122 Episode 121 Masked Shadows

 Gielo left the throne room and strode through the palace.
 He strode through the palace with the dignity of a king walking through his own castle, but with an air of irreverence and disrespect.

 Although he was dressed for the occasion, his face was still conspicuous.
 Those who worked in the palace were surprised to see him so out of place, and whispered about him in the corner.

 But Gielo didn't care about that.
 It didn't matter to him what the little sparrows did or said.

 --The time will come when everyone will bow down to you.

 His mouth twisted with the thought of such a future, and the word "evil" came to mind.

 After leaving the palace, Gielo entered an inn in the Donaea capital.
 The inn was said to be the most luxurious in Donaea. With six floors and fifty rooms, it is one of the most luxurious in Donaea.
 After a quick stop at the front desk, Gielo boarded a primitive elevator made with engraving technology and made his way without hesitation to the top floor suite.

 A woman was already seated on the feather-cushioned sofa.
 She wore a robe and a white mask on her face.
 The upper half of her face is covered by the mask, and only her mouth is visible. Her expression changes only to a faint smile, so it is not easy to tell.

 When Gielo reached the middle of the room, the masked woman, Aluas, slowly turned her body.

The masked woman turned her body slowly.

 The smile on her face was one of pleasure.
 I wondered if the smile was one of amusement or mockery.
 Gielo does not show any anger towards her.
 He replies with a cool, relaxed expression.

"Yeah, no problem. We're on schedule. Everything is on schedule.

"So you're saying that His Majesty has entrusted the entire matter to Gielo?

Yes, you're right. You're right, but I'm afraid I've offended you a little in return for your permission.

 Gielo then looked back at the audience with the king.
 The look on Lugano's face when he gave the permission was one of reluctance and disapproval.
 This was all because he smelled the lion's involvement.
 It is true, as Lugano feared, that the cooperation of other nations can be poisonous to one's own country.
 However, he could not weigh his own interests and nodded only with the support of the Prime Minister, which could only mean that he had poor judgment as a king.

Wouldn't displeasing His Majesty be a hindrance to your future activities?

"No, no, no, it's not a problem for me. If I can get into Linor, I'm in. Besides, no matter what we do, we can't avoid the temper tantrum of that short-tempered king. If he wants to be angry that badly, let him be angry. The Prime Minister will take care of the rest.

 Gielo sat down on the other side of the table, facing Aluas.
 Holding a large pipe in his hand, he tapped his palm restlessly.
 Then he looked back as if annoyed, as he had done in the audience hall.

"You are a foolish king. The whole time you suspected I was being seduced by the lion. Even though I arranged the whole thing.

"It's only natural that His Majesty Lugano would be suspicious if his name was mentioned.

That's why he's so stupid. With such a foolish king in power, the future of this country is uncertain.

Isn't that why you think he's such a threat?

 Gielgud lifted one eye slightly.
 Gielgud lifted one eye slightly and smiled.

Gielo lifted one eye slightly and smiled. Is it because he is your collaborator?

"Yes. He has been very good to me in the past.

I have a simple question, is he really capable? I heard he didn't fare too well in the last war.

For the Empire, I suppose. Thanks to him, I was able to gain more than I expected.

 Aryus smiled wanly.
 Gielo couldn't tell what kind of emotion was hidden behind it.

I'll take that as advice.

"I'll take that as advice. But to me, he's just a collaborator who can help us infiltrate the kingdom. I'll be there in person. I can't help you if I'm not there.

"As expected of Gielo sir. I'm counting on you.

Ha-ha-ha. I guess.

 Gielo laughs loudly, then stops laughing and points his pipe at Aluas.

"Lord Aluas. You will not be a collaborator of the lion, but a collaborator of mine. I will gain tremendous power when the plan comes to fruition. And you will benefit from it, too, if you work for me.

I'll think about it.

I don't think it's necessary to think about it.

 Gielo's face twisted in bemusement at Aulus' discipline.
 Gielo's face twisted in bemusement at Aluas's discipline, but he quickly put on his original good mood and lit his pipe.
 I don't know if this is an act to make him look like a big shot or not.

 Suddenly, Gielo noticed that Aluas's gaze was fixed on a point.

Does this bother you?

"It's an unusual one.

 Aluas' attention was drawn to the ornament around Gielo's arm.
 It was a strange one, a silver wrist with a disk attached to it.

I found this when I was examining the remains in Donaias. Apparently it's an antique from the time of the Mages' Minstrelsy. It's quite useful. It's made my job easier.

From the old days? I'm interested.

I'm afraid I can't give it to you.

"Oh, I see. I'm sorry to hear that.

"So, Mr. Aulus. Are you the only one working with the Silver Star?

No, I've already sent one into the kingdom to help me infiltrate.

Can he be used? Can he be of use? - I'd hate to have him slow us down.

It won't be a problem. I've personally trained him and I believe he'll be able to carry out this mission.

Hmm, I see. Good.

 Suddenly, there was a knock on the door of the room.
 As soon as Aluas answered, several people dressed like officials entered the room.

 One of them calls out to Gielo.

"Excuse me, Mr. Gielgud, have you arrived yet?

"Oh. You're here too. Aryus, let me introduce you. These are the men who will be infiltrating Rynor with us.

My name is Aryus. Please make my acquaintance.

Mr. Gielot. Is this you?

Yes. This is Mr. Aluas of the Silver Star, with ties to the Empire.

 Aryus bows, and the agent says, "Pleasure to meet you.

I see. I'm glad to see you've prepared so many of them.

"Yes, indeed. I'm sure they'll work for me on Rynor.

Sir Gielot. Not for you. It's for Donneas.

Is that so? Well, you'll have to take my word for it anyway. It won't change your nature.

 Gielo seemed to be unaffected by the agent's point.
 The agent, on the other hand, expressed his concerns about the operation.

Is there really such a thing as a monster on Rynol as you say, Mr. Gielo?

No doubt about it. There are monsters in Rynol. There are monsters in Rynor.

"Fiends? What's that?

A genie is a genie. All you need to remember is that they have great power. If it is unleashed, Rynor will be in unprecedented danger.

 Perhaps because of the confidence on Gielo's face, the agent did not pursue the matter any further.
 Then Aluas opened his mouth.

"And, Mister Gielo. If it concerns spirits and demons, we should also be aware of the activities of the Order.

"The Order. I don't think they have anything to do with what's in Rynor.

They will not hesitate to pinch your beak if you identify them as being related to us.

I don't think we should be afraid of fanatics who don't give a second thought to spirits and fairies.

That's why. Piety is the scariest thing of all. They're willing to lay down their lives for their beliefs and even turn on those they're supposed to protect.

"Let's remember that. But no matter what shows up, it won't matter as long as the demon is unleashed. Leave everything to me. Everything will be fine.

 Gielo said and gave a high-pitched laugh as if he was in a good mood.
 Aluas' eyes did not miss the wary glances of the agents.