180 Episode 21 Behind the Scenes of The Great Strategy

 One month into the desert crossing.
 Hercule, Alicia, Scheherazade, and Nia were half submerged in a pool with a radius of about three meters.
 Hercule is wearing a surf-style swimsuit and the other three are wearing bikini-style swimsuits.

 The other three are wearing bikini-style swimsuits.

 Hercule stretched out in the pool.
 The other three are in bikini swimsuits.

 "Oh, .......
 "Oh, it's so naughty, ...... Your Majesty.

 Alicia let out a small scream and Scheherazade screamed in protest, but ......
 I'm not sure what to say, but I'm going to say it.

 With Scheherazade's large breasts and Alicia's moderately large breasts, Hercule looks happy.

 "You look exhausted.
 "Your Majesty! Please don't forget about me and mine!
 No way! I have not forgotten you.

 Nia embraced Hercule, draping her over him.
 The two of them kissed passionately.

 "Oh my God! Your Majesty, you can't go there!
 "That's good, that's good.

 Hercule quickly grabbed Nia's tail.
 It's a lovely black, heart-shaped tail.

 "Your tail is so cute. It's twitching. Come on, come on.
 Please, please, please, you can't go there, you can't go there, you can't go there, you really, really can't go there. ......
 There? Where's there? Be specific.
 The tail, the tail, the tip of the tail. ......
 Oh, my God, oh, my God, oh, my God! Oh, my God. Oh, my God. I can't do that to you.

 Nia's small shoulders quivered, her naked body flushed with red.
 Then, as if weakening, she fell against Hercule's body.

 Every time Hercule's hands stroked Nia's tail, buttocks, and back, Nia would shudder and let out a sweet cry.

 After playing with Nia for a while, Hercule put his hands on Scheherazade's shoulders on her right side.
 He slowly stroked her naked white body.

 "Scheherazade, you really do have a nice body, as always.
 "Hmm ...... ah, heh, your majesty, there are two of you .......
 I'm sure you'll be happy to know that I'm not the only one.

 It's a good idea to have a good idea of what you're looking for.
 He did not touch the beautiful, bountiful fruit with his hands, but pressed it against his body.

 It's as big as ever. Great elasticity.
 "Oh, ......, that's embarrassing.

 Sheherazade pressed her body against Hercule's.
 Sheerazade herself seems to be intoxicated by the pleasure that comes from rubbing her body against his.


 Hercule grabbed Alicia's buttocks with his left hand.
 He then pulled her to his body.

 You have moderate breasts, but a big ...... ass. I'm not sure if it's the same as Luna's ...... or even Scheherazade's.
 "Oh. ......
 Huh. ......

 Hercule stroked Scheherazade's buttocks with his right hand and Alicia's with his left.
 Then he carefully compares their sizes.

 Hmm, they both feel about the same. I have to be sure about this. ...... Alicia, Scheherazade. That's an order. ...... Take it off. And Nia, too.

 The three of them blushed and nodded their ...... little heads.

 I'm not sure if you've seen this before, but I'm sure you've.

 I feel like I'm even more tired than I was on the march. ......

 Nia leaned languidly against the sofa.
 Alicia and Scheherazade, also sitting on the sofa, nodded.

 You guys are good. I've taken on three guys by myself.

 Hercule said as he picked a chilled peach.
 But these peaches are not fresh fruit.
 They were canned and candied, brought from the Lemurian Empire.

 Isn't that what you deserve?
 ...... You look good for that.

 Scheherazade looked dumbfounded and Alicia smiled bitterly.
 Hercule cowered.

 "Your Majesty, Your Majesty ......, I, I, I want one!
 "Hmm? ...... Oh, I see. That's what I'm talking about.

 Hercule pricked a peach with his fork and brought it to Nia's mouth.
 Nia took a bite out of the peach.

 "Mmm, it's delicious. ......
 That's good.

 Hercule pats Nia on the head.
 I'm sure you'll like it.

 I'm sure you'll be happy to know that we've made a lot of progress,....... I was prepared to lose half my men .......

 Scheherazade said, thinking back on the hard march.
 Already the Lemurian army had lost about three hundred men, but ...... it was only three hundred.

 The fact that there were only three hundred casualties in such a grueling march is extraordinary.

 "Well, we've prepared very carefully.

 Hercule grinned.

 First of all, I carefully researched the march route beforehand.
 The locations of watering holes in the desert were also carefully studied.

 In addition, heavy baggage, such as armor, arrows, and military provisions, had been brought to the oasis city of the Barbarians.

 There seems to be little complaint from the soldiers. I had been worried that the Bulgurons might mutiny.

 Alicia muttered.
 Even the ill-behaved Bulgurons were much more quiet on this march.

 This was partly due to the fact that their families back home had been taken hostage. ......
 This is partly because they are being held hostage by their families back home, but more so because Hercule has put his heart and soul into relieving the soldiers' frustrations.

 While on the march, he had no choice but to stop at the oasis cities of the Barbarians to provide entertainment.
 There were, of course, prostitutes to relieve s*xual desires, watering holes to cleanse the body, and delicious meals made from canned food. ......

 These were arranged in advance.

 This allowed the soldiers to stretch their wings in the oasis cities where they rested, and prevented any mutiny during the march.

 "No, but ...... it was hard for me too. It's really hard not to be able to hold a woman while on march, yes, it's important to understand the feelings of soldiers.

 Hercule nodded his head.
 The reason why Hercule provides entertainment to the soldiers is because he has experienced the frustration of the soldiers first hand.

 If it's this hard, it's tempting to start a mutiny or two.
 That's why he makes sure to provide entertainment at the resting places.

 "Your Majesty. Have you made yourselves comfortable?

 While the four of us were relaxing in the guest room, ......
 I'm sure you'll be happy to hear that.

 "Oh! Oh, Masinissa, thank God. I apologize for the mess. I'm sorry.

 Hercule quickly stood up.  
 Masinissa's international position is that of a chief, an emir ......, a little lower than the king .......
 It's a good idea to have a good idea of what you're looking for.

 I'm not sure what to say, but I'm glad you enjoyed it.

 This house is the residence of Masinissa.
 This oasis city is the capital of the Barbarian and Shuyen clans.

 The pool that Hercule had just used was also owned by Masinissa.
 In the desert, having free access to water is a kind of status.

 "By the way, Masinissa. Have you gathered your troops? 

 "Yes, Your Majesty. Six hundred cavalry, twelve hundred infantry. A total of 180 troops will enter the war as an allied force.

 "Hmm, ......, that's more than I expected. Are you sure?

 "It's nothing compared to the burden the Emperor has placed on the Lemurian Empire.

 Masinissa dismissed Hercule's concerns by saying so.
 However, ...... in reality, 1,800 troops was quite a burden on the economy and population of the Shuyen clan of the Barbarians.

 Masinissa was only the chief of the Shueen clan.
 He is not the king of all Barbarians.

 The Shuyen clan, which controls the Fezzan region and has several Barbarian clans under its control, is certainly a very powerful clan among the Barbarians, but ......

 The Shuyen clan, which has several Balinese clans under its control, is indeed a powerful Balinese clan, but its scale is hazy compared to the Lemurian Empire and the Kingdom of Chelda.

 Even though they are a nomadic tribe, unlike the Bulgalon Kingdom, which ruled over the rich steppes, ......
 The dominant territory of the Shuyen tribe of the Barbarians is a desert area where not even grass and trees grow properly.

 The number of 1,800 was just about the limit of what the Shue Yan clan could muster.

 The reason why they went to such lengths to provide such a large army was because Masinissa believed that they could win this war, and also because they wanted to show the Lemurian Empire the power of the Shuyen clan in order to raise their reputation and check them.

 "Well, the more reinforcements, the better. Thank you for everything. It is with your help that we have come this far.

 First of all, the march itself required the guidance of the Shuyen clan.

 Bringing supplies to the oasis city was also not an easy task.
 If the Kingdom of Cerda were to find out about the unnatural movements of the objects, the plan for the surprise attack would be exposed, and the whole operation would be shaken to its core.

 It was with the full cooperation of the Shuyen clan that we succeeded in concealing the information.

 "No, no, it wasn't much trouble. It wasn't much of a hassle. Originally, the Fezzan region wasn't very busy.

 Trade through the Great Desert has been going on since ancient times. ......
 But it's not as busy as the trade routes that cross the Lemurian Empire, the Kingdom of Phars, and the Land of Silk (Sirna).

 In addition, the oasis city itself is surrounded by desert and is completely isolated.

 It was not too difficult for the Shuyen clan to conceal information.

 In addition, ...... the Lemurian Empire's aggressive propagation of Messianism and Masinissa's Messianic policy also played a role in the concealment of information.

 Originally, there was a movement of goods such as stone and wood to build churches. ......

 They were importing it from the Lemurian Empire ...... and sending large amounts of military provisions to the Oasis City.

 The supplies were all stored in the basement of the church.

 Many of the Shue Yan clans were unaware of the existence of the goods.
 It is also obvious that the Kingdom of Chellda is unaware of it.

 "By the way, ......, you have engaged the Kingdom of Chelda many times, haven't you? We've done our own research. ...... Are there any enemy generals we should be aware of?

 I'm sure you'll be pleased to hear that.

 Yes, there are. The most famous enemy generals are General Carmine and General Iason.
 I've heard that too.

 Hercule nodded.
 I've heard a lot about them.

 However, ...... I personally think that the 'Red Wolf Princess' is the most terrifying.
 "The Red Wolf?
 Yes. The Red Wolf Princess, Sonia Leups Geyseria. She's the one with the highest ratio of soldiers killed to soldiers led. The bravest and most brutal troops in the Kingdom of Chellda are the Red Wolf Squad led by her.

 After saying that, Masinissa talked about the threat of the Red Wolf Princess.
 Hercule pondered for a moment and then nodded.

 I see. I'll tell my men about it.

 Hercule nodded.
 Then Hercule reached out his hand to Masinissa.
 Masinissa took Hercule's hand and ......

 A handshake was formed.

 "Now, ...... stick to the plan, will you?
 "Yes, sir.

 Masinissa nodded and grinned.

 "For the prosperity of the Lemurian Empire and the Shueen clan.
 "Yes. Let's show those heretics, those messianists of the West, the majesty of God.

 "Gentlemen, a month and a half of long march, a great cause!

 Hercule spoke to the soldiers.
 "Gentlemen, a month and a half of long march, a great cause!

 Not a few sacrifices have been made to get here.

 The Lemurian Empire's army had lost approximately 300 soldiers in the march.
 This army, which originally had a size of 432,000, had already dwindled to 420,000.

 However, morale had not declined.
 In fact, the soldiers were in high spirits.

 At last, they could get out of this hellish march.
 And they could take their ...... exasperation out on Cerda's army.

 One more hour of marching and the city would be in sight. "Another hour's march and you'll see the city, the frontline of the territory between the Kingdom of Chelda and the Barbarians. We will break through here ...... and invade the city of Teripol inside the Kingdom of Chelda at once!

 Hercule declared.
 Then he flipped his cloak, turned his back on the soldiers, and faced north, towards the Kingdom of Cerda.

 Then he raised his voice loudly.

 "Jebe! The three battalions you lead are the spearhead. Your three battalions are the spearhead. Use your cavalry mobility to blow a hole in the Cerda Kingdom's defense line!
 Your Majesty! Your Majesty!

 Jebe nodded.

 And Alicia! You'll lead the Bulgurons, and I'll lead the Cataphracts. I look forward to your valor, brave steppe people. Lemurian catapracts! Do not fall behind the Bulgurons! Show them the power of the Elves, the power of Lemuria!

 "Yes, Your Majesty. Yes, Your Majesty. We will certainly live up to your expectations.

 Alicia nodded.
 Alicia nodded, and the Bulgarian cavalry and cataphract soldiers followed suit, shouting their enthusiasm.

 The next one is Oscar Almon! You lead the infantry corps. Don't fall behind the speed of the cavalry, follow me!
 "Yes, Your Majesty!

 Oscar and the infantry shout.

 "Finally, Nia Lucarios! Take my back. Protect our backs.
 Yes, Your Majesty! I will!

 Nia replied, tightening her grip on the reins of her horse.

 Hercule called out one last time to the entire army.

 "Now, gentlemen! We will now approach the enemy's territory at once. Do not stop, and do not be intimidated! We will show the power of Lemuria to the barbarians and the infidels.

 And he shouted loudly.

 "The gods are with us!

 Then Scheherazade, Alicia, Nia, and Oskar shout.

 "God be with us!

 Then the whole army shouts.

 "'God be with us!

 Hercule raises his sword above his head and points north, towards the kingdom of Cerda.

 "All troops! March, commence !!!!!!