14 Episode 13 Peronia War Part 4 

 "Longbow troops, fire!

 The longbow troops led by Hercule fired arrows at the approaching spearhead of the Darios army.

 It is said that the longbows can shoot five or six arrows per man per minute. ......
 Since ancient times, the Elves, who are skilled with bows, can easily shoot ten arrows per minute.

 And there are 5,000 archers.
 That means 50,000 arrows a minute.

 Of course, not all of the arrows would hit the target, and even if they did, they would rarely be fatal.

 The longbow has excellent range and rapid fire, but its penetrating power is far inferior to that of the crossbow.

 The longbow's arrows can pierce the mercenary's armor and shield, but they cannot inflict fatal damage to the mercenary.

 But ......
 If even 1% of the arrows hit a part of the body that is not covered by armor, such as the face, ......

 500 soldiers per minute will die.

 Five hundred a minute.
 One thousand in two minutes.
 One thousand five hundred in three minutes.

 Add to that the loss of combat power due to injuries to limbs and other parts of the body, and the loss of will to fight due to the rain of arrows: ......

 I'm sure you've heard of it.
 It seemed as if .......

 It's not as bad as you think.

 It's a good idea to have a good idea of what you're doing.
 It's a good idea to have a good idea of what you're looking for.

 I'm not sure. Behind you.

 He remembers that Darios's elite are behind him.
 If the mercenaries were to escape, the crossbows of Darius's men would be able to shoot through them.

 Crossbows are very powerful.
 If you are shot through, you will surely die.

 It is better to move forward than to be shot dead by your own men.

 It was a trick by Darios to take advantage of the mercenary's psychology.

 Yes, it's just a trick.

 Even if the mercenaries succeed in climbing to the top of the hill, ......
 Even if the mercenaries succeed in climbing to the top of the hill, their advance will be blocked by fences, stakes, and shelters.

 And beyond the fences, stakes and shelters, the long spear troops are waiting for them.
 One by one, the mercenaries lose their lives to arrows and spears, and their ranks are broken.

 It's about time.

 Hercule summoned Galfis.

 Is it your turn?
 Yes, charge from there with heavy cavalry.

 Hercule pointed to an area of fences, stakes and shelters where the enemy soldiers were stranded.
 Of course, cavalry can't jump over obstacles and charge.

 But ......

 "All right, Your Majesty. Is that what you mean?
 That's what I'm talking about. ...... How far do you want to be?
 (*Weights and measures in this world are not standardized, and vary from country to country, and even from ethnicity to ethnicity, but it's too much trouble to think about ....... I'm going to unify them. I think it's too much trouble for you readers. Read with your mind's eye.
 "Are you sure?
 "Who do you think I am?

 Hercule smiles wryly and taps his chief advisor on the shoulder.

 "I'm counting on you. Galfis Galleanos. Show them the power of the Cribanarius.
 "Yes, sir.

 Galfis left Hercule and headed for the heavy cavalry he was commanding.
 Then he gave a loud command.

 "Gentlemen, charge! Over. Mount your horses.

 The soldiers received Galfis' brief order and mounted their horses.
 Their job is to charge.
 There's no need to think about anything else.

 Carolina, you're to follow me to ....... Just follow me today.
 "Yes, Father.

 Carolina also mounted her horse and followed behind Galfis.

 The well-trained heavy cavalry of the Cribanarius quickly formed a triangular formation with Galfis at the top.

 And ......

 "Let's go!
 "Ohhhh !!!!

 The infantry and archers took the path opened for Galfis, and he headed straight for the enemy.
 A fence, a stake, and a shelter appear in front of him.

 The mercenaries are stunned when they see the heavy cavalry "Clibanarius" charging towards the fence.

 The distance between them and the obstacle approaches rapidly.

 And ......

 "It's about time.

 Hercule, who had been watching Garufis's charge from high ground, muttered to himself: ......

 Asmodeus, break the illusion when the distance between Galfis and the (・・・・・・) obstacle created by the illusion reaches ten meters.
 "Understood, Master.

 A beautiful woman's voice echoed in Hercule's head.

 The only person who can hear this voice is Hercule, who is under contract with the Great Spirit of the Dreamer, one of the 72 pillars of Asmodeus .......

 Payment will be made later, in a week, in your dreams.
 Yes ...... I'm looking forward to it, aren't I?

 And so the illusion vanished: ......


 I'm sure you'll be happy to know that I'm not the only one who has a problem with this.
 The mercenaries fell into a state of panic when they saw the suddenly disappearing obstacle and the heavy cavalry "Cribanarius" charging straight at them.

 They had assumed that the obstacle would prevent the charge from succeeding, so they delayed their response.

 Seeing the confused mercenaries, Galfis thrust his lance into the sky and shouted.


 One of the seventy-two pillars.
 Galfis summoned Amon, the Great Spirit of Fire, his own contracted spirit.

 The scorching flames swirled around Lance like a snake.
 And then, the flame-wrapped lance lunged straight at the enemy.

 The flames burst forth, scorching the surrounding mercenaries in an instant.
 The flashy flames weren't as destructive as they looked, but they were enough to scare the ...... soldiers and make them flee.

 The formation was completely broken.
 It's not as destructive as it looks, but it's enough to terrify the soldiers and make them flee.


 Karolina also summoned her spirit.  
 It was Eligos, the Great Spirit of Weapons, one of the 72 Pillars.

 In Carolina's hand, a silvery lance appears.

 Lighter than a feather to its owner, and heavier than an anchor to the attacker, the lance blasts and crushes the enemy one after another.

 The spearhead of Darius' army, the 28000, was beginning to collapse.

 Well, that was to be expected.

 Compared to the screaming, fleeing mercenaries, Darios remained calm.
 The spearhead troops, the disposable mercenaries, were useless, their ranks were broken by longbow arrows, and they were destroyed by the assault of the heavy cavalry, the Cribanarius.

 This is a predictable development.

 In fact, it is true that I wanted to defeat Hercule by force, so I was actually quite depressed. ......

 He never showed it on his face and gave a second instruction.

 Tell the commanders to move the mercenaries to the left and right. Keep the barbarian light cavalry on standby. Crossbow and long spear troops to the front.

 As Darios instructed, the mercenaries moved to the left and right to escape.

 Instead of running backwards and forwards, the mercenaries will move left and right to minimize the damage from the assault.

 Your subsequent moves are as follows.

 Immediately plug any holes that have been breached.
 In this way, the main body of Hercule and the general leading the heavy cavalry "Clibanarius" ...... will probably divide Galfis Galleanos.

 And ......

 The crossbow troops will pierce the enemy exhausted by the long assault, further suppress the assault, and then the long spear troops will completely catch them. . and then pin them down with light cavalry on both flanks to destroy them.

 The mainstays of the Lemurian Empire are the heavy cavalry (Cribanarius) and longbow troops, both of which are difficult to replenish.
 In addition, the ruling class of the Lemurian Empire consists of the Elves, the long-eared race.

 Without them, it is easy to imagine that Hercule would not only be unable to continue the war, but would also be unable to manage his political affairs in the future.

 "Kill the enemy's strengths and use your own strengths to target the enemy's weaknesses. This is the basis of war. ...... Well, that's all I can do. What do you say, Emperor Hercule?