138 Episode 10 Battle of Peratia

 On the other hand, the right wing of the Lemurian army, the Cataphracts, led by Karolina, were being pushed back by the Bulgarons led by Terelig.
 Originally, the tactics of the Cataphracts was to imitate the way of the Bulgarons, by shooting at them and then charging them with short spears.

 Normally, it can be a very flexible family of soldiers, but ......
 However, it is not as good as the original Bulgalon.

 It is inevitably poor in dexterity.
 In addition, while the number of medium-armored cavalry (cataphracts) is 1200, the number of bulgarons is slightly higher at 13000.

 As long as they are outnumbered in numbers and quality, they will inevitably be pushed back.
 Even so, Carolina continued to be at the forefront of the battle, wielding her sword and defeating the Bulgaron soldiers.

 "You guys! The enemy general is a woman! Get her!
 ""Oh, oh, oh, oh!
 "...... That's why they're barbarians.

 When the Bulgurons learned that Karolina was a woman, they rushed to her.
 She was the empress of the Lemurian emperor.
 It was only natural for the Bulgurons to want to plunder and rape her.

 It's good that she's so easy to control.

 Karolina changes the form of the contracted spirit Eligos from a lance to a halberd-like form.
 If Hercule were to see it there, he would call it a 'scimitar'.

 While dispersing enemies with the sword in his left hand, he slaughters them with the scimitar in his right hand.

 "Master Karolina! It's time to go to .......
 I understand. It's ...... time.

 I understand. It's time to go." Carolina moves backward with the support of her men.
 As if on cue, the medium-armored cavalry began to retreat.

 "After them! We'll destroy the Lemurian cavalry!

 The Bulgurons' strategy was to overwhelm the Lemurians with the quality of their cavalry, remove them from the battlefield, and move in behind the enemy infantry.
 The strategy was to overwhelm the Lemurians with the quality of their cavalry and remove them from the battlefield, then move in behind the enemy infantry, hoping that this would break down their ironclad defense.

 Terelig takes the lead in pursuit of the Lemurian Medium Armored Cavalry (Cataphracts).
 He will not attack the flank of the Lemurian infantry.
 The flanks are staked and well protected by halberd units.

 Above all, if you flank them, you will be flanking the Lemurian Medium Armored Cavalry (Cataphract).
 Removing the Lemurian Medium Armored Cavalry from the battlefield is our first priority.

 It's about time, isn't it?

 When she had escaped to a certain extent, Carolina turned her horse around.
 One after another, the Lemurian medium-armored cavalry (cataphracts) turned and attacked the bulgaron cavalry.

 "It's no use! Even if we try to counterattack now, the momentum will be with us. ......

 Just when Terelig was about to raise his voice to blast his army, ......

 "Mr. Telerig, I have an urgent message! Infantry believed to be Lemurian troops have emerged from the forest on the left (as seen from Bulgalon)! There are about two hundred of them!
 "What? Are they ambushers? How dare you. ......

 However, infantry is not much of a threat.
 This is 1,300 cavalry.

 Terelig is about to order the ambushers to be repelled.
 But ......

 "Attention! About 200 cavalrymen have appeared behind us, most likely Lemurian! 
 "Master Terelig! An infantry unit from the central right flank of the Lemurian army is attacking us!


 River Forest
 River Forest Forest Forest
 River Mori Mori Mori Mori
 River Morimori Morimori Morimori
 The river forest forest forest forest forest
 River Forest Forest Forest Forest Forest Forest
 River ▽▽▽ ▽▽▽▽▽▽▽▽▽▽▽▽ forest forest forest forest forest forest forest forest
 River ○○○○○ ○○○○○○○○○○○○ forest forest forest forest forest forest
 River ▽◆◆▽▽ ●■■■■■■■■■■■■●▽○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○  
 River ◆◆◆◆◆ ● ★★★★★★★★★★ ●▽▽▽○○●森森森森

 River ◆◆◆ ● ●▽▲▲▽▽● Morimori Morimori 
 River ▲▲▲▲▲ mori mori mori mori mori
                      ▲▲▲▲▲ mori mori mori mori


 The time goes back a little.

 I'm not sure what to make of it. But frankly speaking, it's impossible. Because we are outnumbered by cavalry. In fact, there's a risk that we'll be surrounded.

 Hercule looked over the faces of the generals ...... Stefan, Oscar, Edmond, Galfis, Karolina, Nia and Jebe and said.
 Darios is not at home.

 They are born cavalrymen, well most of them are not elves but humans, ...... but they are certainly better with horses than our cavalrymen. There are 500,000 of them. If you fight them normally, you will still lose.

 Not only will we be surrounded, but if we fight normally, we will be surrounded.
 That's how big the difference in cavalry strength is.

 So we will surround and destroy their cavalry individually. The target is the cavalry on the enemy's left flank. Oskar, I'll give you two battalions of halberds. Take cover in the woods.

 Hercule then turned to Nia and Jebe.

 "This will be your first time commanding a unit. The men will use the toys I gave you. You'll go around the other side of the forest and get behind them. When we raise the flag and give the signal, attack them in the back.

 Nia and Jebe nodded curiously.

 I'll take overall command of ...... and use the halberd units on the center right flank to attack the flank of the bulgaron cavalry when the time is right.

 Hercule finally looked at Karolina's face.

 "You will lure them into a false retreat to where the halberd units are positioned. Oskar and I will attack from both flanks and signal to Nia and Jebe when you turn to counterattack. We'll surround the front, both wings, and the back and grind them down. Now, do you have any questions?
 "Yes, sir! Your Majesty.

 Nia looked a little excited and raised her hand cheerfully.

 I think our forces are a bit insufficient to block the rear. ...... Are you aiming for encirclement and annihilation?
 "No, the cavalry has mobility and breakthrough ability. Annihilation is impossible. And you're right, the lid is not thick enough. So don't try to hold back the enemy trying to escape. They'll hit back hard. A moderate threat behind you is enough. And ...... attack the backs of fleeing enemies.

 Complete encirclement and pressure will deprive the enemy of organized resistance.
 It is better to surround and annihilate the enemy so that the results are greater and the casualties are less.

 However, if a complete siege is not possible, it is better not to aim for a siege.
 If you surround the enemy without depriving them of their systematic resistance, they will turn on you and break through, and there is even a possibility that they will destroy you individually.

 Any more questions? No, I don't think so. All right, let's get into position.

 That's His Majesty! Just as we planned!
 We're in the middle of a mission, so brace yourselves.

 Jebe warned Nia, who was galloping along with an enraptured expression on her face.
 Jebe warned Nia, who was galloping along with an enraptured look on her face.

 I'm not sure what to do. I understand that I've been serving you for ...... many years and that you've given me a battalion, but why is it that you, a newcomer, are getting one as well?
 "I don't know, ask His Majesty.
 I don't know, ask His Majesty." "...... You used some kind of trick, didn't you?

 Nia glared at Jebe.
 This is a great way to get the most out of your business.

 Nia looked at Jebe's face and ......
 I'm not sure if this is a good idea or not.

 You have a woman's face. I'm not sure what you mean by that,......! I'm not sure if it's Cecilia, but I can't believe this guy beat me to it! Your Majesty, that's terrible! I'm sure you'll be able to understand that I'm not the only one who has a problem with this. I'm not sure what to do,......, but I'm sure you can find a way to make it work,.......

 Maybe you're making a big mistake.

 I'm not sure what to make of this.
 Nia and Jebe each have one battalion, which means that there are two battalions in total surrounding the Bulgallon cavalry.

 Hercule wanted to add a legion of cavalry before exchanging fire with the Bulgurons, but there were three obstacles that prevented him from doing so.

 The first was a pure lack of budget.
 Since the budget for two legions of cavalry alone was enormous, it would be difficult to add another legion of cavalry.

 The other problem is the population of the Elves.
 We have already invested three legions of elves in the war, so it is risky to send more elves to the war.

 Finally, there is the issue of skill level.
 It takes time to train cavalry, so it is not easy to increase their numbers.

 Therefore, Hercule thought of using nomads and descendants of nomads naturalized in Lemuria for cavalry.
 Not all Bulgars belong to Bulgaron, and some of them belong to the Lemurian Empire.
 In addition to the Bulgarons, many nomads have invaded Lemuria in the past, and some of their descendants still maintain their traditional way of life.

 Hercule recruited cavalry from them.
 There were 240 of them.

 He divided them in two and gave them to Nia and Jebe to form an independent raiding party.

 There were many reasons for making them independent rangers, such as encouraging the growth of Nia and Jebe, and Hercule thought it would be convenient to have just the right amount of affordable troops. ......
 The biggest reason was Hercule's personal playfulness.

 It's a rather terrible motive, "Isn't it cool to be an independent ranger?
 This was a rather terrible motive.

 In addition, Hercule has told Nia and Jebe to train as they please.

 Since it is an independent raiding force, the assumption is that they will be equipped and trained to fight independently, but as long as they meet that requirement, Hercule has no problem with it.

 Nia, who has been traveling around the battlefield, accumulating knowledge, and has recently begun to show some mental growth, and Jebe, who comes from a country with a socio-military system completely different from that of Lemuria.

 Hercule was a little excited to see what kind of troops the two of them would make.

 However, there is nothing more annoying than "anything goes", and Nia and Jebe have been secretly worrying about it.

 Since they've been together for less than a year, there's not much difference between their armies at the moment.
 If anything, Jebe's troops are more lightly armed, while Nia's are more like medium-armored cavalry (cataphracts).

 "I'll disrupt the enemy with cavalry. You go in there.
 "Don't tell me what to do! I'm not your man! Well, I'll take you up on it this time.

 Nia said grimly, holding up a short spear.
 Jebe charged in without pause, hurling arrows at the back of the confused bulgaron cavalrymen who were circling behind him.