154 Episode 26 Kaukasos

 Lunalee, I need to borrow a few of your Hayastan soldiers.
 "...... Yes?

 A while after the end of the Bulgaron War, Hercule suddenly said such a thing.
 Lunalie had a puzzled look on her face.

 "The colonists have been settled, and we have a minimum of trained soldiers. Now that they've been settled, they'll have to go through a real battle at least once.
 That's .......

 Whether you have experienced actual war or not, weak soldiers are weak and strong soldiers are strong.
 The important thing is not whether or not you have experienced actual combat, but your morale and daily training.
 But even so, there is a difference in the sense of security between an army that has experienced real war and one that has not.

 I wonder how useful Hayastanese soldiers, who have been overrun by Lemurians and Falcons throughout history and have never even fought, let alone won a proper victory, would be in a time of crisis. ......

 It's rather doubtful.

 Hercule is a rationalist and logical person, so he doesn't say unscientific things like "all people are weak" or "all people are cowards". ......
 Even Hercule had some misgivings about the national character of the Khayastans.

 You're a dominant people who are good at losing, but you're not good at winning.
 "That's rude. If all Khayastans are Doms, then that makes me a Dom.

 Regrettable," Lunalie insists. ......

 Hey, Lunalee.
 "What? What?

 Hercule suddenly grabbed Lunalie's hair with his right hand and pinned her body against the wall.
 It's a good idea to have a good idea of what you're going to do with your time and money.

 ...... You're still a dominatrix, aren't you?
 What? What part?

 Hercule showed Lunalie a hand mirror.
 In the event that you have any kind of questions regarding where and how to use the internet, you can call us at the web site.

 "...... Well, even if there is some of that! It is regrettable that all Hayastans are dominant.
 "I'm sure there aren't many at your level, .......
 "I'm a little bit.

 I'm just a little bit like that.
 I'm just a little bit like that," Lunalie insisted.

 Hercule ignored her and said.

 If you look through the history books, you have never won or fought properly, yet you have survived to this day. The only thing you seem to be good at is your sense of diplomacy and your ability to walk the tightrope of diplomacy over and over again, and the business that takes advantage of your position.

 The land where the Khayastans have settled seems to be a land that is surrounded by great powers and is easily invaded. It has been invaded not only by Lemuria and Fars, but also by various other countries many times, but the Khayastan nation has never died even though the invaders have been destroyed.

 The Khayastan way of diplomacy is to keep licking the soles of the strongest opponents on the spot.

 Normally, the Hayastan people would be treated as bats and would be destroyed, but it seems that they are very good at licking.

 I've been letting Alicia lick my feet a lot lately, and you're the best at it.
 I'm not ...... happy about that.

 I'm not happy about that." Lunalie looked a little pleased.
 It's a good idea to have a good idea of what you're looking for.

 I'm not sure what to make of it. Is it Foulds? 
 No way.

 Relations with the Foulds are improving now.  
 Erkur is not so domineering that he would go to the trouble of creating an enemy nation in the east, when he is already in trouble in the west.

 He is not like Hayastan and Lunalie, who love to be poked and prodded in the front and back by superpowers on both sides.

 We're going to take over the North Caucasus region. Of course, Lemuria will be the main force, but Hayastan's soldiers will also be involved. It's close enough.
 "North Cauquassus: ...... Beyond the Cauquassus Mountains.

 Lunalie pictured the map in her mind.

 The Caucasus region is located between the Aethel and Khazar seas and is divided into north and south by the Caucasus Mountains.
 The Kingdom of Khayastan is located in South Kaukarsos, while North Kaukarsos is dotted with several small ...... settlements that can hardly be called nations.

 In the north Caucasus, there are several small settlements that can not be called a state. Above all, if we can control that place, we will have the entire coast of the Aether Sea in our hands.

 Hercule's goal is to turn the Aether Sea into an inland sea.
 At present, Nova Lemuria imports a large amount of wheat from the coast of the Artel Sea, and it is desirable, if not necessary ......, to control the control of the Artel Sea to ensure a stable supply of wheat.

 Is the Kuro Thrust good?

 Lunalie voiced her greatest concern.
 The North Caucasus region borders the Kuro Ridge.

 So far, the Kuro Plague has not invaded North Caucasus, but a Lemurian settlement in North Caucasus could damage relations between the two countries.

 We have received their consent to incorporate the coastal areas into their territory. It would be a good trade window.

 Neither of the two countries want to take all of North Caucasus into their hands.
 The North Caucasus region is a buffer zone between Lemuria and Kurotsugu.

 I see.
 Do you understand? Then I'll borrow it. And I'll need you to come with me to boost morale.
 No, thanks.
 ...... Looks like you need some discipline.

 Hercule said in a low voice to Lunalie, who refused to obey his orders.
 I'm sure you'll be able to understand.

 It is not in the interest of the Kingdom of Hayastan. I don't want to shed Hayastanese blood in a war that doesn't ...... benefit us.

 "We of Lemuria have bled for the kingdom of Hayastan, have we not?
 "That's the thing, this is the thing. ...... Because it's in Lemuria's best interest to begin with, right?

 I'm not sure if you've heard of it or not.
 It's a good idea to have a good idea of what you're doing.

 Please give us a share of Hayastan.
 "How dare you?
 But if you don't, morale will suffer.

 Even if they are sent to an unrelated battle, their morale will not rise, and the Hayastan soldiers, who are weak even by themselves, will be weakened even more, making them even more useless.

 The Hayastan soldiers would be more motivated if they knew that they could benefit the Kingdom of Hayastan, even if it was only a little.
 Lunalie argued.

 Hercule thought that he had a point. ......

 I'll cut off some of the land on the other side of the Caucasus Mountains.
 "No lie. I'm not going to lie to you. In exchange, it will be the Khayastan soldiers who will fight the natives of the Caucasus Mountains.

 The natives and barbarians living in the Caucasus Mountains sometimes invade the Kingdom of Khayastan.
 Because of their size, they don't do much damage, but they are a problem for the Kingdom of Hayastan.

 In addition, the Kingdom of Hayastan has long traded with the North Caucasus region and the Kuro Gourd on the other side of the North Caucasus region, and it makes economic sense to incorporate the Caucasus Mountains and the lands on the other side of the mountains, which must be passed through on the trade route, into its territory.

 Incidentally, the transit trade between Lemuria, Fars, and Kurotsuki accounts for a not insignificant portion of the financial income of the Kingdom of Khayastan.
 This is approved by Hercule, as it benefits Lemuria as well.

 I'll do my best.
 "Well, you're not the one doing the hard work.

 Thus began the first real battle of Hayastan's army.

 Hmm, well, they're still my opponents, so I won't lose.

 To begin with, Hercule advanced his troops southward from the Taurica Peninsula, and attacked North Cauquasus with the Royal Army of Khayastan.
 The ideal situation would be for the Lemurian army to advance south from the Taurian Peninsula and the Khayastan army to advance north. ......
 Because Hercule did not trust the strength of Hayastan's army at all, he brought his army all the way to the Taurica Peninsula and attacked together with them.

 Fortunately, the Khayastan soldiers were not as weak as Hercule had feared, and they fought well.
 Of course, they were no match for the well-trained Lemurians, but...

 "You're a pretty good commander yourself. Vahan, you say? What do you say? Would you like to join the Lemurian army?

 Hercule approached Vahan Kaluran, Lunalie's maternal grandfather, the general in charge of Hayastan's army.
 Vahan shook his head as Hercule approached him.

 If I leave, there will be no one left to lead the army of Khayastan. Besides, I'm a Hayastanian and a vassal of the King of Hayastan. I'm not a vassal of the Emperor.
 "Hey, Grandpa.

 Lunalie blames Vahan.
 What you just said might offend Hercule.

 But Hercule seemed unconcerned.

 I'm sorry to hear that. Well, the king is my wife now.

 The king is my wife now." Hercule said and hugged Lunalie.
 Lunalie gave him a troubled look.
 The king is now my wife.

 "Hey, Your Majesty. Here is .......
 "What, are you embarrassed? You have a cute side.

 Hercule said as he kissed Lunalie.
 And a wink to Vahan.

 I'll show you my great-grandson as soon as I can.
 "I hope so, Your Majesty. I hope so. ...... To me, she is a lovely granddaughter before she is a queen.

 Vahan himself only maintains the position that he is a vassal of King Hayastan and Lunalie, not of the Emperor of Lemuria and Hercule. ......
 It's not that he hates Hercule.

 It is thanks to Hercule that the Kingdom of Khayastan is currently at peace.
 And Lunalie also likes Hercule.
 Then all Vahan had to do was wait for the birth of his great-grandson and the crown prince.

 "Now that we have the coast under control, we will bring the barbarians of the Cauquasus Mountains to their knees. Vahan Kalurans, I expect great things from you.
 "Yes, Your Majesty.

 Over the next few months, the barbarians in the mountains were wiped out.
 The Lemurian Empire succeeded in capturing the entire coast of the Aether Sea, and the Kingdom of Khayastan incorporated the Caucasus Mountains and its northern lands into its territory.