because she was aiming for this. That's what I thought.

 Anyway, as Charlotte said, it's good that we got to see this this time.
 If we get into trouble, we won't be able to have a good relationship in the future.

 If you strike carelessly, you will be read.
 In this case, I changed my stance from facing the opponent to turning my body to the side to increase the distance that my cutting edge could reach.
 Since you have been facing the opponent head-on, this should cause you some confusion.

How about this?

 The moment you try to step in, you are buried in concentration.
 That's where this anticipation comes in, I've decided.
 Everyone around you will slow down.
 And then Charlotte moves to evade.
 Before we can step in.


 The wooden sword was dodged.
 But the surprise wasn't in the fact that it was dodged.
 It was the fact that she moved before I could see what was happening.
 Without giving chase, I quickly flew backwards.

 Charlotte smiled at me. She said, "That's an interesting move," and, "You could have hit me.
 But those words never entered my mind.
 What occupies my mind now is the move she just made.

 It's ...... impossible.
 I was in the midst of my earlier concentration.
 Of course, in that state, Charlotte's movements were slow.
 If she was going to dodge this with her physical abilities and reactions, her movements should have been much faster even in that state of concentration.
 Nevertheless, Charlotte dodged with the same slowness.

 She took evasive action before I could step in.

 She couldn't have done that.
 So what exactly is this tangled web?
 Somehow, I spilled the words.

"Master Charlotte. What do you see?

What do you see?

 Charlotte's expression visibly changed.
 Maybe, just maybe. Maybe, just maybe, she has the old man's mind's eye, the ability to detect some kind of invisible information.