50 Episode 18 Fatal Failure

 "And that scum is definitely thinking.
 ......Hey, really? I think you're overthinking this, Lunarie ....... He seems like a very nice young man. ......

 The king of Hayastan, King Frates III, admonished Lunalie.
 I'd like to tell you not to put a damper on an alliance that has just been formed.

 "No, that man will betray us.
 "How can you be so sure?
 Because I would do the same thing.

 The Kingdom of Khayastan is a small country.
 Promises between small countries and big countries are rarely kept properly.

 Secret pacts and agreements between major powers take precedence over any oath or treaty.
 That's what diplomacy is all about.

 But I won't let that happen. I can't let you divide the Kingdom of Khayastan.

 Lunalie loves the Kingdom of Khayastan.
 And the people of Khayastan love Lunalie, the king, and their country.

 The people of the great kingdoms of Fars and Lemuria would never understand.
 The feelings of a small country where royalty, nobility, and commoners have to work together to maintain.

 Originally, the area currently ruled by the Achaemenid Kingdom of Phars was under the rule of the Alshakid Kingdom of Phars in ancient times, and was ruled by the Alshakids.

 In its heyday, the Alshakid Kingdom of Fars was a great power that clashed with the Lemurian Empire before the East-West split many times.

 Hayastan was the site of a dispute between the Arshilean Phars Kingdom and the Lemurian Empire.
 The two countries had a fierce conflict over the land of Hayastan.

 But in the end, a peace was made.
 That is

 "The King of Hayastan shall be selected by King Fars from the Alshak family (Alshak dynasty), appointed as King by the Emperor of Lemuria, and crowned by the Emperor of Lemuria or his deputy.

 This was the treaty.

 Thus was established the Kingdom of Khayastan of the Arshak dynasty.

 At some point, however, the Arshaq Kingdom of Fars declined.  
 In such a situation, the Achaimenes, a powerful family among the nobles of the Arshak Kingdom, rose to power and overthrew the Arshak Kingdom, establishing the current Achaimenes Kingdom of Phars.

 The Lemurian Empire, which had been the mainstay of the Achaemenid Empire, was in turmoil and weakened by the civil war.

 In such a situation, the Arshak family stayed close to the Khayastans in order to maintain the country while somehow surviving as a vassal state of the Achaemenid Kingdom of Phars.

 While the elves of the Lemurian Empire and the Kingdom of Phars were trying to maintain their pure blood, the Arsharks tried to assimilate by mixing human blood with their own.

 The people of Hayastan also supported the Alshak family in order to protect their country.

 That is the Kingdom of Hayastan of the Al-Shaq dynasty.

 Incidentally, the Kingdom of Khayastan was the first country in the world to make Messianism the state religion, and both Lunalie and King Frates III were Messianists.

 "But, Lunalee. What are you going to do? ...... We don't have the power to defy the decisions of Lemuria or Phallus, do we?
 "Easy. All we need is a stronger connection between Lemuria and Khayastan.
 What exactly?

 Then Lunalie puffed out her chest.

 "I'll seduce her. And marry him. The Emperor of Lemuria can't betray us if we're related. Selling out his wife's country of origin would be an ugly business.

 What the hell is he talking about?
 King Frates III couldn't believe his ears.

 "Vahan, what did you tell him?
 "Your Majesty, I would never suggest to your Highness that she should be seduced.

 I'm sure you'll be pleased to know that I'm not the only one who's had it.

 "I have tits. They're bigger than Carolina, the Lemurian Emperor's fiancée. She wins.

 Lunalie said and stuck her chest out.  
 Frates III and Vahan looked at Lunalie's breasts and smiled.

 She does have big tits.
 Elves like tits. So, no problem with the body.

 And ......
 Even if you take into account the fact that she is a foolish parent and a foolish grandfather, Lunalie is still very beautiful in the eyes of both of them.

 But ......

 "The talk is ......
 Her face needs a little more expression ......
 "Her gestures need to be prettier.
 "I can't even compose a poem. ......

 Lunarie was fatally deficient in "charm".
 In addition, she can't write poetry properly, which is an essential skill for noblemen in this world.
 And she doesn't talk much.

 On the other hand, if you ask me if I can talk about anything that would please men, ......

 "You can't talk about anything but academics.
 And then there's politics and military ...... hmmm ......

 I see, some people might be interested in it.  
 But can this content lead to romance?

 If so, they would make a very good couple.

 To begin with, ......
 Unfortunately, women who are too clever are not popular.

 There are many times when they are considered to be too clever.

 Of course, there are men who prefer educated women, so it's hard to say for sure.

 Just watch ...... and you'll see. I'll make you fall with my s*x appeal.

 The night after the Lemurian army entered Erstadt.
 In the palace of the Kingdom of Hayastan, a banquet was being held to welcome Erkur and his generals.

 Because of the suddenness of the event, the food laid out was not as lavish, nor did it taste as good as the court food of the Lemurian Empire. ......
 Even so, Hercule felt that the Kingdom of Hayastan's intention was not to welcome him ...... but rather to somehow put him in a good mood, and he accepted it gratefully.

 Unlike the Lemurian Empire, in the Kingdom of Hayastan, meals were laid out on a carpet on the floor.
 There are about four dishes of side dishes per person.
 And the main dish is served on a platter, one per three to four people.

 The side dishes are eaten from the plate assigned to you, and the main dishes are eaten by transferring them from the platter to a small plate.
 This is the style.

 By the way, ......
 There are no eating utensils in the kingdom of Hayastan.

 Basically, people eat with their hands.
 It may seem barbaric to Japanese people, but ...... 40% of the world's population eats with their hands, so it is nothing unusual.

 The Lemurian Empire, where forks and knives exist, is rather more perverse and barbaric because the number of cultures in this world that eat with their hands is overwhelmingly large.

 However, knives and forks exist for serving food from a platter.

 Erkül is a man who follows his hometown, so he has no intention of following the style of the Lemurian Empire even after coming to Hayastan, and moreover, he has no intention of using chopsticks.

 Without any particular concern, I grabbed the main dish, "meat stuffed with herbs," that the servant had cut up for me, and bit into it with my hands.
 The juices of the meat and the good smell of the herbs overflowed from inside.

 This meat is delicious. ...... Is it a bird? King Khayastan.
 Yes, it's a specialty of our country. It's the meat of the Khayastan pigeon, a bird that lives in the eastern part of our country.

 (Wow, ...... just happens to be the area I'm thinking of ceding to the Kingdom of Fars!

 Hercule thought it was a coincidence and drank the wine after a few words.

 It's not the right time of year, but ...... eggs are also excellent. The next time you visit our country, please do so in peacetime, not wartime. Next time, please visit our country in peace time, not in war time.
 ...... I'm looking forward to it.

 Strangely, this guy emphasizes the east.
 Hercule, feeling uncomfortable, tries to sip the wine and realizes that it is ...... empty.

 Then ......

 ...... please.
 Thank you for this.

 The Lunarian quickly pours the wine into Hercule's empty glass.
 Hercule responds with a slight bow.

 "Here you are, Princess Lunalie.
 "Thank you.

 In return, Hercule pours wine into Lunalie's glass.

 (But you're dressed very revealingly.)

 Hercule looked at Lunalie's wide open chest.
 The fabric of the dress is thin and the skin is transparent.

 It's very large for an elf. ......
 Her breasts, which Hercule estimates to be about a C or D, are also very s*xy.

 What do you think of our wine?
 "It's very good. Especially the aroma.

 What do you think? "How is it?" "It's not good! No one would be stupid enough to answer.
 Hercule gives a very safe answer.

 But there is no lie about the taste itself.

 The reason is that this wine is the best wine in Hayastan for the last 200 years.
 Even King Frates III rarely drank it.

 I don't want it to taste bad.

 "This wine comes from vineyards in the south of our country.
 Huh. ......

 Hercule responded to Lunalie's words.

 Even Hercule noticed that he had been told so much.

 Flattes III and Lunalie are both aware that Hercule is thinking of dividing the Kingdom of Hayastan with the Kingdom of Fars.

 That is why they are restraining him.

 ......, but as far as Hercule is concerned, it's just a feeble resistance of a weak country.  
 No matter how Hayastan resists, it is a certainty in Erkül's mind that it will share the territory with the Kingdom of Fars.
 In addition, the remaining western half of the country will become a province of the Lemurian Empire after a few decades have passed. ......
 I plan to incorporate the remaining western half as a province of the Lemurian Empire.

 This can be easily accomplished by bribing the aristocracy of Hayastan and sending immigrants to convert Hayastan into Lemuria.

 It is the people of Hayastan who built their country in the middle of nowhere that are to blame.

 The problem is the remaining Alshak family. ......
 If they resist, it will be troublesome, so it would be quicker to assassinate them or make up some appropriate crime and kill them.
 The Achaemenes would be overjoyed to hear that the Julianos family had disposed of the Arshark family, their former master family, even though they criticized them verbally.

 Both Lemuria and Fahls will be able to draw a border line just right, and in addition, the family line that is a hindrance to both sides will disappear.
 It's a win-win.
 ...... would be a nuisance for House Arshak and the Kingdom of Hayastan.

 (...... But it would be a shame to kill Princess Lunalie.

 She's cute, she's erotic, she's ......
 However, that was after the Kingdom of Khayastan was made into a vassal state, a vassal state ......, and moreover after peace was made with Foulds.

 I'm not sure why I'm talking about this over drinks, but ...... there's something I'd like to ask you both.
 What is it?

 Frates III asks Hercule.
 It was a perfect example of a sovereign-vassal situation, showing the disparity in national and military power between the two countries.

 After this, I intend to invade the Arsinia province of the Kingdom of Phars with my entire army.

 "With the whole army, sir?

 King Frates III's face twitched.
 If the entire army of the Lemurian Empire invaded the province of Arsinia, the Kingdom of Hayastan would be stripped naked once again.

 Before he betrayed the Kingdom of Phallus and turned to the Lemurian Empire, ...... 
 It's obvious that if the Kingdom of Phallus conquers us again, we won't get away with nothing.

 It's not important to Hercule.

 So, I would like to ask either Frates III or Lunalee to guide me along the way.
 "Oh, you want directions, .......

 In short, Hercule is asking me to be a hostage.

 The reason why Hercule is invading Arsinia is because Arsinia is adjacent to Suria, a province of the Lemurian Empire.
 By invading Arsinia and securing the other side of the Dajra Flato River, Hercule would have a route to the Lemurian Empire.

 Then the Kingdom of Hayastan would be no more.

 The problem is that there is a possibility that the Kingdom of Hayastan will once again turn to the Kingdom of Fars through batting diplomacy before Hercule can secure the communication route.

 The Kingdom of Khayastan does not have an army, and the weapons left behind by the Phallus army were collected by Hercule, so the Kingdom of Khayastan is truly unarmed and cannot do anything.

 But I'll be careful.

 If the king or his only daughter is being held captive by Hercule, the Kingdom of Khayastan will not be able to act carelessly.

 "Don't worry. If our country invades Arsinia, the entire army of the Kingdom of Fars will gather in Arsinia. They won't attack the Kingdom of Hayastan.

 Hercule added in his mind.

 "...... Your father, the king, cannot leave the country. I'll show you the way.

 Lunalie offered herself as a guide, or rather a hostage.
 Hercule smiles.

 Thank you for this. To have a beautiful woman like you to guide us. I'm sure we'll come out victorious." (Well, the king won't be coming, as expected.)

 Lunalie is the only daughter of King Frates III.
 As long as Hercule has Lunalie in his custody, he will not do anything rash.

 "Oh, your ...... majesty. I'm sure you're not the only one who has a problem with this. It's only about 500, but we'll definitely be of service to you. ......
 "Your Majesty, King Hayastan, I'm glad to hear your sentiments, but ...... the volunteer army will not be able to keep up with the speed of my army's advance.

 Patriotism is not enough to make an army work.
 It will only slow you down.

 So, ......
 Don't worry. Princess Lunalie will be protected by my army and me. That's why you don't need any escort from Hayastan Kingdom (・・・・・).

 After being told this much, King Frates III would not be able to provide even an escort for Lunalie.
 If he tried to provide an escort, it would be like saying that he doesn't trust the Lemurian Empire.

 If Hercule were so inclined, ......
 The Lemurian army can sack Erstadt, kill the men, rape the women, sell the children into slavery, and reduce Erstadt to ruins right now.

 He could kill King Frates III and turn Lunalie into a soldier's plaything or his own s*x slave.

 Although, as expected, he would not do such a terrible thing for fear of ugly publicity. ......
 It is not impossible.

 That is why Frates III is unable to defy Hercule, or even to offend him.
 Or should I say, lack of courage.

 Thus ended the banquet of the day.
 Hercule went to bed in a tipsy mood. ......

 And ......

 ...... What's this all about?

 The next morning.
 The next morning, he looked down at Lunalie, who was sleeping peacefully in his arms, and muttered to himself.

 For some reason, there was a red stain on the sheets.

 ...... Ah, what? I'm not sure what to make of this.

 A cold sweat ran down Hercule's back.