94 Episode 1 Domestic Affairs of Hayastan Kingdom Map...

 "I wish to be a hero only to those who adore and honor ...... me as a hero.

 -Erkul Yulianos

 The Lemurian Empire stretches from east to west, north to south, and south to north, so the climate varies from region to region, and agriculture is adapted to that climate.

 However, there is one mainstream agricultural method.

 This is the so-called Mediterranean style of agriculture in Japan. (Of course, there is no Mediterranean Sea in this world, so the name is completely different.

 In the coastal areas of the Lemurian Empire, it is dry in summer and rainy in winter.
 The Lemurian Empire's coastal areas are dry in summer and rainy in winter, so it is common practice to divide the arable land into two, and cultivate winter wheat on one side of the land and graze sheep on the other side as fallow land.

 In addition, the mainstream of the Lemurian Empire was to make money by cultivating commodity crops such as olives, grapes, and cork gourd, which are resistant to drought, in the hilly areas.

 Grapes, in particular, are very profitable because of their high demand as wine.
 Farmers who succeed in cultivating grapes and other crops are quite wealthy.

 On the other hand, a farmer who cannot grow grapes and can only grow wheat cannot pay the land tax and falls into the peasant class.

 On the other hand, a farmer who cannot grow grapes and can only grow wheat will not be able to pay the land tax and will fall into the peasant's category. Well, it is common for people who are not good at management to fail in their business and fall down, while there are people who succeed and rise up, so Hercule is not particularly concerned or concerned.

 So why did I make such a preamble? ......

 The price of olives is likely to drop sharply in the near future. ...... is what I'm worried about, you know what I mean? Antonio.
 "Yes, Your Majesty. ...... are you referring to the expansion of soybean oil and cottonseed oil production?

 I'm sure you'll be pleased with the results.
 It's good to have a good subordinate who understands your intentions and makes your job easier.

 You're right. Well, even so, olives will continue to have a certain status as a high quality oil. ...... But the price will definitely fall. But the price will definitely fall, and that could destroy the olive farmers.

 People are not able to cope with sudden changes.
 The more successful you are, the more likely you are to cling to your own successes.

 People who have made a name for themselves, their parents, or their ancestors by growing olives: ......
 These people will not be able to adapt quickly to the decline in the price of olives.

 If this happens, their downfall will be obvious.  

 This was a serious matter that would lead to the destruction of farmland, increased social unrest, and a decrease in tax revenue.
 Olives are an important industry of the Lemurian Empire.

 So, here's the key to solving that problem.

 Hercule snapped his fingers.
 Then the servants brought a crop and its seeds to Antonio and Hercule.

 "...... What is this?
 "I got it from Fahls. Oh, I had a hard time smuggling it in.

 The King of Foulth is so stingy with his fruit. ......
 Hercule clucked his tongue, then picked up the crop, which was cut into bite-size pieces, and brought it to his mouth.

 I'm sure you'll agree that this is not something you want to eat. ...... You should eat it too.
 "Ha, ha .......

 From the look on Hercule's face, you can tell that the food is obviously not good.
 But since the lord has ordered you to eat it,...... you don't have the option of not eating it even if you don't like it.

 Antonio took the yellow food into his mouth.

 What's ...... that? What is this?
 It's lemon. ...... Well, it's usually poured over food, not eaten directly.

 Lemons are also regularly served at Hercule's table.
 This is because of Erkühl's ability to import fresh fruit directly from the Kingdom of Foulds, and also because of the chef's extensive knowledge. ......

 It is not grown in the Lemurian Empire, at least not in the Lemurian Empire, and rarely appears on the tables of ordinary families.

 But ...... this acidity is quite different from vinegar. It will increase the repertoire of cuisine and ...... demand.
 Isn't that right? ...... Now for the orange one.

 Hercule picked up the orange food and brought it to his mouth.
 This time it looks delicious.

 It's a little sour, but ...... maybe that's because of the lemon? It's sweet. What do you think? Antonio.
 "It's ...... uniquely sweet. It's delicious. ...... What kind of fruit is this?
 It's an orange. It's delicious when juiced. ...... Now, you know what I fed you these two fruits for, don't you?

 You can guess from the context, right?
 Hercule said. ......

 So you're saying I should grow ...... olives instead?
 That's what I'm saying. Lemons and oranges are both drought tolerant. They can replace olives. That's why we're going to give you an additional budget to encourage the cultivation of lemons and oranges.

 Citrus fruits are relatively resistant to decay because of their thick skin.
 They can also be exported to neighboring countries by sea.

 And ...... I think. If the supply of citrus fruits is increasing and the price is decreasing, why not increase the demand and the price will increase? I'm not sure.
 ...... So what does that mean?
 I'm thinking of building a state-owned soap factory.

 Soap uses oil as a raw material.
 So if we consume a lot of oil, the price will go up.

 Humans are creatures that cannot abandon luxuries once they have acquired them.
 Once they start using soap, they will continue to buy it.

 There is no prospect of producing soda by the Solvay method, but ......
 As long as the production is low, seaweed ash will be sufficient to meet the demand.

 I've had Hyppatia and the others study how to make soap efficiently. Talk to them and come up with a plan. Oh, ......, don't think about profitability at first, okay? The important thing is to spread the use. We'll pay for it when the private sector starts building it anyway.

 Profits should be collected through taxes.
 Hercule recognized that the role of the state was to take the initiative in projects that were unprofitable for the private sector to undertake.

 I understand. ...... Ultimately, we will have multiple soap guilds that will compete with each other. ...... Is that correct?
 "Yeah, that's fine. I'll leave the details to you.

 If you leave it to one guild, the quality will deteriorate.
 Hercule believes that it is best to create three or four guilds to protect the industry and allow for moderate competition.

 The other one is ....... Hmmm, that's okay.

 Hercule was about to say something, but held his tongue.
 It's a good idea to keep your eyes and ears open for the latest news.

 Now, that's all I've got for you. And what about ...... the silk and sheep breeding?
 It's at .......

 The meeting between Hercule and Antonio lasted until late that night.

 Hmm, it always tastes bad to me. I like it.
 ...... I love it.

 That night, Hercule, Karolina and Lunalie were drinking wine and eating a certain dish.
 The dish is ......

 It's good to eat late at night. Well, it's fattening.

 It is a dish made by deep-frying chicken or fish in oil.
 What the three of them are eating is deep-fried chicken and cod.

 In fact, the method of deep-frying itself has existed since ancient times.
 However, compared to its long history, it has not been widely used by ordinary people.

 This is because it is a very extravagant dish that uses a lot of oil.

 As a result, it has become a food of the wealthy.

 But ......

 If the production of oil increases, it will spread to the common people. It's easy to cook.

 Deep-frying is basically a matter of throwing the right ingredients into hot oil.
 It is more difficult to make it tasteless.
 It is a famous story that tempura was treated as a fast food in the Edo period.
 Well, it is a hassle to clean up the oil. ......

 You can reuse it for kerosene and other purposes.

 The only problem is that ......

 I hope there won't be too many fires.
 That's the problem. Nova Lemuria has a lot of fires.

 Big cities are naturally prone to fires.
 Hercule's biggest concern was that a major fire would break out in the capital.

 In the past, the old capital of Lemuria experienced a massive fire called the Great Fire of Lemuria. ......
 A large number of Messianics were executed for arson.

 Nova Lemuria is aware of the fire, and the buildings are spaced apart. ......
 From Hercule's point of view, it's still not enough.

 Well, we don't have to worry too much about that, since we're planning to expand the capital's roads at the same time as building the new city, park and Arc de Triomphe.

 The problem is the possibility of fires breaking out before the construction: ......
 There's no point in worrying about that, is there?

 Hey, Your Majesty.
 What is it? Luna.
 Hayastan wants some kind of industry.
 It's not something we can afford.
 I want it.
 No, it's .......
 Don't look at me like that. ......

 Lunalie hugged Hercule and begged him.
 Hercule scratched his head in annoyance.

 I'm sure you'll be able to find something that works for you. There are no tariffs between the two countries, and once the port is built, you can import directly to Nova Lemuria.
 They're both made in Lemuria, after all.

 They have the same industries. ......
 Lemuria is superior in terms of population and land area, so it can never be beaten.

 Of course, Nova Lemuria is a mass consumption area, so it can be profitable.

 You're the King of Khayastan now. Then don't you have a duty to consider the national interest of the Kingdom of Hayastan?
 Before that, I'm the Emperor of Lemuria. ...... So, what are the specialties of Hayastan?
 ...... grapes, wheat.
 That's what you said earlier.

 Naturally, it is also cultivated in Lemuria.
 Rather, it is so common that even the term "specialty" is a mystery.

 What is the best thing about the countryside? If you are asked what is good about the countryside, and you are told that it is quiet and the water and air are clean, it will not appeal to you at all.

 "Hayastan pigeon.
 I've never heard of them. ...... I don't know much about pigeons, but...

 In Hercule's previous life knowledge, the pigeon is a carrier pigeon. ......
 There is no efficient way to raise pigeons for food.
 Hayastan pigeons are wild animals.

 "What about haystack honey?
 What's that?

 I've never heard of it.
 When Hercule asks Lunalie about it, she says ......

 "There's a bee called the Hayastan honey bee. It's famous for its beauty benefits.
 "...... Is it good?
 "You'll know when you try it.

 Hercule thought for a moment and then answered ......

 ...... have it ready for the next time we go to Khayastan.
 All right.