186 Episode 27 God Speed's Independent Battalion

 The royal palace of the Kingdom of Chelda is in turmoil due to the approach of Jebe. ......
 The Lemurian army led by Jebe had already moved a hundred kilometers from Chelda City.

 "Captain, why don't we find a place to sleep? It's already getting late in the day.
 "Hmm, I suppose we could.

 Jebe nodded his head in agreement and looked for a place to stay.
 After riding along for a while, he found a village of some size.

 Is that a good place?

 Jebe's troop of three hundred and sixty cavalry headed for the village.
 Suddenly, a group of cavalrymen appeared and gradually approached. ...... The inhabitants of the village seemed to be in a state of confusion.

 "All of you, take up your bows. But don't shoot yet.

 Jebe ordered his men, and then slowly approached the village gate.
 Then an old man came out of the village.

 He appeared to be a dog-shaped warbeast.

 Jebe said in his newly learned warbeast language.

 "We, the Lemurian army. Let us stay. Or die.

 We are the Lemurian army.
 We are the Lemurian army. Let us stay in this village.

 Jebe told the village chief.
 It seems that Jebe's intentions were conveyed to the chief, and he turned pale.

 Let him stay. We'll be quiet.

 Jebe said that he would not do anything if the chief let him stay.
 The chief knelt down in front of Jebe and said slowly.

 I understand. General of Lemuria, please come with me.

 The chief then invited Jebe and his men in.

 Once they were inside the village, they were on their own.
 Jebe demanded more food and barley to feed his horses.

 The cavalry led by Jebe numbered 360. ......
 Each horse has four replacements, bringing the total number of horses to 1,800.

 The weeds on the road can provide a good amount of food, but ......
 We would like to feed them better fodder if possible.

 Of course, the village chiefs argued that they would starve to death if they offered that much barley. ......
 Jebe said, "I'm dying now. I'm dying of hunger. Which is it? Jebe asked, and they reluctantly gave him the barley.

 Then he had the pigs and cows crushed and fresh meat prepared.
 There were also about ten horses that looked good, so they threatened to take them by force.

 The men also wanted to drink alcohol. ......
 However, Jebe decided that it was dangerous to get drunk in the middle of the enemy, so he rejected the idea.

 Instead, Jebe demanded of the village chief.

 "Young woman. Give it to me.

 This was met with resistance, as expected. ......
 But when Jebe said, "Then die," he offered her to him with a look of tears on his face.

 "Huh. ...... Are you sure you don't want to do this, captain?
 "As you can see, I'm busy.

 After enjoying intercourse with the women of the village, a member of the team asked Jebe, ......
 Jebe replied that he was not particularly interested.

 In fact, it seemed that Jebe was telling the truth when he said he was busy. ......
 He was comparing the maps he had brought with him, the maps he had obtained everywhere he went, and the information he had obtained in the village, writing on the maps as he planned his next move.

 But to the men, it seemed that Jebe was not interested in women at all.

 "Captain, is the rumor true that you are the emperor's mistress?
 No, of course not.
 But, Captain, isn't she pretty?

 One of the men pointed out.
 There are a lot of beautiful elves with long ears, but ...... Jebe's feminine face made her stand out from the rest of the independent rangers, and she looked very lovely.

 He looked like a beautiful girl in the midst of hot men.

 You're right, the captain is really pretty.
 I wish you were a girl.
 Then we'd have an orgy every day!
 You're His Majesty's woman, you idiot. She'll kill you if you touch her.
 Well, I'm her man, actually.

 "Well, actually, I'm her man," Jebe said, waving his hand in the air in annoyance at the officer's ridicule.


 The knife snatched the soldier's cheek and plunged him into the wall.
 The air froze.

 Jebe stood up slowly.

 I have a wife. Doesn't that disprove the false rumors that I'm his mistress?

 Jebe has been offered an arranged marriage by Hercule. ......
 A few years ago, he finally married a half-elf.

 She is a pretty blonde Lemurian girl, and Jebbeh is very happy about it.

 He said, "Whoever laughed at me, get out. If you don't, I'll kill you.

 Jebe said in a low voice.

 The men, their faces pale, ...... nodded and walked out of the building.

 He ordered them to form a group of ten.
 The people who made fun of Jebe and the men who were there totaled thirty.

 That makes three groups.

 After the groups were formed, Jebe ordered the three groups in a low voice.

 There will be a one-tenth punishment. Be ready.

 Jebedee then called the other soldiers in the village, and also the inhabitants of the village.

 ...... What are you doing?
 "A festival.

 Jebe said to the chief, who looked worried.
 The chief saw a strange sight.

 Three soldiers of the Lemurian army were tied to a tree.
 In their hands, they held a target-like object, which they raised above their heads.
 Their faces were tense with fear, and their legs were shaking.

 Meanwhile, about a hundred meters away from them, twenty-seven soldiers were holding bows with pale faces.

 "Hey, captain! I'm so sorry! Please forgive me!

 One of the bound men shouted.
 Jebe looked at the man and nodded.

 "Are you sorry?
 I'm sorry, sir.
 I see.

 Jebe slowly approached the man and ......
 He drew his sword and cut off the man's head.

 The assembled villagers screamed.

 On the other hand, the ...... Lemurian soldiers, perhaps used to human death, turned pale but did not scream, only gasped.

 Jebe then went to the group of bound men, a total of nine men.
 The men were pale.

 "Pick one.
 ""Yes, sir!"

 Jebe ordered, and the nine men drew lots to choose one of them. ......
 They tied the body to the tree where they had removed it.

 After confirming this, Jebe ordered the twenty-nine men to do the same.

 "One man, one arrow. One man, one arrow. Make sure you hit the target that the base is holding up. If you hit the target well, I will forgive you. If you are unlucky and miss the target and the foundation dies, ...... choose one of the remaining nine to be the foundation.

 On that day, three soldiers were killed by the punishment of ......
 Three soldiers died that day as a result of Jebe's punishment.

 The next morning, in the dim light, Jebe decided to leave the village.

 Thank you for your help.
 No, no. ...... No, not at all. ......

 The village chief said with a pale face.
 The village chief's feeling was that he wanted them to leave as soon as possible.

 As well as the forcible requisitioning of goods, I don't want to stay long with a general who carries out such cruel punishments.

 Here you go.

 Jebe handed the bag to the village chief.
 The chief took the bag with trembling hands.

 The bag was stuffed to the brim, but only a small amount of its contents were visible.
 Shining gold in the morning sun, it was a ......

 It was a Lemurian gold coin.

 "What's this?
 "Barley. Meat. Woman. Money.

 With that, Jebe turns on his heel and leads the cavalry away.
 The chief looked at the bag of gold coins and muttered.

 The chief looked at the bag of gold and muttered, "......, if you get this much, you should have stayed another ten days.

 "Captain, what do we do now? Attack the capital?
 ...... It's too risky. We'll get a little closer and stick around for three days, five days max if we can. Then we come home.

 Ten days to get there.
 Five days to rampage.
 Ten days to return.

 That'll give us 30 days to get back to Terpol.

 "Brace yourselves. ...... The enemy is about to launch a full-scale counterattack. I'm not going to fight them, though.

 Jebe's goal is to distract the enemy.
 Jebe's goal is to distract the enemy, to drive them back mentally.

 Therefore, there is no need to hit the enemy directly, and there is no need to even fight in the first place.

 It's impossible for them to catch us.

 Jebe and his troops were marching a hundred kilometers a day, and it was nearly impossible for Chelda's army to catch up with them and engage them.
 Jebe had absolute confidence in the mobility of his troops.