164 Episode 5 Slavery

 I don't think slavery is a good idea!

 One day, Hercule suddenly started to say something like that.
 When Lunalie heard this, she silently put her hand on Hercule's forehead.

 "...... No fever.
 What do you think you're doing?

 Hercule grabbed Lunalie's hand.

 What do you think of people?
 Why can't I be a human rights advocate?
 "Because you're always telling me what a b*tc* I am! You're always telling me, "You b*tc*!
 "That's one thing, that's another.

 Hercule shrugged his shoulders.
 "That's the thing.

 Are you going to abolish slavery?
 "No, I don't mean that. No, I don't intend to abolish slavery, and whether I do or not won't have much of an effect.

 There was slavery in the Lemurian Empire in the past.
 And it still exists.

 However, slavery in the past and the present are completely different.

 In the past, slaves were consumable goods, like disposable body warmers.
 A small percentage of slaves who were beautiful, educated, or possessed a certain skill were valued and had a better life than the commoners. ......
 It was really a very small percentage of slaves who lived in the cities, about 1%.

 Ninety-nine percent are forced to work until they die on large farms or in mines.
 When they die, they can buy new ones.

 In those days, slaves were readily available because of the wars, so they could be bought easily.

 Now it is different.
 Yes, there are wars, and in fact Hercule has waged many wars against foreign nations. ......
 But those wars do not produce slaves.

 And so it should be.
 Hercule forbids looting.
 It is impossible to loot people when it is forbidden to loot things.

 In the past, the countries around the Lemurian Empire were all barbarians and there was no proper state.
 Therefore, it was no problem to kidnap people or enslave entire tribes.
 But now, the surrounding countries have become countries in their own right.
 It would be a diplomatic problem if they took people, and they can't afford to win a war while kidnapping people in the first place.

 For these reasons, the value of slaves is high in the Lemurian Empire today.
 It is very inefficient to use up slaves in mines and farms, because you cannot use up high-value slaves.

 The system of large estates and farms using slaves still exists, but it is not mainstream.
 Self-employed farmers and small farmers are more common.
 This is because it is more efficient.

 "Well, whether we liberate them or not, it will have little impact on the economy of the ...... empire. Then it's better not to free the slaves, which would antagonize the aristocracy.
 "Then why did you suddenly start talking about slavery?

 It is a natural question.
 Hercule answers this question.

 I thought I'd at least create some framework. The slave trade is distinct from other trades and commerce in that its product is people. We can't just leave it like that, can we?
 "Well, sure. It may not be good that they are currently being traded like ordinary goods. ...... It's a kind of population transfer.

 I'm not sure what to make of it.
 I'm not sure what to make of it.

 I'm not sure what to make of that.
 "Do you want to ban ...... debt slavery as well?
 Yeah. Near says it's confusing. It's hard to distinguish them from illegal slaves who were kidnapped and made into slaves.

 Kidnapping is a crime that exists everywhere, in all ages.
 It is a lucrative business.
 Children are especially targeted because they are easy to take.

 If left unchecked, it would worsen public safety and become a source of income for bandits.

 That's why Nia is concentrating on the kidnappers. ......
 This is not easy.

 It is difficult to distinguish between formal slaves and those who were kidnapped and enslaved.

 But if you forbid the enslavement of your subjects, it doesn't matter. We'll be able to smash them all.
 The moneylenders are going to be in trouble.
 It's wrong to lend money to someone who's not likely to pay it back.

 It means that you should consider the repayment ability of the person you are lending to.

 "In some cases, there are people who lend money they can't pay back in order to reduce them to slaves. We need to eradicate such evil people.

 Social unrest has a negative impact on politics and the economy.
 It's better to eliminate such gray areas as much as possible.

 Next, ban the export of slaves.
 ...... What kind of slaves are exported from the Lemurian Empire?

 Even if a subject of the Lemurian Empire becomes a slave, the slave usually does not go out.
 The reason is that the buyer is also a Lemurian subject.

 "Not usually, but there is one thing that is. ...... "There is one valuable slave that can only be found in the Lemurian Empire.
 "...... Long-eared Elves?

 You're right.

 There are many foreigners who want to have an Elf.
 For men in the North and West, it is a dream to have an Elf woman as a wife.

 However, it is not so easy to get one as a wife.
 Therefore, they have to buy them as slaves.

 In addition to the fact that the export of elves to Lemuria is forbidden, the export of elves to Lemuria is forbidden as well. We're going to control the flow of people out there.

 If they can't be exported, there will be fewer kidnappings.
 Of course, smuggling is also a possibility. ......
 I'm hoping that Nia will do her best in this regard.

 And limiting the slave market. That's a must.
 I understand that. It's impossible to crack down on free trade.

 Lunalie nodded her head.
 If the location is limited, the slaves can be controlled in one place.
 Any trade that takes place outside of that is illegal, and we can just shut it down.

 And I'm thinking of giving vassalage to the children of slaves.
 "...... slaves and the children of slaves?
 "As long as they were born in the Lemurian Empire.

 Hercule nodded.

 "And why is that?
 Back to the beginning, I'm not a fan of slavery in the first place. I'm not a fan of slavery in the first place, and I'd like to see it abolished eventually.

 I don't want to push it, but ......
 I don't want to push it," Hercule added.

 Are you still having a fever?
 "Okay, I'll tell you why, just to reassure you. There are no taxes on ...... slaves. That's all there is to it.
 Well, that makes sense.

 Of course, there is a slave tax on slave owners.
 Of course, there is a slave tax on slave owners, but there is no tax on slaves themselves.

 If you free the slaves, let them work freely, and squeeze the taxes from them, the revenue of the country will increase.

 Also, slaves are very unpleasant creatures. They owe their allegiance to their masters, not to me. This is no good. ...... I alone should be the master of this country. All others are slaves.
 "I'm relieved to see you as usual, Your Majesty.

 I'm relieved that you're the same as always." Lunalie looked deeply relieved.
 Hercule pats Lunalie on the head.

 It hurts.
 You can't be so rude.
 If you're aware of it, why don't you fix it?
 Do you think you can fix it?
 I don't think so.


 "Ouch. ...... against violence.

 Lunalee's head is in her hands.
 But then again, Hercule didn't really hit her either.

 And I'm thinking of abolishing the death penalty.
 Again. ......
 I'm serious, okay?

 Hercule shrugged.

 Because I'm a devout messianist. I'm a devout messianist. Don't you think that every sinner should be given a chance to repent? Besides, even if you kill the sinner, you can't bring back the life that was lost.

 Lunalie narrowed her eyes.

 "So you're saying we should give the sinner a great labor?
 "Yeah. Yeah. I'm thinking of sending them to the cold Taurica peninsula to be used up.

 I'm going to send you to the Taurica Peninsula, where it's cold as shit.

 But you know, if you're going to use them up completely, they're not going to be motivated. If you do your job well and survive, I'm thinking of giving you some land. That way, I can collect taxes.
 I don't know how long they'll survive, but I think it's humane to hope. ......

 Lunalee smiled bitterly.
 It's true that when a person dies, that's the end.
 Rather than execute them, it would be better for the country to send them to the settlements to work, and eventually reintegrate them into society and have them pay taxes.

 More at ......
 The last thing in Pandora's box is hope.

 Death is the end of suffering for better or worse, but the pain of being forced to run with the carrot of hope dangled over your head is worth it.

 Lunalie could not decide which was happier for the sinner.

 "Hmm? What ......?

 Suddenly, Hercule sealed Lunalie's lips with his own.
 His tongue immediately entered Lunalie's mouth and violated her soft mucous membranes.

 You can't even try to escape because you're being held back by strong arms.

 "...... Oh, puh-lease, what are you doing?

 Lunalie asked, her eyes black and white.
 Hercule replied with a smug look on his face.

 "Hmm? Do I need permission to do anything to my slave?
 ...... You, you, you, you.

 Lunalie raises her eyebrows.
 However, she immediately leaned her weight on Hercule as if she was not satisfied.

 "Put your hand on the wall there.
 "...... Yes.