116 Episode 115 The Adventures of Reesha Part 2

 --I fell, and just as I became aware of it, I felt a jolt in my ass.

There it is: ......

 Because I did not fall vertically, but rather slid down a steep slope, the damage from the landing was less than I expected.

 Eventually, the pain subsided enough for me to move, and I stood up.
 The foothold had probably collapsed because of the ground magic he had used earlier.
 There was originally a hollow space underneath, and the thoughtless use of magic had made the foothold fragile.

 I didn't expect there to be so much space underneath.

 A voice echoed from above.

"My Master! Are you all right?

Are you okay? Yes! I'm fine! How are you doing over there?

We're fine too! We'll be ready to pull you out in a minute. Just hold on!

Yes, sir!

 In the pitch-darkness, I shouted to the ceiling, and then used the magic to create light, just as I had done earlier to secure the source of light.
 The green light drifted around me again. Now you can see your surroundings.

 I look around. It seems that the place where I fell is quite open.
 The ceiling is high and the surrounding area is wide. I could see that it was quite different from the narrow passage I had just walked with the two of them.

 Within the space, there was a raised area. Upon closer inspection, it seemed to be an altar of some kind.
 A box-like object was placed there, and it seemed to be deteriorating considerably.

This is .......

 The box was so badly deteriorated that it could easily collapse with a little force.
 Apparently, this is what I hit my butt with earlier.
 The top of the box is caved in and cracked in the shape of a buttock.


 Feeling embarrassed at the sight of the residue of your own buttocks, you examine the box.
 You remove the lid and look inside, but there is nothing inside that looks like anything.

 While you are wondering what this is all about, you suddenly hear a fighting sound from above.

"Mr. Ralph! What's going on?

I'll finish up in a minute. I'll have it done in a moment.

Yes, sir! Be careful up there too!

 It seems that there are still people upstairs, but they are not the only ones left.
 I'm not sure what to make of it, but I'm sure it's a good idea.

 They must be the "Hitogumo" that I had just fought.
 And there were quite a few ....... There must be five or six ......, maybe seven.

Does that mean this is the nest ......?

 There must be five or six , maybe seven.
 The first fighters were scouts, the main group is up there now, and this is the roost where the rest of them are.
 As soon as he saw Hitogumo start to move, he immediately released his magic power.
 The release of magic is just enough to intimidate them. It's not a physical attack, but it can make the opponent shy away.
 Perhaps frightened by the magic, the Hitogumo move back, but it seems that they are still intent on harming us. They are always watching us while hiding in the darkness.

 We have just defeated a few of them and have learned that there is no absolute difference in strength, so we do not feel terrible fear.
 However, impatience is another thing.
 It's an open space, but it's a closed space, and the situation is quite unfavorable. With a wall behind you, there is no way to escape, and you are trapped. If you can use [Flamebrandlord], you can easily get through this situation, but it's hard to handle in such a small place.

 You'll be able to use the [Flamebrandlord of Dust] to easily get through the situation, but it's difficult to handle in such a small space.
 In the midst of this, a "human spider" jumps towards you. I dodged it by flying as if I were throwing myself, and rolled around on the ground. I wondered if I had gotten sand in my mouth. I spit out the gritty stuff I felt on my teeth and tongue and got up quickly.

......, I will not be defeated! I don't want to be left behind by him!

 All I can think about is that person.
 Yes, that person is still my unshakeable goal.
 He's smart, he knows a lot of things, and he's not afraid of them.
 He was always kind to me, even when I was going through hard times, and he was always moving forward.
 I don't know when I started to think that I didn't want to be left behind by him.
 Did it start when he created and learned various spells?
 Or was it when I learned that he had created a magic meter?
 I felt like he was getting farther and farther away from me, and I began to feel uneasy about it.

 I was afraid that we wouldn't be able to play together anymore.
 That we won't be able to talk freely anymore.
 That we'll go to a place where we'll never see each other again.
 Every time he did something, every time he did something, these thoughts got stronger.

 I hated it. I thought that we could have spent more time together, that we could have played and talked more, but before I could take those things for granted, he would go somewhere out of my reach.
 That's what I'm worried about. It's so trivial.

 I don't want your praise or your kindness.
 It's just a small wish to be with you.
 The thought of it not coming true makes my heart ache.
 So that's why I'm asking. I'm moving forward.
 I may not be able to catch up, but I will never, ever be left behind.

"Let my will turn to fire. Then let the spear that scorches the sky burn through all who stand in its way.

 I quickly recited a spell and thrust a spear of flame at Hitogumo.
 I accidentally used fire magic, but with this much open space, I'm sure I can handle it once or twice.
 I wondered where the next attack would come from, and which spider it would be.
 That's when I couldn't make a decision.

 --Whoa! Shouldn't you watch the sides too? You can't keep looking ahead.

 I hear a voice behind me.
 From the quality of the voice, it was that of a young boy.
 You'll be able to find a lot more than just a few of them.
 He leaps to the side and unleashes a spell.
 The spell didn't hit, but it succeeded in making the spider move back significantly.

 --Oh? You managed to dodge it! You're good. That's good. Now to the right.

 I don't know what that voice is. But I don't have time to think about that right now. If you're going to help me, I'm going to listen.
 When I looked to my right as instructed, I saw that the Hitogumo was also coming towards me.
 I immediately used my magic to heap up some earth, preventing the spider from rushing forward and blocking part of the space.
 This limited where the spider could move, so it was no longer at the mercy of attacks from multiple directions.

 Despite this, the three "spiders" were pushing and shoving each other through the narrowed space.
 Do they lack the intelligence and awareness to give each other the benefit of the doubt?
 They are stuck together, pushing and shoving.
 It's not likely that they'll get to you right away, but the mages will be weakened by this kind of mass battle.

 --These guys are weak. They're weak against light.

"Vulnerable to light"?

 --Yeah. Look at it. It's avoiding the light you're giving it, and the spider below it isn't looking that way, is it? People who live in dark places are generally sensitive to strong light.

Then go to .......

 He listened to the voice and immediately used the disorientation spell that his brother had taught him.

"Here is the false sun, bright and dazzling by night or day. Fill the heavens and fill the earth. Sunlight is nothing to me.

 --Flash Crush.

 When you emit a light dozens of times stronger than the lighting spell you just used, the Hitogumo begin to move in crazy ways, as if their eyes have been blinded.
 Or bump into the rock face of the cave.
 Or they collide with each other.
 On the other hand, we hide ourselves at the edge of the stone wall, and one by one, we defeat them with the [Stone Sharp Sword (Learth Zapper)].
 This is the fourth one. Only three remain.

 --I'll do it. But you can't let your guard down just because of that, okay? See, the one in the back's aiming for you from the shadows. Look, he's flying right back.


 If you do as you're told and jump right back, a spear-like spike will pierce the ground where you were before.
 If I had not listened to him, I would have been skewered.
 The owner of the voice was very precise in his instructions.
 It's as if he's giving us instructions from a bird's eye view.

"Strike! Hit him. Hit it! What fills the sky gathers together to form a mass, and strikes in the shape of a hand. Your striking arm is as far as the eye can see, your power is as strong as this. A strike of the wind that will not cease even in calm.

 --Wind Fist (Windrush)

 In the event that you have any kind of questions regarding where and how to use the internet, you can call us at the web site.

I'm not sure what to say.

 I'm not sure what to make of it.
 I want to defeat them all with a single spell.
 As I was thinking about this, I suddenly remembered a spell that is both powerful and has a short spell.

 With so much open space, perhaps--

 Yes, the spell I'm going to use is the one she taught me.
 This spell he taught me before. It's a powerful spell that he told me I should use in certain places and not in public, especially not in front of my father.
 If I use it here, I'm almost certain to wipe him out.
 He might object to using it in a closed space like this, but now is not the time to consider such things.

"--Ultra fine. Coupling. Convergence. Blow up small!

 --[Dwarf Star

 I'm not sure what to do, but I'm going to do it.
 Immediately afterwards, the magic circle narrowed all at once, and the body of the Hitogumo attached to the magic circle exploded.
 A shock wave runs over his head, and dust blows away.
 With that blow, the body of the spider shattered into pieces, and the aftermath of the explosion engulfed the surrounding monsters, killing them.
 The cave shakes from the impact, and pieces of rock fall from the ceiling.

 --Wow, you're good. I see, with that combination of [ancient arts language], it can be that powerful. It's a good idea to have a good idea of what you're looking for.

 It's a great way to make sure you're getting the most out of your time.
 He was impressed with the quality of the spell, and his praise was unmistakable.

 After all, the magic that she creates is something that can be evaluated by those who see it.
 However, how is it possible to hear the voice even with earplugs in?
 Anyway, with this, every single monster has been defeated.
 Just to be safe, I check the surrounding area. Make sure the ceiling and walls of the cave are not brittle, not to mention the rest of the human cloud.

 --Yes, yes, it's important to check your surroundings. The ones who fail to do so are the ones who die.

 That's a raspy voice. It sounds as if it's mocking those who died that way.
 I listen to the voice and search the area carefully. Make sure they are still alive and that their lower bodies are not moving.
 Once you have confirmed the safety of your surroundings, you call out to the one you are concerned about.

I don't know who it is, but can I assume that it's talking to me?

"Yes, I am. Hey, sweetie. Nice to meet you.

 Such a greeting comes back to me when I ask out of nowhere.
 My voice is reflected on the wall of the cave, but somehow the voice on the other side has no echo.
 It is as if the voice is coming directly to my ears.

Who are you? Where the hell are you talking to me from?

"Behind you. But you can't see me, can you?

"Invisible ......?

 Indeed, even with a green light behind you, the voice is nowhere to be found.
 But the voice is always coming from behind me. What does this mean?

Where is it coming from?

"So it's behind you. Oh, is that where I came from? You remember that big ass bump you gave me earlier, right?

Shh. ......

Yeah, yeah. And that's where I've been. You know, that. That thing. That's what got me out here.

 It wasn't that there was nothing in it.
 But I'm afraid I've released something terrible.

"This is a cave in the territory of House Raytheft. Are you related to them in any way?

"Raytheft? I don't know what that name is, but I'm guessing it's pretty ugly out there.


Oh, yeah. I'm talking about it. This story. I don't even know what that ray ...... is.

 Apparently, the owner of this voice is not related to the Raytheft family.
 Does this mean that the box was here before the first head of the family received the estate from the royal family?
 That's true, but...

"It's not fair to keep it hidden in the first place! Show yourself!

"Not fair"? I can't help it if you can't see me.

What do you mean? You're not a ghost, are you? ......

A ghost. That would be interesting. I'm haunted by you. ...... Yes! Maybe I'll possess you.

Haunt you?

Yeah, yeah. Like, right over your shoulder. ......

Get away from me!

Oh, my God. You look like fun, so I'm gonna let you possess me for a while. Don't worry, it won't cost you anything. If you're in danger, I'll give you advice and help you out like before. Isn't that a pretty good deal? Ahaha!

"What's in it for me! We're in trouble!

It's okay, it's okay. I'm not going to suck anything out of you, and I can't. And if I find someone more interesting, I'll move on. So for the time being, please, please, please!

"...... Mmm.

 I puffed up at the fact that the demon something didn't accept what I was saying at all.
 You'll be able to find a lot more than just a few of them.

"Ahaha! There's no point in doing that, is there?

"I'm in the mood! It's a ritual to get rid of you!

 And with that, he shook his fist again. But the owner of the voice only laughs in a cheerful tone.

"You're cute! No, no, I really like it!

"Please don't like it! I'm not happy that you like me!

"Don't say that, Sa... You know what? Let's be friends now, okay?

I said I don't like you!

 But there's nothing I can do to get rid of this person.
 I could use magic, but I don't even know what kind of magic would work.

Just give up. I won't leave you even if you look at me with such bitterness in your eyes.


And what's your name, little girl?

I don't want to say.

Don't say that. I'll keep asking until you tell me.

 "And what's your name, little girl?" - "What's your name? "What's your name?
 Of course, I'm the one who loses patience.

"All right! I'll tell you! I'll tell you, so stop asking!

"What do you say?

"...... It's Leisha. Leisha Raytheft.


That's right. I said my name, so you should say yours.

Yes, I did. It wouldn't be fair if you didn't. As for me, yeah. Hmm. What should I call you?

...... Is that what you're worried about?

Of course it is. Your name and what you call yourself are important. It makes an impression. Hmmm. ...... Yes! I'm the devil! You can call me the devil!

"Oh, the devil? By demon, do you mean that demon?

I'm not sure which demon you mean by demon. Yeah, I like demon. I like that.

 Why bother calling it a demon?
 A demon is a being that appears in the Age of Spirits and is said to have opposed the Twin Spirits.
 He was a supernatural being who wanted to destroy all living things in the world and flood the whole earth with demons.
 It would try to kill humans, but it would never side with them.
 Besides, there is the pause I just used to think, saying "Hmm.
 If that's what you thought, then you're probably not a demon at all.

"Hey, hey, hey, don't guess.

Don't read people's thoughts!

You have that look on your face.

 While I was talking with the devil, a piece of stone fell from the hole above.
 As he was talking with the demon, pieces of stone fell from the hole above.

"Hmm, miss, are you alright?

"Huh? Huh, yes. I'm fine.

There was a very loud bang. Was it your magic that did it?

Yes. Yes, well, technically, it was your brother's magic that did it.

I'm not sure what to say. What the hell is that? It's just a bunch of people being torn apart. ......

 When Ralph saw the end of the monster, he was in a state of shock. If you think about it, it's a hell of a mess. Indeed, when I first saw this spell, I too was astonished at its effects and the devastation it caused.

"Well, as expected of a young lady. I'm impressed that you're not afraid of this number.

No, I was very nervous too. There were seven of them in all.

"Seven ...... all by yourself? No wonder the master said it was no problem and sent him off. ......

 It's a good idea to have a good idea of what you're doing.

And I thought I saw you talking to someone a while ago.

"Well, that's--

 Just as I was about to explain to Ralph, I suddenly couldn't open my mouth. I tried to move my mouth, but my lips wouldn't open as if something was holding them back. I can't speak. I tried to say, "It possessed my back," but I couldn't say anything.

 --Don't say it, okay? You can't say that. So let me interrupt you.


 I bite my teeth at the words the demon says. Apparently, it's serious about possessing you.

"Ma'am? How can I help you?

No, nothing, ma'am. Let's go upstairs.

Yes, ma'am. I don't want to stay here too long. Then hold on to my back.

Yes, sir. I'll do it.

 Ralph puts his back to me and I fall on it.
 He immediately wraps a rope around his waist to secure his body to mine, and then begins to climb the wall by pulling the rope.
 As he does so, I look back to see if he is behind me again, but I still can't see anything.

 --I don't need to check so hard, he says, I'm fine.

 It's not okay. The problem is that they are there.

 ...... Anyway, Lisha then went to the shrine at the end of the cave and was able to bring back the proof.
 With a big, big bonus around the back.