37 Episode 5 Library

 "I have no books to read.

 Hercule started to say something like that.

 What's the matter?
 "That's why I don't have any books to read.

 Hercule answered Karolina's question.
 He sat down on the sofa and crossed his legs.

 I have read all the books in the library attached to the palace. I've read all the books in the library attached to the palace and all the books owned by the Patriarchate of Nova Lemuria. I've also bought a lot of books from abroad, but I've finished reading those too. ......
 How many books a day do you have to read before you run out?
 Hmm, maybe three.

 You're bored, dude.

 How do you read so much?
 Well, there's no entertainment.

 In this world, there are only three options for entertainment: reading books, watching plays, or hunting.
 Hercule, a fast reader by nature, finished the book in a flash.

 What should I do? ......
 "Why don't you go to the Great Library of Alexandria?

 The one who suggested this to Hercule was Scheherazade.
 She is the princess with big tits of the Kingdom of False.

 She was currently residing in the palace of the Lemurian Empire.

 I see, the Great Library of Alexia: ......

 Alethea is the second largest city in the Lemurian Empire and the capital of the province of Misr.

 It has ancient origins, being a port city built by the famous Great King of Old before Lemuria became an empire.

 Misrule is the largest grain-growing region in the Empire, and wheat from all over the Empire is concentrated in Alectia.
 Aletheia is also the place where spices imported from the East are gathered.

 The Great Library of Aletheia was the largest library in the world, with 700,000 volumes in its collection, and it was also a research institution that attracted researchers from all over the world.

 It's also a research institute that attracts researchers from all over the world. "I see, the Great Library of Aletheia. ...... I've heard that there are books there that you could spend a lifetime reading. ......

 Not bad.
 Not bad," Hercule thought to himself.

 Originally, he had planned to visit Misr at some point to observe rice and sugar cultivation, and he had also received a request from the local governor's office for a special budget for flood control and irrigation.

 It was a good opportunity.

 "Okay, let's go. To Alexandria.

 But it's hot in ...... Misr Province, as always.
 It's a desert.

 A month later, Hercule was in Aletheia, in the province of Misr.
 A month later, Hercule visited Alectia in the province of Misrule, which was only a short boat ride south of the capital.

 Mysuru has a desert climate.
 The sun bakes the earth, the wind whips up the sand, and the land is scorching hot.

 That is Misr Province.

 But that's only one side of Misrule.

 Misrule is not the land of the dead.
 On the contrary.

 It is a land full of life.

 It is a land full of life. ......

 But the Neil River is always so big.
 "It's like an ocean.

 From the balcony of the Governor's Palace, Hercule and Carolina look down on the Neil, a great river that flows into the sea.

 The Neil River.

 It is the great river that brings blessings to the region of Misrule.

 The region of Misr has developed since ancient times due to the large amount of water brought by the Neil River and the rich soil upstream brought by the annual floods.

 Although it is a desert area, it is the blessing of the Neil River that it has become the largest breadbasket in the Empire.

 Wow, that's amazing. So this is the Neil River. The big river in my hometown, the Dajra Hurat, is big, but the Neil is just as big.

 Scheherazade, who was accompanying us, also shouted in admiration.

 Sheherazade, who had accompanied us, was also impressed.
 Scheherazade wanted to go on a pilgrimage to Aletheia because it had a cathedral and a bishop's palace.

 It was not desirable to let her out of the palace of Lemuria, but Scheherazade would be depressed if she was confined in the palace for a long time.
 So Hercule gave him a special permission.

 Scheherazade, by the way, is the daughter of a nobleman.
 Incidentally, Scheherazade is the daughter of a nobleman.

 When people hear that there is a reason, they think that they are not allowed to touch her and do not inquire about her.

 In addition, Christophe, Galfis, fifty heavy cavalrymen, twenty archers, and Lucanos are accompanying her as guards.
 And Lucanos was with them.

 "Well, we can go to the Library of Alexandria tomorrow.
 "...... Your Majesty, the main purpose of this visit is to inspect the province of Misr. Don't forget your priorities, okay?
 In my mind, the Library of Alexandria is at the top of the list. ......

 I'm sure you'll be happy to know that I'm not the only one.
 However, work is work.
 Of course I'm going to do it. I'll do it later.

 "Carolina, you need to take it easy and not be so rigid. It's like a trip, right?
 "No. Your Majesty, a visit is a visit is a visit. ...... Hey, stop it. You can't be here .......

 Hercule put his hand on Karolina's shoulder and slowly dropped his hand down.

 She hugs Carolina's body and plays with her back, hips and buttocks.

 The season is summer.
 The heat in Misr Province, which belongs to the tropics, is uncommon.

 This is why both men and women wear light clothing and expose more of themselves.

 This was the reason why Hercule was in heat.

 "Keep the door unlocked, will you?
 "...... Yes.

 Hercule whispered in Karolina's ear.
 I'm not sure if it's a good idea, but it's a good idea.

 I'm not sure what to make of this.

 As Scheherazade watched her, she thought to herself.  
 Sheherazade, who was raised as a messianist, half under house arrest in the depths of the royal palace, was not familiar with such love affairs.

 She was not familiar with such love affairs.
 He thought it was something he had nothing to do with.

 However, she is unaware that Scheherazade's chest, which is very well-developed for an elf, is attracting the attention of many male elves.

 It was that night.

 "Are you sure you want to do that ......?
 "Of course not! The emperor is here. We can't let him see such a pagan book!

 The deacon looked worried, but Patriarch Alexia insisted with straight, clear eyes.

 Patriarch Alexia is a priest of the Messianic Orthodox Church and has been serving as Patriarch for about twenty years.
 It was Hercule's father, the Prior Emperor Hadrian, who appointed him as Patriarch.

 Originally, the province of Misrule was a region with a large number of 'heretical' 'Arethean' Messianics who were different from the Orthodox, and the Patriarch of this region was an 'Arethean', but Emperor Hadrian, who did not want to split the national opinion, expelled the 'Arethean' Patriarch and appointed a new 'Orthodox' Patriarch.

 That was him.

 For this reason, he was very zealous in his opposition to heresy and paganism, and he was deeply indebted to Emperor Hadrian.
 This debt of gratitude was naturally extended to his son Hercule.

 When he heard of Hercule's accession to the throne, he was the first to rush to Nova Lemuria to swear his allegiance.

 Such an enthusiastic patriarch had planned to do something to welcome and praise Hercule.
 That was the destruction of the Great Library of Aletheia.

 He wanted to burn the entire library to purify it of the filthy books written by the pagans.

 When the Emperor woke up this morning, the first thing he saw was the demon library in ashes! 
 The Emperor was the first to rush to the scene.

 "Who did this? 

 And I answer. "I did.

 The Emperor says. "Well done. You're my loyal subject. What an excellent Patriarch you are. You've judged many heretics and infidels in your time. You're not fit to be Patriarch of Alectia. I'll dismiss the useless and ball-less Loukanos and make you Patriarch of Nova Lemuria. From this day forward, you will work as my right-hand man!

 Patriarch Alexia began to play a monologue.
 This is what it means to be a raccoon who doesn't want to be caught.

 ...... Will it really work out that well?
 "What's the matter, Deacon? What are you worried about?
 "...... Your Majesty is indeed an 'orthodox' messianist. But I don't know how he feels about heretics and infidels. It is not too late to wait and see. ......
 What are you saying? You are questioning the faith of the Emperor?
 No, not at all. ......

 The deacon has a troubled look on his face.
 It's hard to have a boss who is so paranoid.

 Enough, you stay at home!
 "...... I understand. ...... I admonished you, didn't I?

 The deacon was thus fortunate enough to get off the "afterlife express".
 Later, the deacon would say.

 "Well, that was a close call. Yes, really. I'm glad I was home at the time. ......