107 Episode 14 Battle of Reache

 The formation was completely broken, the mercenary troops, including friend and foe, were ......
 The mercenary troops, friend and foe alike, were blown to pieces by Carolina's cataphract assault.

 They scattered at once: ......
 This time, they ran to the rebel side to escape the cataphracts.

 As the mercenaries fled to the rebel side, ......
 Once Carolina had formed her ranks, she charged ...... again toward the rebels.

 The series of actions taken by the Lemurian forces caused the ...... rebels to panic.

 First of all, the premise of the ...... assault by trampling down your allies is insane.
 The assault of the medium-armored cavalry (cataphracts) itself had been warned of, but at least they thought it was not ...... the right time.

 In addition, mercenary troops mixed with rebel Lemurian troops fled in disorder to the rebel side, causing a virtual shootout that ...... threw the frontline troops into chaos.

 The front line troops were in a state of confusion. "The cataphracts are coming!
 Get the spearmen to the front! Hurry up!

 The rebels managed to clear away the fleeing mercenaries from the ...... despite the chaos, and sent the spear troops forward to counter the Cataphracts and Cribanarius.
 The spearmen thrust their spears forward in unison and wait for ...... Carolina's medium cavalry (cataphracts).

 The Lemurian army led by Carolina showed no sign of fear in response. ......
 The Lemurian army, led by Carolina, showed no sign of fear and pushed straight ahead.

 And ......

 The middle-armored cavalry (cataphracts) came to a sudden halt just in time to come into contact with the spearmen.

 Then Carolina gave the order.

 "Open fire!

 The medium-armored cavalrymen (cataphracts) took up their bows and fired arrows one after another.
 The first line shoots an arrow and retreats, the second line shoots an arrow and retreats......, and so on, switching lines one after another, the cavalry attacked in waves.

 With thousands of arrows intermittently showered on them, ......
 The rebels' skill level is not high enough to maintain the spear bedding under intermittent fire of thousands of arrows.

 In no time at all, the spear bedding collapsed.
 And at the exact same time that the spear bedding collapsed, ......

 I'm not sure what to say.

 Karolina pulled out her contracted spirit, Eligos, and charged the rebels.
 The middle-armored cavalry (cataphracts) instantly blew the confused spearmen to the rear and ......
 It was as if they were hit by a hammer.

 As if struck by a hammer, the belly of the formation was greatly depressed.

 Run, run!
 Help me!
 You can't run away! Fight!

 The rebel mercenary captains were shouting and trying to stop the mercenaries and make them fight.

 "Surround them! If we cut off their path of retreat, even the medium-armored cavalry (cataphracts) will ...... be able to escape!
 "It's not that easy.

 It's not that easy." Carolina cut down the mercenary captain who was making a lot of noise and then ordered the ......
 I'm not sure what to do.  
 The cataphracts are retreating like a receding wave.

 Never go deep.
 That's what my father taught me.

 "What will you do now, Empress?

 Nia asked Karolina.
 Her hair is wet with blood from killing some of the enemy soldiers.

 I'm going to turn around and go to the aid of my friends on the left flank.

 Carolina replied. ......
 True to her word, she turned and headed for the ...... left flank.

 "You're even better than I thought you were, Carolina. You are indeed the daughter of Galfis.
 That's right. That father and daughter are geniuses when it comes to cavalry operations.

 Seeing the medium-armored cavalry (cataphract) led by Carolina shoot ......
 I'm not sure what to make of that.

 The medium cavalry (cataphracts) are lightly armed compared to the heavy cavalry (cribanarius).
 Instead, they are capable of ranged attacks with bows.
 They can be used to break up a formation with cavalry fire and then charge the enemy. ......

 In the event that you have any questions concerning where and how to use the internet, you can call us at the web site. I'm sure you'll be able to find something that will help you out.
 That's right. It's also a great way to make sure that you're getting the most out of your investment. The only one who can use it to that extent is Her Highness the Empress at present.

 While the two of them were talking like this, ......
 I'm not sure what to do.

 In the event that you've got a lot of time, you may want to take a look at the following tips.

 Prepare to assault. ...... Do you know what will happen if they try to run back?

 The mercenaries shuddered at Hercule's order. ......
 The mercenaries shuddered.

 The mercenaries shuddered. ...... They were also very aware of the presence of the longbow troops behind them.
 If they hesitated to charge, even for a moment, their arrows would pierce their backs.

 The mercenaries were keenly aware of this.

 "God be with us.

 Hercule began to pray to God.
 Starting with that, ...... the Lemurian longbowmen and Tunda soldiers also began to chant loudly.

 "God be with us.
 "God be with us.

 "God be with us.

 The ...... Alliance soldiers, caught up in the momentum, began chanting.

 "God be with us.
 ""God is with us."
 "God is with us." "God is with us.

 The atmosphere is such that the ...... mostly non-Messianic mercenaries also chant in a desperate manner.

 「「「「 God be with us 」」」」
 「「「「 God be with us 」」」」
 「「「「 God be with us 」」」」

 And ......

 "Commence the assault!

 Hercule's command echoed across the battlefield.
 And ......

 "Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa!
 I don't give a shit!
 f*ck! I'm going home alive, and I'm getting married!

 The mercenaries half-cry as they charge into the rebel army.
 The mercenaries half-cried as they charged the rebels, just as Carolina was completing her retreat and turning.

 At the same time as the rear line of Carolina's cataphracts completed their turn and headed for the left flank, the front line of mercenaries passed by where the cataphracts had been turning.
 And in turn, the mercenaries rushed into the hole that the Cataphract had made.

 "Push it open!
 Forward, forward!
 Push back!
 Seal the hole!

 The Lemurian mercenaries and the rebel mercenaries are pushing each other.
 The rebels manage to push back the Lemurian mercenaries and prevent them from attacking, but ......

 Without pause, five battalions of Lemurian mercenaries charge the rebels.
 The rebels were forced to fight a series of battles against the brand new, still healthy and brand new soldiers.

 The second wave went well, didn't it?
 Yeah. ...... Four battalions in the first wave, five battalions in the second. And ...... the third wave will be the allied forces, which have higher morale than the mercenaries, and the fourth wave will be the assault of the Tunda soldiers, which have higher morale and skill. Well, to tell you the truth, five more battalions of the Central Army would have been perfect. No need to be extravagant.

 What Hercule is doing is called a ...... wave attack.
 The tactic is to divide into multiple units and attack the same target in succession, ...... giving the enemy no time to rest.

 It is easier said than done.

 If the timing and the division of forces are wrong, it may lead to individual defeats. ......
 It is a tactic that requires an accurate understanding of the enemy and your own forces and a flexible response.

 Now, ...... let's get closer to the enemy before the third and fourth factions attack.

 The entire Lemurian army began to march slowly.

 Now, Carolina, who had turned and moved to the left flank, ......
 She divided her troops in two.

 Two-thirds of the cavalry were ordered to fight the Cossack cavalry: ......
 One-third of the cavalry, led directly by Carolina, was ordered to cross the river.

 Well, ...... why do we have to cross the river? Just charge straight into it. ......
 I don't care. Just shut up and watch.

 Karolina told Nia, ......
 The rebels' Cossacks, however, are not the only ones who have been attacked.

 Then they attacked the flank of the rebel Cossack cavalry.
 Unable to resist the cavalry attacking from the river one after another, the rebel right wing Cossack cavalry was destroyed.

 It's amazing ...... that all we have to do now is attack the flanks!

 I'm not sure what to say, but I'm sure you'll understand.

 What are you talking about? It's not over yet. Leave three battalions of ...... and the remaining five battalions will follow me.

 Karolina said and ...... 
 They began to move again.

 River ▲▲▲
 River ▲▲▲▲▲
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 River ▲▲ □□□●●●●●□□□□ ▲▲
 River ▲ □□□□★★★★★□□□□
 River ◆◆◆
 River ■■■■■
