65 Episode 3 Soybeans


 It is the raw material for miso, soy sauce, tofu, natto, etc., and is an indispensable crop for the Japanese diet along with rice.

 Globally, soybeans are used for animal feed and soybean oil.

 It is also known as the "meat of the field" because of the large amount of vegetable protein it contains, making it highly nutritious.

 In addition, it is symbiotic with rhizobium, which enables nitrogen fixation and makes it easy to grow in rough terrain.

 There is nothing to complain about in this crop.

 But it's not very tasty. It's a little bitter. ......
 "Well, it's just roasted. You can't blame it for not tasting good. But the taste can be changed by the way you cook it. It's also useful as livestock food.

 While eating the roasted soybeans, Hercule was explaining about soybeans to Karolina.

 It was during the previous war with the Kingdom of False that Hercule had acquired soybeans.
 He happened to buy them from a merchant from the East who was trading them.

 Judging from the fact that it did not sell well, it is probably not cultivated in the Kingdom of Fars.

 What's the dish?
 "Well, ...... these seeds are ripe, but if you pick them when they're green and boil them in salted water, I think they'll taste pretty good.

 In other words, it is edamame.
 There are other uses, such as miso and soy sauce. ......

 I knew how to make them, but I couldn't actually make them even if I were asked to, so I didn't intend to mention them.

 Of course, there is no doubt that having both miso and soy sauce would increase the number of cooking options.
 So I will continue to develop them.

 Basically, most things can be created if you have enough people, money, and time.
 Hercule has all of that, so I'm sure he'll be able to taste soy sauce and miso someday.
 In addition, he has the basic knowledge, so it is only a matter of time before he completes it.

 Soybeans can grow in rough terrain. This should alleviate some of the Empire's food problems. ...... But more importantly, I have something to show you.
 What kind of beans this time?
 They're not beans. It's better than beans.

 When Hercule clapped his hands, the servant brought out an object.
 A large white cloth and a basket full of what looked like wool.

 What is it? What is this?
 This cloth is cotton. The cloth is cotton, and this wool-like stuff is cotton.
 ...... Is that a Barometz? It's the fruit of a legendary tree that grows sheep, right? Are they real?

 Karolina leaned forward.
 Hercule chuckled.

 You are half right and half wrong. First of all, there is no such thing as a tree that bears sheep. But there is a plant that bears woolly fruit. This is it.
 It's not a dream.
 It's not a dream. ...... That's what I said.

 In addition, the cotton ......, or cotton flower, was found in the territory of the Kingdom of Fars.
 The major producer of cotton in this world is Sindira, and it seems that cotton was not produced on a very large scale in Phars, but it was still produced ...... in a small way.

 This is why Hercule brought it to Lemuria when he returned from his expedition.

 Since the textile industry is relatively easy and lucrative, Hercule intends to make wool and cotton the mainstay of the nation's industry.

 It would be perfect if he could somehow introduce silk and even dyestuffs.

 In addition to these textiles, Hercule plans to earn foreign currency from coffee, sugar and bone ash porcelain four-wheelers.

 The only thing is that ...... did not think much about getting involved in any more industries.
 Of course, he would like to grow spices and other crops if he could.

 However, it is obvious that all of my efforts will end up half-heartedly.
 It is better to focus on a specific industry.

 Even if we grow spices, we can't compete with the home of spices in terms of production and quality.

 But, Your Majesty. I have a personal question. ......
 What is it?
 Fields are finite, right? If we increase the number of commodity crops, won't that decrease the supply of food grains? Didn't the previous emperor restrict the cultivation of commodity crops many times because he was concerned about this?

 In the Lemurian Empire, commerce is considered lowly, but the cultivation of commodity crops is considered lowly as well.
 This is because they cannot be eaten.

 Only a few rich people can afford the luxury of commodity crops, and the price of grain will skyrocket, making it impossible for the poor to eat. ......
 This is undesirable.

 This is the general idea in this world.

 But Hercule's idea is different.

 The reason why famine occurs in the first place is not because we are not self-sufficient in grain. Famine occurs not because we are not self-sufficient in grain, but because we depend on the province of Misrule for most of our food. If the weather in the Misrule region is unfavorable, the supply of grains will drop rapidly. ...... We should reduce the amount of grain produced in Misr Province and grow grain elsewhere.

 "But isn't there any other province more suitable for growing grain than Misr?

 If not, why not just conquer it?

 Hercule grinned.

 The Lemurian Empire straddles three continents and is bordered by three oceans.
 The Lemurian Empire straddles three continents and is bordered by three seas: the Aether Sea in the north, the Album Sea in the west, and the Rubel Sea in the south.

 The Arter Sea and the Album Sea are connected by a strait, and the city on the shore of this strait is the capital of the Lemurian Empire, Nova Lemuria.

 This place north of the Sea of Artell, ...... the Taurica Peninsula and the surrounding area, is the next target of the expedition.

 Later, Hercule gathered his subjects and held a meeting.
 However, even though it was a meeting, it was half a done deal since Hercule had said he would do it, and all the vassals could do was modify his plan.

 "The Taurica Peninsula? It was our territory, wasn't it? It was.
 Yes. We couldn't maintain it, so we abandoned it.

 Hercule replies to Galfis' question.
 This expedition was also a part of the war for land restoration that Hercule had once advocated.

 "I see. I'm sure you're aware of that, but I'm not. Is that right?

 Kristoff understood Hercule's intentions.
 The major countries along the Aether Sea coast are Lemuria, Hayastan, and Bulgaron, of which Bulgaron does not have a navy or even a proper port.

 The current Lemurian Empire has free access to the ports of Hayastan. ......
 If Lemuria can control the Taurica peninsula, which is the ceiling of the Aether Sea, Lemuria will be able to completely control the Aether Sea.

 Well, that's one thing, but ...... the most important thing is to trade with the northern countries and open up new breadbasket areas. If we rely only on the ...... Misrule Province for our wheat supply, we won't be able to cope with famine. We also need someone to sell Lemurian goods to.

 In fact, the northern coast of the Aether Sea has a very fertile soil called chernozem, which is very suitable for growing wheat.
 Hercule wanted to make this a new food supply for the empire.

 And ...... above all, there are northern countries north of the Taurica Peninsula.
 Even today, merchants from the northern countries come to Nova Lemuria in small boats down the river. ......

 The establishment of a large bay city on the Taurica Peninsula would further increase trade.

 Amber, marten and fox furs are the specialties of the northern countries. ......
 These products are in demand not only in the Lemurian Empire, but also in the Northern Kingdoms and the Kingdom of Fars, so we can expect profits from transit trade.

 On the other hand, the northern countries demand spices, sugar, pottery, and other luxury goods from the Lemurian Empire, and we can expect to earn foreign currency by exporting these specialties.

 Thus, economically, conquering the Taurian peninsula would be of great benefit.

 And above all, ......

 At present, there are no serious political opponents in the Taurica Peninsula. At best, there are warbeasts of the fox race. We'll just have to take them lightly.

 It would be foolish and honest to go to the trouble of invading a place where there are strong enemies (specifically, the Kingdom of Fars and the Western nations).
 The basis of war is bullying the weak.

 The basic principle of war is to bully the weak, to beat up the weak, and to gain profit at low risk.

 This time, we can say that it is indeed low-risk, high-return.
 But ......

 "How do you intend to govern and defend yourself, Your Majesty?
 "We are not planning to conquer the whole world from the start. I'm thinking of bringing a few city-states to their knees, and then settling Tunda soldiers from Lemuria around those city-states. And as much as possible, I'm going to keep the old ruling class and hire them as local bureaucrats. Then we can dispatch a suitable governor and slowly conquer the interior.

 Hercule replied specifically to Lucanos' question.

 As long as he didn't force the conquest, Hercule thought, there would be no resistance.
 Being under the security of the Lemurian Empire would be of great benefit to the Taurian Peninsula and the surrounding city-states.

 The mere raising of the Lemurian flag would cause the cowardly barbarians to flee and refrain from attacking the cities.

 "So, Kristoff. Prepare the ships. And take two legions of infantry with you. Five battalions each of cavalry and archers from ...... should be enough. The infantry will be led by me and Darios, the cavalry and archers by Galfis and Edmond. Oscar will be in charge of defending the capital. ...... Let's go, this is the easiest war I've had in a long time!



 This is the last of it. Well, that's about it.

 Watching as the Lemurian soldiers charged the open gates, Hercule sipped his tea.
 Now he can breathe a sigh of relief.

 It was easier than I expected.
 "Well, most of the cities welcomed me with open arms.

 Most of the cities welcomed me with open arms," Hercule replies with a shrug to Carolina's distracted expression.

 A few months into the expedition, Hercule had completed his invasion of the Taurian coast before the summer ended.

 It's not a bad thing to be placed under the security of the powerful Lemurian empire for the former, and for the latter, it's easier to do business than before, so there was no particular reason to rebel.

 However, this does not mean that all welcomed Hercule.

 In the Taurican Peninsula, there were several political powers that had gained a certain level of control by receiving support from the northern countries.

 Originally, Taurica was a territory of the Lemurian Empire, and half of the descendants of the former Lemurians were living in Taurica.
 Many of them welcomed the rule of Hercule, as their daily lives had been oppressed by the barbarians who invaded the Taurian Peninsula.

 The other half of the population, mostly warbeasts, were also welcome. ...... 

 Many of the warbeasts that migrated to the Taurica peninsula were weak tribes that had been defeated in power struggles in the north, or migrated to the peninsula to engage in commerce.

 Many of them were also non-Messianic.

 They did not like being under the control of the Lemurian Empire, and some tribes rebelled against Hercule.

 However, with only 500 mercenaries at most, they had no choice but to fight a siege. ......
 And they could not win in a siege without any reinforcements, and were easily defeated.

 "So, Your Majesty, what are we going to do now?
 "I'm going to build a colonial city somewhere on the Taurian Peninsula and use it as a base of operations. Well, I have a few ideas, let's go see them later.

 Hercule replied to Lunalie's question.
 Although he had found some good looking land on the map, he would still need to see it with his own eyes for a final check.

 "...... What is it, Carolina?
 "Your Majesty, I've been wondering for the past five months, ...... why there are whores here?

 I have a name, Lunalee. It's ......
 May! I'm talking to you right now, Your Majesty!

 I'm talking to His Majesty right now!" Carolina glared at Lunalie, then closed in on Hercule.

 I was wondering if I could ask Luna for some logistics. He's a good negotiator and a good calculator. In fact, she's been very useful to me in this war.

 In fact, in a siege, it is not the defenders who run out of food, but the attackers.
 This is because the troops stay in the same place, making it difficult to supply food through local procurement.

 It is necessary to scavenge food from far away.
 This time it was easier because we could go directly from the capital by ship. ......

 What is ...... Luna?
 It's a nickname.
 Why does a new girl have a nickname when I don't?
 What? Do you want one too?

 Then Carolina turned her head away and blushed. ......

 It's not like that. ...... 
 I'm sure you'll be able to figure it out. But there's another Lina-san. ......

 Hercule thinks back to his half-sister.
 I'm not sure if it's a good idea, but it's a good idea.
 Her nickname was Lina.

 She was in her forties and unmarried, which is quite late for a High Elf.
 However, her appearance was the same as that of a twenty-something, so it was not as if she had fallen behind.

 The marriage of a pure-blooded High Elf from the House of Julianos was quite troublesome, and Linasha herself didn't seem to want to get married, so she hadn't decided to get married yet.

 A quiet conversation.

 "Okay, here's the deal. I'll give you the right to call me 'Hercule-sama'.
 "Oh, no! I'm afraid not!
 "...... Then it's on the bed only. How about that?
 Yes! Oh, no. ...... But, ...... I understand. I'll call you 'Master Hercule' when we're alone .......

 Carolina blushed and gave a small nod.
 Her anger seemed to have dissipated, for the moment.

 Fortunately, Lunalie's murmur of "...... simple" did not fall on Carolina's ears.

 For the time being, the staring contest between the two has stopped. ......

 I'm not sure what to do, but I'm going to do it.

 Hercule sighed.