22 Episode 21 God's Notice

 "f*ck you! Traitors!

 The former Crown Prince of the Lemurian Empire.
 Hadrian was trembling with rage.

 Originally, he was the official heir to the Lemurian Empire.

 However, he was forced to disinherit a noblewoman for assaulting her out of lust.
 Hadrian still thinks that the person who "seduced" him was at fault.

 Hadrian, who was spoiled by the Empress and his father, Hadrian III, does not have the word "remorse" in his dictionary.
 It's not my fault, it's the world.

 "Why? I'm the one who should be the emperor of the Lemurian Empire! It's impossible that such a young man should be the emperor! And yet...!

 I can't defend Hadrian's actions at all, but that doesn't mean I can't feel sorry for him.
 In the first place, there is no way that Hadrian, who has been spoiled, can suddenly control himself.

 He had been pampered, lifted up, and loved until now. ......
 He was disinherited for a single mistake, abandoned by his father, and then deprived of the position of the next emperor by his younger brother, who was over thirty years younger than him, a newborn baby at that time.

 Indeed, it is pitiful.

 But the world will not forgive him just because he is pitiful or sympathetic.
 Reality is cruel.

 "Traitors! You raised me up and then turned on me after only one speech!

 In fact, Hadrian had a group of nobles.
 They were non-Elven nobles.
 They were dissatisfied with the heavy taxation imposed on them by Hercule, and they were lifting Hadrian up as a counterweight to Hercule.

 Of course, most of the nobles did not want Hadrian to become emperor.
 Hercule is better than Hadrian, no matter who you are.

 However, the nobles of the non-Elves traditionally have an inferiority complex towards the nobles of the Elves.
 They were simply trying to counter the nobles of the Long Ears (Elves) who supported Hercule with open arms, and to keep Hadrian from being taxed more heavily.

 It is also true that he had been sweet-talking Hadrian to make him feel better.

 But his speech changed the situation.

 The barbarians are ravaging our ancestral lands, and it is no different for the elven and non-elven nobles.
 Hercule has won the hearts of all the nobles.

 Those who were moved by Hercule's speech.
 Those who agreed.
 Those who read the atmosphere.
 And ...... the few who were smart enough to understand Hercule's intentions left Hadrian all together.

 In addition to the speeches, there was another decisive factor that led people to leave Hadrian.
 This was the assassination attempt on Hercule.

 The attempted assassination was not made public, but it was rumored among the nobility.

 The Emperor of Lemuria is a man of absolute power, an agent of God.
 Assassinating such an emperor?

 That was clearly "too much".

 Fearing Hercule's wrath, the nobles turned away from the dangerous Hadrian.

 As a result, Hadrian was left with only ......
 The only people who stayed with Hadrian were either fools who couldn't read the situation or Hadrian's kind who only saw what was convenient. And only the unfortunate aristocrats who were too cozy with Hadrian to back down.

 "Your Majesty. Her Highness the Empress is here to see you.

 A fool who can't read the situation will inform Hadrian of his mother's visit.
 Hadrian instructed that he be addressed as 'Your Majesty' in his own house and in the houses of the noble families of his faction.

 Send him away! "Send him away!" he said, "You'll just do what you always do, 'obey Hercule! Right? Your mother is on his side! He's the enemy!!!!

 Hadrian has not yet made his vassalage to Hercule.
 This is a big problem.

 An emperor should have no friends and no brothers.
 The emperor must be unique and absolute, and that is what the Lemurian emperors have been aiming for.

 Therefore, once you become an emperor, you are no longer brothers.
 Only a vassal relationship can exist.

 Hadrian's refusal to treat Hercule as a vassal was akin to saying, "I do not recognize Hercule as emperor," an attitude that would have earned him execution for treason.

 The only reason Hadrian is still alive is because of the Empress' plea for his life and Hercule's concern for publicity.
 However, Hadrian thinks that Hercule is afraid of him.

 People can only believe and see what they want to believe.

 In contrast to Hadrian is Titus, who is Hercule's half-brother.
 Titus had an audience with Hercule on the day Hercule ascended to the throne, and received him as a vassal.

 That is why Hercule trusts Titus and treats him well.

 Hadrian would have been a little less cautious if he had done the same thing, even if only in form. ......
 This is the first time I've seen such a thing.

 The pride that has grown through pampering can no longer be suppressed.

 As evidence, he can no longer even listen to his mother's advice.

 Hadrian is the only one she truly loves as a son.
 She loves him so much that she begs Hercule to let her live.

 Hadrian doesn't understand that love.

 And to top it off, the Empress doesn't love her.
 She loves Hercule and supports and expects him as emperor.
 Hadrian is convinced that she does.

 If Hercule heard that, he'd laugh.

 Do I look like a woman who loves me to you?

 To put it bluntly, the relationship between Hercule and the Empress has grown very cold.
 There is no love between them.
 And there is no hatred.

 It's indifference.

 Hercule has never spoken to the Empress Dowager properly, so he only recognizes her as a widow who has lost her husband.

 On the other hand, the Empress Dowager has a chilling fear of Hercule, who is too good for her.
 To put it bluntly, Hercule is not pretty.

 Hadrian is very fortunate in terms of the love of his family.
 He has a mother who can read the situation and persuade him not to give up until the end.

 But Hadrian is oblivious to this.
 He doesn't see it.
 He doesn't want to.

 "By the way, Your Majesty. Did you hear what I said?
 "Hear what?

 Hadrian's cronies tell him.

 "His Highness Hercule is going on an expedition to the Principality of Trabizos.
 "You ...... got carried away just because you happened to win once.

 Hadrian muttered bitterly.
 If you have an army at hand, you can easily defeat a warbeast mercenary.
 If I did, everyone would think that I was worthy of being emperor. ......

 Hadrian was thinking about it.

 Hadrian thought that this would make everyone think that he was worthy of being emperor, though Darios would probably laugh at him if he heard it.

 Hadrian has no chance when he thinks that Darius is "not so good".

 Darius is definitely one of the top ten generals of this century.

 Why didn't my father give me a crown? ......

 Hadrian rants and raves today.
 He has neither the strength nor the courage to do more than that.

 It was that night.
 There was a girl on top of Hadrian.

 A dark-haired girl in strange clothes.

 "What are you?
 "I'm not As ....... I'm Archangel Gibreel.

 "I'm Archangel Jibril," the girl said with a slight scowl.
 Hadrian asks.

 Hadrian asks, "If you're an archangel, why don't you have wings?
 Oh, wings? Oh, yes, I do. How about that?

 The self-proclaimed Gibreel sprouts a white wing on his back.
 The expression on his face was somehow tense.

 How on earth did the Archangel Gibril ......

 In the Messianic religion, Archangel Jibril is one of the three archangels.
 In Messianism, the Archangel Jibril is one of the three archangels, whose role is to convey the word of God to man.
 So the fact that Jibril came to Hadrian means that ......

 "I give you word from the Lord. Hercule's expedition to the Principality of Travisos failed. On his way by sea, he will meet a storm and lose all his troops. Gather your troops while you still can. Emperor Hercule is too busy with his next expedition to notice. And when the news reaches him that Hercule has lost all his men, he will raise his flag. You have the Lord's blessing. You will be emperor. And with you as emperor, the Lemurian Empire will grow even more.

 "Oh, my God!

 Hadrian was astonished.
 Hadrian was astonished. He had not expected a word from the gods.

 He was to be crowned emperor!

 Let's gather the troops!
 "Yes, that would be a good idea.

 The self-proclaimed Jibreel left Hadrian's dream after telling him what the Lord had told him.

 I had a strange dream: ...... No matter what, the archangel Jibreel would not come.

 The next day, Hadrian was calmly thinking about the dream he had last night.
 The next day, Hadrian was calmly thinking about his dream.

 But ......

 What if...?

 So Hadrian called his greatest supporter, a great nobleman of the human race, and told him about the dream he had last night.
 Then ......

 "Wasn't the archangel Jibreel wearing a strange garment?
 "Yes, she was. And he had dark hair.
 ...... I had the same dream.

 Hadrian described the dream to the other nobles in the same way.
 Then all the great nobles had the same dream.

 No doubt! It was a revelation!

 Hadrian was convinced.
 He was loved by the gods.
 And that he was promised to be emperor.

 And ......

 A month later, word reached Hadrian that Hercule had lost all his men in the expedition against the Duchy of Travisos.

 Hadrian jumped for joy and raised his troops.

 By the way, ......
 I think there is a demon out there that calls itself Jibril, or is it my imagination?